path: root/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'mod/mod-ci-github.cxx')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
index 6816e5a..ae736ca 100644
--- a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
@@ -340,9 +340,46 @@ namespace brep
else if (event == "pull_request")
- // @@ TODO
+ gh_pull_request_event pr;
+ try
+ {
+ json::parser p (body.data (), body.size (), "pull_request event");
+ pr = gh_pull_request_event (p);
+ }
+ catch (const json::invalid_json_input& e)
+ {
+ string m ("malformed JSON in " + e.name + " request body");
+ error << m << ", line: " << e.line << ", column: " << e.column
+ << ", byte offset: " << e.position << ", error: " << e;
- throw invalid_request (501, "pull request events not implemented yet");
+ throw invalid_request (400, move (m));
+ }
+ if (pr.action == "opened" || pr.action == "synchronize")
+ {
+ // opened
+ // A pull request was opened.
+ //
+ // synchronize
+ // A pull request's head branch was updated from the base branch or
+ // new commits were pushed to the head branch. (Note that there is
+ // no equivalent event for the base branch. That case gets handled
+ // in handle_check_suite_request() instead.)
+ //
+ // Note that both cases are handled the same: we start a new CI
+ // request which will be reported on the new commit id.
+ //
+ return handle_pull_request (move (pr), warning_success);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Ignore the remaining actions by sending a 200 response with empty
+ // body.
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
@@ -410,6 +447,567 @@ namespace brep
return true;
+ // High-level description of pull request (PR) handling
+ //
+ // - Some GitHub pull request terminology:
+ //
+ // - Fork and pull model: Pull requests are created in a forked
+ // repository. Thus the head and base repositories are different.
+ //
+ // - Shared repository model: The pull request head and base branches are
+ // in the same repository. For example, from a feature branch onto
+ // master.
+ //
+ // - CI the merge commit but add check runs to the pull request head commit
+ //
+ // Most of the major CI integrations build the merge commit instead of the
+ // PR head commit.
+ //
+ // Adding the check runs to the PR head commit is recommended by the
+ // following blog posts by a GitHub employee who is one of the best
+ // sources on these topics:
+ // https://www.kenmuse.com/blog/shared-commits-and-github-checks/ and
+ // https://www.kenmuse.com/blog/creating-github-checks/.
+ //
+ // Do not add any check runs to the merge commit because:
+ //
+ // - The PR head commit is the only commit that can be relied upon to
+ // exist throughout the PR's lifetime. The merge commit, on the other
+ // hand, can change during the PR process. When that happens the PR will
+ // look for check runs on the new merge commit, effectively discarding
+ // the ones we had before.
+ //
+ // - Although some of the GitHub documentation makes it sound like they
+ // expect check runs to be added to both the PR head commit and the
+ // merge commit, the PR UI does not react to the merge commit's check
+ // runs consistently. It actually seems to be quite broken.
+ //
+ // The only thing it seems to do reliably is blocking the PR merge if
+ // the merge commit's check runs are not successful (i.e, overriding the
+ // PR head commit's check runs). But the UI looks quite messed up
+ // generally in this state.
+ //
+ // Note that, in the case of a PR from a forked repository (the so-called
+ // "fork and pull" model), GitHub will copy the PR head commit from the
+ // head repository (the forked one) into the base repository. So the check
+ // runs must always be added to the base repository, whether the PR is
+ // from within the same repository or from a forked repository. The merge
+ // and head commits will be at refs/pull/<PR-number>/{merge,head}.
+ //
+ // - New commits are added to PR head branch
+ //
+ // @@ TODO In this case we will end up creating two sets of check runs on
+ // the same commit (pull_request.head.sha and
+ // check_suite.head_sha). It's not obvious which to prefer but I'm
+ // thinking the pull request is more important because in most
+ // development models it represents something that is more likely to
+ // end up in an important branch (as opposed to the head of a feature
+ // branch).
+ //
+ // Possible solution: ignore all check_suites with non-empty
+ // pull_requests[].
+ //
+ // => check_suite(requested, PR_head) [only in shared repo model]
+ //
+ // Note: check_suite.pull_requests[] will contain all PRs with this
+ // branch as head.
+ //
+ // Note: check_suite.pull_requests[i].head.sha will be the new, updated
+ // PR head sha.
+ //
+ // => pull_request(synchronize)
+ //
+ // Note: The check_suite and pull_request can arrive in any order.
+ //
+ // - New commits are added to PR base branch
+ //
+ // Note: In this case pull_request.base.sha does not change, but the merge
+ // commit will be updated to include the new commits to the base branch.
