// file      : build/operation -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>

#include <build/utility> // string_table

namespace build
  // While we are using uint8_t for the meta/operation ids, we assume
  // that each is limited to 4 bits (max 128 entries) so that we can
  // store the combined action id in uint8_t as well. This makes our
  // life easier when it comes to defining switch labels for action
  // ids (no need to mess with endian-ness).
  // Note that 0 is not a valid meta/operation/action id.
  using meta_operation_id = std::uint8_t;
  using operation_id = std::uint8_t;
  using action_id = std::uint8_t;

  struct action
    action (meta_operation_id m, operation_id o): id ((m << 4) | o) {}

    meta_operation () const {return id >> 4;}

    operation () const {return id & 0xF;}

    // Implicit conversion operator to action_id for the switch()
    // statement, etc.
    operator action_id () const {return id;}

    action_id id;

  operator<< (std::ostream&, action);

  // Id constants for build-in operations.
  const meta_operation_id perform_id   = 1;
  const meta_operation_id configure_id = 2;
  const meta_operation_id disfigure_id = 3;

  const operation_id update_id = 1;
  const operation_id clean_id  = 2;

  const action_id perform_update_id = (perform_id << 4) | update_id;
  const action_id perform_clean_id  = (perform_id << 4) | clean_id;

  // Recipe execution mode.
  // When a target is a prerequisite of another target, its recipe can be
  // executed before the dependent's recipe (the normal case) or after.
  // We will call these "front" and "back" execution modes, respectively
  // (think "the prerequisite is 'front-running' the dependent").
  // There could also be several dependent targets and the prerequisite's
  // recipe can be execute as part of the first dependent (the normal
  // case) or last (or for all/some of them; see the recipe execution
  // protocol in <target>). We will call these "first" and "last"
  // execution modes, respectively.
  // Now you may be having a hard time imagining where a mode other than
  // the normal one (first/front) could be useful. An the answer is,
  // compensating or inverse operations such as clean, uninstall, etc.
  // If we use the last/back mode for, say, clean, then we will remove
  // targets in the order inverse to the way they were updated. While
  // this sounds like an elegant idea, are there any practical benefits
  // of doing it this way. As it turns out there is (at least) one: when
  // we are removing a directory (see fsdir{}), we want to do it after
  // all the targets that depend on it (such as files, sub-directories)
  // were removed. If we do it before, then the directory won't be empty
  // yet.
  // It appears that this execution mode is dictated by the essence of
  // the operation. Constructive operations (those that "do") seem to
  // naturally use the first/front mode. That is, we need to "do" the
  // prerequisite first before we can "do" the dependent. While the
  // destructive ones (those that "undo") seem to need last/back. That
  // is, we need to "undo" all the dependents before we can "undo" the
  // prerequisite (say, we need to remove all the files before we can
  // remove their directory).
  // If you noticed the parallel with the way C++ construction and
  // destruction works for base/derived object then you earned a gold
  // star!
  // Note that the front/back mode is realized in the dependen's recipe
  // (which is another indication that it is a property of the operation).
  enum class execution_mode {first, last};

  // Meta/operation tables.
  struct meta_operation_info
    const std::string name;

    const std::string&
    key () const {return name;} // string_table interface.

  struct operation_info
    const std::string name;
    const execution_mode mode;

    const std::string&
    key () const {return name;} // string_table interface.

  using meta_operation_table = string_table<meta_operation_id,
  using operation_table = string_table<operation_id, operation_info>;

  extern meta_operation_table meta_operations;
  extern operation_table operations;