// file      : build/parser.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <build/parser>

#include <memory>   // unique_ptr
#include <fstream>
#include <utility>  // move()
#include <iterator> // make_move_iterator()
#include <iostream>

#include <build/token>
#include <build/lexer>

#include <build/scope>
#include <build/target>
#include <build/prerequisite>
#include <build/variable>
#include <build/diagnostics>
#include <build/context>

using namespace std;

namespace build
  // Output the token type and value in a format suitable for diagnostics.
  operator<< (ostream&, const token&);

  static location
  get_location (const token&, const void*);

  typedef token_type type;

  // Given a target or prerequisite name, figure out its type, taking
  // into account extensions, trailing '/', or anything else that might
  // be relevant.
  static const char*
  find_target_type (const string& n, const string* e)
    // Empty name or a name ending with a directory separator
    // signifies a directory.
    if (n.empty () || path::traits::is_separator (n.back ()))
      return "dir";

    //@@ TODO: derive type from extension.
    return "file";

  void parser::
  parse (istream& is, const path& p, scope& s)
    string rw (diag_relative_work (p));
    path_ = &rw;

    lexer l (is, p.string ());
    lexer_ = &l;
    scope_ = &s;

    token t (type::eos, 0, 0);
    type tt;
    next (t, tt);

    clause (t, tt);

    if (tt != type::eos)
      fail (t) << "unexpected " << t;

  void parser::
  clause (token& t, token_type& tt)
    tracer trace ("parser::clause", &path_);

    while (tt != type::eos)
      // We always start with one or more names.
      if (tt != type::name && tt != type::lcbrace && tt != type::colon)
        break; // Something else. Let our caller handle that.

      // See if this is one of the keywords.
      if (tt == type::name)
        const string& n (t.name ());

        if (n == "print")
          // @@ Is this the only place where it is valid? Probably also
          // in var namespace.
          next (t, tt);
          print (t, tt);
        else if (n == "source")
          next (t, tt);
          source (t, tt);
        else if (n == "include")
          next (t, tt);
          include (t, tt);

      // ': foo' is equvalent to '{}: foo' and to 'dir{}: foo'.
      names_type ns (tt != type::colon
                     ? names (t, tt)
                     : names_type ({name ("")}));

      if (tt == type::colon)
        next (t, tt);

        if (tt == type::newline)
          // See if this is a directory/target scope.
          if (peek () == type::lcbrace)
            next (t, tt);

            // Should be on its own line.
            if (next (t, tt) != type::newline)
              fail (t) << "expected newline after {";

            // See if this is a directory or target scope. Different
            // things can appear inside depending on which one it is.
            bool dir (false);
            for (const auto& n: ns)
              if (n.type.empty () && n.value.back () == '/')
                if (ns.size () != 1)
                  // @@ TODO: point to name.
                  fail (t) << "multiple names in directory scope";

                dir = true;

            next (t, tt);

            if (dir)
              scope& prev (*scope_);

              // On Win32 translate the root path to the special empty path.
              // Search for root_scope for details.
#ifdef _WIN32
              path p (ns[0].value != "/" ? path (ns[0].value) : path ());
              path p (ns[0].value);
              if (p.relative ())
                p = prev.path () / p;

              p.normalize ();
              scope_ = &scopes[p];

              // A directory scope can contain anything that a top level can.
              clause (t, tt);

              scope_ = &prev;
              // @@ TODO: target scope.

            if (tt != type::rcbrace)
              fail (t) << "expected '}' instead of " << t;

            // Should be on its own line.
            if (next (t, tt) == type::newline)
              next (t, tt);
            else if (tt != type::eos)
              fail (t) << "expected newline after }";


          // If this is not a scope, then it is a target without any
          // prerequisites.

        // Dependency declaration.
        if (tt == type::name    ||
            tt == type::lcbrace ||
            tt == type::newline ||
            tt == type::eos)
          names_type pns (tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos
                          ? names (t, tt)
                          : names_type ());

          // Prepare the prerequisite list.
          target::prerequisites_type ps;
          ps.reserve (pns.size ());

          for (auto& pn: pns)
            // We need to split the path into its directory part (if any)
            // the name part, and the extension (if any). We cannot assume
            // the name part is a valid filesystem name so we will have
            // to do the splitting manually.
            path d (pn.dir);
            string n;
            const string* e (nullptr);

              string& v (pn.value);

              path::size_type i (path::traits::rfind_separator (v));

              if (i == string::npos)
                n = move (v); // NOTE: steal!
                d /= path (v, i != 0 ? i : 1); // Special case: "/".
                n.assign (v, i + 1, string::npos);

              // Handle '.' and '..'.
              if (n == ".")
                n.clear ();
              else if (n == "..")
                d /= path (n);
                n.clear ();

              d.normalize ();

              // Extract extension.
              string::size_type j (path::traits::find_extension (n));

              if (j != string::npos)
                e = &extension_pool.find (n.c_str () + j);
                n.resize (j - 1);

