# file      : doc/buildfile
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

define css: file
css{*}: extension = css

define xhtml: doc
xhtml{*}: extension = xhtml

./: {man1 xhtml}{b}         \
    css{common pre-box man} \

# @@ TODO: why no testscript manual?

./: doc{build2-build-system-manual*}     \
    css{code-box common doc pre-box toc} \
    file{manual.cli doc-* *.html2ps}

./: file{cli.sh}

# The build2 function documentation format for auto-extraction.
# Each listed .cxx file is expected to provide functions for one function
# family. In order to plug a new family/file, perform the following steps:
# 1. List the corresponding functions-<family>.cxx file stem below.
# 2. Add a section and source the generated .cli file in manual.cli.
# The functions-<family>.cxx file is expected to contain one or more comments
# in the following form:
# // <synopsis-line>+
# // <blank-line>
# // (<paragraph-line>+|<code-block-line>+
# // <blank-line>)+
# That is, the comment starts with one or more synopsis lines followed by a
# blank line followed by a mixture of text paragraphs and/or preformatted code
# blocks separated by blank lines. The comment must be terminated with a blank
# line. See functions-regex.cxx for comprehensive examples.
# The synopsis line should be in the form:
# // $[<family>.]<name>(...)
# Each synopsis line may or may not be be qualified with <family>. The rule is
# as follows: If the function can only be called qualified, then the synopsis
# should contains a single qualified line. If the function can be called
# unqualified, then the synopsis should contains a single unqualified line.
# If some signatures can be called unqualifed while some -- only qualified,
# then there should be both qualified and unqualified lines. Note that there
# can also be functions with different <name>s in a single synopsis block.
# The text paragraphs may contain `...` and <...> fragments which are
# translated to \c{} and \ci{}, respectively. Note that these fragments cannot
# span multiple lines.
# The preformatted code blocks must be indented four spaces (not counting
# the space after //).
# There is problem with distinguishing blanks within a code block and a blank
# that separates the code block from the subsequent paragraph (or another code
# block). Strictly speaking, such a blank should be indented with four spaces
# but trailing spaces at the end of the line are generally frowned upon and in
# our code should be automatically zapped on save.
# So what we are going to do is treat a single blank line between two code
# lines as belonging to the code block rather than separating two code
# blocks. The latter can be achieved with a double blank line. Note that this
# means we cannot have double blank lines within a code block.

# @@ TODO: using file{.cli}, change to cli{} once switch to ad hoc recipes.
# @@ TODO: get rid of backlink below once switch to ad hoc recipes.

for ff: functions-builtin        \
        functions-string         \
        functions-integer        \
        functions-bool           \
        functions-path           \
        functions-name           \
        functions-target         \
        functions-regex          \
        functions-process        \
        functions-filesystem     \
        functions-project-name   \
        functions-process-path   \
  alias{functions}: file{$(ff).cli}: $src_root/libbuild2/cxx{$ff}
  file{$(ff).cli}: backlink = true # @@ TMP until migrate to recipe (see cli.sh)

file{~'/(functions-.+)\.cli/'}: cxx{~'/\1/'}
  diag doc $< -> $>

  i = $path($<) # Input.
  o = $path($>) # Output.

  # Extract the family name.
  family = $regex.replace($name($<), 'functions-(.+)', '\1')
  family = $regex.replace($family, '-', '_')

  echo "// Auto-extracted from $leaf($i) for \$$(family).*\(\)" >$o

  # The overall plan is as follows: read the file line by line recognizing the
  # function documentation comments and maintaining the parsing state.
  # Parsing state, one of:
  # none -- outside of a documentation comment
  # syno -- inside synopsis
  # para -- inside text
  # code -- inside preformatted code block
  # blnk -- blank line separating synopsis/para/code
  s = none # Current state.
  p = none # Previous state.

