path: root/libbrep/build-package-odb.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libbrep/build-package-odb.cxx')
1 files changed, 10255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbrep/build-package-odb.cxx b/libbrep/build-package-odb.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b82a087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbrep/build-package-odb.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,10255 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// This file was generated by ODB, object-relational mapping (ORM)
+// compiler for C++.
+#include <odb/pre.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build-package-odb.hxx>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring> // std::memcpy
+#include <odb/pgsql/traits.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/transaction.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/connection.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/statement.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/statement-cache.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/simple-object-statements.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/view-statements.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/section-statements.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/container-statements.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/exceptions.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/prepared-query.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/simple-object-result.hxx>
+#include <odb/pgsql/view-result.hxx>
+namespace odb
+ // build_tenant
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_name[] = "persist_brep_build_tenant";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_name[] = "find_brep_build_tenant";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ update_statement_name[] = "update_brep_build_tenant";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_statement_name[] = "erase_brep_build_tenant";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_build_tenant";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query_statement_name[] = "erase_query_brep_build_tenant";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ update_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ struct access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::extra_statement_cache_type
+ {
+ extra_statement_cache_type (
+ pgsql::connection&,
+ image_type&,
+ id_image_type&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::native_binding&,
+ const unsigned int*)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::id_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ id (const image_type& i)
+ {
+ pgsql::database* db (0);
+ id_type id;
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ id,
+ i.id_value,
+ i.id_size,
+ i.id_null);
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (t[0UL])
+ {
+ i.id_value.capacity (i.id_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // private_
+ //
+ t[1UL] = 0;
+ // interactive
+ //
+ if (t[2UL])
+ {
+ i.interactive_value.capacity (i.interactive_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // creation_timestamp
+ //
+ t[3UL] = 0;
+ // archived
+ //
+ t[4UL] = 0;
+ // service
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.service_value, t + 5UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // unloaded_timestamp
+ //
+ t[9UL] = 0;
+ // unloaded_notify_interval
+ //
+ t[10UL] = 0;
+ // queued_timestamp
+ //
+ t[11UL] = 0;
+ // toolchain
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.toolchain_value, t + 12UL))
+ grew = true;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (sk != statement_update)
+ {
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.id_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.id_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.id_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.id_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ // private_
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.private_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.private_null;
+ n++;
+ // interactive
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.interactive_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.interactive_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.interactive_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.interactive_null;
+ n++;
+ // creation_timestamp
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.creation_timestamp_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.creation_timestamp_null;
+ n++;
+ // archived
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.archived_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.archived_null;
+ n++;
+ // service
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.service_value, sk);
+ n += 4UL;
+ // unloaded_timestamp
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.unloaded_timestamp_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.unloaded_timestamp_null;
+ n++;
+ // unloaded_notify_interval
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.unloaded_notify_interval_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.unloaded_notify_interval_null;
+ n++;
+ // queued_timestamp
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.queued_timestamp_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.queued_timestamp_null;
+ n++;
+ // toolchain
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.toolchain_value, sk);
+ n += 7UL;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b, id_image_type& i)
+ {
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.id_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.id_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.id_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.id_null;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const object_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (sk == statement_insert)
+ {
+ ::std::string const& v =
+ o.id;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.id_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.id_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.id_null = is_null;
+ i.id_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.id_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // private_
+ //
+ {
+ bool const& v =
+ o.private_;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_image (
+ i.private_value, is_null, v);
+ i.private_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // interactive
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > > const& v =
+ o.interactive;
+ bool is_null (true);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.interactive_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.interactive_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.interactive_null = is_null;
+ i.interactive_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.interactive_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // creation_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::timestamp const& v =
+ o.creation_timestamp;
+ // From common.hxx:123:14
