@echo off rem file : build-msvc.bat.in rem license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion goto start :usage echo. rem echo Usage: %0 [/?] [^<options^>] [^<cl-compiler^>] echo Usage: %0 [/?] [^<options^>] echo Options: echo --local Don't build from packages, only from local source. echo --no-bpkg Don't install bpkg nor bdep (requires --local). echo --no-bdep Don't install bdep. echo --no-modules Don't install standard build system modules. echo --modules "<list>" Install only specified standard build system modules. echo --install-dir ^<dir^> Alternative installation directory. echo --repo ^<loc^> Alternative package repository location. echo --trust ^<fp^> Repository certificate fingerprint to trust. echo --timeout ^<sec^> Network operations timeout in seconds. echo --verbose ^<level^> Diagnostics verbosity level between 0 and 6. echo. echo By default the batch file will use cl.exe as the C++ compiler and install echo into C:\build2. It also expects to find the base utilities in the bin\ echo subdirectory of the installation directory ^(C:\build2\bin\ by default^). echo. echo The --trust option recognizes two special values: 'yes' ^(trust everything^) echo and 'no' (trust nothing). echo. echo The script by default installs the following standard build system echo modules: echo. echo %standard_modules% echo. echo Use --no-modules to suppress installing build system modules or echo --modules "<list>" to specify a comma-separated subset to install. echo. echo See the BOOTSTRAP-WINDOWS-MSVC file for details. echo. goto end :start set "owd=%CD%" rem Package repository URL (or path). rem if "_%BUILD2_REPO%_" == "__" ( set "BUILD2_REPO=@BUILD2_REPO@" ) rem Package versions. rem set "build2_ver=@BUILD2_VERSION@" set "bpkg_ver=@BPKG_VERSION@" set "bdep_ver=@BDEP_VERSION@" rem Standard modules comma-separated list and versions. rem rem NOTE: we currently print the list as a single line and will need to rem somehow change that when it becomes too long. rem set "standard_modules=kconfig" set "kconfig_ver=@KCONFIG_VERSION@" rem The bpkg configuration directory. rem set "cver=@CONFIG_VER@" set "cdir=build2-toolchain-%cver%" rem Parse options. rem set "local=" set "bpkg=true" set "bdep=true" set "modules=%standard_modules%" set "idir=C:\build2" set "trust=" set "timeout=" set "verbose=" :options if "_%~1_" == "_/?_" goto usage if "_%~1_" == "_-h_" goto usage if "_%~1_" == "_--help_" goto usage if "_%~1_" == "_--local_" ( set "local=true" shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--no-bpkg_" ( set "bpkg=" shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--no-bdep_" ( set "bdep=" shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--no-modules_" ( set "modules=" shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--modules_" ( set "modules=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--install-dir_" ( if "_%~2_" == "__" ( echo error: installation directory expected after --install-dir goto error ) set "idir=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--trust_" ( if "_%~2_" == "__" ( echo error: certificate fingerprint expected after --trust goto error ) set "trust=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--repo_" ( if "_%~2_" == "__" ( echo error: repository location expected after --repo goto error ) set "BUILD2_REPO=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--timeout_" ( if "_%~2_" == "__" ( echo error: value in seconds expected after --timeout goto error ) set "timeout=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--verbose_" ( if "_%~2_" == "__" ( echo error: diagnostics level between 0 and 6 expected after --verbose goto error ) set "verbose=%~2" shift shift goto options ) if "_%~1_" == "_--_" shift rem Validate options and arguments. rem rem @@ Temporarily retained for backwards compatibility. rem if not "_%1_" == "__" ( set "idir=%1" ) if not "_%2_" == "__" ( set "trust=%2" ) rem Compiler. rem rem if "_%1_" == "__" ( set "cxx=cl" rem ) else ( rem set "cxx=%1" rem ) rem If --no-bpkg is specified, then we require --local to also be specified rem since it won't be possible to build things from packages without bpkg. rem Also imply --no-bdep in this case, since bdep is pretty much useless rem without bpkg. rem if "_%bpkg%_" == "__" ( if "_%local%_" == "__" ( echo error: --no-bpkg can only be used for local installation echo info: additionally specify --local goto error ) set "bdep=" ) for %%m in (%modules%) do ( if "_!%%m_ver!_" == "__" ( echo error: unknown standard build system module '%%m' echo info: available standard modules: %standard_modules% goto error ) ) rem Convert a relative path to an absolute. rem for /F "delims=|" %%D in ("%idir%") do set "idir=%%~dpnxD" rem Certificate to trust. rem if not "_%trust%_" == "__" ( if "_%trust%_" == "_yes_" ( set "trust=--trust-yes" ) else ( if "_%trust%_" == "_no_" ( set "trust=--trust-no" ) else ( set "trust=--trust %trust%" ) ) ) rem Network timeout. rem if not "_%timeout%_" == "__" ( set "timeout=--fetch-timeout %timeout%" ) rem Diagnostics verbosity. rem if not "_%verbose%_" == "__" ( set "verbose=--verbose %verbose%" ) if not exist %idir%\bin\ ( echo error: %idir%\bin\ does not exist goto error ) if exist build\config.build ( echo error: current directory already configured, start with clean source goto error ) if "_%local%_" == "__" ( if exist ..