// file      : libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx>

#include <libbutl/builtin.mxx>

#include <libbuild2/function.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx>

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

namespace build2
  namespace build
    namespace script
      using type = token_type;

      // Pre-parse.

      script parser::
      pre_parse (const scope& bs,
                 const target_type& tt,
                 const small_vector<action, 1>& as,
                 istream& is, const path_name& pn, uint64_t line,
                 optional<string> diag, const location& diag_loc)
        path_ = &pn;

        pre_parse_ = true;

        lexer l (is, *path_, line, lexer_mode::command_line);
        set_lexer (&l);

        // The script shouldn't be able to modify the scopes.
        target_  = nullptr;
        actions_ = &as;
        scope_   = const_cast<scope*> (&bs);
        root_    = scope_->root_scope ();

        pbase_  = scope_->src_path_;

        file_based_ = tt.is_a<file> ();
        perform_update_ = find (as.begin (), as.end (), perform_update_id) !=
                          as.end ();

        script s;
        script_ = &s;
        runner_ = nullptr;
        environment_ = nullptr;

        if (diag)
          diag_name_   = make_pair (move (*diag), diag_loc);
          diag_weight_ = 4;

        s.start_loc = location (*path_, line, 1);

        token t (pre_parse_script ());

        assert (t.type == type::eos);

        s.end_loc = get_location (t);

        // Diagnose impure function calls.
        if (impure_func_)
          fail (impure_func_->second)
            << "call to impure function " << impure_func_->first << " is "
            << "only allowed in depdb preamble" <<
            info << "consider using 'depdb' builtin to track its result "
                 << "changes";

        // Diagnose absent/ambigous script name.
          diag_record dr;

          if (!diag_name_ && !diag_line_)
            dr << fail (s.start_loc)
               << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name";
          else if (diag_name2_)
            assert (diag_name_);

            dr << fail (s.start_loc)
               << "low-verbosity script diagnostics name is ambiguous" <<
              info (diag_name_->second) << "could be '" << diag_name_->first
               << "'" <<
              info (diag_name2_->second) << "could be '" << diag_name2_->first
               << "'";

          if (!dr.empty ())
            dr << info << "consider specifying it explicitly with the 'diag' "
               << "recipe attribute";

            dr << info << "or provide custom low-verbosity diagnostics with "
               << "the 'diag' builtin";

        // Save the script name or custom diagnostics line.
        assert (diag_name_.has_value () != diag_line_.has_value ());

        if (diag_name_)
          s.diag_name = move (diag_name_->first);
          s.diag_line = move (diag_line_->first);

        // Save the custom dependency change tracking lines, if present.
        s.depdb_clear = depdb_clear_.has_value ();
        s.depdb_preamble = move (depdb_preamble_);

        return s;

      token parser::
      pre_parse_script ()
        // enter: next token is first token of the script
        // leave: eos (returned)

        token t;
        type tt;

        // Parse lines until we see eos.
        for (;;)
          // Start lexing each line.
          tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token);

          // Determine the line type by peeking at the first token.
          switch (tt)
          case type::eos:
              next (t, tt);
              return t;
              pre_parse_line (t, tt);
              assert (tt == type::newline);

      void parser::
      pre_parse_line (token& t, type& tt, bool if_line)
        // Determine the line type/start token.
        line_type lt (
          pre_parse_line_start (t, tt, lexer_mode::second_token));

        line ln;

        // Indicates that the parsed line should by default be appended to the
        // script.
        save_line_ = &ln;

        switch (lt)
        case line_type::var:
            // Check if we are trying to modify any of the special variables.
            if (special_variable (t.value))
              fail (t) << "attempt to set '" << t.value << "' special "
                       << "variable";

            // We don't pre-enter variables.
            ln.var = nullptr;

            next (t, tt); // Assignment kind.

