path: root/libbuild2
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9 files changed, 845 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.cxx b/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.cxx
index 61b4cb2..aa320e2 100644
--- a/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.cxx
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/dynamic.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx> // path_perms(), auto_rmfile
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
@@ -22,6 +23,110 @@ using namespace std;
namespace build2
+ static inline void
+ hash_script_vars (sha256& cs,
+ const build::script::script& s,
+ const target& t,
+ names& storage)
+ {
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ for (const string& n: s.vars)
+ {
+ cs.append (n);
+ lookup l;
+ if (const variable* var = ctx.var_pool.find (n))
+ l = t[var];
+ cs.append (!l.defined () ? '\x1' : l->null ? '\x2' : '\x3');
+ if (l)
+ {
+ storage.clear ();
+ names_view ns (reverse (*l, storage));
+ for (const name& n: ns)
+ to_checksum (cs, n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // How should we hash target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<)? We could
+ // hash them as target names (i.e., the same as the $>/< content) or as
+ // paths (only for path-based targets). While names feel more general, they
+ // are also more expensive to compute. And for path-based targets, path is
+ // generally a good proxy for the target name. Since the bulk of the ad hoc
+ // recipes will presumably be operating exclusively on path-based targets,
+ // let's do it both ways.
+ //
+ static inline void
+ hash_target (sha256& cs, const target& t, names& storage)
+ {
+ if (const path_target* pt = t.is_a<path_target> ())
+ cs.append (pt->path ().string ());
+ else
+ {
+ storage.clear ();
+ t.as_name (storage);
+ for (const name& n: storage)
+ to_checksum (cs, n);
+ }
+ };
+ // The script can reference a program in one of four ways:
+ //
+ // 1. As an (imported) target (e.g., $cli)
+ //
+ // 2. As a process_path_ex (e.g., $cxx.path).
+ //
+ // 3. As a builtin (e.g., sed)
+ //
+ // 4. As a program path/name.
+ //
+ // When it comes to change tracking, there is nothing we can do for (4) (the
+ // user can track its environment manually with depdb-env) and there is
+ // nothing to do for (3) (assuming builtin semantics is stable/backwards-
+ // compatible). The (2) case is handled automatically by hashing all the
+ // variable values referenced by the script (see below), which in case of
+ // process_path_ex includes the checksums (both executable and environment),
+ // if available.
+ //
+ // This leaves the (1) case, which itself splits into two sub-cases: the
+ // target comes with the dependency information (e.g., imported from a
+ // project via an export stub) or it does not (e.g., imported as installed).
+ // We don't need to do anything extra for the first sub-case since the
+ // target's state/mtime can be relied upon like any other prerequisite.
+ // Which cannot be said about the second sub-case, where we reply on
+ // checksum that may be included as part of the target metadata.
+ //
+ // So what we are going to do is hash checksum metadata of every executable
+ // prerequisite target that has it (we do it here in order to include ad hoc
+ // prerequisites, which feels like the right thing to do; the user may mark
+ // tools as ad hoc in order to omit them from $<).
+ //
+ static inline void
+ hash_prerequisite_target (sha256& cs, sha256& exe_cs, sha256& env_cs,
+ const target& pt,
+ names& storage)
+ {
+ hash_target (cs, pt, storage);
+ if (const exe* et = pt.is_a<exe> ())
+ {
+ if (const string* c = et->lookup_metadata<string> ("checksum"))
+ {
+ exe_cs.append (*c);
+ }
+ if (const strings* e = et->lookup_metadata<strings> ("environment"))
+ {
+ hash_environment (env_cs, *e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
bool adhoc_buildscript_rule::
recipe_text (const scope& s,
const target_type& tt,
@@ -113,6 +218,19 @@ namespace build2
perform_update_id) != actions.end ();
+ struct adhoc_buildscript_rule::match_data
+ {
+ match_data (action a, const target& t, bool temp_dir)
+ : env (a, t, temp_dir) {}
+ build::script::environment env;
+ build::script::default_runner run;
+ const scope* bs;
+ timestamp mt;
+ path dd;
+ };
bool adhoc_buildscript_rule::
match (action a, target& t, const string& h, match_extra& me) const
@@ -140,15 +258,17 @@ namespace build2
recipe adhoc_buildscript_rule::
apply (action a,
- target& t,
+ target& xt,
match_extra& me,
const optional<timestamp>& d) const
+ tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::apply");
// We don't support deadlines for any of these cases (see below).
if (d && (a.outer () ||
me.fallback ||
- (a == perform_update_id && t.is_a<file> ())))
+ (a == perform_update_id && xt.is_a<file> ())))
return empty_recipe;
// If this is an outer operation (e.g., update-for-test), then delegate to
@@ -156,20 +276,20 @@ namespace build2
if (a.outer ())
- match_inner (a, t);
+ match_inner (a, xt);
return execute_inner;
// Inject pattern's ad hoc group members, if any.
if (pattern != nullptr)
- pattern->apply_adhoc_members (a, t, me);
+ pattern->apply_adhoc_members (a, xt, me);
// Derive file names for the target and its ad hoc group members, if any.
if (a == perform_update_id || a == perform_clean_id)
- for (target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ for (target* m (&xt); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
if (auto* p = m->is_a<path_target> ())
p->derive_path ();
@@ -181,68 +301,297 @@ namespace build2
// We do it always instead of only if one of the targets is path-based in
// case the recipe creates temporary files or some such.
- inject_fsdir (a, t);
+ const fsdir* dir (inject_fsdir (a, xt));
// Match prerequisites.
