// file : mod/database.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <mod/database.hxx> #include <map> #include <odb/pgsql/database.hxx> #include <odb/pgsql/connection-factory.hxx> namespace brep { struct db_key { string user; string role; string password; string name; string host; uint16_t port; }; static bool operator< (const db_key& x, const db_key& y) { int r; if ((r = x.user.compare (y.user)) != 0 || (r = x.role.compare (y.role)) != 0 || (r = x.password.compare (y.password)) != 0 || (r = x.name.compare (y.name)) != 0 || (r = x.host.compare (y.host))) return r < 0; return x.port < y.port; } using namespace odb; class connection_pool_factory: public pgsql::connection_pool_factory { public: connection_pool_factory (string role, size_t max_connections) : pgsql::connection_pool_factory (max_connections), role_ (move (role)) { } virtual pooled_connection_ptr create () override { pooled_connection_ptr conn (pgsql::connection_pool_factory::create ()); // Set the serializable isolation level for the subsequent connection // transactions. Note that the SET TRANSACTION command affects only the // current transaction. // conn->execute ("SET default_transaction_isolation=serializable"); // Change the connection current user to the execution user name. // if (!role_.empty ()) conn->execute ("SET ROLE '" + role_ + "'"); return conn; } private: string role_; }; shared_ptr<database> shared_database (string user, string role, string password, string name, string host, uint16_t port, size_t max_connections) { static std::map<db_key, weak_ptr<database>> databases; db_key k ({ move (user), move (role), move (password), move (name), move (host), port}); auto i (databases.find (k)); if (i != databases.end ()) { if (shared_ptr<database> d = i->second.lock ()) return d; } unique_ptr<pgsql::connection_factory> f (new connection_pool_factory (k.role, max_connections)); shared_ptr<database> d ( make_shared<pgsql::database> ( k.user, k.password, k.name, k.host, k.port, "", move (f))); databases[move (k)] = d; return d; } }