// file : build/parser -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #ifndef BUILD_PARSER #define BUILD_PARSER #include <string> #include <iosfwd> #include <build/path> #include <build/token> #include <build/name> #include <build/spec> #include <build/diagnostics> namespace build { class scope; class target; class lexer; class parser { public: parser (): fail (&path_) {} // Issue diagnostics and throw failed in case of an error. // void parse_buildfile (std::istream&, const path&, scope& base, scope& root); buildspec parse_buildspec (std::istream&, const std::string& name); // Recursive descent parser. // private: typedef build::names names_type; void clause (token&, token_type&); void print (token&, token_type&); void source (token&, token_type&); void include (token&, token_type&); names_type names (token& t, token_type& tt) { names_type ns; names (t, tt, ns, 0, nullptr, nullptr); return ns; } void names (token&, token_type&, names_type&, std::size_t pair, const path* dir, const std::string* type); // Buildspec. // buildspec buildspec_clause (token&, token_type&, token_type end); // Utilities. // private: void process_default_target (token&); // Lexer. // private: token_type next (token&, token_type&); token_type peek (); const token& peeked () const { assert (peeked_); return peek_; } // Diagnostics. // private: const fail_mark<failed> fail; private: const std::string* path_; // Path processed by diagnostic_string(). lexer* lexer_; scope* scope_; // Current base scope (out_base). scope* root_; // Current root scope (out_root). target* default_target_; const path* out_root_; const path* src_root_; token peek_ {token_type::eos, false, 0, 0}; bool peeked_ {false}; }; } #endif // BUILD_PARSER