- match_prerequisite_members (a, t);
+ match_prerequisite_members (a, xt);
// Inject pattern's prerequisites, if any.
if (pattern != nullptr)
- pattern->apply_prerequisites (a, t, me);
+ pattern->apply_prerequisites (a, xt, me);
// See if we are providing the standard clean as a fallback.
if (me.fallback)
return &perform_clean_depdb;
- if (a == perform_update_id && t.is_a<file> ())
+ // See if this is not update or not on a file-based target.
+ //
+ if (a != perform_update_id || !xt.is_a<file> ())
+ {
+ return [d, this] (action a, const target& t)
+ {
+ return default_action (a, t, d);
+ };
+ }
+ // See if this is the simple case with only static dependencies.
+ //
+ if (!script.depdb_pre_dynamic)
return [this] (action a, const target& t)
- return perform_update_file (a, t);
+ return perform_update_file_static (a, t);
+ // This is a perform update on a file target with extraction of dynamic
+ // dependency information in the depdb preamble (depdb-pre-dynamic).
+ //
+ // This means we may need to add additional prerequisites (or even target
+ // group members). We also have to save any such additional prerequisites
+ // in depdb so that we can check if any of them have changed on subsequent
+ // updates. So all this means that have to take care of depdb here in
+ // apply() instead of perform_*() like we normally do. We also do things
+ // in slightly different order due to the restrictions impose by the match
+ // phase.
+ //
+ // Note that the C/C++ header dependency extraction is the canonical
+ // example and all this logic is based on the prior work in the cc module
+ // where you can often find more detailed rationale for some of the steps
+ // performed (like the fsdir update below).
+ //
+ context& ctx (xt.ctx);
+ const file& t (xt.as<file> ());
+ const path& tp (t.path ());
+ if (dir != nullptr)
+ fsdir_rule::perform_update_direct (a, t);
+ // Because the depdb preamble can access $<, we have to blank out all the
+ // ad hoc prerequisites. Since we will still need them later, we "move"
+ // them to the auxiliary data member in prerequisite_target (which also
+ // means we cannot use the standard execute_prerequisites()).
+ //
+ auto& pts (t.prerequisite_targets[a]);
+ for (prerequisite_target& p: pts)
+ {
+ if (p.target != nullptr && p.adhoc)
+ {
+ // Blank out injected fsdir{} for good.
+ //
+ if (p.target != dir)
+ p.data = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (p.target);
+ }
+ }
+ // NOTE: see the "static dependencies" version (with comments) below.
+ //
+ depdb dd (tp + ".d");
+ if (dd.expect ("<ad hoc buildscript recipe> 1") != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "rule mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (dd.expect (checksum) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe text change forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (!script.depdb_clear)
+ {
+ names storage;
+ sha256 prq_cs, exe_cs, env_cs;
+ for (const prerequisite_target& p: pts)
+ {
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.data != 0 ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data) :
+ nullptr))
+ {
+ hash_prerequisite_target (prq_cs, exe_cs, env_cs, *pt, storage);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ sha256 cs;
+ hash_script_vars (cs, script, t, storage);
+ if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe variable change forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
+ {
+ sha256 tcs;
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ hash_target (tcs, *m, storage);
+ if (dd.expect (tcs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "target set change forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (dd.expect (prq_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "prerequisite set change forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
+ {
+ if (dd.expect (exe_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "program checksum change forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (dd.expect (env_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "environment change forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
+ }
+ const scope& bs (t.base_scope ());
+ unique_ptr<match_data> md (
+ new match_data (a, t, script.depdb_preamble_temp_dir));
+ build::script::environment& env (md->env);
+ build::script::default_runner& run (md->run);
+ run.enter (env, script.start_loc);
+ // Run the first half of the preamble (before depdb-pre-dynamic).
+ //
+ {
+ build::script::parser p (ctx);
+ p.execute_depdb_preamble (bs, env, script, run, dd);
+ }
+ // Determine if we need to do an update based on the above checks.
+ //
+ bool update;
+ timestamp mt;
+ if (dd.writing ())
+ update = true;
- return [d, this] (action a, const target& t)
+ if ((mt = t.mtime ()) == timestamp_unknown)
+ t.mtime (mt = mtime (tp)); // Cache.
+ update = dd.mtime > mt;
+ }
+ if (update)
+ mt = timestamp_nonexistent;
+ // Update our prerequisite targets. While strictly speaking we only need
+ // to update those that are referenced by depdb-pre-dynamic, communicating
+ // this is both tedious and error-prone. So we update them all.
+ //
+ for (const prerequisite_target& p: pts)
+ {
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.data != 0 ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data) : nullptr))
- return default_action (a, t, d);
- };
+ update = dyndep_rule::update (
+ trace, a, *pt, update ? timestamp_unknown : mt) || update;
+ }
+ // Run the second half of the preamble (depdb-pre-dynamic commands) to
+ // extract dynamic dependencies.
+ //
+ // Note that this should be the last update to depdb (the invalidation
+ // order semantics).
+ {
+ build::script::parser p (ctx);
+ p.execute_depdb_preamble_dynamic (bs, env, script, run, dd, update, mt);
+ }
+ if (update && dd.reading () && !ctx.dry_run)
+ dd.touch = true;
+ dd.close ();
+ md->dd = move (dd.path);
+ // Pass on base scope and update/mtime.
+ //
+ md->bs = &bs;
+ md->mt = update ? timestamp_nonexistent : mt;
+ // @@ TMP: re-enable once recipe becomes move_only_function.
+ //
+#if 0
+ return [this, md = move (md)] (action a, const target& t) mutable
+ {
+ auto r (perform_update_file_dynamic (a, t, *md));
+ md.reset (); // @@ TMP: is this really necessary (+mutable)?
