// file      : build/algorithm.txx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Tools CC
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

namespace build
  template <typename T>
  execute_prerequisites (action a, target& t, const timestamp& mt)
    //@@ Can factor the bulk of it into a non-template code. Can
    // either do a function template that will do dynamic_cast check
    // or can scan the target type info myself. I think latter.

    T* r (nullptr);
    bool e (mt == timestamp_nonexistent);

    for (const prerequisite& p: t.prerequisites)
      if (p.target == nullptr) // Skip ignored.

      target& pt (*p.target);
      target_state ts (execute (a, pt));

      if (!e)
        // If this is an mtime-based target, then compare timestamps.
        if (auto mpt = dynamic_cast<const mtime_target*> (&pt))
          timestamp mp (mpt->mtime ());

          // What do we do if timestamps are equal? This can happen, for
          // example, on filesystems that don't have subsecond resolution.
          // There is not much we can do here except detect the case where
          // the prerequisite was changed in this run which means the
          // action must be executed on the target as well.
          if (mt < mp || (mt == mp && ts == target_state::changed))
            e = true;
          // Otherwise we assume the prerequisite is newer if it was changed.
          if (ts == target_state::changed)
            e = true;

      if (r == nullptr)
        r = dynamic_cast<T*> (&pt);

    assert (r != nullptr);
    return e ? r : nullptr;