            mode (lexer_mode::variable_line);
            parse_variable_line (t, tt);

            if (tt != type::newline)
              fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;

        case line_type::cmd_elif:
        case line_type::cmd_elifn:
        case line_type::cmd_else:
        case line_type::cmd_end:
            if (!if_line)
              fail (t) << lt << " without preceding 'if'";
          // Fall through.
        case line_type::cmd_if:
        case line_type::cmd_ifn:
          next (t, tt); // Skip to start of command.

          if (lt == line_type::cmd_if || lt == line_type::cmd_ifn)
          else if (lt == line_type::cmd_end)

          // Fall through.
        case line_type::cmd:
            pair<command_expr, here_docs> p;

            if (lt != line_type::cmd_else && lt != line_type::cmd_end)
              p = parse_command_expr (t, tt, lexer::redirect_aliases);

            if (tt != type::newline)
              fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;

            parse_here_documents (t, tt, p);

        assert (tt == type::newline);

        ln.type = lt;
        ln.tokens = replay_data ();

        if (save_line_ != nullptr)
          if (save_line_ == &ln)
            script_->body.push_back (move (ln));
            *save_line_ = move (ln);

        if (lt == line_type::cmd_if || lt == line_type::cmd_ifn)
          tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token);

          pre_parse_if_else (t, tt);

      void parser::
      pre_parse_if_else (token& t, type& tt)
        // enter: peeked first token of next line (type in tt)
        // leave: newline

        // Parse lines until we see closing 'end'. Nested if-else blocks are
        // handled recursively.
        for (line_type bt (line_type::cmd_if); // Current block.
             tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token))
          const location ll (get_location (peeked ()));

          if (tt == type::eos)
            fail (ll) << "expected closing 'end'";

          // Parse one line. Note that this one line can still be multiple
          // lines in case of if-else. In this case we want to view it as
          // cmd_if, not cmd_end. Thus remember the start position of the
          // next logical line.
          size_t i (script_->body.size ());

          pre_parse_line (t, tt, true /* if_line */);
          assert (tt == type::newline);

          line_type lt (script_->body[i].type);

          // First take care of 'end'.
          if (lt == line_type::cmd_end)

          // Check if-else block sequencing.
          if (bt == line_type::cmd_else)
            if (lt == line_type::cmd_else ||
                lt == line_type::cmd_elif ||
                lt == line_type::cmd_elifn)
              fail (ll) << lt << " after " << bt;

          // Update current if-else block.
          switch (lt)
          case line_type::cmd_elif:
          case line_type::cmd_elifn: bt = line_type::cmd_elif; break;
          case line_type::cmd_else:  bt = line_type::cmd_else; break;
          default: break;

      command_expr parser::
      parse_command_line (token& t, type& tt)
        // enter: first token of the command line
        // leave: <newline>

        // Note: this one is only used during execution.
        assert (!pre_parse_);

        pair<command_expr, here_docs> p (
          parse_command_expr (t, tt, lexer::redirect_aliases));

        assert (tt == type::newline);

        parse_here_documents (t, tt, p);
        assert (tt == type::newline);

        // @@ Note that currently running programs via a runner (e.g., see
        //    test.runner) needs to be handled explicitly in ad hoc recipes.
        //    We could potentially run them via the runner implicitly, similar
        //    to how we do in the testscript. We would need then to match the
        //    command program path against the recipe target ad hoc member
        //    paths (test programs), to detect if it must be run via the
        //    runner. The runner path/options would need to be optionally
        //    passed to the environment constructor, similar to passing the
        //    script deadline.
        return move (p.first);

      // Execute.

      optional<process_path> parser::
      parse_program (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
                     bool first,
                     bool env,
                     names& ns)
        const location l (get_location (t));

