// file      : libbuild2/functions-path.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbutl/path-pattern.mxx>

#include <libbuild2/function.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>

using namespace std;

namespace build2
  static value
  path_thunk (const scope* base,
              vector_view<value> args,
              const function_overload& f)
    return function_family::default_thunk (base, move (args), f);
  catch (const invalid_path& e)
    fail << "invalid path: '" << e.path << "'" << endf;

  static value
  concat_path_string (path l, string sr)
    if (path::traits_type::is_separator (sr[0])) // '\0' if empty.
      sr.erase (0, 1);
      path pr (move (sr));
      pr.canonicalize (); // Convert to canonical directory separators.

      // If RHS is syntactically a directory (ends with a trailing slash),
      // then return it as dir_path, not path.
      if (pr.to_directory () || pr.empty ())
        return value (
          path_cast<dir_path> (move (l)) /= path_cast<dir_path> (move (pr)));
        l /= pr;
      l += sr;

    return value (move (l));

  static value
  concat_dir_path_string (dir_path l, string sr)
    if (path::traits_type::is_separator (sr[0])) // '\0' if empty.
      sr.erase (0, 1);

    path pr (move (sr));
    pr.canonicalize (); // Convert to canonical directory separators.

    // If RHS is syntactically a directory (ends with a trailing slash), then
    // return it as dir_path, not path.
    return pr.to_directory () || pr.empty ()
      ? value (move (l /= path_cast<dir_path> (move (pr))))
      : value (path_cast<path> (move (l)) /= pr);

  // Return untyped value or NULL value if extension is not present.
  static inline value
  extension (path p)
    const char* e (p.extension_cstring ());

    if (e == nullptr)
      return value ();

    names r;
    r.emplace_back (e);
    return value (move (r));

  template <typename P>
  static inline P
  leaf (const P& p, const optional<dir_path>& d)
    if (!d)
      return p.leaf ();

      return p.leaf (*d);
    catch (const invalid_path&)
      fail << "'" << *d << "' is not a prefix of '" << p << "'" << endf;

  using butl::path_match;

  // Return true if a path matches the pattern. See path_match() overloads
  // (below) for details.
  static bool
  path_match (const path& entry,
              const path& pattern,
              const optional<dir_path>& start)
    // If pattern and entry are both either absolute or relative and
    // non-empty, and the first pattern component is not a self-matching
    // wildcard, then ignore the start directory.
    bool rel (pattern.relative () == entry.relative () &&
              !pattern.empty () && !entry.empty ());

    if (rel && !path_pattern_self_matching (pattern))
      return path_match (entry, pattern);

    // The start directory must be specified and be absolute.
    if (!start || start->relative ())
      diag_record dr (fail);

      // Print paths "as is".
      if (!start)
        dr << "start directory is not specified";
        dr << "start directory path '" << start->representation ()
           << "' is relative";

      dr << info << "pattern: '" << pattern.representation () << "'"
         << info << "entry: '" << entry.representation () << "'";

    return path_match (entry, pattern, *start);

  path_functions (function_map& m)
    function_family f (m, "path", &path_thunk);

    // string
    f["string"] = [](path p) {return move (p).string ();};

    f["string"] = [](paths v)
      strings r;
      for (auto& p: v)
        r.push_back (move (p).string ());
      return r;

    f["string"] = [](dir_paths v)
      strings r;
      for (auto& p: v)
        r.push_back (move (p).string ());
      return r;

    // representation
    f["representation"] = [](path p) {return move (p).representation ();};

    f["representation"] = [](paths v)
      strings r;
      for (auto& p: v)
        r.push_back (move (p).representation ());
      return r;

    f["representation"] = [](dir_paths v)
      strings r;
      for (auto& p: v)
        r.push_back (move (p).representation ());
      return r;

    // canonicalize
    // @@ TODO: add ability to specify alternative separator.
    f["canonicalize"] = [](path p)     {p.canonicalize (); return p;};
    f["canonicalize"] = [](dir_path p) {p.canonicalize (); return p;};

    f["canonicalize"] = [](paths v)
      for (auto& p: v)
        p.canonicalize ();
      return v;

    f["canonicalize"] = [](dir_paths v)
      for (auto& p: v)
        p.canonicalize ();
      return v;

    f[".canonicalize"] = [](names ns)
      // For each path decide based on the presence of a trailing slash
      // whether it is a directory. Return as untyped list of (potentially
      // mixed) paths.
      for (name& n: ns)
        if (n.directory ())
          n.dir.canonicalize ();
          n.value = convert<path> (move (n)).canonicalize ().string ();
      return ns;

    // normalize
    f["normalize"] = [](path p, optional<value> a)
      p.normalize (a && convert<bool> (move (*a)));
      return p;

    f["normalize"] = [](dir_path p, optional<value> a)
      p.normalize (a && convert<bool> (move (*a)));
      return p;

    f["normalize"] = [](paths v, optional<value> a)
      bool act (a && convert<bool> (move (*a)));

      for (auto& p: v)
        p.normalize (act);

      return v;
    f["normalize"] = [](dir_paths v, optional<value> a)
      bool act (a && convert<bool> (move (*a)));

      for (auto& p: v)
        p.normalize (act);
      return v;

    f[".normalize"] = [](names ns, optional<value> a)
      bool act (a && convert<bool> (move (*a)));

