path: root/libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.cxx
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.cxx b/libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d7408..0000000
--- a/libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.cxx
+++ /dev/null
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-// file : libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.cxx -*- C++ -*-
-// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <libbuild2/rule-adhoc-buildscript.hxx>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/parser.hxx> // attributes
-#include <libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx>
-using namespace std;
-namespace build2
- bool adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- recipe_text (context& ctx, const target& tg, string&& t, attributes& as)
- {
- // Handle and erase recipe-specific attributes.
- //
- optional<string> diag;
- for (auto i (as.begin ()); i != as.end (); )
- {
- attribute& a (*i);
- const string& n (a.name);
- if (n == "diag")
- try
- {
- diag = convert<string> (move (a.value));
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail (as.loc) << "invalid " << n << " attribute value: " << e;
- }
- else
- {
- ++i;
- continue;
- }
- i = as.erase (i);
- }
- checksum = sha256 (t).string ();
- istringstream is (move (t));
- build::script::parser p (ctx);
- script = p.pre_parse (tg,
- is, loc.file, loc.line + 1,
- move (diag), as.loc);
- return false;
- }
- void adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- dump_attributes (ostream& os) const
- {
- // For now we dump it as an attribute whether it was specified or derived
- // from the script. Maybe that's ok (we use this in tests)?
- //
- if (script.diag_name)
- {
- os << " [";
- os << "diag=";
- to_stream (os, name (*script.diag_name), true /* quote */, '@');
- os << ']';
- }
- }
- void adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- dump_text (ostream& os, string& ind) const
- {
- os << ind << string (braces, '{') << endl;
- ind += " ";
- if (script.depdb_clear)
- os << ind << "depdb clear" << endl;
- script::dump (os, ind, script.depdb_lines);
- if (script.diag_line)
- {
- os << ind; script::dump (os, *script.diag_line, true /* newline */);
- }
- script::dump (os, ind, script.lines);
- ind.resize (ind.size () - 2);
- os << ind << string (braces, '}');
- }
- bool adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- match (action a, target& t, const string&, optional<action> fb) const
- {
- if (!fb)
- ;
- // If this is clean for a file target and we are supplying the update,
- // then we will also supply the standard clean.
- //
- else if (a == perform_clean_id &&
- *fb == perform_update_id &&
- t.is_a<file> ())
- ;
- else
- return false;
- // It's unfortunate we have to resort to this but we need to remember this
- // in apply().
- //
- t.data (fb.has_value ());
- return true;
- }
- recipe adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- apply (action a, target& t) const
- {
- // If this is an outer operation (e.g., update-for-test), then delegate to
- // the inner.
- //
- if (a.outer ())
- {
- match_inner (a, t);
- return execute_inner;
- }
- // Derive file names for the target and its ad hoc group members, if any.
- //
- if (a == perform_update_id || a == perform_clean_id)
- {
- for (target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- {
- if (auto* p = m->is_a<path_target> ())
- p->derive_path ();
- }
- }
- // Inject dependency on the output directory.
- //
- // We do it always instead of only if one of the targets is path-based in
- // case the recipe creates temporary files or some such.
- //
- inject_fsdir (a, t);
- // Match prerequisites.
- //
- match_prerequisite_members (a, t);
- // See if we are providing the standard clean as a fallback.
- //
- if (t.data<bool> ())
- return &perform_clean_depdb;
- if (a == perform_update_id && t.is_a<file> ())
- {
- return [this] (action a, const target& t)
- {
- return perform_update_file (a, t);
- };
- }
- else
- {
- return [this] (action a, const target& t)
- {
- return default_action (a, t);
- };
- }
- }
- target_state adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- perform_update_file (action a, const target& xt) const
- {
- tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::perform_update_file");
- context& ctx (xt.ctx);
- const file& t (xt.as<file> ());
- const path& tp (t.path ());
- // How should we hash target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<)? We could
- // hash them as target names (i.e., the same as the $>/< content) or as
- // paths (only for path-based targets). While names feel more general,
- // they are also more expensive to compute. And for path-based targets,
- // path is generally a good proxy for the target name. Since the bulk of
- // the ad hoc recipes will presumably be operating exclusively on
- // path-based targets, let's do it both ways.
- //
- auto hash_target = [ns = names ()] (sha256& cs, const target& t) mutable
- {
- if (const path_target* pt = t.is_a<path_target> ())
- cs.append (pt->path ().string ());
- else
- {
- ns.clear ();
- t.as_name (ns);
- for (const name& n: ns)
- to_checksum (cs, n);
- }
- };
- // Update prerequisites and determine if any of them render this target
- // out-of-date.