+ ::uint64_t const& vt =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast < std::chrono::nanoseconds > ((v).time_since_epoch ()).count ();
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::uint64_t,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.creation_timestamp_value, is_null, vt);
+ i.creation_timestamp_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // archived
+ //
+ {
+ bool const& v =
+ o.archived;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_image (
+ i.archived_value, is_null, v);
+ i.archived_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // service
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service > const& v =
+ o.service;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.service_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::brep::tenant_service& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.service_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // unloaded_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::time_point< ::std::chrono::system_clock, ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > > > const& v =
+ o.unloaded_timestamp;
+ // From common.hxx:133:14
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 const& vt =
+ (v) ? std::chrono::duration_cast < std::chrono::nanoseconds > ((v)->time_since_epoch ()).count () : brep::optional_uint64 ();
+ bool is_null (true);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.unloaded_timestamp_value, is_null, vt);
+ i.unloaded_timestamp_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // unloaded_notify_interval
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > > const& v =
+ o.unloaded_notify_interval;
+ // From common.hxx:150:14
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 const& vt =
+ (v) ? std::chrono::duration_cast < std::chrono::nanoseconds > ( * (v)).count () : brep::optional_uint64 ();
+ bool is_null (true);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.unloaded_notify_interval_value, is_null, vt);
+ i.unloaded_notify_interval_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // queued_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::time_point< ::std::chrono::system_clock, ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > > > const& v =
+ o.queued_timestamp;
+ // From common.hxx:133:14
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 const& vt =
+ (v) ? std::chrono::duration_cast < std::chrono::nanoseconds > ((v)->time_since_epoch ()).count () : brep::optional_uint64 ();
+ bool is_null (true);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.queued_timestamp_value, is_null, vt);
+ i.queued_timestamp_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // toolchain
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain > const& v =
+ o.toolchain;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.toolchain_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::brep::build_toolchain& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.toolchain_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ init (object_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string& v =
+ o.id;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.id_value,
+ i.id_size,
+ i.id_null);
+ }
+ // private_
+ //
+ {
+ bool& v =
+ o.private_;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.private_value,
+ i.private_null);
+ }
+ // interactive
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >& v =
+ o.interactive;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.interactive_value,
+ i.interactive_size,
+ i.interactive_null);
+ }
+ // creation_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::timestamp& v =
+ o.creation_timestamp;
+ ::uint64_t vt;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::uint64_t,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ vt,
+ i.creation_timestamp_value,
+ i.creation_timestamp_null);
+ // From common.hxx:123:14
+ v = brep::timestamp (std::chrono::duration_cast < brep::timestamp::duration > (std::chrono::nanoseconds (vt)));
+ }
+ // archived
+ //
+ {
+ bool& v =
+ o.archived;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.archived_value,
+ i.archived_null);
+ }
+ // service
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service >& v =
+ o.service;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.service_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::brep::tenant_service& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::tenant_service > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::tenant_service, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.service_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // unloaded_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::time_point< ::std::chrono::system_clock, ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > > >& v =
+ o.unloaded_timestamp;
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 vt;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ vt,
+ i.unloaded_timestamp_value,
+ i.unloaded_timestamp_null);
+ // From common.hxx:133:14
+ v = (vt) ? brep::timestamp (std::chrono::duration_cast < brep::timestamp::duration > (std::chrono::nanoseconds ( * (vt)))) : brep::optional_timestamp ();
+ }
+ // unloaded_notify_interval
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > >& v =
+ o.unloaded_notify_interval;
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 vt;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ vt,
+ i.unloaded_notify_interval_value,
+ i.unloaded_notify_interval_null);
+ // From common.hxx:150:14
+ v = (vt) ? brep::duration (std::chrono::nanoseconds ( * (vt))) : brep::optional_duration ();
+ }
+ // queued_timestamp
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::chrono::time_point< ::std::chrono::system_clock, ::std::chrono::duration< long int, ::std::ratio< 1, 1000000000 > > > >& v =
+ o.queued_timestamp;
+ ::brep::optional_uint64 vt;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::optional_uint64,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ vt,
+ i.queued_timestamp_value,
+ i.queued_timestamp_null);
+ // From common.hxx:133:14
+ v = (vt) ? brep::timestamp (std::chrono::duration_cast < brep::timestamp::duration > (std::chrono::nanoseconds ( * (vt)))) : brep::optional_timestamp ();
+ }
+ // toolchain
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain >& v =
+ o.toolchain;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.toolchain_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::brep::build_toolchain& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::brep::build_toolchain > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_toolchain, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.toolchain_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ init (id_image_type& i, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.id_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.id_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ id);
+ i.id_null = is_null;
+ i.id_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.id_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::persist_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_tenant\" "
+ "(\"id\", "
+ "\"private\", "
