// file : clean/clean.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace odb::core; namespace brep { // Operation failed, diagnostics has already been issued. // struct failed {}; static const char* help_info ( " info: run 'brep-clean --help' for more information"); static int clean_builds (const options&, cli::argv_scanner&, odb::pgsql::database&); static int clean_tenants (const options&, cli::argv_scanner&, odb::pgsql::database&); static int main (int argc, char* argv[]) try { cli::argv_scanner scan (argc, argv, true); options ops (scan); // Version. // if (ops.version ()) { cout << "brep-clean " << BREP_VERSION_ID << endl << "libbrep " << LIBBREP_VERSION_ID << endl << "libbbot " << LIBBBOT_VERSION_ID << endl << "libbpkg " << LIBBPKG_VERSION_ID << endl << "libbutl " << LIBBUTL_VERSION_ID << endl << "Copyright (c) " << BREP_COPYRIGHT << "." << endl << "This is free software released under the MIT license." << endl; return 0; } // Help. // if (ops.help ()) { butl::pager p ("brep-clean help", false, ops.pager_specified () ? &ops.pager () : nullptr, &ops.pager_option ()); print_usage (p.stream ()); // If the pager failed, assume it has issued some diagnostics. // return p.wait () ? 0 : 1; } // Detect the mode. // if (!scan.more ()) { cerr << "error: 'builds' or 'tenants' is expected" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } const string mode (scan.next ()); if (mode != "builds" && mode != "tenants") throw cli::unknown_argument (mode); const string db_schema (mode == "builds" ? "build" : "package"); const string& db_name (!ops.db_name ().empty () ? ops.db_name () : "brep_" + db_schema); odb::pgsql::database db ( ops.db_user (), ops.db_password (), db_name, ops.db_host (), ops.db_port (), "options='-c default_transaction_isolation=serializable'"); // Prevent several brep utility instances from updating the database // simultaneously. // database_lock l (db); // Check that the database schema matches the current one. // if (schema_catalog::current_version (db, db_schema) != db.schema_version (db_schema)) { cerr << "error: " << db_schema << " database schema differs from the " << "current one" << endl << " info: use brep-migrate to migrate the database" << endl; return 1; } return mode == "builds" ? clean_builds (ops, scan, db) : clean_tenants (ops, scan, db); } catch (const database_locked&) { cerr << "brep-clean or brep-migrate is running" << endl; return 2; } catch (const recoverable& e) { cerr << "recoverable database error: " << e << endl; return 3; } catch (const cli::exception& e) { cerr << "error: " << e << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } catch (const failed&) { return 1; // Diagnostics has already been issued. } // Fully qualified to avoid ambiguity with odb exception. // catch (const std::exception& e) { cerr << "error: " << e << endl; return 1; } // Convert timeout duration into the time point. Return // timestamp_nonexistent (never expire) for zero argument. Return nullopt if // the argument is invalid. // static optional timeout (const string& tm) { char* e (nullptr); uint64_t t (strtoull (tm.c_str (), &e, 10)); if (*e != '\0' || tm.empty ()) return nullopt; if (t == 0) return timestamp_nonexistent; return system_clock::now () - chrono::hours (t); } static int clean_builds (const options&, cli::argv_scanner& scan, odb::pgsql::database& db) { // Load configurations names. // if (!scan.more ()) { cerr << "error: configuration file expected" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } path cp; try { cp = path (scan.next ()); } catch (const invalid_path& e) { cerr << "error: configuration file expected instead of '" << e.path << "'" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } // Load build target configurations. // build_target_configs configs; try { configs = bbot::parse_buildtab (cp); } catch (const io_error& e) { cerr << "error: unable to read '" << cp << "': " << e << endl; return 1; } // Note: contains shallow references to the configuration targets/names. // set configs_set; for (const build_target_config& c: configs) configs_set.insert (build_target_config_id {c.target, c.name}); // Parse timestamps. // map timeouts; // Toolchain timeouts. timestamp default_timeout; // timestamp_nonexistent while (scan.more ()) { string a (scan.next ()); string tc; optional to; size_t p (a.find ('=')); if (p == string::npos) to = timeout (a); else if (p > 0) // Note: toolchain name can't be empty. { tc = string (a, 0, p); to = timeout (string (a, p + 1)); } // Note that the default timeout can't be zero. // if (!to || (*to == timestamp_nonexistent && tc.empty ())) { cerr << "error: timeout expected instead of '" << a << "'" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } if (tc.empty ()) default_timeout = *to; timeouts[move (tc)] = move (*to); } // Prepare the build prepared query. // // Query package builds in chunks in order not to hold locks for too long. // Sort the result by package version to minimize number of queries to the // package database. Note that we still need to sort by configuration and // toolchain to make sure that builds are sorted consistently across // queries and we don't miss any of them. // using bld_query = query; using prep_bld_query = prepared_query; size_t offset (0); bld_query bq ("ORDER BY" + bld_query::id.package.tenant + "," + bld_query::id.package.name + order_by_version_desc (bld_query::id.package.version, false) + "," + bld_query::id.target + "," + bld_query::id.target_config_name + "," + bld_query::id.package_config_name + "," + bld_query::id.toolchain_name + order_by_version (bld_query::id.toolchain_version, false /* first */) + "OFFSET" + bld_query::_ref (offset) + "LIMIT 2000"); connection_ptr conn (db.connection ()); prep_bld_query bld_prep_query ( conn->prepare_query ("build-query", bq)); // Prepare the package version query. // // Query buildable