The goal of this setup is to run the brep Apache2 modules from the development build while still being as close to the real deployment as possible. To this end, we use default, system-wide installations of both Apache2 and Postgres. In the below instructions replace <user> with your login and www-data with the user under which Apache2 is running (See the "User" directive in the Apache2 .conf file). 0. Check Permissions Check that the files in the brep/ directory are readable by "others". If they are not, then run the following two commands to grant Apache2 read access: $ setfacl -Rdm g:www-data:rx brep $ setfacl -n -Rm g:www-data:rx brep And also for all the directories leading up to brep/, for example, if you have ~/projects/brep/, then: $ setfacl -m g:www-data:rx ~/ ~/projects Note: strictly speaking www-data in the above two commands is the Apache2 group, not user. However, most installations use the same name for both. Note: if the development machine employs SELinux, then this approach may require additional configuration steps (not shown) in order to allow Apache2 access to the module, configuration, and content. Alternatively, you may want to disable the security restrictions for Apache2, for example: semanage permissive -a httpd_t 1. Create PostgreSQL User and Databases $ sudo sudo -u postgres psql # Note: double sudo is not a mistake. CREATE DATABASE brep_package TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF8'; CREATE DATABASE brep_build TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF8'; CREATE USER <user>; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE brep_package, brep_build TO <user>; CREATE USER "www-data" INHERIT IN ROLE <user>; CREATE USER "brep-build" INHERIT IN ROLE <user> PASSWORD '-'; Exit psql (^D), then make sure the logins work: $ psql -d brep_package ^D $ psql -d brep_build ^D $ sudo sudo -u www-data psql -d brep_package ^D $ sudo sudo -u www-data psql -d brep_build ^D $ sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_build CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw; CREATE SERVER package_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (dbname 'brep_package', updatable 'false'); GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER package_server to <user>; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR PUBLIC SERVER package_server OPTIONS (user 'brep-build', password '-'); Exit psql (^D) Add the following lines at the beginning of the PostgreSQL client authentication configuration file (pg_hba.conf): # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD local brep_package brep-build md5 Restart PostgreSQL (use the second version for systemd): $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql To troubleshoot, see PostgreSQL logs, for example: $ sudo tail -f /var/log/postgresql/*.log Enable creating database tables with columns of the case-insensitive character string type: $ sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_package CREATE EXTENSION citext; Exit psql (^D) $ sudo sudo -u postgres psql -d brep_build CREATE EXTENSION citext; Exit psql (^D) 2. Create Database Schemes and Load the Repository All the commands are executed from brep project root. $ migrate/brep-migrate package # Or use some other loader config. # $ load/brep-load --bpkg ../bpkg/bpkg/bpkg tests/load/loadtab $ migrate/brep-migrate build To verify: $ psql -d brep_package -c 'SELECT canonical_name, summary FROM repository' $ psql -d brep_build -c 'SELECT package_name FROM build' # Empty row set. $ psql -d brep_build -c 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM build_package' 3. Setup Apache2 Module Here we assume Apache2 is installed and you have an appropriate VirtualServer ready (the one for the default site is usually a good candidate). Open the corresponding Apache2 .conf file and add the following inside VirtualServer, replacing <BREP-OUT-ROOT> and <BREP-SRC-ROOT> with the actual absolute paths (if you built brep in the source tree, then the two would be the same), and replacing <user> with your login. # Load the brep module. # <IfModule !brep_module> LoadModule brep_module <BREP-OUT-ROOT>/mod/ </IfModule> # Repository email. This email is used for the From: header in emails # send by brep (for example, build failure notifications). # brep-email # Repository host. It specifies the scheme and the host address (but # not the root path; see brep-root below) that will be used whenever # brep needs to construct an absolute URL to one of its locations (for # example, a link to a build log that is being send via email). # brep-host # Repository root. Use / for web server root. And don't forget to also # update the Location and Alias directives below. # brep-root /pkg <Location "/pkg"> SetHandler brep <IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex disabled DirectorySlash Off </IfModule> </Location> # Brep module configuration. # brep-conf <BREP-SRC-ROOT>/etc/brep-module.conf brep-package-db-role <user> brep-build-db-role <user> # Static brep content (CSS files). # # Note: trailing slashes are important! # Alias /pkg/@/ <BREP-SRC-ROOT>/www/ <Directory "<BREP-SRC-ROOT>/www"> Require all granted </Directory> You may want to replace <BREP-SRC-ROOT>/etc/brep-module.conf with a custom configuration file if you often need to modify it. Restart Apache2 (use the second version for systemd): $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart $ sudo systemctl restart apache2 To verify, visit the repository root. To troubleshoot, see Apache logs, for example: $ sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log 4. Reloading During Development To do a "complete reload" (i.e., recreate database schemes, load the repository data, and reload the Apache2 plugin), execute the following from brep/: $ migrate/brep-migrate --recreate package $ migrate/brep-migrate --recreate build $ load/brep-load --bpkg ../bpkg/bpkg/bpkg tests/load/loadtab $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart $ sudo systemctl restart apache2 Note that if instead you need to recreate the whole databases (e.g., migration is not possible), then one way to do it would be: $ psql -d brep_package -c 'DROP OWNED BY <user>' $ psql -d brep_build -c 'DROP OWNED BY <user>'