+ return r;
+ };
+ t.data (move (md));
+ return recipe ([this] (action a, const target& t) mutable
+ {
+ auto md (move (t.data<unique_ptr<match_data>> ()));
+ return perform_update_file_dynamic (a, t, *md);
+ });
target_state adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- perform_update_file (action a, const target& xt) const
+ perform_update_file_dynamic (action a, const target& xt,
+ match_data& md) const
- tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::perform_update_file");
+ tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::perform_update_file_dynamic");
context& ctx (xt.ctx);
const file& t (xt.as<file> ());
const path& tp (t.path ());
- // How should we hash target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<)? We could
- // hash them as target names (i.e., the same as the $>/< content) or as
- // paths (only for path-based targets). While names feel more general,
- // they are also more expensive to compute. And for path-based targets,
- // path is generally a good proxy for the target name. Since the bulk of
- // the ad hoc recipes will presumably be operating exclusively on
- // path-based targets, let's do it both ways.
+ // While we've updated all our prerequisites in apply(), we still need to
+ // execute them here to keep the dependency counts straight.
- auto hash_target = [ns = names ()] (sha256& cs, const target& t) mutable
+ for (const prerequisite_target& p: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
- if (const path_target* pt = t.is_a<path_target> ())
- cs.append (pt->path ().string ());
- else
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.data != 0 ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data) : nullptr))
- ns.clear ();
- t.as_name (ns);
- for (const name& n: ns)
- to_checksum (cs, n);
+ target_state ts (execute (a, *pt));
+ assert (ts == target_state::unchanged || ts == target_state::changed);
- };
+ }
+ build::script::environment& env (md.env);
+ build::script::default_runner& run (md.run);
+ if (md.mt != timestamp_nonexistent)
+ {
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
+ return target_state::unchanged;
+ }
+ // Sequence start time for mtime checks below.
+ //
+ timestamp start (!ctx.dry_run && depdb::mtime_check ()
+ ? system_clock::now ()
+ : timestamp_unknown);
+ if (!ctx.dry_run || verb != 0)
+ {
+ if (execute_update_file (*md.bs, a, t, env, run))
+ ;
+ else
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
+ }
+ else
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
+ timestamp now (system_clock::now ());
+ if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ depdb::check_mtime (start, md.dd, tp, now);
+ t.mtime (now);
+ return target_state::changed;
+ }
+ target_state adhoc_buildscript_rule::
+ perform_update_file_static (action a, const target& xt) const
+ {
+ tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::perform_update_file_static");
+ context& ctx (xt.ctx);
+ const file& t (xt.as<file> ());
+ const path& tp (t.path ());
// Update prerequisites and determine if any of them render this target
// out-of-date.
@@ -250,6 +599,8 @@ namespace build2
timestamp mt (t.load_mtime ());
optional<target_state> ps;
+ names storage;
sha256 prq_cs, exe_cs, env_cs;
// This is essentially ps=execute_prerequisites(a, t, mt) which we
@@ -262,7 +613,9 @@ namespace build2
wait_guard wg (ctx, busy, t[a].task_count);
- for (const target*& pt: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
+ auto& pts (t.prerequisite_targets[a]);
+ for (const target*& pt: pts)
if (pt == nullptr) // Skipped.
@@ -279,7 +632,7 @@ namespace build2
wg.wait ();
bool e (mt == timestamp_nonexistent);
- for (prerequisite_target& p: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
+ for (prerequisite_target& p: pts)
if (p == nullptr)
@@ -318,56 +671,10 @@ namespace build2
// As part of this loop calculate checksums that need to include ad
// hoc prerequisites (unless the script tracks changes itself).
- if (script.depdb_clear)
- continue;
- hash_target (prq_cs, pt);
- // The script can reference a program in one of four ways:
- //
- // 1. As an (imported) target (e.g., $cli)
+ // @@ TODO: skip fsdir{}?
- // 2. As a process_path_ex (e.g., $cxx.path).
- //
- // 3. As a builtin (e.g., sed)
- //
- // 4. As a program path/name.
- //
- // When it comes to change tracking, there is nothing we can do for
- // (4) (the user can track its environment manually with depdb-env)
- // and there is nothing to do for (3) (assuming builtin semantics is
- // stable/backwards-compatible). The (2) case is handled automatically
- // by hashing all the variable values referenced by the script (see
- // below), which in case of process_path_ex includes the checksums
- // (both executable and environment), if available.
- //
- // This leaves the (1) case, which itself splits into two sub-cases:
- // the target comes with the dependency information (e.g., imported
- // from a project via an export stub) or it does not (e.g., imported
- // as installed). We don't need to do anything extra for the first
- // sub-case since the target's state/mtime can be relied upon like any
- // other prerequisite. Which cannot be said about the second sub-case,
- // where we reply on checksum that may be included as part of the
- // target metadata.
- //
- // So what we are going to do is hash checksum metadata of every
- // executable prerequisite target that has it (we do it here in order
- // to include ad hoc prerequisites, which feels like the right thing
- // to do; the user may mark tools as ad hoc in order to omit them from
- // $<).
- //
- if (auto* et = pt.is_a<exe> ())
- {
- if (auto* c = et->lookup_metadata<string> ("checksum"))
- {
- exe_cs.append (*c);
- }
- if (auto* e = et->lookup_metadata<strings> ("environment"))
- {
- hash_environment (env_cs, *e);
- }
- }
+ if (!script.depdb_clear)
+ hash_prerequisite_target (prq_cs, exe_cs, env_cs, pt, storage);
if (!e)
@@ -379,6 +686,8 @@ namespace build2
// We use depdb to track changes to the script itself, input/output file
// names, tools, etc.
+ // NOTE: see the "dynamic dependencies" version above.
+ //
depdb dd (tp + ".d");
// First should come the rule name/version.