      // For each path decide based on the presence of a trailing slash
      // whether it is a directory. Return as untyped list of (potentially
      // mixed) paths.
      for (name& n: ns)
        if (n.directory ())
          n.dir.normalize (act);
          n.value = convert<path> (move (n)).normalize (act).string ();
      return ns;

    // directory
    f["directory"] = &path::directory;

    f["directory"] = [](paths v)
      dir_paths r;
      for (const path& p: v)
        r.push_back (p.directory ());
      return r;

    f["directory"] = [](dir_paths v)
      for (dir_path& p: v)
        p = p.directory ();
      return v;

    f[".directory"] = [](names ns)
      // For each path decide based on the presence of a trailing slash
      // whether it is a directory. Return as list of directory names.
      for (name& n: ns)
        if (n.directory ())
          n.dir = n.dir.directory ();
          n = convert<path> (move (n)).directory ();
      return ns;

    // base
    f["base"] = &path::base;

    f["base"] = [](paths v)
      for (path& p: v)
        p = p.base ();
      return v;

    f["base"] = [](dir_paths v)
      for (dir_path& p: v)
        p = p.base ();
      return v;

    f[".base"] = [](names ns)
      // For each path decide based on the presence of a trailing slash
      // whether it is a directory. Return as untyped list of (potentially
      // mixed) paths.
      for (name& n: ns)
        if (n.directory ())
          n.dir = n.dir.base ();
          n.value = convert<path> (move (n)).base ().string ();
      return ns;

    // leaf
    f["leaf"] = &path::leaf;

    f["leaf"] = [](path p, dir_path d)
      return leaf (p, move (d));

    f["leaf"] = [](paths v, optional<dir_path> d)
      for (path& p: v)
        p = leaf (p, d);
      return v;

    f["leaf"] = [](dir_paths v, optional<dir_path> d)
      for (dir_path& p: v)
        p = leaf (p, d);
      return v;

    f[".leaf"] = [](names ns, optional<dir_path> d)
      // For each path decide based on the presence of a trailing slash
      // whether it is a directory. Return as untyped list of (potentially
      // mixed) paths.
      for (name& n: ns)
        if (n.directory ())
          n.dir = leaf (n.dir, d);
          n.value = leaf (convert<path> (move (n)), d).string ();
      return ns;

    // extension
    f["extension"] = &extension;

    f[".extension"] = [](names ns)
      return extension (convert<path> (move (ns)));

    // $path.match(<val>, <pat> [, <start>])
    // Match a filesystem entry name against a name pattern (both are strings),
    // or a filesystem entry path against a path pattern. For the latter case
    // the start directory may also be required (see below). The semantics of
    // the pattern and name/entry arguments is determined according to the
    // following rules:
    // - The arguments must be of the string or path types, or be untyped.
    // - If one of the arguments is typed, then the other one must be of the
    //   same type or be untyped. In the later case, an untyped argument is
    //   converted to the type of the other argument.
    // - If both arguments are untyped and the start directory is specified,
    //   then the arguments are converted to the path type.
    // - If both arguments are untyped and the start directory is not
    //   specified, then, if one of the arguments is syntactically a path (the
    //   value contains a directory separator), convert them to the path type,
    //   otherwise to the string type (match as names).
    // If pattern and entry paths are both either absolute or relative and
    // non-empty, and the first pattern component is not a self-matching
    // wildcard (doesn't contain ***), then the start directory is not
    // required, and is ignored if specified. Otherwise, the start directory
    // must be specified and be an absolute path.
    // Name matching.
    f[".match"] = [](string name, string pattern)
      return path_match (name, pattern);

    // Path matching.
    f["match"] = [](path ent, path pat, optional<dir_path> start)
      return path_match (ent, pat, start);

    f["match"] = [](path ent, names pat, optional<names> start)
      return path_match (ent,
                         convert<path> (move (pat)),
                         ? convert<dir_path> (move (*start))
                         : optional<dir_path> ());

    f["match"] = [](names ent, path pat, optional<names> start)
      return path_match (convert<path> (move (ent)),
                         ? convert<dir_path> (move (*start))
                         : optional<dir_path> ());

    // The semantics depends on the presence of the start directory or the
    // first two argument syntactic representation.
    f[".match"] = [](names ent, names pat, optional<names> start)
      auto path_arg = [] (const names& a) -> bool
        return a.size () == 1 &&
        (a[0].directory () ||
         a[0].value.find_first_of (path::traits_type::directory_separators) !=

      return start || path_arg (pat) || path_arg (ent)
        ? path_match (convert<path> (move (ent)),   // Match as paths.
                      convert<path> (move (pat)),
                      ? convert<dir_path> (move (*start))
                      : optional<dir_path> ())
        : path_match (convert<string> (move (ent)), // Match as strings.
                      convert<string> (move (pat)));

    // Path-specific overloads from builtins.
    function_family b (m, "builtin", &path_thunk);

    b[".concat"] = &concat_path_string;
    b[".concat"] = &concat_dir_path_string;

    b[".concat"] = [](path l, names ur)
      return concat_path_string (move (l), convert<string> (move (ur)));

    b[".concat"] = [](dir_path l, names ur)
      return concat_dir_path_string (move (l), convert<string> (move (ur)));