        // Set the current script name if it is not set or its weight is less
        // than the new name weight, skipping names with the zero weight. If
        // the weight is the same but the name is different then record this
        // ambiguity, unless one is already recorded. This ambiguity will be
        // reported at the end of the script pre-parsing, unless discarded by
        // the name with a greater weight.
        auto set_diag = [&l, this] (string d, uint8_t w)
          if (diag_weight_ < w)
            diag_name_   = make_pair (move (d), l);
            diag_weight_ = w;
            diag_name2_  = nullopt;
          else if (w != 0                 &&
                   w == diag_weight_      &&
                   d != diag_name_->first &&
            diag_name2_ = make_pair (move (d), l);

        // Handle special builtins.
        // NOTE: update line dumping (script.cxx:dump()) if adding a special
        // builtin. Also review the non-script-local variables tracking while
        // executing a single line in lookup_variable().
        if (pre_parse_ && tt == type::word)
          const string& v (t.value);

          // Verify that the special builtin is not called inside an improper
          // context (flow control construct or complex expression).
          auto verify = [first, env, &v, &l, this] ()
            if (level_ != 0)
              fail (l) << "'" << v << "' call inside flow control construct";

            if (!first)
              fail (l) << "'" << v << "' call must be the only command";

            if (env)
              fail (l) << "'" << v << "' call via 'env' builtin";

          if (v == "diag")
            verify ();

            // Check for ambiguity.
            if (diag_weight_ == 4)
              if (diag_name_) // Script name.
                fail (l) << "both low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
                         << "and 'diag' builtin call" <<
                  info (diag_name_->second) << "script name specified here";
              else           // Custom diagnostics.
                assert (diag_line_);

                fail (l) << "multiple 'diag' builtin calls" <<
                  info (diag_line_->second) << "previous call is here";

            // Instruct the parser to save the diag builtin line separately
            // from the script lines, when it is fully parsed. Note that it
            // will be executed prior to the script body execution to obtain
            // the custom diagnostics.
            diag_line_   = make_pair (line (), l);
            save_line_   = &diag_line_->first;
            diag_weight_ = 4;

            diag_name_  = nullopt;
            diag_name2_ = nullopt;

            // Note that the rest of the line contains the builtin argument to
            // be printed, thus we parse it in the value lexer mode.
            mode (lexer_mode::value);
            parse_names (t, tt, pattern_mode::ignore);
            return nullopt;
          else if (v == "depdb")
            verify ();

            // Verify that depdb is not used for anything other than
            // performing update on a file-based target.
            assert (actions_ != nullptr);

            for (const action& a: *actions_)
              if (a != perform_update_id)
                fail (l) << "'depdb' builtin cannot be used to "
                         << ctx.meta_operation_table[a.meta_operation ()].name
                         << ' ' << ctx.operation_table[a.operation ()];

            if (!file_based_)
              fail (l) << "'depdb' builtin can only be used for file-based "
                       << "targets";

            if (diag_line_)
              fail (diag_line_->second)
                << "'diag' builtin call before 'depdb' call" <<
                info (l) << "'depdb' call is here";

            // Note that the rest of the line contains the builtin command
            // name, potentially followed by the arguments to be hashed/saved.
            // Thus, we parse it in the value lexer mode.
            mode (lexer_mode::value);

            // Obtain and validate the depdb builtin command name.
            next (t, tt);

            if (tt != type::word ||
                (v != "clear" && v != "hash" && v != "string" && v != "env"))
              fail (get_location (t))
                << "expected 'depdb' builtin command instead of " << t;

            if (v == "clear")
              // Make sure the clear depdb command comes first.
              if (depdb_clear_)
                fail (l) << "multiple 'depdb clear' builtin calls" <<
                  info (*depdb_clear_) << "previous call is here";

              if (!depdb_preamble_.empty ())
                diag_record dr (fail (l));
                dr << "'depdb clear' should be the first 'depdb' builtin call";

                // Print the first depdb call location.
                for (const line& l: depdb_preamble_)
                  const replay_tokens& rt (l.tokens);
                  assert (!rt.empty ());

                  const token& t (rt[0].token);
                  if (t.type == type::word && t.value == "depdb")
                    dr << info (rt[0].location ())
                       << "first 'depdb' call is here";