@@ -411,76 +720,53 @@ namespace build2
l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe text change forcing update of " << t;});
// Track the variables, targets, and prerequisites changes, unless the
- // script doesn't track the dependency changes itself.
- //
- // For each variable hash its name, undefined/null/non-null indicator,
- // and the value if non-null.
- //
- // Note that this excludes the special $< and $> variables which we
- // handle below.
- //
- // @@ TODO: maybe detect and decompose process_path_ex in order to
- // properly attribute checksum and environment changes?
+ // script tracks the dependency changes itself.
if (!script.depdb_clear)
- sha256 cs;
- names storage;
- for (const string& n: script.vars)
+ // For each variable hash its name, undefined/null/non-null indicator,
+ // and the value if non-null.
+ //
+ // Note that this excludes the special $< and $> variables which we
+ // handle below.
+ //
+ // @@ TODO: maybe detect and decompose process_path_ex in order to
+ // properly attribute checksum and environment changes?
+ //
- cs.append (n);
+ sha256 cs;
+ hash_script_vars (cs, script, t, storage);
- lookup l;
- if (const variable* var = ctx.var_pool.find (n))
- l = t[var];
- cs.append (!l.defined () ? '\x1' : l->null ? '\x2' : '\x3');
- if (l)
- {
- storage.clear ();
- names_view ns (reverse (*l, storage));
- for (const name& n: ns)
- to_checksum (cs, n);
- }
+ if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe variable change forcing update of " << t;});
- if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe variable change forcing update of " << t;});
- }
- // Target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<).
- //
- if (!script.depdb_clear)
- {
- sha256 tcs;
- for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- hash_target (tcs, *m);
+ // Target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<).
+ //
+ {
+ sha256 tcs;
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ hash_target (tcs, *m, storage);
- if (dd.expect (tcs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "target set change forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (dd.expect (tcs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "target set change forcing update of " << t;});
- if (dd.expect (prq_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "prerequisite set change forcing update of " << t;});
- }
+ if (dd.expect (prq_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "prerequisite set change forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
- // Finally the programs and environment checksums.
- //
- if (!script.depdb_clear)
- {
- if (dd.expect (exe_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "program checksum change forcing update of " << t;});
+ // Finally the programs and environment checksums.
+ //
+ {
+ if (dd.expect (exe_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "program checksum change forcing update of " << t;});
- if (dd.expect (env_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "environment change forcing update of " << t;});
+ if (dd.expect (env_cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "environment change forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
const scope* bs (nullptr);
- const scope* rs (nullptr);
// Execute the custom dependency change tracking commands, if present.
@@ -507,20 +793,19 @@ namespace build2
build::script::environment env (a, t, false /* temp_dir */);
- build::script::default_runner r;
+ build::script::default_runner run;
if (depdb_preamble)
bs = &t.base_scope ();
- rs = bs->root_scope ();
if (script.depdb_preamble_temp_dir)
env.set_temp_dir_variable ();
build::script::parser p (ctx);
- r.enter (env, script.start_loc);
- p.execute_depdb_preamble (*rs, *bs, env, script, r, dd);
+ run.enter (env, script.start_loc);
+ p.execute_depdb_preamble (*bs, env, script, run, dd);
// Update if depdb mismatch.
@@ -539,104 +824,118 @@ namespace build2
// below).
if (depdb_preamble)
- r.leave (env, script.end_loc);
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
return *ps;
if (!ctx.dry_run || verb != 0)
- // Prepare to executing the script diag line and/or body.
- //
- // Note that it doesn't make much sense to use the temporary directory
- // variable ($~) in the 'diag' builtin call, so we postpone setting it
- // until the script body execution, that can potentially be omitted.
+ // Prepare to execute the script diag line and/or body.
if (bs == nullptr)
- {
bs = &t.base_scope ();
- rs = bs->root_scope ();
+ if (execute_update_file (*bs, a, t, env, run))
+ {
+ if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ dd.check_mtime (tp);
+ else if (depdb_preamble)
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
+ }
+ else if (depdb_preamble)
+ run.leave (env, script.end_loc);
- build::script::parser p (ctx);
+ t.mtime (system_clock::now ());
+ return target_state::changed;
+ }
- if (verb == 1)
+ bool adhoc_buildscript_rule::
+ execute_update_file (const scope& bs,
+ action, const file& t,
+ build::script::environment& env,
+ build::script::default_runner& run) const
+ {
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ // Note that it doesn't make much sense to use the temporary directory
+ // variable ($~) in the 'diag' builtin call, so we postpone setting it
+ // until the script body execution, that can potentially be omitted.
+ //
+ build::script::parser p (ctx);
+ if (verb == 1)
+ {
+ if (script.diag_line)
- if (script.diag_line)
- {
- text << p.execute_special (*rs, *bs, env, *script.diag_line);
- }
- else
- {
- // @@ TODO (and below):
- //
- // - we are printing target, not source (like in most other places)
- //
- // - printing of ad hoc target group (the {hxx cxx}{foo} idea)
- //
- // - if we are printing prerequisites, should we print all of them
- // (including tools)?
- //
- text << *script.diag_name << ' ' << t;
- }
+ text << p.execute_special (bs, env, *script.diag_line);
- if (!ctx.dry_run || verb >= 2)
+ else
- // On failure remove the target files that may potentially exist but
- // be invalid.
+ // @@ TODO (and in default_action() below):
- small_vector<auto_rmfile, 8> rms;
+ // - we are printing target, not source (like in most other places)
+ //
+ // - printing of ad hoc target group (the {hxx cxx}{foo} idea)
+ //
+ // - if we are printing prerequisites, should we print all of them
+ // (including tools)?