+ //
+ // - @@ TODO? PR base branch changed (to a different branch)
+ //
+ // => pull_request(edited)
+ //
+ // - PR closed @@ TODO
+ //
+ // => pull_request(closed)
+ //
+ // Cancel CI?
+ //
+ // - PR merged @@ TODO
+ //
+ // => pull_request(merged)
+ //
+ // => check_suite(PR_base)
+ //
+ // Probably wouldn't want to CI the base again because the PR CI would've
+ // done the equivalent already.
+ //
+ bool ci_github::
+ handle_pull_request (gh_pull_request_event pr, bool warning_success)
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "pull_request event { " << pr << " }";});
+ // While we don't need the installation access token in this request,
+ // let's obtain it to flush out any permission issues early. Also, it is
+ // valid for an hour so we will most likely make use of it.
+ //
+ optional<string> jwt (generate_jwt (trace, error));
+ if (!jwt)
+ throw server_error ();
+ optional<gh_installation_access_token> iat (
+ obtain_installation_access_token (pr.installation.id,
+ move (*jwt),
+ error));
+ if (!iat)
+ throw server_error ();
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "installation_access_token { " << *iat << " }";});
+ string sd (service_data (warning_success,
+ move (iat->token),
+ iat->expires_at,
+ pr.installation.id,
+ move (pr.repository.node_id),
+ pr.pull_request.head_sha,
+ pr.repository.clone_url,
+ pr.pull_request.number)
+ .json ());
+ // Create unloaded CI request. After this call we will start getting the
+ // build_unloaded() notifications until (1) we load the request, (2) we
+ // cancel it, or (3) it gets archived after some timeout.
+ //
+ // Note: use no delay since we need to (re)create the synthetic merge
+ // check run as soon as possible.
+ //
+ optional<string> tid (
+ create (error, warn, &trace,
+ *build_db_,
+ tenant_service (move (pr.pull_request.node_id),
+ "ci-github",
+ move (sd)),
+ chrono::seconds (30) /* interval */,
+ chrono::seconds (0) /* delay */));
+ if (!tid)
+ fail << "unable to create unloaded CI request";
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Return the colored circle corresponding to a result_status.
+ //
+ static string
+ circle (result_status rs)
+ {
+ switch (rs)
+ {
+ case result_status::success: return "\U0001F7E2"; // Green circle.
+ case result_status::warning: return "\U0001F7E0"; // Orange circle.
+ case result_status::error:
+ case result_status::abort:
+ case result_status::abnormal: return "\U0001F534"; // Red circle.
+ // Valid values we should never encounter.
+ //
+ case result_status::skip:
+ case result_status::interrupt:
+ throw invalid_argument ("unexpected result_status value: " +
+ to_string (rs));
+ }
+ return ""; // Should never reach.
+ }
+ // Let's capitalize the synthetic check run names to make them easier to
+ // distinguish from the regular ones.
+ //
+ static string merge_check_run_name ("MERGE-COMMIT");
+ static string conclusion_check_run_name ("CONCLUSION");
+ function<optional<string> (const tenant_service&)> ci_github::
+ build_unloaded (tenant_service&& ts,
+ const diag_epilogue& log_writer) const noexcept
+ {
+ NOTIFICATION_DIAG (log_writer);
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Get a new installation access token if the current one has expired.
+ //
+ const gh_installation_access_token* iat (nullptr);
+ optional<gh_installation_access_token> new_iat;
+ if (system_clock::now () > sd.installation_access.expires_at)
+ {
+ if (optional<string> jwt = generate_jwt (trace, error))
+ {
+ new_iat = obtain_installation_access_token (sd.installation_id,
+ move (*jwt),
+ error);
+ if (new_iat)
+ iat = &*new_iat;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ iat = &sd.installation_access;
+ if (iat == nullptr)
+ return nullptr; // Try again on the next call.
+ auto make_iat_updater = [&new_iat, &error] ()
+ {
+ function<optional<string> (const tenant_service&)> r;
+ if (new_iat)
+ {
+ r = [&error,
+ iat = move (new_iat)] (const tenant_service& ts)
+ -> optional<string>
+ {
+ // NOTE: this lambda may be called repeatedly (e.g., due to
+ // transaction being aborted) and so should not move out of its
+ // captures.
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ sd.installation_access = *iat;
+ return sd.json ();
+ };
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ // Create a synthetic check run with an in-progress state. Return the
+ // check run on success or nullopt on failure.
