// file      : build/operation -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional> // reference_wrapper

#include <butl/string-table>

#include <build/types>

namespace build
  class location;
  class scope;
  class target_key;

  // While we are using uint8_t for the meta/operation ids, we assume
  // that each is limited to 4 bits (max 128 entries) so that we can
  // store the combined action id in uint8_t as well. This makes our
  // life easier when it comes to defining switch labels for action
  // ids (no need to mess with endian-ness).
  // Note that 0 is not a valid meta/operation/action id.
  using meta_operation_id = std::uint8_t;
  using operation_id = std::uint8_t;
  using action_id = std::uint8_t;

  // Meta-operations and operations are not the end of the story. We
  // also have operation nesting (currently only one level deep) which
  // is used to implement pre/post operations (currently, but may be
  // useful for other things). Here is the idea: the test operation
  // needs to make sure that the targets that it needs to test are
  // up-to-date. So it runs update as its pre-operation. It is almost
  // like an ordinary update except that it has test as its outer
  // operation (the meta-operations are always the same). This way a
  // rule can recognize that this is "update for test" and do something
  // differently. For example, if an executable is not a test, then
  // there is no use updating it. At the same time, most rules will
  // ignore the fact that this is a nested update and for them it is
  // "update as usual".
  struct action
    action (): inner_id (0), outer_id (0) {} // Invalid action.

    valid () const {return inner_id != 0;}

    // If this is not a nested operation, then outer should be 0.
    action (meta_operation_id m, operation_id inner, operation_id outer = 0)
        : inner_id ((m << 4) | inner),
          outer_id (outer == 0 ? 0 : (m << 4) | outer) {}

    meta_operation () const {return inner_id >> 4;}

    operation () const {return inner_id & 0xF;}

    outer_operation () const {return outer_id & 0xF;}

    // Implicit conversion operator to action_id for the switch()
    // statement, etc. Most places will only care about the inner
    // operation.
    operator action_id () const {return inner_id;}

    action_id inner_id;
    action_id outer_id;

  // This is an "overrides" comparison, i.e., it returns true
  // if the recipe for x overrides recipe for y. The idea is
  // that for the same inner operation, action with an outer
  // operation is "weaker" than the one without.
  inline bool
  operator> (action x, action y)
    return x.inner_id != y.inner_id ||
      (x.outer_id != y.outer_id && y.outer_id != 0);

  // Note that these ignore the outer operation.
  inline bool
  operator== (action x, action y) {return x.inner_id == y.inner_id;}

  inline bool
  operator!= (action x, action y) {return !(x == y);}

  operator<< (std::ostream&, action);

  // Id constants for build-in and pre-defined meta/operations.
  const meta_operation_id perform_id   = 1;
  const meta_operation_id configure_id = 2;
  const meta_operation_id disfigure_id = 3;
  const meta_operation_id dist_id = 4;

  // The default operation is a special marker that can be used to
  // indicate that no operation was explicitly specified by the user.
  const operation_id default_id = 1; // Shall be first.
  const operation_id update_id = 2;
  const operation_id clean_id  = 3;
  const operation_id test_id = 4;
  const operation_id install_id = 5;

  const action_id perform_update_id   = (perform_id << 4) | update_id;
  const action_id perform_clean_id    = (perform_id << 4) | clean_id;
  const action_id perform_test_id     = (perform_id << 4) | test_id;
  const action_id perform_install_id  = (perform_id << 4) | install_id;

  const action_id configure_update_id   = (configure_id << 4) | update_id;

  // Recipe execution mode.
  // When a target is a prerequisite of another target, its recipe can be
  // executed before the dependent's recipe (the normal case) or after.
  // We will call these "front" and "back" execution modes, respectively
  // (think "the prerequisite is 'front-running' the dependent").
  // There could also be several dependent targets and the prerequisite's
  // recipe can be execute as part of the first dependent (the normal
  // case) or last (or for all/some of them; see the recipe execution
  // protocol in <target>). We will call these "first" and "last"
  // execution modes, respectively.
  // Now you may be having a hard time imagining where a mode other than
  // the normal one (first/front) could be useful. An the answer is,
  // compensating or inverse operations such as clean, uninstall, etc.
  // If we use the last/back mode for, say, clean, then we will remove
  // targets in the order inverse to the way they were updated. While
  // this sounds like an elegant idea, are there any practical benefits
  // of doing it this way. As it turns out there is (at least) one: when
  // we are removing a directory (see fsdir{}), we want to do it after
  // all the targets that depend on it (such as files, sub-directories)
  // were removed. If we do it before, then the directory won't be empty
  // yet.
  // It appears that this execution mode is dictated by the essence of
  // the operation. Constructive operations (those that "do") seem to
  // naturally use the first/front mode. That is, we need to "do" the
  // prerequisite first before we can "do" the dependent. While the
  // destructive ones (those that "undo") seem to need last/back. That
  // is, we need to "undo" all the dependents before we can "undo" the
  // prerequisite (say, we need to remove all the files before we can
  // remove their directory).
  // If you noticed the parallel with the way C++ construction and
  // destruction works for base/derived object then you earned a gold
  // star!
  // Note that the front/back mode is realized in the dependen's recipe
  // (which is another indication that it is a property of the operation).
  enum class execution_mode {first, last};

  // Meta-operation info.