+ //
+ text << *script.diag_name << ' ' << t;
+ }
+ }
- if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ if (!ctx.dry_run || verb >= 2)
+ {
+ // On failure remove the target files that may potentially exist but
+ // be invalid.
+ //
+ small_vector<auto_rmfile, 8> rms;
+ if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ {
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- {
- if (auto* f = m->is_a<file> ())
- rms.emplace_back (f->path ());
- }
+ if (auto* f = m->is_a<file> ())
+ rms.emplace_back (f->path ());
+ }
- if (script.body_temp_dir && !script.depdb_preamble_temp_dir)
- env.set_temp_dir_variable ();
+ if (script.body_temp_dir && !script.depdb_preamble_temp_dir)
+ env.set_temp_dir_variable ();
- p.execute_body (*rs, *bs, env, script, r, !depdb_preamble);
+ p.execute_body (bs, env, script, run, script.depdb_preamble.empty ());
- if (!ctx.dry_run)
- {
- // If this is an executable, let's be helpful to the user and set
- // the executable bit on POSIX.
- //
+ if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ {
+ // If this is an executable, let's be helpful to the user and set
+ // the executable bit on POSIX.
+ //
#ifndef _WIN32
- auto chmod = [] (const path& p)
- {
- path_perms (p,
- (path_perms (p) |
- permissions::xu |
- permissions::xg |
- permissions::xo));
- };
- for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- {
- if (auto* p = m->is_a<exe> ())
- chmod (p->path ());
- }
- dd.check_mtime (tp);
- for (auto& rm: rms)
- rm.cancel ();
+ auto chmod = [] (const path& p)
+ {
+ path_perms (p,
+ (path_perms (p) |
+ permissions::xu |
+ permissions::xg |
+ permissions::xo));
+ };
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ {
+ if (auto* p = m->is_a<exe> ())
+ chmod (p->path ());
+ for (auto& rm: rms)
+ rm.cancel ();
- else if (depdb_preamble)
- r.leave (env, script.end_loc);
- }
- else if (depdb_preamble)
- r.leave (env, script.end_loc);
- t.mtime (system_clock::now ());
- return target_state::changed;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
target_state adhoc_buildscript_rule::
@@ -653,7 +952,6 @@ namespace build2
if (!ctx.dry_run || verb != 0)
const scope& bs (t.base_scope ());
- const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
build::script::environment e (a, t, script.body_temp_dir, deadline);
build::script::parser p (ctx);
@@ -662,11 +960,11 @@ namespace build2
if (script.diag_line)
- text << p.execute_special (rs, bs, e, *script.diag_line);
+ text << p.execute_special (bs, e, *script.diag_line);
- // @@ TODO: as above
+ // @@ TODO: as above (execute_update_file()).
text << *script.diag_name << ' ' << t;
@@ -675,7 +973,7 @@ namespace build2
if (!ctx.dry_run || verb >= 2)
build::script::default_runner r;
- p.execute_body (rs, bs, e, script, r);
+ p.execute_body (bs, e, script, r);
diff --git a/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx b/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx
index 7f9c10a..7ec647b 100644
--- a/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx
@@ -36,7 +36,18 @@ namespace build2
const optional<timestamp>&) const override;
- perform_update_file (action, const target&) const;
+ perform_update_file_static (action, const target&) const;
+ struct match_data;
+ target_state
+ perform_update_file_dynamic (action, const target&, match_data&) const;
+ bool
+ execute_update_file (const scope&,
+ action a, const file&,
+ build::script::environment&,
+ build::script::default_runner&) const;
default_action (action, const target&, const optional<timestamp>&) const;
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
index 0d0ad0a..c6d7d49 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <libbutl/builtin.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/function.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
@@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ namespace build2
// Save the custom dependency change tracking lines, if present.
s.depdb_clear = depdb_clear_.has_value ();
+ if (depdb_pre_dynamic_)
+ s.depdb_pre_dynamic = depdb_pre_dynamic_->second;
s.depdb_preamble = move (depdb_preamble_);
return s;
@@ -494,7 +497,7 @@ namespace build2
v != "hash" &&
v != "string" &&
v != "env" &&
- v != "dep"))
+ v != "pre-dynamic"))
fail (get_location (t))
<< "expected 'depdb' builtin command instead of " << t;
@@ -534,32 +537,34 @@ namespace build2
// the referenced variable list, since it won't be used.
depdb_clear_ = l;
- save_line_ = nullptr;
+ save_line_ = nullptr;
script_->vars.clear ();
- // Verify depdb-dep is last.
+ // Verify depdb-pre-dynamic is last.
- if (v == "dep")
+ if (v == "pre-dynamic")
- // Note that for now we do not allow multiple depdb-dep calls.
- // But we may wan to relax this later (though alternating
- // targets with prerequisites may be tricky -- maybe still
- // only allow additional targets in the first call).
+ // Note that for now we do not allow multiple pre-dynamic
+ // calls. But we may wan to relax this later (though
+ // alternating targets with prerequisites may be tricky --
+ // maybe still only allow additional targets in the first
+ // call).
- if (!depdb_dep_)
- depdb_dep_ = l;
+ if (!depdb_pre_dynamic_)
+ depdb_pre_dynamic_ = make_pair (l, depdb_preamble_.size ());
- fail (l) << "multiple 'depdb dep' calls" <<
- info (*depdb_dep_) << "previous call is here";
+ fail (l) << "multiple 'depdb pre-dynamic' calls" <<
+ info (depdb_pre_dynamic_->first) << "previous call is here";
- if (depdb_dep_)
- fail (l) << "'depdb " << v << "' after 'depdb dep'" <<
- info (*depdb_dep_) << "'depdb dep' call is here";
+ if (depdb_pre_dynamic_)
+ fail (l) << "'depdb " << v << "' after 'depdb pre-dynamic'" <<
+ info (depdb_pre_dynamic_->first)
+ << "'depdb pre-dynamic' call is here";
// Move the script body to the end of the depdb preamble.