              // Save the builtin location, cancel the line saving, and clear
              // the referenced variable list, since it won't be used.
              depdb_clear_ = l;
              save_line_   = nullptr;

              script_->vars.clear ();
              // Move the script body to the end of the depdb preamble.
              // Note that at this (pre-parsing) stage we cannot evaluate if
              // all the script body lines are allowed for depdb preamble.
              // That, in particular, would require to analyze pipelines to
              // see if they are terminated with the set builtin, but this
              // information is only available at the execution stage. Thus,
              // we move into the preamble whatever is there and delay the
              // check until the execution.
              lines& ls (script_->body);
              depdb_preamble_.insert (depdb_preamble_.end (),
                                      make_move_iterator (ls.begin ()),
                                      make_move_iterator (ls.end ()));
              ls.clear ();

              // Also move the body_temp_dir flag, if it is true.
              if (script_->body_temp_dir)
                script_->depdb_preamble_temp_dir = true;
                script_->body_temp_dir = false;

              // Reset the impure function call info since it's valid for the
              // depdb preamble.
              impure_func_ = nullopt;

              // Instruct the parser to save the depdb builtin line separately
              // from the script lines, when it is fully parsed. Note that the
              // builtin command arguments will be validated during execution,
              // when expanded.
              depdb_preamble_.push_back (line ());
              save_line_ = &depdb_preamble_.back ();

            // Parse the rest of the line and bail out.
            parse_names (t, tt, pattern_mode::ignore);
            return nullopt;

        auto suggest_diag = [this] (const diag_record& dr)
          dr << info << "consider specifying it explicitly with "
             << "the 'diag' recipe attribute";

          dr << info << "or provide custom low-verbosity diagnostics "
             << "with the 'diag' builtin";

        parse_names_result pr;
          // During pre-parse, if the script name is not set manually we
          // suspend pre-parse, parse the command names for real and try to
          // deduce the script name from the result. Otherwise, we continue
          // to pre-parse and bail out after parsing the names.
          // Note that the latter is not just an optimization since expansion
          // that wouldn't fail during execution may fail in this special
          // mode, for example:
          // ...
          // {{
          //    x = true
          //    ba($x ? r : z)
          // }}
          // v = a b
          // ...
          // {{
          //    v = o
          //    fo$v
          // }}
          // This is also the reason why we add a diag frame.
          if (pre_parse_ && diag_weight_ != 4)
            pre_parse_ = false; // Make parse_names() perform expansions.
            pre_parse_suspended_ = true;

          auto df = make_diag_frame (
            [&l, &suggest_diag, this] (const diag_record& dr)
              if (pre_parse_suspended_)
                dr << info (l)
                   << "while deducing low-verbosity script diagnostics name";

                suggest_diag (dr);

          pr = parse_names (t, tt,
                            true /* chunk */,
                            "command line",

          if (pre_parse_suspended_)
            pre_parse_suspended_ = false;
            pre_parse_ = true;

          if (pre_parse_ && diag_weight_ == 4)
            return nullopt;

        // Try to translate names into a process path, unless there is nothing
        // to translate.
        // We only end up here in the pre-parse mode if we are still searching
        // for the script name.
        if (!pr.not_null || ns.empty ())
          if (pre_parse_)
            diag_record dr (fail (l));
            dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name";
            suggest_diag (dr);

          return nullopt;

