// file      : libbuild2/cc/install-rule.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/cc/install-rule.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/bin/target.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/cc/link-rule.hxx> // match()

using namespace std;

namespace build2
  namespace cc
    using namespace bin;

    // install_rule
    install_rule (data&& d, const link_rule& l)
        : common (move (d)), link_ (l) {}

    const target* install_rule::
    filter (const scope* is,
            action a, const target& t, prerequisite_iterator& i) const
      // NOTE: see libux_install_rule::filter() if changing anything here.

      const prerequisite& p (i->prerequisite);

      // If this is a shared library prerequisite, install it as long as it is
      // in the installation scope.
      // Less obvious: we also want to install a static library prerequisite
      // of a library (since it could be referenced from its .pc file, etc).
      // Note: for now we assume these prerequisites never come from see-
      // through groups.
      // Note: we install ad hoc prerequisites by default.
      otype ot (link_type (t).type);

      bool st (t.is_a<exe>  () || t.is_a<libs> ()); // Target needs shared.
      bool at (t.is_a<liba> () || t.is_a<libs> ()); // Target needs static.

      if ((st && (p.is_a<libx> () || p.is_a<libs> ())) ||
          (at && (p.is_a<libx> () || p.is_a<liba> ())))
        const target* pt (&search (t, p));

        // If this is the lib{}/libu*{} group, pick a member which we would
        // link. For libu*{} we want the "see through" logic.
        if (const libx* l = pt->is_a<libx> ())
          pt = link_member (*l, a, link_info (t.base_scope (), ot));

        // Note: not redundant since we are returning a member.
        if ((st && pt->is_a<libs> ()) || (at && pt->is_a<liba> ()))
          return is == nullptr || pt->in (*is) ? pt : nullptr;

        // See through to libu*{} members. Note that we are always in the same
        // project (and thus amalgamation).
        if (pt->is_a<libux> ())
          return pt;

      // The rest of the tests only succeed if the base filter() succeeds.
      const target* pt (file_rule::filter (is, a, t, p));
      if (pt == nullptr)
        return pt;

      // Don't install executable's prerequisite headers and module
      // interfaces.
      // Note that if they come from a group, then we assume the entire
      // group is not to be installed.
      // We also skip sources since they may "pull" a header if they are a
      // member of an ad hoc group.
      auto header_source = [this] (const auto& p)
        return (x_header (p)   ||
                p.is_a (x_src) ||
                (x_mod != nullptr && p.is_a (*x_mod)));

      if (t.is_a<exe> ())
        if (header_source (p))
          pt = nullptr;
        else if (p.type.see_through ())
          for (i.enter_group (); i.group (); )
            ++i; // Note that we have to iterate until the end of the group.
            if (pt != nullptr && header_source (*i))
              pt = nullptr;

        if (pt == nullptr)
          return pt;

      // Here is a problem: if the user spells the obj*/bmi*{} targets
      // explicitly, then the source files, including headers/modules may be
      // specified as preprequisites of those targets and not of this target.
      // While this can be worked around for headers by also listing them as
      // prerequisites of this target, this won't work for modules (since they
      // are compiled). So what we are going to do here is detect bmi*{} and
      // translate them to their mxx{} (this doesn't quite work for headers
      // since there would normally be many of them).
      // Note: for now we assume bmi*{} never come from see-through groups.
      bool g (false);
      if (p.is_a<bmi> () || (g = p.is_a (compile_types (ot).bmi)))
        if (g)
          resolve_group (a, *pt);

        for (prerequisite_member pm:
               group_prerequisite_members (a, *pt, members_mode::maybe))
          // This is tricky: we need to "look" inside groups for mxx{} but if
          // found, remap to the group, not member.
          if (pm.is_a (*x_mod))
            pt = t.is_a<exe> ()
              ? nullptr
              : file_rule::filter (is, a, *pt, pm.prerequisite);

        if (pt == nullptr)
          return pt;

      return pt;

    bool install_rule::
    match (action a, target& t, const string&, match_extra& me) const
      // We only want to handle installation if we are also the ones building
      // this target. So first run link's match().
      return link_.sub_match (x_link, update_id, a, t, me) &&
        file_rule::match (a, t);

    recipe install_rule::
    apply (action a, target& t) const
      recipe r (file_rule::apply_impl (a, t));

      if (r == nullptr)
        return noop_recipe;

      if (a.operation () == update_id)
        // Signal to the link rule that this is update for install. And if the
        // update has already been executed, verify it was done for install.
        auto& md (t.data<link_rule::match_data> ());

        if (md.for_install)
          // Note: see also append_libraries() for the other half.
          if (!*md.for_install)
            fail << "incompatible " << t << " build" <<
              info << "target already built not for install";
          md.for_install = true;
      else // install or uninstall
        // Derive shared library paths and cache them in the target's aux
        // storage if we are un/installing (used in the *_extra() functions
        // below).
        static_assert (sizeof (link_rule::libs_paths) <= target::data_size,
                       "insufficient space");

