: 1
sha256sum: b85ba3a0ba45b98e1fbb2507f199bc4b218a4a413ec6ba4094e214a7507490a2
name: libexp
version: +2-1.2+1
upstream-version: 1.2.abc.15-x
project: mathLab
summary: The exponent
license: MIT
keywords: mathlab c++ exponent
description: The exponent math function.
description-type: text/plain
url: http://exp.example.com
email: users@exp.example.com
build-email: builds@exp.example.com
depends: libmisc
depends: libpq >= 9.0.0
builds: default legacy
build-include: windows**d/x86_64**
build-include: windows-vc_13**
build-exclude: **; Only supported on Windows.
location: libexp-+2-1.2+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: 317c8c6f45d9dfdfdef3a823411920cecd51729c7c4f58f9a0b0bbd681c07bd6
name: libfoo
version: +0-X.Y
summary: The Foo Library
license: MIT
location: libfoo-+0-X.Y.tar.gz
sha256sum: c994fd49f051ab7fb25f3a4e68ca878e484c5d3c2cb132b37d41224b0621b618
name: libfoo
version: 1.0
summary: The Foo Library
license: MIT
build-email: foo-builds@example.com
builds: default legacy; Stable configurations only.
builds: -32; 64-bit targets only
builds: &msvc_13_up; Not too old MSVC.
location: libfoo-1.0.tar.gz
sha256sum: e89c6d746f8b1ea3ec58d294946d2f683d133438d2ac8c88549ba24c19627e76
name: libfoo
version: 1.2.4+1
priority: high; Critical bug fixes, performance improvement.
summary: The Foo Math Library
license: LGPLv2, MIT; If using with GNU TLS.
license: BSD; If using with OpenSSL.
topics: math library, math API, libbaz fork
keywords: c++ foo math best
description: \
A modern C++ library with easy to use linear algebra and lot of optimization

There are over 100 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The API is
similar to ~~mathlab~~ **MATLAB**.

Useful for conversion of research code into production environments.
description-type: text/markdown
changes: \
 * applied patch for critical bug-219
 * regenerated documentation

 * test suite extended significantly
url: http://www.example.com/foo/; Project home page.
doc-url: http://www.example.org/projects/libfoo/man.xhtml; Documentation page.
src-url: http://scm.example.com/?p=odb/libodb.git\;a=tree; Source tree url.
package-url: http://www.example.com/foo/pack; Package details.
email: foo-users@example.com; Public mailing list. Read FAQ before posting.
package-email: pack@example.com; Current packager.
depends: libmisc < 1.1 | libmisc > 2.3.0; Crashes with 1.1.0-2.3.0.
depends: libexp >= 1.0
depends: ? libstudxml | libexpat; The newer the better.
requires: linux | windows | macosx; Symbian support is coming.
requires: c++11
requires: ? ; libc++ standard library if using Clang on Mac OS X.
requires: ? vc++ >= 12.0; Only if using VC++ on Windows.
location: libfoo-1.2.4+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: 0a206d2b5e575549914ed43b87470b33512e975fffa4fc8f3eb92b3dea66979e
name: libpq
version: 0
summary: PostgreSQL C API client library
license: PostgreSQL License; Permissive free software license.
keywords: postgresql database client library c
description: \
PostgreSQL is an object-relational SQL database management system with libpq
being its C client library. Applications can use this library to pass queries
to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of those queries
using the C programming language. For more information see:


This package currently contains a build2 package manager (bpkg) stub meaning
that it can only be "built" as already installed in the underlying system (for
example, using a system package manager).

Send questions, bug reports, or any other feedback about the library itself to
the PostgreSQL mailing lists. Send build system and packaging-related feedback
to the packaging@build2.org mailing list (see https://lists.build2.org for
posting guidelines, etc).

The packaging of PostgreSQL for build2 is tracked in a Git repository at:


description-type: text/plain
url: https://www.postgresql.org/
package-url: https://git.build2.org/cgit/packaging/postgresql/
email: pgsql-general@postgresql.org; Mailing list.
package-email: packaging@build2.org; Mailing list.
requires: build2 >= 0.4.0
location: libpq-0.tar.gz
sha256sum: 75958d000b641c588cdf48e3574584e070104097702dccffdad77947e37f9bd0
name: libstudxml
version: 1.0.0+1
summary: Modern C++ XML API
license: MIT
keywords: c++ xml parser serializer pull
url: http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/libstudxml/
email: studxml-users@example.com; Public mailing list, posts by non-members\
 are allowed but moderated.
package-email: studxml-package@example.com; Direct email to the packager.
build-warning-email: studxml-warnings@example.com
build-error-email: studxml-errors@example.com
depends: libexpat >= 2.0.0
depends: libgenx
location: libstudxml-1.0.0+1.tar.gz
sha256sum: 1833906dd93ccc0cda832d6a1b3ef9ed7877bb9958b46d9b2666033d4a7919c9