This directory contains scripts, configuration files, etc., that are used to prepare the virtual machine (VM) with a build2 repository web interface (brep) described in ../README. This document provides terse notes on how this VM is prepared. The VM is prepared and tested using user brep: # groupadd --gid 63700 brep # useradd --uid 63700 --gid 63700 --create-home brep # usermod --lock brep # usermod -G kvm brep Note: different UID/GID can be used by passing the --brep-user option to the brep-install script. # su - brep $ mkdir -p bin vm state/bpkg Next copy the prepared VM image: $ cp .../linux_debian_10.img vm/brep.img The brep-install script assumes a Debian-based VM distribution. Other distributions can probably be made to work but will require changes to brep-install. The VM normally already has the following changes applied: # apt-get install acpid # For QEMU system_powerdown to work. # systemctl enable acpid # systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS0.service # systemctl start serial-getty@ttyS0.service # nano /etc/default/grub # # GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0" # # GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console" # update-grub # echo localhost >/etc/hostname # nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf # # Comment out `send host-name ...`. # # Add `send dhcp-client-identifier = hardware;` Clone or copy the brep repository and create the directory structure: $ cp -r .../brep ./ $ cp brep/etc/private/vm-* bin/ $ cp -r brep/etc/private ./etc Download the build2 toolchain installation script: $ curl -sSfO $ # Verify the checksum. $ mv build2-install-*.sh etc/install/ Start the VM (give as much CPU/RAM as available to speed up compilation): $ ~/bin/vm-start --install etc/install/ --cpu 8 --ram 8G \ --tap tap0 --mac de:ad:be:ef:de:ad vm/brep.img Login into the VM as root, then perform the following steps: # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L install /mnt # /mnt/brep-install --mount After the installation is complete, test the result as described in ../README. Note: to create a "clean" VM for distribution, pass the --clean option to brep-install, shut the VM down immediately after installation, save the clean VM image, then boot a copy for testing. Generate the systemd service template file: ~/etc/install/vm-gen-service --bin bin --etc vm --var vm --run . Test starting the VM as a systemd service as described in ../README.