- //
- timestamp mt (t.load_mtime ());
- optional<target_state> ps;
- sha256 pcs, ecs;
- {
- // This is essentially ps=execute_prerequisites(a, t, mt) which we
- // cannot use because we need to see ad hoc prerequisites.
- //
- size_t busy (ctx.count_busy ());
- size_t exec (ctx.count_executed ());
- target_state rs (target_state::unchanged);
- wait_guard wg (ctx, busy, t[a].task_count);
- for (const target*& pt: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
- {
- if (pt == nullptr) // Skipped.
- continue;
- target_state s (execute_async (a, *pt, busy, t[a].task_count));
- if (s == target_state::postponed)
- {
- rs |= s;
- pt = nullptr;
- }
- }
- wg.wait ();
- bool e (mt == timestamp_nonexistent);
- for (prerequisite_target& p: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
- {
- if (p == nullptr)
- continue;
- const target& pt (*p.target);
- const auto& tc (pt[a].task_count);
- if (tc.load (memory_order_acquire) >= busy)
- ctx.sched.wait (exec, tc, scheduler::work_none);
- target_state s (pt.executed_state (a));
- rs |= s;
- // Compare our timestamp to this prerequisite's.
- //
- if (!e)
- {
- // If this is an mtime-based target, then compare timestamps.
- //
- if (const mtime_target* mpt = pt.is_a<mtime_target> ())
- {
- if (mpt->newer (mt, s))
- e = true;
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise we assume the prerequisite is newer if it was
- // changed.
- //
- if (s == target_state::changed)
- e = true;
- }
- }
- if (p.adhoc)
- p.target = nullptr; // Blank out.
- // As part of this loop calculate checksums that need to include ad
- // hoc prerequisites (unless the script tracks changes itself).
- //
- if (script.depdb_clear)
- continue;
- hash_target (pcs, pt);
- // The script can reference a program in one of four ways:
- //
- // 1. As an (imported) target (e.g., $cli)
- //
- // 2. As a process_path_ex (e.g., $cxx.path).
- //
- // 3. As a builtin (e.g., sed)
- //
- // 4. As a program path/name.
- //
- // When it comes to change tracking, there is nothing we can do for
- // (4) and there is nothing to do for (3) (assuming builtin semantics
- // is stable/backwards-compatible). The (2) case is handled
- // automatically by hashing all the variable values referenced by the
- // script (see below), which in case of process_path_ex includes the
- // checksum, if available.
- //
- // This leaves the (1) case, which itself splits into two sub-cases:
- // the target comes with the dependency information (e.g., imported
- // from a project via an export stub) or it does not (e.g., imported
- // as installed). We don't need to do anything extra for the first
- // sub-case since the target's state/mtime can be relied upon like any
- // other prerequisite. Which cannot be said about the second sub-case,
- // where we reply on checksum that may be included as part of the
- // target metadata.
- //
- // So what we are going to do is hash checksum metadata of every
- // executable prerequisite target that has it (we do it here in order
- // to include ad hoc prerequisites, which feels like the right thing
- // to do; the user may mark tools as ad hoc in order to omit them from
- // $<).
- //
- if (auto* e = pt.is_a<exe> ())
- {
- if (auto* c = e->lookup_metadata<string> ("checksum"))
- {
- ecs.append (*c);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!e)
- ps = rs;
- }
- bool update (!ps);
- // We use depdb to track changes to the script itself, input/output file
- // names, tools, etc.
- //
- depdb dd (tp + ".d");
- // First should come the rule name/version.
- //
- if (dd.expect ("<ad hoc buildscript recipe> 1") != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "rule mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
- // Then the script checksum.
- //
- // Ideally, to detect changes to the script semantics, we would hash the
- // text with all the variables expanded but without executing any
- // commands. In practice, this is easier said than done (think the set
- // builtin that receives output of a command that modifies the
- // filesystem).
- //
- // So as the next best thing we are going to hash the unexpanded text as
- // well as values of all the variables expanded in it (which we get as a
- // side effect of pre-parsing the script). This approach has a number of
- // drawbacks:
- //
- // - We can't handle computed variable names (e.g., $($x ? X : Y)).
- //
- // - We may "overhash" by including variables that are actually
- // script-local.
- //
- // - There are functions like $install.resolve() with result based on
- // external (to the script) information.
- //
- if (dd.expect (checksum) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe text change forcing update of " << t;});
- // Track the variables, targets, and prerequisites changes, unless the
- // script doesn't track the dependency changes itself.
- //
- // For each variable hash its name, undefined/null/non-null indicator,
- // and the value if non-null.
- //
- // Note that this excludes the special $< and $> variables which we
- // handle below.