            // Resolve prerequisite type.
            const char* tt (pn.type.empty ()
                            ? find_target_type (n, e)
                            : pn.type.c_str ());

            auto i (target_types.find (tt));

            if (i == target_types.end ())
              //@@ TODO name (or better yet, type) location

              fail (t) << "unknown prerequisite type " << tt;

            const target_type& ti (i->second);

            // Find or insert.
            prerequisite& p (
              scope_->prerequisites.insert (
                ti, move (d), move (n), e, *scope_, trace).first);

            ps.push_back (p);

          for (auto& tn: ns)
            path d (tn.dir);
            string n;
            const string* e (nullptr);

            // The same deal as in handling prerequisites above.
              string& v (tn.value);

              path::size_type i (path::traits::rfind_separator (v));

              if (i == string::npos)
                n = move (v); // NOTE: steal!
                d /= path (v, i != 0 ? i : 1); // Special case: "/".
                n.assign (v, i + 1, string::npos);

              // Handle '.' and '..'.
              if (n == ".")
                n.clear ();
              else if (n == "..")
                d /= path (n);
                n.clear ();

              if (d.empty ())
                d = scope_->path (); // Already normalized.
                if (d.relative ())
                  d = scope_->path () / d;

                d.normalize ();

              // Extract extension.
              string::size_type j (path::traits::find_extension (n));

              if (j != string::npos)
                e = &extension_pool.find (n.c_str () + j);
                n.resize (j - 1);

            // Resolve target type.
            const char* tt (tn.type.empty ()
                            ? find_target_type (n, e)
                            : tn.type.c_str ());

            auto i (target_types.find (tt));

            if (i == target_types.end ())
              //@@ TODO name (or better yet, type) location

              fail (t) << "unknown target type " << tt;

            const target_type& ti (i->second);

            // Find or insert.
            target& t (
              targets.insert (
                ti, move (d), move (n), e, trace).first);

            t.prerequisites = ps; //@@ OPT: move if last target.

            if (default_target == nullptr)
              default_target = &t;

          if (tt == type::newline)
            next (t, tt);
          else if (tt != type::eos)
            fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;


        if (tt == type::eos)

        fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;

      // Variable assignment.
      if (tt == type::equal || tt == type::plus_equal)
        bool assign (tt == type::equal);

        // LHS should be a single, simple name.
        if (ns.size () != 1 || !ns[0].type.empty () || !ns[0].dir.empty ())
          fail << "variable name expected before " << t;

        next (t, tt);

        names_type vns (tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos
                        ? names (t, tt)
                        : names_type ());

        // Enter the variable.
        string name;
        if (ns[0].value.front () == '.') // Fully qualified name.
          name.assign (ns[0].value, 1, string::npos);
          //@@ TODO: append namespace if any.
          name = move (ns[0].value);

        const variable& var (variable_pool.find (move (name)));

        if (assign)
          value_ptr& val (scope_->variables[var]);

          if (val == nullptr) // Initialization.
            val.reset (new list_value (*scope_, move (vns)));
          else // Assignment.
            //@@ TODO: assuming it is a list.
            dynamic_cast<list_value&> (*val).data = move (vns);
          //@@ TODO: assuming it is a list.
          list_value* val (dynamic_cast<list_value*> ((*scope_)[var]));

          if (val == nullptr) // Initialization.
            list_value_ptr nval (new list_value (*scope_, move (vns)));
            scope_->variables.emplace (var, move (nval));
          else if (&val->scope != scope_) // Append to value from parent scope.
            list_value_ptr nval (new list_value (*scope_, val->data));
            val = nval.get (); // Append.
            scope_->variables.emplace (var, move (nval));

          // Append.
          if (val != nullptr)
            val->data.insert (val->data.end (),
                              make_move_iterator (vns.begin ()),
                              make_move_iterator (vns.end ()));

        if (tt == type::newline)
          next (t, tt);
        else if (tt != type::eos)
          fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;


      fail (t) << "unexpected " << t;

  void parser::
  source (token& t, token_type& tt)
    tracer trace ("parser::source", &path_);

    // The rest should be a list of paths to buildfiles.
    for (; tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos; next (t, tt))
      if (tt != type::name)
        fail (t) << "expected buildfile to source instead of " << t;

      path p (t.name ());

      // If the path is relative then use the src directory corresponding
      // to the current directory scope.
      if (p.relative ())
        p = src_out (scope_->path ()) / p;

      ifstream ifs (p.string ());

      if (!ifs.is_open ())
        fail (t) << "unable to open " << p;

      ifs.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);

      level4 ([&]{trace (t) << "entering " << p;});

      string rw (diag_relative_work (p));
      const string* op (path_);
      path_ = &rw;

      lexer l (ifs, p.string ());
      lexer* ol (lexer_);
      lexer_ = &l;

      next (t, tt);
      clause (t, tt);

      if (tt != type::eos)
        fail (t) << "unexpected " << t;

      level4 ([&]{trace (t) << "leaving " << p;});

      lexer_ = ol;
      path_ = op;

    if (tt != type::eos)
      next (t, tt); // Swallow newline.