        if (file* f = t.is_a<libs> ())
          if (!f->path ().empty ()) // Not binless.
            const string* p (cast_null<string> (t["bin.lib.prefix"]));
            const string* s (cast_null<string> (t["bin.lib.suffix"]));
            t.data (
              link_.derive_libs_paths (*f,
                                       p != nullptr ? p->c_str (): nullptr,
                                       s != nullptr ? s->c_str (): nullptr));

      return r;

    bool install_rule::
    install_extra (const file& t, const install_dir& id) const
      bool r (false);

      if (t.is_a<libs> ())
        // Here we may have a bunch of symlinks that we need to install.
        const scope& rs (t.root_scope ());
        auto& lp (t.data<link_rule::libs_paths> ());

        auto ln = [&rs, &id] (const path& f, const path& l)
          install_l (rs, id, f.leaf (), l.leaf (), 2 /* verbosity */);
          return true;

        const path& lk (lp.link);
        const path& ld (lp.load);
        const path& so (lp.soname);
        const path& in (lp.interm);

        const path* f (lp.real);

        if (!in.empty ()) {r = ln (*f, in) || r; f = &in;}
        if (!so.empty ()) {r = ln (*f, so) || r; f = &so;}
        if (!ld.empty ()) {r = ln (*f, ld) || r; f = &ld;}
        if (!lk.empty ()) {r = ln (*f, lk) || r;         }

      return r;

    bool install_rule::
    uninstall_extra (const file& t, const install_dir& id) const
      bool r (false);

      if (t.is_a<libs> ())
        // Here we may have a bunch of symlinks that we need to uninstall.
        const scope& rs (t.root_scope ());
        auto& lp (t.data<link_rule::libs_paths> ());

        auto rm = [&rs, &id] (const path& l)
          return uninstall_f (rs, id, nullptr, l.leaf (), 2 /* verbosity */);

        const path& lk (lp.link);
        const path& ld (lp.load);
        const path& so (lp.soname);
        const path& in (lp.interm);

        if (!lk.empty ()) r = rm (lk) || r;
        if (!ld.empty ()) r = rm (ld) || r;
        if (!so.empty ()) r = rm (so) || r;
        if (!in.empty ()) r = rm (in) || r;

      return r;

    // libux_install_rule
    libux_install_rule (data&& d, const link_rule& l)
        : common (move (d)), link_ (l) {}

    const target* libux_install_rule::
    filter (const scope* is,
            action a, const target& t, prerequisite_iterator& i) const
      using file_rule = install::file_rule;

      const prerequisite& p (i->prerequisite);

      // The "see through" semantics that should be parallel to install_rule
      // above. In particular, here we use libue/libua/libus{} as proxies for
      // exe/liba/libs{} there.
      otype ot (link_type (t).type);

      bool st (t.is_a<libue> () || t.is_a<libus> ()); // Target needs shared.
      bool at (t.is_a<libua> () || t.is_a<libus> ()); // Target needs static.

      if ((st && (p.is_a<libx> () || p.is_a<libs> ())) ||
          (at && (p.is_a<libx> () || p.is_a<liba> ())))
        const target* pt (&search (t, p));

        if (const libx* l = pt->is_a<libx> ())
          pt = link_member (*l, a, link_info (t.base_scope (), ot));

        if ((st && pt->is_a<libs> ()) || (at && pt->is_a<liba> ()))
          return is == nullptr || pt->in (*is) ? pt : nullptr;

        if (pt->is_a<libux> ())
          return pt;

      const target* pt (file_rule::instance.filter (is, a, t, p));
      if (pt == nullptr)
        return pt;

      auto header_source = [this] (const auto& p)
        return (x_header (p)   ||
                p.is_a (x_src) ||
                (x_mod != nullptr && p.is_a (*x_mod)));

      if (t.is_a<libue> ())
        if (header_source (p))
          pt = nullptr;
        else if (p.type.see_through ())
          for (i.enter_group (); i.group (); )
            if (pt != nullptr && header_source (*i))
              pt = nullptr;

        if (pt == nullptr)
          return pt;

      bool g (false);
      if (p.is_a<bmi> () || (g = p.is_a (compile_types (ot).bmi)))
        if (g)
          resolve_group (a, *pt);

        for (prerequisite_member pm:
               group_prerequisite_members (a, *pt, members_mode::maybe))
          if (pm.is_a (*x_mod))
            pt = t.is_a<libue> ()
              ? nullptr
              : file_rule::instance.filter (is, a, *pt, pm.prerequisite);

        if (pt == nullptr)
          return pt;

      return pt;

    bool libux_install_rule::
    match (action a, target& t, const string&, match_extra& me) const
      // We only want to handle installation if we are also the ones building
      // this target. So first run link's match().
      return link_.sub_match (x_link, update_id, a, t, me) &&
        alias_rule::match (a, t);