  // Normally a list of resolved and matched targets to execute. But
  // can be something else, depending on the meta-operation.
  typedef std::vector<void*> action_targets;

  struct meta_operation_info
    const std::string name;

    // Name derivatives for diagnostics. If empty, then the meta-
    // operation need not be mentioned.
    const std::string name_do;           // E.g., [to] 'configure'.
    const std::string name_doing;        // E.g., [while] 'configuring'.
    const std::string name_done;         // E.g., 'is configured'.

    // If operation_pre() is not NULL, then it may translate default_id
    // (and only default_id) to some other operation. If not translated,
    // then default_id is used. If, however, operation_pre() is NULL,
    // then default_id is translated to update_id.
    void (*meta_operation_pre) (); // Start of meta-operation batch.
    operation_id (*operation_pre) (operation_id); // Start of operation batch.

    // Meta-operation-specific logic to load the buildfile, search and match
    // the targets, and execute the action on the targets.
    void (*load) (const path& buildfile,
                  scope& root,
                  const dir_path& out_base,
                  const dir_path& src_base,
                  const location&);

    void (*search) (scope& root,
                    const target_key&,
                    const location&,

    void (*match) (action, action_targets&);

    void (*execute) (action, const action_targets&, bool quiet);

    void (*operation_post) (operation_id); // End of operation batch.
    void (*meta_operation_post) (); // End of meta-operation batch.

  // Built-in meta-operations.

  // perform

  // Load the buildfile. This is the default implementation that first
  // calls root_pre(), then creates the scope for out_base, and, finally,
  // loads the buildfile unless it has already been loaded for the root
  // scope.
  load (const path& buildfile,
        scope& root,
        const dir_path& out_base,
        const dir_path& src_base,
        const location&);

  // Search and match the target. This is the default implementation
  // that does just that and adds a pointer to the target to the list.
  search (scope&, const target_key&, const location&, action_targets&);

  match (action, action_targets&);

  // Execute the action on the list of targets. This is the default
  // implementation that does just that while issuing appropriate
  // diagnostics (unless quiet).
  execute (action, const action_targets&, bool quiet);

  extern meta_operation_info perform;

  // Operation info.
  struct operation_info
    const std::string name;

    // Name derivatives for diagnostics. Note that unlike meta-operations,
    // these can only be empty for the default operation (id 1), And
    // meta-operations that make use of the default operation shall not
    // have empty derivatives (failed which only target name will be
    // printed).
    const std::string name_do;           // E.g., [to] 'update'.
    const std::string name_doing;        // E.g., [while] 'updating'.
    const std::string name_done;         // E.g., 'is up to date'.

    const execution_mode mode;

    // If the returned operation_id's are not 0, then they are injected
    // as pre/post operations for this operation. Can be NULL if unused.
    // The returned operation_id shall not be default_id.
    operation_id (*pre) (meta_operation_id);
    operation_id (*post) (meta_operation_id);

  // Built-in operations.
  extern operation_info default_;
  extern operation_info update;
  extern operation_info clean;

  // Global meta/operation tables. Each registered meta/operation
  // is assigned an id which is used as an index in the per-project
  // registered meta/operation lists.
  // We have three types of meta/operations: built-in (e.g., perform,
  // update), pre-defined (e.g., configure, test), and dynamically-
  // defined. For built-in ones, both the id and implementation are
  // part of the build2 core. For pre-defined, the id is registered
  // as part of the core but the implementation is loaded as part of
  // a module. The idea with pre-defined operations is that they have
  // common, well-established semantics but could still be optional.
  // Another aspect of pre-defined operations is that often rules
  // across multiple modules need to know their ids. Finally,
  // dynamically-defined meta/operations have their ids registered
  // as part of a module load. In this case, the meta/operation is
  // normally (but not necessarily) fully implemented by this module.
  // Note also that the name of a meta/operation in a sense defines
  // its semantics. It would be strange to have an operation called
  // test that does two very different things in different projects.
  extern butl::string_table<meta_operation_id> meta_operation_table;
  extern butl::string_table<operation_id> operation_table;

  // These are "sparse" in the sense that we may have "holes" that
  // are represented as NULL pointers. Also, lookup out of bounds
  // is treated as a hole.
  template <typename T>
  struct sparse_vector
    using base_type = std::vector<T*>;
    using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;

    insert (size_type i, T& x)
      size_type n (v_.size ());

      if (i < n)
        v_[i] = &x;
        if (n != i)
          v_.resize (i, nullptr); // Add holes.
        v_.push_back (&x);

    operator[] (size_type i) const
      return i < v_.size () ? v_[i] : nullptr;

    empty () const {return v_.empty ();}

    // Note that this is more of a "max index" rather than size.
    size () const {return v_.size ();}

    base_type v_;

  using meta_operations = sparse_vector<const meta_operation_info>;
  using operations = sparse_vector<const operation_info>;