        // We have to handle process_path[_ex] and executable target. The
        // process_path[_ex] we may have to recognize syntactically because
        // of the loss of type, for example:
        // c = $cxx.path --version
        // {{
        //    $c ...
        // }}
        // This is further complicated by the fact that the first name in
        // process_path[_ex] may or may not be a pair (it's not a pair if
        // recall and effective paths are the same). If it's not a pair and we
        // are dealing with process_path, then we don't need to do anything
        // extra -- it will just be treated as normal program path. However,
        // if it's process_path_ex, then we may end up with something along
        // these lines:
        // /usr/bin/g++ name@c++ checksum@... env-checksum@... --version
        // Which is a bit harder to recognize syntactically. So what we are
        // going to do is have a separate first pass which reduces the
        // syntactic cases to the typed ones.
        names pp_ns;
        if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path>::value_type ||
            pr.type == &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type)
          pp_ns = move (ns);
          ns.clear ();
        else if (ns[0].file ())
          // Find the end of the value.
          auto b (ns.begin ());
          auto i (value_traits<process_path_ex>::find_end (ns));

          if (b->pair || i != b + 1) // First is a pair or pairs after.
            pp_ns = names (make_move_iterator (b), make_move_iterator (i));

            ns.erase (b, i);

            pr.type = i != b + 1
                      ? &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type
                      : &value_traits<process_path>::value_type;

        // Handle process_path[_ex], for example:
        // {{
        //    $cxx.path ...
        // }}
        if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path>::value_type)
          auto pp (convert<process_path> (move (pp_ns)));

          if (pre_parse_)
            diag_record dr (fail (l));
            dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
               << "from process path " << pp;
            suggest_diag (dr);
            return optional<process_path> (move (pp));
        else if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type)
          auto pp (convert<process_path_ex> (move (pp_ns)));

          if (pre_parse_)
            if (pp.name)
              set_diag (move (*pp.name), 3);
              return nullopt;

            diag_record dr (fail (l));
            dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
               << "from process path " << pp;
            suggest_diag (dr);
            return optional<process_path> (move (pp));
        // Handle the executable target, for example:
        // import! [metadata] cli = cli%exe{cli}
        // ...
        // {{
        //    $cli ...
        // }}
        else if (!ns[0].simple ())
          if (const target* t = search_existing (
                ns[0], *scope_, ns[0].pair ? ns[1].dir : empty_dir_path))
            if (const auto* et = t->is_a<exe> ())
              if (pre_parse_)
                if (auto* n = et->lookup_metadata<string> ("name"))
                  set_diag (*n, 3);
                  return nullopt;
                // Fall through.
                process_path pp (et->process_path ());

                if (pp.empty ())
                  fail (l) << "target " << *et << " is out of date" <<
                    info << "consider specifying it as a prerequisite of "
                           << environment_->target;

                ns.erase (ns.begin (), ns.begin () + (ns[0].pair ? 2 : 1));
                return optional<process_path> (move (pp));

            if (pre_parse_)
              diag_record dr (fail (l));
              dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
                 << "from target " << *t;
              suggest_diag (dr);

          if (pre_parse_)
            diag_record dr (fail (l));
            dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
               << "from " << ns;
            suggest_diag (dr);
            return nullopt;
        else if (pre_parse_)
          // If we are here, the name is simple and is not part of a pair.
          string& v (ns[0].value);

          // Try to interpret the name as a builtin.
          const builtin_info* bi (builtins.find (v));

          if (bi != nullptr)
            set_diag (move (v), bi->weight);
            return nullopt;
          // Try to interpret the name as a pseudo-builtin.
          // Note that both of them has the zero weight and cannot be picked
          // up as a script name.
          else if (v == "set" || v == "exit")
            return nullopt;

          diag_record dr (fail (l));
          dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
             << "for program " << ns[0];
          suggest_diag (dr);

        return nullopt;

      void parser::
      execute_body (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
                    environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
                    bool enter, bool leave)
        pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);

        if (enter)
          runner_->enter (e, s.start_loc);

        // Note that we rely on "small function object" optimization here.
        auto exec_cmd = [this] (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
                                size_t li,
                                bool single,
                                const location& ll)
          // We use the 0 index to signal that this is the only command.
          if (single)
            li = 0;

          command_expr ce (
            parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));

          runner_->run (*environment_, ce, li, ll);

        exec_lines (s.body, exec_cmd);

        if (leave)
          runner_->leave (e, s.end_loc);

      void parser::
      execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
                              environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
                              depdb& dd)
        tracer trace ("execute_depdb_preamble");

