Prepare the test data with the following instructions.

Create the git repository:

$ mkdir hello.git
$ git -C hello.git/ init --bare

Create the project:

$ bdep new -t empty -C @cfg hello
$ bdep new --package -t lib libhello -d hello
$ bdep init -d hello/libhello

Edit hello/libhello/manifest setting version to 0.1.0.

$ git -C hello remote add origin "$(pwd)/hello.git"
$ git -C hello add '*'
$ git -C hello commit -m "Create"
$ git -C hello push --set-upstream origin master

$ tar cf hello.tar.gz hello.git/

Move the archive into tests/submit/ directory.

Locally run brep server configured to use submit-dir handler.

$ bdep publish \
--control \
--email \
--repository http://localhost/pkg \
--yes \
-d hello

Replace the submission data directory in tests/submit/ with the one produced
with the above command removing package.manifest and result.manifest files it