@@ -880,11 +885,11 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
- execute_body (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
+ execute_body (const scope& bs,
environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
bool enter, bool leave)
- pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);
+ pre_exec (*bs.root_scope (), bs, e, &s, &r);
if (enter)
runner_->enter (e, s.start_loc);
@@ -914,35 +919,37 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
- execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
- environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
- depdb& dd)
+ exec_depdb_preamble (const scope& bs,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
+ depdb& dd, bool* update, optional<timestamp> mt)
- tracer trace ("execute_depdb_preamble");
+ tracer trace ("exec_depdb_preamble");
// The only valid lines in the depdb preamble are the depdb builtin
// itself as well as the variable assignments, including via the set
// builtin.
- pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);
+ pre_exec (*bs.root_scope (), bs, e, &s, &r);
// Let's "wrap up" the objects we operate upon into the single object
// to rely on "small function object" optimization.
+ tracer& trace;
environment& env;
const script& scr;
depdb& dd;
- tracer& trace;
- } ctx {e, s, dd, trace};
- auto exec_cmd = [&ctx, this]
- (token& t,
- build2::script::token_type& tt,
- size_t li,
- bool /* single */,
- const location& ll)
+ bool* update;
+ optional<timestamp> mt;
+ } data {trace, e, s, dd, update, mt};
+ auto exec_cmd = [this, &data] (token& t,
+ build2::script::token_type& tt,
+ size_t li,
+ bool /* single */,
+ const location& ll)
// Note that we never reset the line index to zero (as we do in
// execute_body()) assuming that there are some script body
@@ -958,9 +965,14 @@ namespace build2
string cmd (move (t.value));
- if (cmd == "dep")
+ if (cmd == "pre-dynamic")
- exec_depdb_dep (t, tt, li, ll);
+ exec_depdb_pre_dynamic (t, tt,
+ li, ll,
+ data.env.target,
+ data.dd,
+ *data.update,
+ *data.mt);
@@ -972,11 +984,11 @@ namespace build2
for (const name& n: ns)
to_checksum (cs, n);
- if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ if (data.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
+ data.trace (ll)
<< "'depdb hash' argument change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
+ << data.env.target;});
else if (cmd == "string")
@@ -990,11 +1002,11 @@ namespace build2
fail (ll) << "invalid 'depdb string' argument: " << e;
- if (ctx.dd.expect (s) != nullptr)
+ if (data.dd.expect (s) != nullptr)
l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
+ data.trace (ll)
<< "'depdb string' argument change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
+ << data.env.target;});
else if (cmd == "env")
@@ -1015,11 +1027,11 @@ namespace build2
fail (ll) << pf << e;
- if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ if (data.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
+ data.trace (ll)
<< "'depdb env' environment change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
+ << data.env.target;});
assert (false);
@@ -1040,7 +1052,7 @@ namespace build2
p.recall.string () == "set";
}) == ce.end ())
- const replay_tokens& rt (ctx.scr.depdb_preamble.back ().tokens);
+ const replay_tokens& rt (data.scr.depdb_preamble.back ().tokens);
assert (!rt.empty ());
fail (ll) << "disallowed command in depdb preamble" <<
@@ -1053,7 +1065,7 @@ namespace build2
- exec_lines (s.depdb_preamble, exec_cmd);
+ exec_lines (begin, end, exec_cmd);
void parser::
@@ -1085,7 +1097,7 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
- exec_lines (const lines& lns,
+ exec_lines (lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
const function<exec_cmd_function>& exec_cmd)
// Note that we rely on "small function object" optimization for the
@@ -1124,7 +1136,7 @@ namespace build2
return runner_->run_if (*environment_, ce, li, ll);
- build2::script::parser::exec_lines (lns.begin (), lns.end (),
+ build2::script::parser::exec_lines (begin, end,
exec_set, exec_cmd, exec_if,
@@ -1145,12 +1157,15 @@ namespace build2
names parser::
- execute_special (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
+ execute_special (const scope& bs,
environment& e,
const line& ln,
bool omit_builtin)
- pre_exec (rs, bs, e, nullptr /* script */, nullptr /* runner */);
+ pre_exec (*bs.root_scope (), bs,
+ e,
+ nullptr /* script */,
+ nullptr /* runner */);
// Copy the tokens and start playing.
@@ -1167,9 +1182,12 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
- exec_depdb_dep (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- size_t li,
- const location& ll)
+ exec_depdb_pre_dynamic (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
+ size_t li, const location& ll,
+ const target& tgt,
+ depdb& dd,
+ bool& update,
+ timestamp /*mt*/)
// Similar approach to parse_env_builtin().
@@ -1197,14 +1215,14 @@ namespace build2
location l (get_location (t));
if (!start_names (tt))
- fail (l) << "depdb dep: expected option or '--' separator "
+ fail (l) << "depdb pre-dynamic: expected option or '--' separator "
<< "instead of " << t;
parse_names (t, tt,
true /* chunk */,
- "depdb dep builtin argument",
+ "depdb pre-dynamic builtin argument",
for (name& n: ns)
@@ -1229,7 +1247,8 @@ namespace build2
next (t, tt); // Skip '--'.
if (tt == type::newline || tt == type::eos)
- fail (t) << "depdb dep: expected program name instead of " << t;
+ fail (t) << "depdb pre-dynamic: expected program name instead of "
+ << t;
// Parse the options.
@@ -1241,12 +1260,65 @@ namespace build2
ops = depdb_dep_options (scan);
if (scan.more ())
- fail (ll) << "depdb dep: unexpected argument '" << scan.next ()
- << "'";
+ fail (ll) << "depdb pre-dynamic: unexpected argument '"
+ << scan.next () << "'";
catch (const cli::exception& e)
- fail (ll) << "depdb dep: " << e;
+ fail (ll) << "depdb pre-dynamic: " << e;
+ }
+ // This code is based on the prior work in the cc module (specifically
+ // extract_headers()) where you can often find more detailed rationale
+ // for some of the steps performed.
+ // If things go wrong (and they often do in this area), give the user
+ // a bit extra context.
+ //
+ auto df = make_diag_frame (
+ [this, &tgt](const diag_record& dr)
+ {
+ if (verb != 0)
+ dr << info << "while extracting dynamic dependencies for " << tgt;
+ });
+ // If nothing so far has invalidated the dependency database, then try
+ // the cached data before running the program.
+ //
+ bool cache (!update);
+ size_t skip_count (0);
+ for (bool restart (true); restart; cache = false)
+ {
+ restart = false;
+ if (cache)
+ {
+ // If any, this is always the first run.
+ //
+ assert (skip_count == 0);
+ // We should always end with a blank line.
+ //
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ string* l (dd.read ());
+ // If the line is invalid, run the compiler.
+ //
+ if (l == nullptr)
+ {
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l->empty ()) // Done, nothing changed.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
optional<path> file;
@@ -1277,7 +1349,8 @@ namespace build2
// @@ TODO: improve diagnostics.
if (!file && ce.size () != 1)
- fail (ll) << "depdb dep: command cannot contain logical operators";
+ fail (ll) << "depdb pre-dynamic: command cannot contain "
+ << "logical operators";
string s;
build2::script::run (*environment_,
@@ -1295,7 +1368,7 @@ namespace build2
// Assume file is one of the prerequisites.
if (!file)
- fail (ll) << "depdb dep: program or --file expected";
+ fail (ll) << "depdb pre-dynamic: program or --file expected";
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
index d2c99d9..f957f82 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/script/parser.hxx>
@@ -83,27 +82,54 @@ namespace build2
// execution.
- execute_body (const scope& root, const scope& base,
+ execute_body (const scope& base,
environment&, const script&, runner&,
bool enter = true, bool leave = true);
+ // Execute the first or the second (pre-dynamic) half of the depdb
+ // preamble.
+ //
// Note that it's the caller's responsibility to make sure that the
// runner's enter() function is called before the first preamble/body
// command execution and leave() -- after the last command.
- execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& root, const scope& base,
- environment&, const script&, runner&,
- depdb&);
+ execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& base,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ depdb& dd)
+ {
+ auto b (s.depdb_preamble.begin ());
+ exec_depdb_preamble (
+ base,
+ e, s, r,
+ b,
+ (s.depdb_pre_dynamic
+ ? b + *s.depdb_pre_dynamic
+ : s.depdb_preamble.end ()),
+ dd);
+ }
+ void
+ execute_depdb_preamble_dynamic (
+ const scope& base,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ depdb& dd, bool& update, timestamp mt)
+ {
+ exec_depdb_preamble (
+ base,
+ e, s, r,
+ s.depdb_preamble.begin () + *s.depdb_pre_dynamic,
+ s.depdb_preamble.end (),
+ dd, &update, mt);
+ }
// Parse a special builtin line into names, performing the variable
// and pattern expansions. If omit_builtin is true, then omit the
// builtin name from the result.
- execute_special (const scope& root, const scope& base,
+ execute_special (const scope& base,
const line&,
bool omit_builtin = true);
@@ -115,16 +141,36 @@ namespace build2
pre_exec (const scope& root, const scope& base,
environment&, const script*, runner*);
+ using lines_iterator = lines::const_iterator;
- exec_lines (const lines&, const function<exec_cmd_function>&);
+ exec_lines (lines_iterator, lines_iterator,
+ const function<exec_cmd_function>&);
+ void
+ exec_lines (const lines& l, const function<exec_cmd_function>& c)
+ {
+ exec_lines (l.begin (), l.end (), c);
+ }
exec_special (token&, build2::script::token_type&, bool skip_first);
- exec_depdb_dep (token&, build2::script::token_type&,
- size_t line_index,
- const location&);
+ exec_depdb_preamble (const scope& base,
+ environment&, const script&, runner&,
+ lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
+ depdb&,
+ bool* update = nullptr,
+ optional<timestamp> mt = nullopt);
+ void
+ exec_depdb_pre_dynamic (token&, build2::script::token_type&,
+ size_t line_index, const location&,
+ const target&,
+ depdb&,
+ bool& update,
+ timestamp);
// Helpers.
@@ -223,12 +269,14 @@ namespace build2
// depdb env <var-names> - Track the environment variables change as a
// hash.
- // depdb dep ... - Extract additional dependency information.
- // Can only be the last depdb builtin call.
+ // depdb pre-dynamic ... - Extract dynamic dependency information.
+ // Can only be the last depdb builtin call
+ // in the preamble.
- optional<location> depdb_clear_; // depdb-clear location if any.
- optional<location> depdb_dep_; // depdb-dep location if any.
- lines depdb_preamble_; // Note: excludes depdb-clear.
+ optional<location> depdb_clear_; // depdb-clear location.
+ optional<pair<location, size_t>>
+ depdb_pre_dynamic_; // depdb-pre-dynamic location.
+ lines depdb_preamble_; // Note: excluding depdb-clear.
// If present, the first impure function called in the body of the
// script that performs update of a file-based target.
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
index e11cb45..bdfbe51 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ namespace build2
using build2::script::deadline;
using build2::script::timeout;
+ // Forward declarations.
