path: root/libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx b/libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78e999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+// file : libbuild2/script/lexer.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/script/lexer.hxx>
+#include <cstring> // strchr()
+using namespace std;
+namespace build2
+ namespace script
+ {
+ using type = token_type;
+ void lexer::
+ mode (base_mode m, char ps, optional<const char*> esc, uintptr_t data)
+ {
+ bool a (false); // attributes
+ const char* s1 (nullptr);
+ const char* s2 (nullptr);
+ bool s (true); // space
+ bool n (true); // newline
+ bool q (true); // quotes
+ if (!esc)
+ {
+ assert (!state_.empty ());
+ esc = state_.top ().escapes;
+ }
+ switch (m)
+ {
+ case lexer_mode::command_expansion:
+ {
+ // Note that whitespaces are not word separators in this mode.
+ //
+ s1 = "|&<>";
+ s2 = " ";
+ s = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case lexer_mode::here_line_single:
+ {
+ // This one is like a single-quoted string except it treats
+ // newlines as a separator. We also treat quotes as literals.
+ //
+ // Note that it might be tempting to enable line continuation
+ // escapes. However, we will then have to also enable escaping of
+ // the backslash, which makes it a lot less tempting.
+ //
+ s1 = "\n";
+ s2 = " ";
+ esc = ""; // Disable escape sequences.
+ s = false;
+ q = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case lexer_mode::here_line_double:
+ {
+ // This one is like a double-quoted string except it treats
+ // newlines as a separator. We also treat quotes as literals.
+ //
+ s1 = "$(\n";
+ s2 = " ";
+ s = false;
+ q = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Make sure pair separators are only enabled where we expect
+ // them.
+ //
+ // @@ Should we disable pair separators in the eval mode?
+ //
+ assert (ps == '\0' ||
+ m == lexer_mode::eval ||
+ m == lexer_mode::attribute_value);
+ base_lexer::mode (m, ps, esc);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (ps == '\0');
+ state_.push (state {m, data, nullopt, a, ps, s, n, q, *esc, s1, s2});
+ }
+ token lexer::
+ next ()
+ {
+ token r;
+ switch (state_.top ().mode)
+ {
+ case lexer_mode::command_expansion:
+ case lexer_mode::here_line_single:
+ case lexer_mode::here_line_double:
+ r = next_line ();
+ break;
+ default:
+ r = base_lexer::next ();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r.qtype != quote_type::unquoted)
+ ++quoted_;
+ return r;
+ }
+ token lexer::
+ next_line ()
+ {
+ bool sep (skip_spaces ().first);
+ xchar c (get ());
+ uint64_t ln (c.line), cn (c.column);
+ const state& st (state_.top ());
+ lexer_mode m (st.mode);
+ auto make_token = [&sep, &m, ln, cn] (type t)
+ {
+ bool q (m == lexer_mode::here_line_double);
+ return token (t, string (), sep,
+ (q ? quote_type::double_ : quote_type::unquoted), q,
+ ln, cn,
+ token_printer);
+ };
+ if (eos (c))
+ return make_token (type::eos);
+ // NOTE: remember to update mode() if adding new special characters.
+ if (m != lexer_mode::command_expansion)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '\n':
+ {
+ sep = true; // Treat newline as always separated.
+ return make_token (type::newline);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m != lexer_mode::here_line_single)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ // Variable expansion, function call, and evaluation context.
+ //
+ case '$': return make_token (type::dollar);
+ case '(': return make_token (type::lparen);
+ }
+ }
+ // Command operators.
+ //
+ if (m == lexer_mode::command_expansion)
+ {
+ if (optional<token> t = next_cmd_op (c, sep))
+ return move (*t);
+ }
+ // Otherwise it is a word.
+ //
+ unget (c);
+ return word (st, sep);
+ }
+ optional<token> lexer::
+ next_cmd_op (const xchar& c, bool sep)
+ {
+ auto make_token = [&sep, &c] (type t, string v = string ())
+ {
+ return token (t, move (v), sep,
+ quote_type::unquoted, false,
+ c.line, c.column,
+ token_printer);
+ };
+ auto make_token_with_modifiers =
+ [&make_token, this] (type t,
+ const char* mods, // To recorgnize.
+ const char* stop = nullptr) // To stop after.
+ {
+ string v;
+ if (mods != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (xchar p (peek ());
+ (strchr (mods, p) != nullptr && // Modifier.