  ln = [uint64] 0 # Line number.
  for -n l <=$i
    ln += 1

    # Look for a C++ comments and extract its text.
    t = $regex.match($l, '\s*// ?(.*)', return_subs)

    # Note that when writing the output we use the "leading blank line" rather
    # than trailing approach. That is, we write the blank before starting the
    # next block rather than after.

    if ($t == [null])
      if ($s != 'none')
        if ($s != 'blnk')
          exit "$i:$ln: blank line expected after description"

        # Close delayed code block (see below for details).
        if ($p == 'code')
          echo "\\" >>$o # end code

        echo "\"" >>$o # end cli doc string

      p = $s
      s = 'none'
      # This is a comment. What we do next depends on which state we are in.
      if ($s == 'none' || $s == 'syno')
        p = $s

        # See if this is a synopsys line.
        if $regex.match($t, '\$.+\(.+\)')
          if ($s == 'none')
            synopsis = [strings] # Accumulate synopsis lines.
            s = 'syno'

          synopsis += $t
        elif ($s == 'syno')
          if ($t != '')
            exit "$i:$ln: blank line expected after synopsis"

          echo "$\n\"" >>$o # start cli doc string

          # Write the heading. Use the first function name as id.
          # Note that while the functions in the synopsis could be
          # unqualified, in the heading we always write them qualified. We
          # also have to suppress duplicates since the same function can be
          # mentioned in the synopsis both qualified and unqualified.
          id = [null]
          hs = [strings]
          for t: $synopsis
            t = $regex.replace($t, '\$(.+)\(.+\)', '\1')  # Extract func name.
            f = $regex.match($t, '(.+)\..+', return_subs) # Extract family.

            if ($f == [null])
              t = "$(family).$t" # Qualify.
            elif ($f != $family)
              exit "$i:$ln: function family in $t does not match $family"

            if ($id == [null]) # First.
              id = $regex.replace($t, '\.', '-')

            # Suppress duplicates.
            if! $find($hs, $t)
              hs += $t

          h = $regex.merge($hs, '(.+)', '\\c{$\1()}', ', ')

          echo "\\h2#functions-$id|$h|$\n" >>$o # heading

          echo "\\" >>$o # start synopsis
          for t: $synopsis
            echo $t >>$o # synopsis line
          echo "\\" >>$o # end synopsis

          s = 'blnk'
      else # para|code|blnk
        # See if this is a code line.
	c = $regex.match($t, '    (.+)', return_subs)

        if ($c != [null])
          # Code line.
          if ($s == 'para')
            exit "$i:$ln: blank line expected before code block"

          # Treat a single blank line between two code lines as belonging to
          # the code block rather than separating two code blocks (see above
          # for details).
          if ($s == 'blnk')
            if ($p == 'code')
              echo '' >>$o # continue code, write preceding blank
              s = 'code'
              echo "$\n\\" >>$o # start code

          echo $regex.replace($c, '"', '\\"') >>$o # write code line

          p = $s
          s = 'code'
        elif ($t != '')
          # Paragraph line.
          if ($s == 'code')
            exit "$i:$ln: blank line expected after code block"

	  # Close delayed code block (see above for details).
          if ($p == 'code')
            echo "\\" >>$o # end code

          if ($s == 'blnk')
            echo '' >>$o # start para

          t = $regex.replace($t, '\\', '\\\\') # Escape backslashed
          t = $regex.replace($t, '"', '\\"')   # Escape double quotes.

          # Convert `` to \c{} and <> to \ci{}.
          t = $regex.replace($t, '`([^`]+)`', '\\c{\1}')
          t = $regex.replace($t, '<([^\s<>]+)>', '\\ci{\1}')

          echo $t >>$o # write para line

          p = $s
          s = 'para'
          # Blank line.

          # Note that we delay closing the code block in case this blank line
          # is followed by another code line (and is therefore treated as
          # belonging to the code block; see above for details).
          if ($s != 'code' && $p == 'code')
            echo "\\" >>$o # end code

          #if ($s == 'para')
            # end para

          p = $s
          s = 'blnk'