+ //
+ class default_runner;
// Notes:
// - Once parsed, the script can be executed in multiple threads with
@@ -70,9 +74,10 @@ namespace build2
// The script's custom dependency change tracking lines (see the
// script parser for details).
- bool depdb_clear;
- lines_type depdb_preamble;
- bool depdb_preamble_temp_dir = false; // True if references $~.
+ bool depdb_clear;
+ optional<size_t> depdb_pre_dynamic; // Position of first pre-dynamic.
+ lines_type depdb_preamble;
+ bool depdb_preamble_temp_dir = false; // True if refs $~.
location start_loc;
location end_loc;
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
index 87fce90..5a3ed95 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
@@ -775,69 +775,6 @@ namespace build2
- // Update the target during the match phase. Return true if it has changed
- // or if the passed timestamp is not timestamp_unknown and is older than
- // the target.
- //
- // This function is used to make sure header dependencies are up to date.
- //
- // There would normally be a lot of headers for every source file (think
- // all the system headers) and just calling execute_direct() on all of
- // them can get expensive. At the same time, most of these headers are
- // existing files that we will never be updating (again, system headers,
- // for example) and the rule that will match them is the fallback
- // file_rule. That rule has an optimization: it returns noop_recipe (which
- // causes the target state to be automatically set to unchanged) if the
- // file is known to be up to date. So we do the update "smartly".
- //
- static bool
- update (tracer& trace, action a, const target& t, timestamp ts)
- {
- const path_target* pt (t.is_a<path_target> ());
- if (pt == nullptr)
- ts = timestamp_unknown;
- target_state os (t.matched_state (a));
- if (os == target_state::unchanged)
- {
- if (ts == timestamp_unknown)
- return false;
- else
- {
- // We expect the timestamp to be known (i.e., existing file).
- //
- timestamp mt (pt->mtime ());
- assert (mt != timestamp_unknown);
- return mt > ts;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We only want to return true if our call to execute() actually
- // caused an update. In particular, the target could already have been
- // in target_state::changed because of a dependency extraction run for
- // some other source file.
- //
- // @@ MT perf: so we are going to switch the phase and execute for
- // any generated header.
- //
- phase_switch ps (t.ctx, run_phase::execute);
- target_state ns (execute_direct (a, t));
- if (ns != os && ns != target_state::unchanged)
- {
- l6 ([&]{trace << "updated " << t
- << "; old state " << os
- << "; new state " << ns;});
- return true;
- }
- else
- return ts != timestamp_unknown ? pt->newer (ts, ns) : false;
- }
- }
recipe compile_rule::
apply (action a, target& xt) const
@@ -1097,6 +1034,8 @@ namespace build2
md.symexport = l ? cast<bool> (l) : symexport;
+ // NOTE: see similar code in adhoc_buildscript_rule::apply().
// Make sure the output directory exists.
// Is this the right thing to do? It does smell a bit, but then we do
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.hxx
index f573968..a211590 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.hxx
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/rule.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/dynamic.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/file-cache.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/cc/types.hxx>
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ namespace build2
class LIBBUILD2_CC_SYMEXPORT compile_rule: public simple_rule,
- virtual common
+ virtual common,
+ dyndep_rule
compile_rule (data&&);
diff --git a/libbuild2/dynamic.cxx b/libbuild2/dynamic.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd439b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/dynamic.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// file : libbuild2/dynamic.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/dynamic.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace build2
+ bool
+ update_during_match (tracer& trace, action a, const target& t, timestamp ts)
+ {
+ // In particular, this function is used to make sure header dependencies
+ // are up to date.
+ //
+ // There would normally be a lot of headers for every source file (think
+ // all the system headers) and just calling execute_direct() on all of
+ // them can get expensive. At the same time, most of these headers are
+ // existing files that we will never be updating (again, system headers,
+ // for example) and the rule that will match them is the fallback
+ // file_rule. That rule has an optimization: it returns noop_recipe (which
+ // causes the target state to be automatically set to unchanged) if the
+ // file is known to be up to date. So we do the update "smartly".
+ //
+ const path_target* pt (t.is_a<path_target> ());
+ if (pt == nullptr)
+ ts = timestamp_unknown;
+ target_state os (t.matched_state (a));
+ if (os == target_state::unchanged)
+ {
+ if (ts == timestamp_unknown)
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ // We expect the timestamp to be known (i.e., existing file).
+ //
+ timestamp mt (pt->mtime ());
+ assert (mt != timestamp_unknown);
+ return mt > ts;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We only want to return true if our call to execute() actually caused
+ // an update. In particular, the target could already have been in
+ // target_state::changed because of the dynamic dependency extraction
+ // run for some other target.
+ //
+ // @@ MT perf: so we are going to switch the phase and execute for
+ // any generated header.
+ //
+ phase_switch ps (t.ctx, run_phase::execute);
+ target_state ns (execute_direct (a, t));
+ if (ns != os && ns != target_state::unchanged)
+ {
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "updated " << t
+ << "; old state " << os
+ << "; new state " << ns;});
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return ts != timestamp_unknown ? pt->newer (ts, ns) : false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/dynamic.hxx b/libbuild2/dynamic.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395a839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/dynamic.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// file : libbuild2/dynamic.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/action.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/export.hxx>
+// Additional functionality that is normally only useful for implementing
+// rules with dynamic dependencies.
+namespace build2
+ class LIBBUILD2_SYMEXPORT dyndep_rule
+ {
+ public:
+ // Update the target during the match phase. Return true if it has changed
+ // or if the passed timestamp is not timestamp_unknown and is older than
+ // the target.
+ //
+ static bool
+ update (tracer&, action, const target&, timestamp);
+ };