// file      : libbuild2/cxx/init.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/cxx/init.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/cc/module.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/cxx/target.hxx>

#  else
#    define BUILD2_DEFAULT_CXX ""
#  endif

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

namespace build2
  namespace cxx
    using cc::compiler_id;
    using cc::compiler_type;
    using cc::compiler_class;
    using cc::compiler_info;

    class config_module: public cc::config_module
      config_module (config_data&& d)
          : config_data (move (d)), cc::config_module (move (d)) {}

      virtual strings
      translate_std (const compiler_info&,
                     const string*) const override;

    using cc::module;

    strings config_module::
    translate_std (const compiler_info& ci, scope& rs, const string* v) const
      strings r;

      compiler_type ct (ci.id.type);
      compiler_class cl (ci.class_);
      uint64_t mj (ci.version.major);
      uint64_t mi (ci.version.minor);
      uint64_t p (ci.version.patch);

      // Besides various `c++NN` we have two special values: `latest` and
      // `experimental`.
      // The semantics of the `latest` value is the latest available standard
      // that is not necessarily complete or final but is practically usable.
      // In other words, a project that uses this value and does not rely on
      // any unstable/bleeding edge parts of the standard (or takes care to
      // deal with them, for example, using feature test macros), can
      // reasonably expect to work. In particular, this is the value we use by
      // default in projects created by bdep-new(1) as well as to build the
      // build2 toolchain itself.
      // The `experimental` value, as the name suggests, is the latest
      // available standard that is not necessarily usable in real projects.
      // By definition, `experimental` >= `latest`.
      // In addition to the `experimental` value itself we have a number of
      // feature flags that can be used to enable or disable certain major
      // parts (such as modules, concepts, etc) in this mode. They are also
      // used to signal back to the project whether a particular feature is
      // available. A feature flag set by the user has a tri-state semantics:
      // - false        - disabled
      // - unspecified  - enabled if practically usable
      // - true         - enabled even if practically unusable
      bool latest       (v != nullptr && *v == "latest");
      bool experimental (v != nullptr && *v == "experimental");

      // Feature flags.
      auto enter = [&rs] (const char* v) -> const variable&
        return rs.ctx.var_pool.rw (rs).insert<bool> (
          v, variable_visibility::project);

      //bool concepts (false); auto& v_c (enter ("cxx.features.concepts"));
      bool modules (false); auto& v_m (enter ("cxx.features.modules"));

      // NOTE: see also module sidebuild subproject if changing anything about
      // modules here.

      string o;

      switch (cl)
      case compiler_class::msvc:
          // C++ standard-wise, with VC you got what you got up until 14.2.
          // Starting with 14.3 there is now the /std: switch which defaults
          // to c++14 but can be set to c++latest. And from 15.3 it can be
          // c++17.
          bool v16_0 (         mj > 19 || (mj == 19 && mi >= 20));
          bool v15_3 (v16_0 || (mj == 19 && mi >= 11));
          bool v14_3 (v15_3 || (mj == 19 && (mi > 0 || (mi == 0 && p >= 24215))));

          // The question is also whether we should verify that the requested
          // standard is provided by this VC version. And if so, from which
          // version should we say VC supports 11, 14, and 17? We should
          // probably be as loose as possible here since the author will
          // always be able to tighten (but not loosen) this in the buildfile
          // (i.e., detect unsupported versions).
          // For now we are not going to bother doing this for C++03.
          if (experimental)
            if (v14_3)
              o = "/std:c++latest";
          else if (latest)
            // We used to map `latest` to `c++latest` but starting from 16.1,
            // VC seem to have adopted the "move fast and break things" motto
            // for this mode. So starting from 16 we only enable it in
            // `experimental`.
            if (v16_0)
              o = "/std:c++17";
            else if (v14_3)
              o = "/std:c++latest";
          else if (v == nullptr)
          else if (*v != "98" && *v != "03")
            bool sup (false);

