# file      : tests/upload/data.testscript
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

# Pre-created upload data directory that will be copied by subsequent tests
# and scope setup commands. The common approach will be that group scopes copy
# and modify the parent scope upload data directory as required by the nested
# tests and scopes. Tests will also clone the parent scope upload data
# directory to optionally modify it, use and cleanup at the end. Note that
# upload data directory can not be shared between multiple upload handler
# processes. Also we need to make sure that upload data directories are not
# cloned while being used by upload handler scripts.
data_dir = $regex.replace($path_search('*/request.manifest', $src_base), \
                          '(.*)/.*', \

request_id = "$data_dir"

# Copy the original upload data directory to the root scope.
+cp -r $src_base/$data_dir ./

root_data_dir = $~/$data_dir

# The most commonly used upload data directory cloning command that copies it
# from the parent scope working directory.
clone_data       = [cmdline] cp --no-cleanup -r ../$data_dir ./
clone_data_clean = [cmdline] cp --no-cleanup -r ../$data_dir ./ &$data_dir/***

# Clones the original upload data directory.
clone_root_data       = [cmdline] cp --no-cleanup -r $root_data_dir ./
clone_root_data_clean = [cmdline] cp --no-cleanup -r $root_data_dir ./ &$data_dir/***