packages every time the new tenant or package name is // encountered during iterating over the package builds. Such a query will // be made once per tenant package name due to the builds query sorting // criteria (see above). // using pkg_query = query; using prep_pkg_query = prepared_query; string tnt; package_name pkg_name; set package_versions; pkg_query pq (pkg_query::buildable && pkg_query::id.tenant == pkg_query::_ref (tnt) && pkg_query::id.name == pkg_query::_ref (pkg_name)); prep_pkg_query pkg_prep_query ( conn->prepare_query ("package-query", pq)); // On the recoverable database error we will retry querying/traversing // builds in the current chunk, up to 10 times. If we still end up with // the recoverable database error, then just skip this builds chunk. // const size_t max_retries (10); size_t retry (max_retries); // If we fail to erase some builds due to the recoverable database error // and no builds are erased during this run, then we terminate with the // exit code 3 (recoverable database error). // bool erased (false); optional re; for (bool ne (true); ne; ) { size_t n (0); try { transaction t (conn->begin ()); // Query builds. // auto builds (bld_prep_query.execute ()); n = builds.size (); size_t not_erased (0); if ((ne = (n != 0))) { for (const auto& b: builds) { auto i (timeouts.find (b.toolchain_name)); timestamp et (i != timeouts.end () ? i->second : default_timeout); // Note that we don't consider the case when both the // configuration and the package still exist but the package now // excludes the configuration (configuration is now of the legacy // class instead of the default class, etc). Should we handle this // case and re-implement in a way brep-monitor does it? Probably // not since the described situation is not very common and // storing some extra builds which sooner or later will be wiped // out due to the timeout is harmless. The current implementation, // however, is simpler and consumes less resources in runtime // (doesn't load build package objects, etc). // bool cleanup ( // Check that the build is not stale. // b.timestamp <= et || // Check that the build configuration is still present. // // Note that we unable to detect configuration changes and rely // on periodic rebuilds to take care of that. // configs_set.find ( build_target_config_id { b.target, b.target_config_name}) == configs_set.end ()); // Check that the build package still exists. // if (!cleanup) { if (tnt != b.tenant || pkg_name != b.package_name) { tnt = b.tenant; pkg_name = b.package_name; package_versions.clear (); for (auto& p: pkg_prep_query.execute ()) package_versions.emplace (move (p.version)); } cleanup = package_versions.find (b.package_version) == package_versions.end (); } if (cleanup) db.erase (b); else ++not_erased; } } t.commit (); if (!erased) erased = (not_erased != n); offset += not_erased; retry = max_retries; } catch (const recoverable& e) { // Re-iterate over the current builds chunk, unless there are no more // attempts left. In the later case stash the error message, if not // stashed yet, and skip the current builds chunk. // if (retry-- == 0) { offset += n; retry = max_retries; if (!re) re = e.what (); } tnt = ""; pkg_name = package_name (); package_versions.clear (); } } if (re && !erased) { cerr << "recoverable database error: " << *re << endl; return 3; } return 0; } static int clean_tenants (const options& ops, cli::argv_scanner& scan, odb::pgsql::database& db) { if (!scan.more ()) { cerr << "error: timeout expected" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } string a (scan.next ()); optional to (timeout (a)); // Note that the timeout can't be zero. // if (!to || *to == timestamp_nonexistent) { cerr << "error: timeout expected instead of '" << a << "'" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } if (scan.more ()) { cerr << "error: unexpected argument encountered" << endl << help_info << endl; return 1; } uint64_t ns ( chrono::duration_cast ( to->time_since_epoch ()).count ()); // Query tenants in chunks in order not to hold locks for too long. // connection_ptr conn (db.connection ()); // Archive (rather then delete) old tenants, if requested. // if (ops.archive ()) { using query = query; using pquery = prepared_query; query q ((query::creation_timestamp < ns && !query::archived) + "LIMIT 100"); pquery pq (conn->prepare_query ("tenant-query", q)); for (bool ne (true); ne; ) { transaction t (conn->begin ()); auto tenants (pq.execute ()); if ((ne = !tenants.empty ())) { for (auto& t: tenants) { t.archived = true; db.update (t); } } t.commit (); } return 0; } // Delete old tenants. // // Note that we don't delete dangling builds for the deleted packages. // Doing so would require to operate on two databases, complicating the // code and the utility interface. Note that dangling builds are never // considered in the web interface and are always deleted with the // 'brep-clean builds' command. // using query = query; using pquery = prepared_query; query q ((query::creation_timestamp < ns) + "LIMIT 100"); pquery pq (conn->prepare_query ("tenant-id-query", q)); for (bool ne (true); ne; ) { transaction t (conn->begin ()); auto tenant_ids (pq.execute ()); if ((ne = !tenant_ids.empty ())) { // Cache tenant ids and erase packages, repositories, public keys, and // tenants at once. // strings tids; tids.reserve (tenant_ids.size ()); for (auto& tid: tenant_ids) tids.push_back (move (tid.value)); using odb::query; db.erase_query ( query::id.tenant.in_range (tids.begin (), tids.end ())); db.erase_query ( query::id.tenant.in_range (tids.begin (), tids.end ())); db.erase_query ( query::id.tenant.in_range (tids.begin (), tids.end ())); db.erase_query ( query::id.in_range (tids.begin (), tids.end ())); } t.commit (); } return 0; } } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { return brep::main (argc, argv); }