            if      (*v == "11") // C++11 since VS2010/10.0.
              sup = mj >= 16;
            else if (*v == "14") // C++14 since VS2015/14.0.
              sup = mj >= 19;
            else if (*v == "17") // C++17 since VS2015/14.0u2.
              // Note: the VC15 compiler version is 19.10.
              sup = (mj > 19 ||
                     (mj == 19 && (mi > 0 || (mi == 0 && p >= 23918))));

            if (!sup)
              fail << "C++" << *v << " is not supported by " << ci.signature <<
                info << "required by " << project (rs) << '@' << rs;

            if (v15_3)
              if      (*v == "14") o = "/std:c++14";
              else if (*v == "17") o = "/std:c++17";
            else if (v14_3)
              if      (*v == "14") o = "/std:c++14";
              else if (*v == "17") o = "/std:c++latest";

          if (!o.empty ())
            r.push_back (move (o));

      case compiler_class::gcc:
          if (latest || experimental)
            switch (ct)
            case compiler_type::gcc:
                if      (mj >= 8)            o = "-std=c++2a"; // 20
                else if (mj >= 5)            o = "-std=c++1z"; // 17
                else if (mj == 4 && mi >= 8) o = "-std=c++1y"; // 14
                else if (mj == 4 && mi >= 4) o = "-std=c++0x"; // 11

            case compiler_type::clang:
                if       (mj >= 5)                         o = "-std=c++2a";
                else if  (mj >  3 || (mj == 3 && mi >= 5)) o = "-std=c++1z";
                else if  (mj == 3 && mi >= 4)              o = "-std=c++1y";
                else     /* ??? */                         o = "-std=c++0x";

            case compiler_type::icc:
                if      (mj >= 17)                         o = "-std=c++1z";
                else if (mj >  15 || (mj == 15 && p >= 3)) o = "-std=c++1y";
                else    /* ??? */                          o = "-std=c++0x";

              assert (false);
          else if (v == nullptr)
            // Translate 11 to 0x, 14 to 1y, 17 to 1z, and 20 to 2a for
            // compatibility with older versions of the compilers.
            o = "-std=";

            if      (*v == "98") o += "c++98";
            else if (*v == "03") o += "c++03";
            else if (*v == "11") o += "c++0x";
            else if (*v == "14") o += "c++1y";
            else if (*v == "17") o += "c++1z";
            else if (*v == "20") o += "c++2a";
            else o += *v; // In case the user specifies e.g., 'gnu++17'.

          if (!o.empty ())
            r.push_back (move (o));


      if (experimental)
        switch (ct)
        case compiler_type::msvc:
            // Starting with 15.5 (19.12) Visual Studio-created projects
            // default to the strict mode. However, this flag currently tends
            // to trigger too many compiler bugs. So for now we leave it to
            // the experimenters to enjoy.
            if (mj > 19 || (mj == 19 && mi >= 12))
              r.push_back ("/permissive-");


        // Unless disabled by the user, try to enable C++ modules.
        lookup l;
        if (!(l = rs[v_m]) || cast<bool> (l))
          switch (ct)
          case compiler_type::msvc:
              // While modules are supported in VC15.0 (19.10), there is a bug
              // in separate interface/implementation unit support which makes
              // them pretty much unusable. This has been fixed in VC15.3
              // (19.11). And VC15.5 (19.12) supports the 'export module M;'
              // syntax.
              if (mj > 19 || (mj == 19 && mi >= (l ? 10 : 12)))
                r.push_back (
                  mj > 19 || mi > 11
                  ? "/D__cpp_modules=201704"   // p0629r0 (export module M;)
                  : "/D__cpp_modules=201703"); // n4647   (       module M;)

                r.push_back ("/experimental:module");
                modules = true;
          case compiler_type::gcc:
              // We now use extended/experimental module mapper support which
              // is currently only available in our c++-modules-ex branch.
              // But let's allow forcing it to plain c++-modules in case
              // things got merged or the user feels adventurous.
              if (mj >= 10 &&
                  ci.version.build.find (l
                                         ? "c++-modules"
                                         : "c++-modules-ex") != string::npos)
                // @@ TMP: currently there are some issues in the c++2a mode.
                r.back () = "-std=c++17";