\%cdir%\ ( echo error: ..\%cdir%\ bpkg configuration directory already exists, remove it goto error ) ) set "PATH=%idir%\bin;%PATH%" rem Show the steps we are performing. rem @echo on @rem Verify the compiler works. @rem %cxx% @if errorlevel 1 goto error @rem Suppress loading of default options files. @rem set "BUILD2_DEF_OPT=0" set "BPKG_DEF_OPT=0" set "BDEP_DEF_OPT=0" @rem Bootstrap. @rem cd build2 @rem Execute in a separate cmd.exe to preserve the echo mode. @rem cmd /C bootstrap-msvc.bat %cxx% @if errorlevel 1 goto error build2\b-boot --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error build2\b-boot %verbose% config.cxx=%cxx% config.bin.lib=static build2\exe{b} @if errorlevel 1 goto error move /y build2\b.exe build2\b-boot.exe @if errorlevel 1 goto error build2\b-boot --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error cd .. @rem Local installation early return. @rem @if "_%local%_" == "__" goto stage build2\build2\b-boot %verbose% configure^ config.cxx=%cxx%^ config.cc.coptions=/O2^ config.bin.lib=shared^ config.install.root=%idir% @if errorlevel 1 goto error @rem Install toolchain. @rem @set "projects=build2\" @if "_%bpkg%_" == "_true_" ( set "projects=%projects% bpkg\" ) @if "_%bdep%_" == "_true_" ( set "projects=%projects% bdep\" ) build2\build2\b-boot %verbose% install: %projects% @if errorlevel 1 goto error where b @if errorlevel 1 goto error b --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error @if "_%bpkg%_" == "__" goto bpkg_vle where bpkg @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error :bpkg_vle @if "_%bdep%_" == "__" goto bdep_vle where bdep @if errorlevel 1 goto error bdep --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error :bdep_vle @rem Install modules. @rem @set "projects=" @set "tests=" @for %%m in (%modules%) do @( set "projects=!projects! libbuild2-%%m\" set "tests=!tests! tests\libbuild2-%%m-tests\" ) @if "_%projects%_" == "__" goto mods_ile b install: %projects:~1% @if errorlevel 1 goto error b noop: %tests:~1% @if errorlevel 1 goto error :mods_ile @echo off echo. echo Toolchain installation: %idir%\bin echo Build configuration: %owd% echo. goto end @rem Build and stage the build system and the package manager. @rem :stage build2\build2\b-boot %verbose% configure^ config.cxx=%cxx%^ config.bin.lib=shared^ config.bin.suffix=-stage^ config.install.root=%idir%^ config.install.data_root=root\stage @if errorlevel 1 goto error build2\build2\b-boot %verbose% install: build2\ bpkg\ @if errorlevel 1 goto error where b-stage @if errorlevel 1 goto error b-stage --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error where bpkg-stage @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg-stage --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error @rem Build the entire toolchain from packages. @rem cd .. md %cdir% @if errorlevel 1 goto error cd %cdir% @rem Save full path for later. @rem @set "cdir=%CD%" bpkg-stage %verbose% create^ cc^ config.cxx=%cxx%^ config.cc.coptions=/O2^ config.bin.lib=shared^ config.install.root=%idir% @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg-stage %verbose% add %BUILD2_REPO% @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg-stage %verbose% %timeout% %trust% fetch @if errorlevel 1 goto error @set "packages=build2/%build2_ver% bpkg/%bpkg_ver%" @if "_%bdep%_" == "_true_" ( set "packages=%packages% bdep/%bdep_ver%" ) bpkg-stage %verbose% %timeout% build --for install --yes --plan= %packages% @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg-stage %verbose% install --all @if errorlevel 1 goto error where b @if errorlevel 1 goto error b --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error where bpkg @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error @if "_%bdep%_" == "__" goto bdep_vpe where bdep @if errorlevel 1 goto error bdep --version @if errorlevel 1 goto error :bdep_vpe @rem Build, install, and verify the build system modules. @rem @set "packages=" @set "tests=" @for %%m in (%modules%) do @( set "packages=!packages! libbuild2-%%m/!%%m_ver!" set "tests=!tests! tests\libbuild2-%%m-tests\" ) @if "_%packages%_" == "__" goto mods_ipe bpkg build --for install %packages:~1% @if errorlevel 1 goto error bpkg install --all-pattern=libbuild2-* @if errorlevel 1 goto error :mods_ipe cd %owd% @if "_%tests%_" == "__" goto mods_lpe b noop: %tests:~1% @if errorlevel 1 goto error :mods_lpe @rem Clean up stage. @rem b %verbose% uninstall: build2\ bpkg\ @if errorlevel 1 goto error @echo off echo. echo Toolchain installation: %idir%\bin echo Build configuration: %cdir% echo. goto end :error @echo off cd %owd% endlocal exit /b 1 :end endlocal