        // The only valid lines in the depdb preamble are the depdb builtin
        // itself as well as the variable assignments, including via the set
        // builtin.

        pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);

        // Let's "wrap up" the objects we operate upon into the single object
        // to rely on "small function object" optimization.
          environment& env;
          const script& scr;
          depdb& dd;
          tracer& trace;
        } ctx {e, s, dd, trace};

        auto exec_cmd = [&ctx, this]
                        (token& t,
                         build2::script::token_type& tt,
                         size_t li,
                         bool /* single */,
                         const location& ll)
          if (tt == type::word && t.value == "depdb")
            names ns (exec_special (t, tt));

            // This should have been enforced during pre-parsing.
            assert (!ns.empty ()); // <cmd> ... <newline>

            const string& cmd (ns[0].value);

            if (cmd == "hash")
              sha256 cs;
              for (auto i (ns.begin () + 1); i != ns.end (); ++i) // Skip <cmd>.
                to_checksum (cs, *i);

              if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
                l4 ([&] {
                    ctx.trace (ll)
                      << "'depdb hash' argument change forcing update of "
                      << ctx.env.target;});
            else if (cmd == "string")
              string s;
                s = convert<string> (
                  names (make_move_iterator (ns.begin () + 1),
                         make_move_iterator (ns.end ())));
              catch (const invalid_argument& e)
                fail (ll) << "invalid 'depdb string' argument: " << e;

              if (ctx.dd.expect (s) != nullptr)
                l4 ([&] {
                    ctx.trace (ll)
                      << "'depdb string' argument change forcing update of "
                      << ctx.env.target;});
            else if (cmd == "env")
              sha256 cs;
              const char* pf ("invalid 'depdb env' argument: ");

                // Skip <cmd>.
                for (auto i (ns.begin () + 1); i != ns.end (); ++i)
                  string vn (convert<string> (move (*i)));
                  build2::script::verify_environment_var_name (vn, pf, ll);
                  hash_environment (cs, vn);
              catch (const invalid_argument& e)
                fail (ll) << pf << e;

              if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
                l4 ([&] {
                    ctx.trace (ll)
                      << "'depdb env' environment change forcing update of "
                      << ctx.env.target;});
              assert (false);
            // Note that we don't reset the line index to zero (as we do in
            // execute_body()) assuming that there are some script body
            // commands to follow.
            command_expr ce (
              parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));

            // Verify that this expression executes the set builtin.
            if (find_if (ce.begin (), ce.end (),
                         [] (const expr_term& et)
                           const process_path& p (et.pipe.back ().program);
                           return p.initial == nullptr &&
                                  p.recall.string () == "set";
                         }) == ce.end ())
              const replay_tokens& rt (ctx.scr.depdb_preamble.back ().tokens);
              assert (!rt.empty ());

              fail (ll) << "disallowed command in depdb preamble" <<
                info << "only variable assignments are allowed in "
                     << "depdb preamble" <<
                info (rt[0].location ()) << "depdb preamble ends here";

            runner_->run (*environment_, ce, li, ll);

        exec_lines (s.depdb_preamble, exec_cmd);

      void parser::
      pre_exec (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
                environment& e, const script* s, runner* r)
        path_ = nullptr; // Set by replays.

        pre_parse_ = false;

        set_lexer (nullptr);

        actions_ = nullptr;

        // The script shouldn't be able to modify the scopes.
        // Note that for now we don't set target_ since it's not clear what
        // it could be used for (we need scope_ for calling functions such as
        // $target.path()).
        target_ = nullptr;
        root_ = const_cast<scope*> (&rs);
        scope_ = const_cast<scope*> (&bs);
        pbase_ = scope_->src_path_;

        script_ = const_cast<script*> (s);
        runner_ = r;
        environment_ = &e;

      void parser::
      exec_lines (const lines& lns,
                  const function<exec_cmd_function>& exec_cmd)
        // Note that we rely on "small function object" optimization for the
        // exec_*() lambdas.
        auto exec_set = [this] (const variable& var,
                                token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
                                const location&)
          next (t, tt);
          type kind (tt); // Assignment kind.