+ //
+ auto create_synthetic_cr = [iat,
+ &sd,
+ &error] (string name) -> optional<check_run>
+ {
+ check_run cr;
+ cr.name = move (name);
+ if (gq_create_check_run (error,
+ cr,
+ iat->token,
+ sd.repository_node_id,
+ sd.report_sha,
+ nullopt /* details_url */,
+ build_state::building))
+ {
+ return cr;
+ }
+ else
+ return nullopt;
+ };
+ // Update a synthetic check run with success or failure. Return the check
+ // run on success or nullopt on failure.
+ //
+ auto update_synthetic_cr = [iat,
+ &sd,
+ &error] (const string& node_id,
+ const string& name,
+ result_status rs,
+ string summary) -> optional<check_run>
+ {
+ assert (!node_id.empty ());
+ optional<gq_built_result> br (
+ gq_built_result (gh_to_conclusion (rs, sd.warning_success),
+ circle (rs) + ' ' + ucase (to_string (rs)),
+ move (summary)));
+ check_run cr;
+ cr.name = name; // For display purposes only.
+ if (gq_update_check_run (error,
+ cr,
+ iat->token,
+ sd.repository_node_id,
+ node_id,
+ nullopt /* details_url */,
+ build_state::built,
+ move (br)))
+ {
+ return cr;
+ }
+ else
+ return nullopt;
+ };
+ // Synthetic merge check run node ID. Empty until created on the first
+ // call or retrieved from service data on subsequent calls.
+ //
+ string merge_node_id;
+ // True if this is the first call (or the merge commit couldn't be created
+ // on the first call, in which case we just re-try by treating it as a
+ // first call).
+ //
+ bool first (!sd.merge_node_id);
+ // If this is the first call, (re)create the synthetic merge check run as
+ // soon as possible to make sure the previous check suite, if any, is no
+ // longer completed.
+ //
+ // Note that there is still a window between receipt of the pull_request
+ // event and the first bot/worker asking for a task, which could be
+ // substantial. We could probably (also) try to (re)create the merge
+ // checkrun in the webhook. @@ Maybe/later.
+ //
+ if (first)
+ {
+ if (auto cr = create_synthetic_cr (merge_check_run_name))
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "created check_run { " << *cr << " }";});
+ merge_node_id = move (*cr->node_id);
+ }
+ else
+ return make_iat_updater (); // Try again on the next call.
+ }
+ else
+ merge_node_id = *sd.merge_node_id;
+ // Start/check PR mergeability.
+ //
+ optional<string> mc (
+ gq_pull_request_mergeable (error, iat->token, ts.id)); // Merge commit.
+ if (!mc || mc->empty ())
+ {
+ if (!mc) // No merge commit yet.
+ {
+ // If this is a subsequent notification and there is no merge commit,
+ // then there is nothing to do.
+ //
+ if (!first)
+ return make_iat_updater ();
+ // Fall through to update service data.
+ }
+ else // Not mergeable.
+ {
+ // If the commit is not mergeable, cancel the CI request and fail the
+ // merge check run.
+ //
+ // Note that it feels like in this case we don't really need to create a
+ // failed synthetic conclusion check run since the PR cannot be merged
+ // anyway.
+ if (auto cr = update_synthetic_cr (
+ merge_node_id,
+ merge_check_run_name,
+ result_status::error,
+ "GitHub is unable to create test merge commit"))
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "updated check_run { " << *cr << " }";});
+ // Cancel the CI request.
+ //
+ if (!cancel (error, warn, &trace, *build_db_, ts.type, ts.id))
+ {
+ // Nothing we can do but also highly unlikely.
+ //
+ error << "unable to cancel CI request: "
+ << "no tenant for service type/ID "
+ << ts.type << '/' << ts.id;
+ }
+ return nullptr; // No need to update service data in this case.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't cancel the CI request if the merge check run update failed
+ // so that we can try again on the next call.
+ if (!first)
+ return make_iat_updater ();
+ // Fall through to update service data.
+ }
+ }
+ // This is a first notification, so record the merge check run in the
+ // service data.
+ //
+ return [&error,
+ iat = move (new_iat),
+ mni = move (merge_node_id)] (const tenant_service& ts)
+ -> optional<string>
+ {
+ // NOTE: this lambda may be called repeatedly (e.g., due to
+ // transaction being aborted) and so should not move out of its
+ // captures.
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ if (iat)
+ sd.installation_access = *iat;
+ sd.merge_node_id = mni;
+ return sd.json ();
+ };
+ }
+ // If we are here, then it means we have a merge commit that we can load.
+ //
+ // Note that this can still be the first call (first=true).
