// file : load/load.cli // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; include ; include ; // uint16_t include ; include ; "\section=1" "\name=brep-load" "\summary=load repositories into brep package database" { " ", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{brep-load --help}\n \b{brep-load --version}\n \b{brep-load} [] } \h|DESCRIPTION| \cb{brep-load} reads the list of repositories from the specified configuration file, fetches their manifest files, and loads the repository and package information into the \cb{package} database, suitable for consumption by the \cb{brep} web module. Note that \cb{brep-load} expects the \cb{package} database schema to have already been created using \l{brep-migrate(1)}. Also note that \cb{brep-load} requires \l{bpkg(1)} to fetch repository information. See \cb{--bpkg} for more information on the package manager program." } class options { "\h|OPTIONS|" bool --ignore-unknown { "Ignore unknown manifest entries." } bool --force { "Reload package information regardless of the repository manifest file timestamps." }; bool --shallow { "Don't load package information from prerequisite or complement repositories, don't fail if unable to resolve a package dependency, and don't detect package dependency cycles." }; bool --ignore-unresolv-tests { "Ignore tests, examples, and benchmarks package manifest entries which cannot be resolved from the main package's complement repositories, recursively. Note that in contrast to --shallow option, such entries will be removed from the main package manifests outright." } brep::ignore_unresolved_conditional_dependencies --ignore-unresolv-cond { "", "Ignore conditional package dependencies which cannot be resolved. The valid values are \cb{all} and \cb{tests}. If \cb{all} is specified, then unresolved conditional dependencies are ignored in all packages. If \cb{tests} is specified, then unresolved conditional dependencies are only ignored in external tests, examples, and benchmarks packages." } std::string --tenant { "", "Tenant the package and repository information should be loaded in. If not specified, then the single-tenant mode is assumed." }; bool --existing-tenant { "Load the repository and package information into the already created empty tenant rather than into the newly created one. Requires the \cb{--tenant} option to be specified." }; bool --private { "Display the tenant packages in the web interface only in the tenant view mode." }; std::string --interactive { "", "Build the tenant packages interactively, stopping builds at the specified breakpoint. Implies \cb{--private}." }; std::string --service-id { "", "Third party service information to associate with the being created tenant. Requires the \cb{--tenant} and \cb{--service-type} options to be specified." }; std::string --service-type { "", "Type of the service to associate with the being created tenant. Requires the \cb{--service-id} option to be specified." }; std::string --service-data { "", "Service data to associate with the being created tenant. Requires the \cb{--service-id} option to be specified." }; brep::dir_path --metadata { "", "Directory where the package metadata manifest files are located. If specified, then (re-)load the metadata if the package information is also (re-)loaded or update it if the \cb{--metadata-changed} option is specified. The subdirectory hierarchy under this directory is expected to be in the following form: \ /// \ " } bool --metadata-changed { "Update the package metadata even if the package information is not reloaded." }; brep::path --overrides-file { "", "Read package manifest overrides from the specified manifest fragment file and apply them to packages being loaded." } std::string --db-user|-u { "", "Database user name. If not specified, then operating system (login) name is used." } std::string --db-password { "", "Database password. If not specified, then login without password is expected to work." } std::string --db-name|-n = "brep_package" { "", "Database name. If not specified, then \cb{brep_package} is used by default." } std::string --db-host|-h { "", "Database host name, address, or socket. If not specified, then connect to \cb{localhost} using the operating system-default mechanism (Unix-domain socket, etc)." } std::uint16_t --db-port|-p = 0 { "", "Database port number. If not specified, the default port is used." } brep::path --bpkg = "bpkg" { "", "The package manager program to be used to fetch repository information. This should be the path to the \cb{bpkg} executable. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the package manager program with \cb{--bpkg-option}. If the package manager program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{brep-load} will use \cb{bpkg} by default." } brep::strings --bpkg-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the package manager program. See \cb{--bpkg} for more information on the package manager program. Repeat this option to specify multiple package manager options." } brep::path --openssl = "openssl" { "", "The openssl program to be used for crypto operations. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the openssl program with \cb{openssl-option}. If the openssl program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{brep-load} will use \cb{openssl} by default." } brep::strings --openssl-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the openssl program (see \cb{openssl} for details). Repeat this option to specify multiple openssl options." } std::string --pager // String to allow empty value. { "", "The pager program to be used to show long text. Commonly used pager programs are \cb{less} and \cb{more}. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the pager program with \cb{--pager-option}. If an empty string is specified as the pager program, then no pager will be used. If the pager program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{brep-load} will try to use \cb{less}. If it is not available, then no pager will be used." } std::vector --pager-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the pager program. See \cb{--pager} for more information on the pager program. Repeat this option to specify multiple pager options." } bool --help {"Print usage information and exit."} bool --version {"Print version and exit."} }; "\h|EXIT STATUS| \dl| \li|\cb{0} Success.| \li|\cb{1} Fatal error.| \li|\cb{2} An instance of \cb{brep-load} or some other \cb{brep} utility is already running. Try again.| \li|\cb{3} Recoverable database error. Try again.|| "