          mode (lexer_mode::variable_line);
          value rhs (parse_variable_line (t, tt));

          assert (tt == type::newline);

          // Assign.
          value& lhs (kind == type::assign
                      ? environment_->assign (var)
                      : environment_->append (var));

          apply_value_attributes (&var, lhs, move (rhs), kind);

        auto exec_if = [this] (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
                               size_t li,
                               const location& ll)
          command_expr ce (
            parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));

          // Assume if-else always involves multiple commands.
          return runner_->run_if (*environment_, ce, li, ll);

        build2::script::parser::exec_lines (lns.begin (), lns.end (),
                                            exec_set, exec_cmd, exec_if,

      names parser::
      exec_special (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
                    bool omit_builtin)
        if (omit_builtin)
          assert (tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos);

          next (t, tt);

        return tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos
               ? parse_names (t, tt, pattern_mode::expand)
               : names ();

      names parser::
      execute_special (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
                       environment& e,
                       const line& ln,
                       bool omit_builtin)
        pre_exec (rs, bs, e, nullptr /* script */, nullptr /* runner */);

        // Copy the tokens and start playing.
        replay_data (replay_tokens (ln.tokens));

        token t;
        build2::script::token_type tt;
        next (t, tt);

        names r (exec_special (t, tt, omit_builtin));

        replay_stop ();
        return r;

      // When add a special variable don't forget to update lexer::word().
      bool parser::
      special_variable (const string& n) noexcept
        return n == ">" || n == "<" || n == "~";

      lookup parser::
      lookup_variable (name&& qual, string&& name, const location& loc)
        // In the pre-parse mode collect the referenced variable names for the
        // script semantics change tracking.
        if (pre_parse_ || pre_parse_suspended_)
          lookup r;

          // Add the variable name skipping special variables and suppressing
          // duplicates, unless the default variables change tracking is
          // canceled with `depdb clear`. While at it, check if the script
          // temporary directory is referenced and set the flag, if that's the
          // case.
          if (special_variable (name))
            if (name == "~")
              script_->body_temp_dir = true;
          else if (!name.empty ())
            if (pre_parse_suspended_)
              const variable* pvar (scope_->ctx.var_pool.find (name));

              if (pvar != nullptr)
                r = (*scope_)[*pvar];

            if (!depdb_clear_)
              auto& vars (script_->vars);

              if (find (vars.begin (), vars.end (), name) == vars.end ())
                vars.push_back (move (name));

          return r;

        if (!qual.empty ())
          fail (loc) << "qualified variable name";

        lookup r (environment_->lookup (name));

        // Fail if non-script-local variable with an untracked name.
        // Note that we don't check for untracked variables when executing a
        // single line with execute_special() (script_ is NULL), since the
        // diag builtin argument change (which can be affected by such a
        // variable expansion) doesn't affect the script semantics and the
        // depdb argument is specifically used for the script semantics change
        // tracking. We also omit this check it the depdb builtin is used in
        // the script, assuming that such variables are tracked manually, if
        // required.
        if (script_ != nullptr    &&
            !script_->depdb_clear &&
            script_->depdb_preamble.empty ())
          if (r.defined () && !r.belongs (*environment_))
            const auto& vars (script_->vars);

            if (find (vars.begin (), vars.end (), name) == vars.end ())
              fail (loc) << "use of untracked variable '" << name << "'" <<
                info << "use the 'depdb' builtin to manually track it";

        return r;

      void parser::
      lookup_function (string&& name, const location& loc)
        if (perform_update_ && file_based_ && !impure_func_)
          const function_overloads* f (ctx.functions.find (name));

          if (f != nullptr && !f->pure)
            impure_func_ = make_pair (move (name), loc);