// file : build/b.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include // tzset() #include // strerror() #include // getenv() #include // getuid() #include // uid_t #include // struct passwd, getpwuid() #include #include #include #include #include //@@ TMP, for dump() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace build { void dump () { cout << endl; for (const auto& pt: targets) { target& t (*pt); cout << t << ':'; for (const auto& p: t.prerequisites) { cout << ' ' << p; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } } #include #include #include using namespace build; int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { tracer trace ("main"); // Initialize time conversion data that is used by localtime_r(). // tzset (); // Trace verbosity. // verb = 5; // Register target types. // target_types.insert (file::static_type); target_types.insert (dir::static_type); target_types.insert (fsdir::static_type); target_types.insert (exe::static_type); target_types.insert (obj::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::h::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::c::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::cxx::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::hxx::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::ixx::static_type); target_types.insert (cxx::txx::static_type); // Figure out work and home directories. // work = path::current (); if (const char* h = getenv ("HOME")) home = path (h); else { struct passwd* pw (getpwuid (getuid ())); if (pw == nullptr) { const char* msg (strerror (errno)); fail << "unable to determine home directory: " << msg; } home = path (pw->pw_dir); } if (verb >= 4) { trace << "work dir: " << work.string (); trace << "home dir: " << home.string (); } // Create root scope. For Win32 we use the empty path since there // is no such "real" root path. On POSIX, however, this is a real // path. See the comment in for details. // #ifdef _WIN32 root_scope = &scopes[path ()]; #else root_scope = &scopes[path ("/")]; #endif root_scope->variables["work"] = work; root_scope->variables["home"] = home; // Parse the buildspec. // buildspec bspec; { // Merge all the individual buildspec arguments into a single // string. Instead, we could also parse them individually ( // and merge the result). The benefit of doing it this way // is potentially better diagnostics (i.e., we could have // used , to give the idea about // which argument is invalid). // string s; for (int i (1); i != argc;) { s += argv[i]; if (++i != argc) s += ' '; } istringstream is (s); is.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit); parser p; try { bspec = p.parse_buildspec (is, ""); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) { fail << "failed to parse buildspec string"; } } level4 ([&]{trace << "buildspec: " << bspec;}); // Load all the buildfiles. // if (bspec.empty ()) bspec.push_back (metaopspec ()); // Default meta-operation. for (metaopspec& ms: bspec) { if (ms.empty ()) ms.push_back (opspec ()); // Default operation. for (opspec& os: ms) { if (os.empty ()) // Default target: dir{}. // os.push_back (targetspec (name ("dir", path (), string ()))); for (targetspec& ts: os) { name& tn (ts.target); // First figure out the out_base of this target. The logic // is as follows: if a directory was specified in any form, // then that's the out_base. Otherwise, we check if the name // value has a directory prefix. This has a good balance of // control and the expected result in most cases. // path out_base (tn.dir); if (out_base.empty ()) { // See if there is a directory part in value. We cannot // assume it is a valid filesystem name so we will have // to do the splitting manually. // path::size_type i (path::traits::rfind_separator (tn.value)); if (i != string::npos) out_base = path (tn.value, i != 0 ? i : 1); // Special case: "/". } if (out_base.relative ()) out_base = work / out_base; out_base.normalize (); path& src_base (ts.src_base); if (src_base.empty ()) { //@@ TODO: Configured case: find out_root (looking for // "build/bootstrap.build" or some such), then src_root // (stored in this file). Need to also detect the in-tree // build. // // If that doesn't work out (e.g., the first build), then // default to the working directory as src_base. // src_base = work; } if (src_base.relative ()) src_base = work / src_base; src_base.normalize (); path src_root; path out_root; // The project's root directory is the one that contains the build/ // sub-directory which contains the pre.build file. // for (path d (src_base), f ("build/pre.build"); !d.root () && d != home; d = d.directory ()) { if (path_mtime (d / f) != timestamp_nonexistent) { src_root = d; break; } } // If there is no such sub-directory, assume this is a simple // project with src_root being the same as src_base. // if (src_root.empty ()) { src_root = src_base; out_root = out_base; } else out_root = out_base.directory (src_base.leaf (src_root)); if (verb >= 4) { trace << tn << ':'; trace << " out_base: " << out_base.string (); trace << " src_base: " << src_base.string (); trace << " out_root: " << out_root.string (); trace << " src_root: " << src_root.string (); } // Create project root and base scopes, set the corresponding // variables. Note that we might already have all of this set // up as a result of one of the preceding target processing. // scope& proot_scope (scopes[out_root]); scope& pbase_scope (scopes[out_base]); proot_scope.variables["out_root"] = move (out_root); proot_scope.variables["src_root"] = move (src_root); pbase_scope.variables["out_base"] = out_base; pbase_scope.variables["src_base"] = src_base; // Parse the buildfile. // path bf (src_base / path ("buildfile")); // Check if this buildfile has already been loaded. // if (!proot_scope.buildfiles.insert (bf).second) { level4 ([&]{trace << "skipping already loaded " << bf;}); continue; } level4 ([&]{trace << "loading " << bf;}); ifstream ifs (bf.string ()); if (!ifs.is_open ()) fail << "unable to open " << bf; ifs.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit); parser p; try { p.parse_buildfile (ifs, bf, pbase_scope, proot_scope); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) { fail << "failed to read from " << bf; } } } } dump_scopes (); dump (); // Register rules. // cxx::link cxx_link; rules[typeid (exe)].emplace ("cxx.gnu.link", cxx_link); cxx::compile cxx_compile; rules[typeid (obj)].emplace ("cxx.gnu.compile", cxx_compile); dir_rule dir_r; rules[typeid (dir)].emplace ("dir", dir_r); fsdir_rule fsdir_r; rules[typeid (fsdir)].emplace ("fsdir", fsdir_r); path_rule path_r; rules[typeid (path_target)].emplace ("path", path_r); // Do the operations. We do meta-operations and operations sequentially // (no parallelism). // for (metaopspec& ms: bspec) { for (opspec& os: ms) { // But multiple targets in the same operation can be done in // parallel. // vector> tgs; tgs.reserve (os.size ()); // First resolve and match all the targets. We don't want to // start building before we know how for all the targets in // this operation. // for (targetspec& ts: os) { name& tn (ts.target); const location l ("", 1, 0); //@@ TODO const string* e; const target_type* ti (target_types.find (tn, e)); if (ti == nullptr) fail (l) << "unknown target type " << tn.type; // If the directory is relative, assume it is relative to work // (must be consistent with how we derive out_base). // path& d (tn.dir); if (d.relative ()) d = work / d; d.normalize (); target_set::key tk {ti, &d, &tn.value, &e}; auto i (targets.find (tk, trace)); if (i == targets.end ()) fail (l) << "unknown target " << tk; target& t (**i); if (!t.recipe ()) { level4 ([&]{trace << "matching target " << t;}); match (t); } tgs.push_back (t); } dump (); // Now build. // for (target& t: tgs) { // The target might have already been updated indirectly. We // still want to inform the user about its status since they // requested its update explicitly. // target_state s (t.state ()); if (s == target_state::unknown) { level4 ([&]{trace << "updating target " << t;}); s = update (t); } switch (s) { case target_state::uptodate: { info << "target " << t << " is up to date"; break; } case target_state::updated: break; case target_state::failed: //@@ This could probably happen in a parallel build. case target_state::unknown: assert (false); } } } } } catch (const failed&) { return 1; // Diagnostics has already been issued. } catch (const std::exception& e) { error << e.what (); return 1; } }