  void parser::
  include (token& t, token_type& tt)
    tracer trace ("parser::include", &path_);

    // The rest should be a list of paths to buildfiles.
    for (; tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos; next (t, tt))
      if (tt != type::name)
        fail (t) << "expected buildfile to include instead of " << t;

      path p (t.name ());
      bool in_out (false);

      if (p.absolute ())
        p.normalize ();

        // Make sure the path is in this project. Include is only meant
        // to be used for intra-project inclusion.
        if (!p.sub (src_root) && !(in_out = p.sub (out_root)))
          fail (t) << "out of project include " << p;
        // Use the src directory corresponding to the current directory scope.
        p = src_out (scope_->path ()) / p;
        p.normalize ();

      if (!include_.insert (p).second)
        level4 ([&]{trace (t) << "skipping already included " << p;});

      ifstream ifs (p.string ());

      if (!ifs.is_open ())
        fail (t) << "unable to open " << p;

      ifs.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);

      level4 ([&]{trace (t) << "entering " << p;});

      string rw (diag_relative_work (p));
      const string* op (path_);
      path_ = &rw;

      lexer l (ifs, p.string ());
      lexer* ol (lexer_);
      lexer_ = &l;

      scope* os (scope_);
      scope_ = &scopes[(in_out ? p : out_src (p)).directory ()];

      next (t, tt);
      clause (t, tt);

      if (tt != type::eos)
        fail (t) << "unexpected " << t;

      level4 ([&]{trace (t) << "leaving " << p;});

      scope_ = os;
      lexer_ = ol;
      path_ = op;

    if (tt != type::eos)
      next (t, tt); // Swallow newline.

  void parser::
  print (token& t, token_type& tt)
    for (; tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos; next (t, tt))
      cout << t;

    cout << endl;

    if (tt != type::eos)
      next (t, tt); // Swallow newline.

  void parser::
  names (token& t, type& tt, names_type& ns, const path* dp, const string* tp)
    for (bool first (true);; first = false)
      // Untyped name group without a directory prefix, e.g., '{foo bar}'.
      if (tt == type::lcbrace)
        next (t, tt);
        names (t, tt, ns, dp, tp);

        if (tt != type::rcbrace)
          fail (t) << "expected '}' instead of " << t;

        next (t, tt);

      // Name.
      if (tt == type::name)
        string name (t.name ()); //@@ move?

        // See if this is a type name, directory prefix, or both. That is,
        // it is followed by '{'.
        if (next (t, tt) == type::lcbrace)
          string::size_type p (name.rfind ('/')), n (name.size () - 1);

          if (p != n && tp != nullptr)
            fail (t) << "nested type name " << name;

          path d1;
          const path* dp1 (dp);

          string t1;
          const string* tp1 (tp);

          if (p == string::npos) // type
            tp1 = &name;
          else if (p == n) // directory
            if (dp == nullptr)
              d1 = path (name);
              d1 = *dp / path (name);

            dp1 = &d1;
          else // both
            t1.assign (name, p + 1, n - p);

            if (dp == nullptr)
              d1 = path (name, 0, p + 1);
              d1 = *dp / path (name, 0, p + 1);

            dp1 = &d1;
            tp1 = &t1;

          next (t, tt);
          names (t, tt, ns, dp1, tp1);

          if (tt != type::rcbrace)
            fail (t) << "expected '}' instead of " << t;

          next (t, tt);

        ns.emplace_back ((tp != nullptr ? *tp : string ()),
                         (dp != nullptr ? *dp : path ()),
                         move (name));

      if (!first)

      if (tt == type::rcbrace) // Empty name, e.g., dir{}.
        ns.emplace_back ((tp != nullptr ? *tp : string ()),
                         (dp != nullptr ? *dp : path ()),
        fail (t) << "expected name instead of " << t;

  token_type parser::
  next (token& t, token_type& tt)
    if (!peeked_)
      t = lexer_->next ();
      t = move (peek_);
      peeked_ = false;

    tt = t.type ();
    return tt;

  token_type parser::
  peek ()
    if (!peeked_)
      peek_ = lexer_->next ();
      peeked_ = true;

    return peek_.type ();

  static location
  get_location (const token& t, const void* data)
    assert (data != nullptr);
    const string& p (**static_cast<const string* const*> (data));
    return location (p.c_str (), t.line (), t.column ());

  // Output the token type and value in a format suitable for diagnostics.
  operator<< (ostream& os, const token& t)
    switch (t.type ())
    case token_type::eos:        os << "<end-of-stream>"; break;
    case token_type::newline:    os << "<newline>"; break;
    case token_type::colon:      os << ":"; break;
    case token_type::lcbrace:    os << "{"; break;
    case token_type::rcbrace:    os << "}"; break;
    case token_type::equal:      os << "="; break;
    case token_type::plus_equal: os << "+="; break;
    case token_type::name:       os << t.name (); break;

    return os;