// file      : build/prerequisite.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <build/prerequisite>

#include <ostream>

#include <build/scope>
#include <build/target> // target_type
#include <build/context>
#include <build/diagnostics>

using namespace std;

namespace build
  operator<< (ostream& os, const prerequisite_key& pk)
    // Print scope unless the prerequisite's directory is absolute.
    if (!pk.tk.dir->absolute ())
      string s (diag_relative (pk.scope->path (), false));

      if (!s.empty ())
        os << s << ':';

    return os << pk.tk;

  // prerequisite_set
  auto prerequisite_set::
  insert (const target_type& tt,
          dir_path dir,
          std::string name,
          const std::string* ext,
          scope& s,
          tracer& trace) -> pair<prerequisite&, bool>
    //@@ OPT: would be nice to somehow first check if this prerequisite is
    //   already in the set before allocating a new instance.

    // Find or insert.
    auto r (emplace (tt, move (dir), move (name), ext, s));
    prerequisite& p (const_cast<prerequisite&> (*r.first));

    // Update extension if the existing prerequisite has it unspecified.
    if (p.ext != ext)
      level4 ([&]{
          diag_record r (trace);
          r << "assuming prerequisite " << p << " is the same as the "
            << "one with ";
          if (ext == nullptr)
            r << "unspecified extension";
          else if (ext->empty ())
            r << "no extension";
            r << "extension " << *ext;

      if (ext != nullptr)
        p.ext = ext;

    return pair<prerequisite&, bool> (p, r.second);