                // Currently defines __cpp_modules=201810 which is said to
                // correspond to p1103 (merged modules).
                r.push_back ("-fmodules-ts");
                modules = true;
          case compiler_type::clang:
              // Enable starting with Clang 6.0.0.
              // Note that we are using Apple to vanilla Clang version re-map
              // from above so may need to update things there as well.
              // Also see Clang modules support hack in cc::compile.
              // @@ Clang 9 enables modules by default in C++2a. We should
              //    probably reflect this in the modules value.
              if (mj >= 6)
                r.push_back ("-D__cpp_modules=201704"); // p0629r0
                r.push_back ("-fmodules-ts");
                modules = true;
          case compiler_type::icc:
            break; // No modules support yet.

      rs.assign (v_m) = modules;
      //rs.assign (v_c) = concepts;

      return r;

    static const char* const hinters[] = {"c", nullptr};

    // See cc::module for details on guess_init vs config_init.
    guess_init (scope& rs,
                scope& bs,
                const location& loc,
                unique_ptr<module_base>& mod,
                const variable_map& hints)
      tracer trace ("cxx::guess_init");
      l5 ([&]{trace << "for " << bs;});

      // We only support root loading (which means there can only be one).
      if (&rs != &bs)
        fail (loc) << "cxx.guess module must be loaded in project root";

      // Load cc.core.vars so that we can cache all the cc.* variables.
      if (!cast_false<bool> (rs["cc.core.vars.loaded"]))
        load_module (rs, rs, "cc.core.vars", loc);

      // Enter all the variables and initialize the module data.
      auto& v (rs.ctx.var_pool.rw (rs));

      cc::config_data d {



        // Note: some overridable, some not.
        // NOTE: remember to update documentation if changing anything here.
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx",          true),
        v.insert<string>  ("config.cxx.id",       true),
        v.insert<string>  ("config.cxx.version",  true),
        v.insert<string>  ("config.cxx.target",   true),
        v.insert<string>  ("config.cxx.std",      true),
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.poptions", true),
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.coptions", true),
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.loptions", true),
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.aoptions", true),
        v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.libs",     true),

        // List of translatable headers. Inclusions of such headers are
        // translated to the corresponding header unit imports.
        // A header can be specified either as an absolute and normalized path
        // or as a <>-style include name. The latter kind is automatically
        // translated to the absolute form based on the compiler's system (as
        // opposed to -I) header search paths. Note also that all entries must
        // be specified before loading the cxx module.
        &v.insert<strings> ("config.cxx.translatable_headers", true),

        v.insert<process_path> ("cxx.path"),
        v.insert<strings>      ("cxx.mode"),
        v.insert<dir_paths>    ("cxx.sys_lib_dirs"),
        v.insert<dir_paths>    ("cxx.sys_inc_dirs"),

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.std", variable_visibility::project),

        v.insert<strings>  ("cxx.poptions"),
        v.insert<strings>  ("cxx.coptions"),
        v.insert<strings>  ("cxx.loptions"),
        v.insert<strings>  ("cxx.aoptions"),
        v.insert<strings>  ("cxx.libs"),

        &v.insert<strings> ("cxx.translatable_headers"),


        v.insert<strings>      ("cxx.export.poptions"),
        v.insert<strings>      ("cxx.export.coptions"),
        v.insert<strings>      ("cxx.export.loptions"),
        v.insert<vector<name>> ("cxx.export.libs"),


        v.insert<string> ("cxx.stdlib"),



        // Ability to signal that source is already (partially) preprocessed.
        // Valid values are 'none' (not preprocessed), 'includes' (no #include
        // directives in source), 'modules' (as above plus no module
        // declaration depends on preprocessor, e.g., #ifdef, etc), and 'all'
        // (the source is fully preprocessed). Note that for 'all' the source
        // can still contain comments and line continuations. Note also that
        // for some compilers (e.g., VC) there is no way to signal that the
        // source is already preprocessed.
        // What about header unit imports? Well, they are in a sense
        // standardized precompiled headers so we treat them as includes.
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.preprocessed"),

        nullptr, // cxx.features.symexport (set in init() below).