- //
- if (!script.depdb_clear)
- {
- sha256 cs;
- names storage;
- for (const string& n: script.vars)
- {
- cs.append (n);
- lookup l;
- if (const variable* var = ctx.var_pool.find (n))
- l = t[var];
- cs.append (!l.defined () ? '\x1' : l->null ? '\x2' : '\x3');
- if (l)
- {
- storage.clear ();
- names_view ns (reverse (*l, storage));
- for (const name& n: ns)
- to_checksum (cs, n);
- }
- }
- if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "recipe variable change forcing update of " << t;});
- }
- // Target and prerequisite sets ($> and $<).
- //
- if (!script.depdb_clear)
- {
- sha256 tcs;
- for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- hash_target (tcs, *m);
- if (dd.expect (tcs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "target set change forcing update of " << t;});
- if (dd.expect (pcs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "prerequisite set change forcing update of " << t;});
- }
- // Finally the programs checksum.
- //
- if (!script.depdb_clear)
- {
- if (dd.expect (ecs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&]{trace << "program checksum change forcing update of " << t;});
- }
- const scope* bs (nullptr);
- const scope* rs (nullptr);
- // Execute the custom dependency change tracking commands, if present.
- //
- if (!script.depdb_lines.empty ())
- {
- bs = &t.base_scope ();
- rs = bs->root_scope ();
- // While it would have been nice to reuse the environment for both
- // dependency tracking and execution, there are complications (creating
- // temporary directory, etc).
- //
- build::script::environment e (a, t, false /* temp_dir */);
- build::script::parser p (ctx);
- for (const script::line& l: script.depdb_lines)
- {
- names ns (p.execute_special (*rs, *bs, e, l));
- // These should have been enforced during pre-parsing.
- //
- assert (!ns.empty ()); // <cmd> ... <newline>
- assert (l.tokens.size () > 2); // 'depdb' <cmd> ... <newline>
- const string& cmd (ns[0].value);
- location loc (l.tokens[0].location ());
- if (cmd == "hash")
- {
- sha256 cs;
- for (auto i (ns.begin () + 1); i != ns.end (); ++i) // Skip <cmd>.
- to_checksum (cs, *i);
- if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&] {
- diag_record dr (trace);
- dr << "'depdb hash' argument change forcing update of " << t <<
- info (loc); script::dump (dr.os, l);
- });
- }
- else if (cmd == "string")
- {
- string s;
- try
- {
- s = convert<string> (names (make_move_iterator (ns.begin () + 1),
- make_move_iterator (ns.end ())));
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail (l.tokens[2].location ())
- << "invalid 'depdb string' argument: " << e;
- }
- if (dd.expect (s) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&] {
- diag_record dr (trace);
- dr << "'depdb string' argument change forcing update of "
- << t <<
- info (loc); script::dump (dr.os, l);
- });
- }
- else
- assert (false);
- }
- }
- // Update if depdb mismatch.
- //
- if (dd.writing () || dd.mtime > mt)
- update = true;
- dd.close ();
- // If nothing changed, then we are done.
- //
- if (!update)
- return *ps;
- if (!ctx.dry_run || verb != 0)
- {
- if (bs == nullptr)
- {
- bs = &t.base_scope ();
- rs = bs->root_scope ();
- }
- build::script::environment e (a, t, script.temp_dir);
- build::script::parser p (ctx);
- if (verb == 1)
- {
- if (script.diag_line)
- {
- text << p.execute_special (*rs, *bs, e, *script.diag_line);
- }
- else
- {
- // @@ TODO (and below):
- //
- // - we are printing target, not source (like in most other places)
- //
- // - printing of ad hoc target group (the {hxx cxx}{foo} idea)
- //
- // - if we are printing prerequisites, should we print all of them
- // (including tools)?
- //
- text << *script.diag_name << ' ' << t;
- }
- }
- if (!ctx.dry_run || verb >= 2)
- {
- build::script::default_runner r;
- p.execute (*rs, *bs, e, script, r);
- if (!ctx.dry_run)
- dd.check_mtime (tp);
- }
- }
- t.mtime (system_clock::now ());
- return target_state::changed;
- }
- target_state adhoc_buildscript_rule::
- default_action (action a, const target& t) const
- {
- tracer trace ("adhoc_buildscript_rule::default_action");
- context& ctx (t.ctx);
- execute_prerequisites (a, t);
- if (!ctx.dry_run || verb != 0)
- {
- const scope& bs (t.base_scope ());
- const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
- build::script::environment e (a, t, script.temp_dir);
- build::script::parser p (ctx);
- if (verb == 1)
- {
- if (script.diag_line)
- {
- text << p.execute_special (rs, bs, e, *script.diag_line);
- }
- else
- {
- // @@ TODO: as above
- //
- text << *script.diag_name << ' ' << t;
- }
- }
- if (!ctx.dry_run || verb >= 2)
- {
- build::script::default_runner r;
- p.execute (rs, bs, e, script, r);
- }
- }
- return target_state::changed;
- }