@echo off rem file : bootstrap-msvc.bat rem license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion goto start :usage echo. echo Usage: %0 [/?] ^ [^...] echo. echo Normally this batch file is executed from one of the Visual Studio echo command prompts with cl.exe as the compiler executable (^). echo It assumes that all the relevant compiler environment variables echo ^(INCLUDE, LIB^) are set. echo. echo The batch file expects to find the libbutl\ or libbutl-*\ directory echo either in the current directory ^(build2 root^) or one level up. The echo result is saved as b\b-boot.exe. echo. echo Example usage: echo. echo %0 cl echo. echo See the INSTALL file for details. echo. goto end rem Clean up .obj files from all the directories passed as arguments. rem :clean_obj for %%d in (%*) do ( if exist %%d\*.obj del %%d\*.obj ) goto :eof :compile rem Note that echo does not override errorlevel. rem echo on %cxx% /I%owd%\%libbutl% /I%owd% /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /DBUILD2_BOOTSTRAP /DBUILD2_HOST_TRIPLET=\"x86_64-microsoft-win32-msvc\" %ops% /c /TP %* @echo off if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 goto :eof :link echo on %cxx% %ops% %* @echo off if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 goto :eof :start set "owd=%CD%" if "_%1_" == "_/?_" goto usage rem Compiler executable. rem if "_%1_" == "__" ( echo error: compiler executable expected, run %0 /? for details goto error ) else ( set "cxx=%1" ) rem See if there is libbutl or libbutl-* in the current directory and one rem directory up. Note that globbing returns paths in alphabetic order. rem if exist libbutl\ ( set "libbutl=libbutl" ) else ( for /D %%d in (libbutl-*) do set "libbutl=%%d" ) if "_%libbutl%_" == "__" ( if exist ..\libbutl\ ( set "libbutl=..\libbutl" ) else ( for /D %%d in (..\libbutl-*) do set "libbutl=%%d" ) ) if "_%libbutl%_" == "__" ( echo error: unable to find libbutl, run %0 /? for details goto error ) rem All the source directories. rem set "src=b" set "src=%src% libbuild2" set "src=%src% libbuild2\script" set "src=%src% libbuild2\build\script" set "src=%src% libbuild2\config" set "src=%src% libbuild2\dist" set "src=%src% libbuild2\test" set "src=%src% libbuild2\test\script" set "src=%src% libbuild2\install" set "src=%src% libbuild2\bin" set "src=%src% libbuild2\c" set "src=%src% libbuild2\cc" set "src=%src% libbuild2\cxx" set "src=%src% libbuild2\version" set "src=%src% libbuild2\in" set "src=%src% %libbutl%\libbutl" rem Get the compile options. rem set "ops=/nologo /utf-8 /EHsc /MT /MP" :ops_next shift if "_%1_" == "__" ( goto ops_done ) else ( set "ops=%ops% %1" goto ops_next ) :ops_done rem First clean up any stale .obj files we might have laying around. rem call :clean_obj %src% if errorlevel 1 goto error rem Compile. rem rem VC dumps .obj files in the current directory not caring if the names rem clash. And boy do they clash. rem set "obj=" for %%d in (%src%) do ( cd %%d rem Filter out *.test.cxx sources. rem rem Note that we don't need to worry about *.obj since we clean them all up rem before compiling so after compiling we will only have the ones we need. rem set "r=" for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b *.cxx ^| findstr /v "\.test\.cxx"') do set "r=!r! %%i" call :compile !r! if errorlevel 1 goto error cd %owd% set "obj=!obj! %%d\*.obj" ) rem Link. rem call :link /Fe: b\b-boot.exe %obj% shell32.lib imagehlp.lib if errorlevel 1 goto error rem Clean up. rem call :clean_obj %src% if errorlevel 1 goto error goto end :error cd %owd% endlocal exit /b 1 :end endlocal