# Configuration file for the brep module (note: this is not an apache2 .conf
# file but it can be converted to one by prefixing all the options with
# brep-). See brep(1) for detailed description of each configuration option.
# Commented out options indicate their default values.

# Package search page title. It is placed inside XHTML5 <title> element.
# search-title Packages

# Web page logo. It is displayed in the page header aligned to the left edge.
# The value is treated as an XHTML5 fragment.
# logo ""

# Web page menu. Each entry is displayed in the page header in the order
# specified and aligned to the right edge. A link target that starts with '/'
# or contains ':' is used as is. Otherwise, it is prefixed with the repository
# web interface root.
menu Packages=
menu About=?about

# Number of results per page.
# search-results 10

# Number of pages in navigation (pager).
# search-pages 5

# Number of package description characters to display in brief pages.
# package-description 500

# Number of package changes characters to display in brief pages.
# package-changes 5000

# The package database connection configuration. By default, brep will try to
# connect to the local instance of PostgreSQL with the operating system-default
# mechanism (Unix-domain socket, etc) and use operating system (login) user
# name and the database called 'brep_package'. See brep(1) for details.
# package-db-user
# package-db-password
# package-db-name     brep_package
# package-db-host
# package-db-port

# The maximum number of concurrent package database connections per web server
# process. If 0, then no limitation is applied.
# package-db-max-connections 5

# The maximum number of times to retry package database transactions in the
# face of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc).
# package-db-retry 10

# Build configuration file. If not specified (default), then the package
# building functionality will be disabled. If specified, then the build
# database must be configured (see next). Note: must be an absolute path.
# build-config

# Time to wait before considering a package for a forced rebuild. Must be
# specified in seconds. Default is 10 minutes.
# build-forced-rebuild-timeout 600

# Time to wait before considering a package for a normal rebuild. Must be
# specified in seconds. Default is 24 hours.
# build-normal-rebuild-timeout 86400

# The maximum size of the build task request manifest accepted. Note that the
# HTTP POST request body is cached to retry database transactions in the face
# of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc). Default is
# 100K.
# build-task-request-max-size 102400

# Time to wait before considering the expected task result lost. Must be
# specified in seconds. Default is 3 hours.
# build-result-timeout 10800

# The maximum size of the build result manifest accepted. Note that the HTTP
# POST request body is cached to retry database transactions in the face of
# recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc). Default is 10M
# build-result-request-max-size 10485760

# The build database connection configuration. By default, brep will try to
# connect to the local instance of PostgreSQL with the operating system-default
# mechanism (Unix-domain socket, etc) and use operating system (login) user
# name and the database called 'brep_build'. See brep(1) for details.
# build-db-user
# build-db-password
# build-db-name     brep_build
# build-db-host
# build-db-port

# The maximum number of concurrent build database connections per web server
# process. If 0, then no limitation is applied.
# build-db-max-connections 5

# The maximum number of times to retry build database transactions in the
# face of recoverable failures (deadlock, loss of connection, etc).
# build-db-retry 10

# Trace verbosity. Disabled by default.
# verbosity 0