+ //
+ // As a first step, (re)create the synthetic conclusion check run and then
+ // change the merge check run state to success. Do it in this order so
+ // that the check suite does not become completed.
+ // Synthetic conclusion check run node ID. Empty until created on the
+ // "second" call or retrieved from service data on subsequent calls.
+ //
+ string conclusion_node_id;
+ // True if this is the first call after the merge commit became available,
+ // which we will call the "second" call (or we couldn't create the
+ // conclusion check run on the first such call, in which case we just
+ // re-try by treating it as a "second" call).
+ //
+ bool second (!sd.conclusion_node_id);
+ if (second)
+ {
+ if (auto cr = create_synthetic_cr (conclusion_check_run_name))
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "created check_run { " << *cr << " }";});
+ conclusion_node_id = move (*cr->node_id);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ conclusion_node_id = *sd.conclusion_node_id;
+ if (!conclusion_node_id.empty ()) // Conclusion check run was created.
+ {
+ // Update merge check run to successful.
+ //
+ if (auto cr = update_synthetic_cr (merge_node_id,
+ merge_check_run_name,
+ result_status::success,
+ "GitHub created test merge commit"))
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "updated check_run { " << *cr << " }";});
+ // Load the CI request.
+ //
+ // Example repository URL fragment:
+ //
+ // #pull/28/merge@1b6c9a361086ed93e6f1e67189e82d52de91c49b
+ //
+ repository_location rl (*sd.repository_clone_url + "#pull/" +
+ to_string (*sd.pr_number) + "/merge@" + *mc,
+ repository_type::git);
+ optional<start_result> r (
+ load (error, warn, &trace, *build_db_, move (ts), rl));
+ if (!r || r->status != 200)
+ {
+ string msg;
+ msg = "```\n";
+ if (r) msg += r->message;
+ else msg += "Internal service error";
+ msg += "\n```";
+ if (auto cr = update_synthetic_cr (conclusion_node_id,
+ conclusion_check_run_name,
+ result_status::error,
+ move (msg)))
+ {
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "updated check_run { " << *cr << " }";});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Nothing really we can do in this case since we will not receive
+ // any further notifications.
+ }
+ return nullptr; // No need to update service data in this case.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't load the CI request if the merge check run update failed so
+ // that we can try again on the next call.
+ }
+ }
+ return [&error,
+ iat = move (new_iat),
+ mni = (first ? move (merge_node_id) : string ()),
+ cni = (second ? move (conclusion_node_id) : string ())]
+ (const tenant_service& ts) -> optional<string>
+ {
+ // NOTE: this lambda may be called repeatedly (e.g., due to
+ // transaction being aborted) and so should not move out of its
+ // captures.
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ if (iat)
+ sd.installation_access = *iat;
+ if (!mni.empty ())
+ sd.merge_node_id = mni;
+ if (!cni.empty ())
+ sd.conclusion_node_id = cni;
+ return sd.json ();
+ };
+ }
// Build state change notifications (see tenant-services.hxx for
// background). Mapping our state transitions to GitHub pose multiple
// problems:
@@ -596,7 +1194,7 @@ namespace brep
if (gq_create_check_runs (error,
- sd.repository_node_id, sd.head_sha,
+ sd.repository_node_id, sd.report_sha,
for (const check_run& cr: crs)
@@ -873,29 +1471,6 @@ namespace brep
if (iat != nullptr)
- // Return the colored circle corresponding to a result_status.
- //
- auto circle = [] (result_status rs) -> string
- {
- switch (rs)
- {
- case result_status::success: return "\U0001F7E2"; // Green circle.
- case result_status::warning: return "\U0001F7E0"; // Orange circle.
- case result_status::error:
- case result_status::abort:
- case result_status::abnormal: return "\U0001F534"; // Red circle.
- // Valid values we should never encounter.
- //
- case result_status::skip:
- case result_status::interrupt:
- throw invalid_argument ("unexpected result_status value: " +
- to_string (rs));
- }
- return ""; // Should never reach.
- };
// Prepare the check run's summary field (the build information in an
// XHTML table).
@@ -927,9 +1502,9 @@ namespace brep
// Serialize a result row (colored circle, result text, log URL) for
// an operation and result_status.
- auto tr_result = [this, circle, &b] (xml::serializer& s,
- const string& op,
- result_status rs)
+ auto tr_result = [this, &b] (xml::serializer& s,
+ const string& op,
+ result_status rs)
// The log URL.
@@ -1030,7 +1605,7 @@ namespace brep
- sd.head_sha,
+ sd.report_sha,
details_url (b),
move (br)))