+ strchr (v.c_str (), p) == nullptr); // Not already seen.
+ p = peek ())
+ {
+ get ();
+ v += p;
+ if (stop != nullptr && strchr (stop, p) != nullptr)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return make_token (t, move (v));
+ };
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ // |, ||
+ //
+ case '|':
+ {
+ if (peek () == '|')
+ {
+ get ();
+ return make_token (type::log_or);
+ }
+ else
+ return make_token (type::pipe);
+ }
+ // &, &&
+ //
+ case '&':
+ {
+ xchar p (peek ());
+ if (p == '&')
+ {
+ get ();
+ return make_token (type::log_and);
+ }
+ // These modifiers are mutually exclusive so stop after seeing
+ // either one.
+ //
+ return make_token_with_modifiers (type::clean, "!?", "!?");
+ }
+ // <
+ //
+ case '<':
+ {
+ optional<type> r;
+ xchar p (peek ());
+ if (p == '|' || p == '-' || p == '=' || p == '<') // <| <- <= <<
+ {
+ xchar c (get ());
+ switch (p)
+ {
+ case '|': return make_token (type::in_pass); // <|
+ case '-': return make_token (type::in_null); // <-
+ case '=': return make_token (type::in_file); // <=
+ case '<': // <<
+ {
+ p = peek ();
+ if (p == '=' || p == '<') // <<= <<<
+ {
+ xchar c (get ());
+ switch (p)
+ {
+ case '=':
+ {
+ r = type::in_doc; // <<=
+ break;
+ }
+ case '<':
+ {
+ p = peek ();
+ if (p == '=')
+ {
+ get ();
+ r = type::in_str; // <<<=
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.lll)
+ r = type::in_lll; // <<<
+ // We can still end up with the << or < redirect alias,
+ // if any of them is present.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ unget (c);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.ll)
+ r = type::in_ll; // <<
+ // We can still end up with the < redirect alias, if it is
+ // present.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ unget (c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.l)
+ r = type::in_l; // <
+ if (!r)
+ return nullopt;
+ // Handle modifiers.
+ //
+ const char* mods (nullptr);
+ switch (redirect_aliases.resolve (*r))
+ {
+ case type::in_str:
+ case type::in_doc: mods = ":/"; break;
+ }
+ token t (make_token_with_modifiers (*r, mods));
+ return t;
+ }
+ // >
+ //
+ case '>':
+ {
+ optional<type> r;
+ xchar p (peek ());
+ if (p == '|' || p == '-' || p == '!' || p == '&' || // >| >- >! >&
+ p == '=' || p == '+' || p == '?' || p == '>') // >= >+ >? >>
+ {
+ xchar c (get ());
+ switch (p)
+ {
+ case '|': return make_token (type::out_pass); // >|
+ case '-': return make_token (type::out_null); // >-
+ case '!': return make_token (type::out_trace); // >!
+ case '&': return make_token (type::out_merge); // >&
+ case '=': return make_token (type::out_file_ovr); // >=
+ case '+': return make_token (type::out_file_app); // >+
+ case '?': return make_token (type::out_file_cmp); // >?
+ case '>': // >>
+ {
+ p = peek ();
+ if (p == '?' || p == '>') // >>? >>>
+ {
+ xchar c (get ());
+ switch (p)
+ {
+ case '?':
+ {
+ r = type::out_doc; // >>?
+ break;
+ }
+ case '>':
+ {
+ p = peek ();
+ if (p == '?')
+ {
+ get ();
+ r = type::out_str; // >>>?
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.ggg)
+ r = type::out_ggg; // >>>
+ // We can still end up with the >> or > redirect alias,
+ // if any of themis present.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ unget (c);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.gg)
+ r = type::out_gg; // >>
+ // We can still end up with the > redirect alias, if it is
+ // present.
+ //
+ if (!r)
+ unget (c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!r && redirect_aliases.g)
+ r = type::out_g; // >
+ if (!r)
+ return nullopt;
+ // Handle modifiers.
+ //
+ const char* mods (nullptr);
+ const char* stop (nullptr);
+ switch (redirect_aliases.resolve (*r))
+ {
+ case type::out_str:
+ case type::out_doc: mods = ":/~"; stop = "~"; break;
+ }
+ return make_token_with_modifiers (*r, mods, stop);
+ }
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ }