: 1
sha256sum: b85ba3a0ba45b98e1fbb2507f199bc4b218a4a413ec6ba4094e214a7507490a2
name: libexp
version: 1~1.2+1
summary: The exponent
license: MIT
tags: c++, exponent
description: The exponent math function.
url: http://www.exp.com
email: users@exp.com
build-email: builds@exp.com
depends: libmisc
depends: libpq >= 9.0.0
build-exclude: *; Only supported on Linux.
build-include: linux*
location: libexp-1~1.2+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: 0a7414d06ad26d49dad203deaf3841f3df97f1fe27c5bf190c1c20dfeb7f84e0
name: libfoo
version: 1.0
summary: The Foo Library
license: MIT
url: http://www.example.com/foo/
email: foo-users@example.com
location: libfoo-1.0.tar.gz
sha256sum: d8ad319b55fdd19ff24cb0fcf9d61101289569f80b8688884389587cfafa1f1e
name: libfoo
version: 1.2.4+1
priority: high; Critical bug fixes, performance improvement.
summary: The Foo Math Library
license: LGPLv2, MIT; If using with GNU TLS.
license: BSD; If using with OpenSSL.
tags: c++, foo, math
description: \
A modern C++ library with easy to use linear algebra and lot of optimization

There are over 100 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The API is
similar to MATLAB.

Useful for conversion of research code into production environments.
changes: \
 * applied patch for critical bug-219
 * regenerated documentation

 * test suite extended significantly
url: http://www.example.com/foo/; Project home page.
doc-url: http://www.example.org/projects/libfoo/man.xhtml; Documentation page.
src-url: http://scm.example.com/?p=odb/libodb.git\;a=tree; Source tree url.
package-url: http://www.example.com/foo/pack; Package details.
email: foo-users@example.com; Public mailing list. Read FAQ before posting.
package-email: pack@example.com; Current packager.
depends: libmisc < 1.1 | libmisc > 2.3.0; Crashes with 1.1.0-2.3.0.
depends: libexp >= 1.0
depends: ? libstudxml | libexpat; The newer the better.
requires: linux | windows | macosx; Symbian support is coming.
requires: c++11
requires: ? ; libc++ standard library if using Clang on Mac OS X.
requires: ? vc++ >= 12.0; Only if using VC++ on Windows.
location: libfoo-1.2.4+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: c5e593d8efdc34a258f8c0b8cc352dc7193ea4a1d666bcf8d48708c7dd82d0d6
name: libpq
version: 0
summary: PostgreSQL C API client library
license: PostgreSQL License; Permissive free software license.
tags: postgresql, database, client, library, c, api, interface
description: \
PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system with libpq
being its C client library. Applications can use this library to pass queries
to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of those queries
using the C programming language. For more information see:


This package currently contains a build2 package manager (bpkg) stub meaning
that it can only be "built" as already installed in the underlying system (for
example, using a system package manager).

Send questions, bug reports, or any other feedback about the library itself to
the PostgreSQL mailing lists. Send build system and packaging-related feedback
to the packaging@build2.org mailing list (see https://lists.build2.org for
posting guidelines, etc).

The packaging of PostgreSQL for build2 is tracked in a Git repository at:


url: https://www.postgresql.org/
package-url: https://git.build2.org/cgit/packaging/postgresql/
email: pgsql-general@postgresql.org; Mailing list.
package-email: packaging@build2.org; Mailing list.
requires: build2 >= 0.4.0
location: libpq-0.tar.gz
sha256sum: 75958d000b641c588cdf48e3574584e070104097702dccffdad77947e37f9bd0
name: libstudxml
version: 1.0.0+1
summary: Modern C++ XML API
license: MIT
tags: c++, xml, parser, serializer, pull, streaming, modern
url: http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/libstudxml/
email: studxml-users@codesynthesis.com; Public mailing list, posts by\
 non-members are allowed but moderated.
package-email: boris@codesynthesis.com; Direct email to the author.
depends: libexpat >= 2.0.0
depends: libgenx
location: libstudxml-1.0.0+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: cfa4b1f89f8e903d48eff1e1d14628c32aa4d126d09b0b056d2cd80f8dc78580