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.id"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.id.type"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.id.variant"),

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.class"),

        &v.insert<string>   ("cxx.version"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.version.major"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.version.minor"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.version.patch"),
        &v.insert<string>   ("cxx.version.build"),

        &v.insert<string>   ("cxx.variant_version"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.variant_version.major"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.variant_version.minor"),
        &v.insert<uint64_t> ("cxx.variant_version.patch"),
        &v.insert<string>   ("cxx.variant_version.build"),

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.signature"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.checksum"),

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.pattern"),

        v.insert<target_triplet> ("cxx.target"),

        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.target.cpu"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.target.vendor"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.target.system"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.target.version"),
        v.insert<string>   ("cxx.target.class")

      // Alias some cc. variables as cxx.
      v.insert_alias (d.c_runtime, "cxx.runtime");
      v.insert_alias (d.c_module_name, "cxx.module_name");

      assert (mod == nullptr);
      config_module* m (new config_module (move (d)));
      mod.reset (m);
      m->guess (rs, loc, hints);
      return true;

    config_init (scope& rs,
                 scope& bs,
                 const location& loc,
                 const variable_map& hints)
      tracer trace ("cxx::config_init");
      l5 ([&]{trace << "for " << bs;});

      // We only support root loading (which means there can only be one).
      if (&rs != &bs)
        fail (loc) << "cxx.config module must be loaded in project root";

      // Load cxx.guess.
      if (!cast_false<bool> (rs["cxx.guess.loaded"]))
        load_module (rs, rs, "cxx.guess", loc, false, hints);

      config_module& cm (*rs.lookup_module<config_module> ("cxx.guess"));
      cm.init (rs, loc, hints);
      return true;

    static const target_type* const hdr[] =

    static const target_type* const inc[] =

    init (scope& rs,
          scope& bs,
          const location& loc,
          unique_ptr<module_base>& mod,
          const variable_map& hints)
      tracer trace ("cxx::init");
      l5 ([&]{trace << "for " << bs;});

      // We only support root loading (which means there can only be one).
      if (&rs != &bs)
        fail (loc) << "cxx module must be loaded in project root";

      // Load cxx.config.
      if (!cast_false<bool> (rs["cxx.config.loaded"]))
        load_module (rs, rs, "cxx.config", loc, false, hints);

      config_module& cm (*rs.lookup_module<config_module> ("cxx.guess"));

      auto& vp (rs.ctx.var_pool.rw (rs));

      bool modules (cast<bool> (rs["cxx.features.modules"]));

      bool symexport (false);
      if (modules)
        auto& var (vp.insert<bool> ("cxx.features.symexport",
        symexport = cast_false<bool> (rs[var]);
        cm.x_symexport = &var;

      cc::data d {


        cast<process_path>   (rs[cm.x_path]),
        cast<strings>        (rs[cm.x_mode]),
        cast<target_triplet> (rs[cm.x_target]),



        cast<dir_paths> (rs[cm.x_sys_lib_dirs]),
        cast<dir_paths> (rs[cm.x_sys_inc_dirs]),


        modules ? &mxx::static_type : nullptr,

      assert (mod == nullptr);
      module* m;
      mod.reset (m = new module (move (d)));
      m->init (rs, loc, hints);
      return true;

    static const module_functions mod_functions[] =
      // NOTE: don't forget to also update the documentation in init.hxx if
      //       changing anything here.

      {"cxx.guess",  nullptr, guess_init},
      {"cxx.config", nullptr, config_init},
      {"cxx",        nullptr, init},
      {nullptr,      nullptr, nullptr}

    const module_functions*
    build2_cxx_load ()
      return mod_functions;