+ "\"interactive\", "
+ "\"creation_timestamp\", "
+ "\"archived\", "
+ "\"service_id\", "
+ "\"service_type\", "
+ "\"service_ref_count\", "
+ "\"service_data\", "
+ "\"unloaded_timestamp\", "
+ "\"unloaded_notify_interval\", "
+ "\"queued_timestamp\", "
+ "\"toolchain_name\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_revision\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"toolchain_version_release\") "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::find_statement[] =
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"id\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"private\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"interactive\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"creation_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"archived\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_id\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_type\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_ref_count\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_data\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"unloaded_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"unloaded_notify_interval\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"queued_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_name\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_release\" "
+ "FROM \"build_tenant\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_tenant\".\"id\"=$1";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::update_statement[] =
+ "UPDATE \"build_tenant\" "
+ "SET "
+ "\"private\"=$1, "
+ "\"interactive\"=$2, "
+ "\"creation_timestamp\"=$3, "
+ "\"archived\"=$4, "
+ "\"service_id\"=$5, "
+ "\"service_type\"=$6, "
+ "\"service_ref_count\"=$7, "
+ "\"service_data\"=$8, "
+ "\"unloaded_timestamp\"=$9, "
+ "\"unloaded_notify_interval\"=$10, "
+ "\"queued_timestamp\"=$11, "
+ "\"toolchain_name\"=$12, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_epoch\"=$13, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_canonical_upstream\"=$14, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_canonical_release\"=$15, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_revision\"=$16, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_upstream\"=$17, "
+ "\"toolchain_version_release\"=$18 "
+ "WHERE \"id\"=$19";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::erase_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_tenant\" "
+ "WHERE \"id\"=$1";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::query_statement[] =
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"id\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"private\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"interactive\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"creation_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"archived\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_id\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_type\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_ref_count\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"service_data\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"unloaded_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"unloaded_notify_interval\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"queued_timestamp\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_name\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"toolchain_version_release\" "
+ "FROM \"build_tenant\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::erase_query_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_tenant\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::table_name[] =
+ "\"build_tenant\"";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ persist (database& db, const object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::pre_persist);
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.insert_image_binding ());
+ if (init (im, obj, statement_insert))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.insert_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_insert);
+ sts.insert_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ insert_statement& st (sts.persist_statement ());
+ if (!st.execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::post_persist);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ update (database& db, const object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::update_statement;
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_update);
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ pgsql::connection& conn (tr.connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ id_image_type& idi (sts.id_image ());
+ init (idi, id (obj));
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ if (init (im, obj, statement_update))
+ im.version++;
+ bool u (false);
+ binding& imb (sts.update_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.update_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_update);
+ sts.update_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ u = true;
+ }
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (idi.version != sts.update_id_image_version () ||
+ idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ if (idi.version != sts.id_image_version () ||
+ idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, idi);
+ sts.id_image_version (idi.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ sts.update_id_image_version (idi.version);
+ if (!u)
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ update_statement& st (sts.update_statement ());
+ if (st.execute () == 0)
+ throw object_not_persistent ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_update);
+ pointer_cache_traits::update (db, obj);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ erase (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ if (sts.erase_statement ().execute () != 1)
+ throw object_not_persistent ();
+ pointer_cache_traits::erase (db, id);
+ }
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::pointer_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ {
+ pointer_type p (pointer_cache_traits::find (db, id));
+ if (!pointer_traits::null_ptr (p))
+ return p;
+ }
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return pointer_type ();
+ }
+ pointer_type p (
+ access::object_factory<object_type, pointer_type>::create ());
+ pointer_traits::guard pg (p);
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert (db, id, p));
+ object_type& obj (pointer_traits::get_ref (p));
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ pointer_cache_traits::load (ig.position ());
+ }
+ else
+ sts.delay_load (id, obj, ig.position ());
+ ig.release ();
+ pg.release ();
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ reference_cache_traits::position_type pos (
+ reference_cache_traits::insert (db, id, obj));
+ reference_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (pos);
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ reference_cache_traits::load (pos);
+ ig.release ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ reload (database& db, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ const id_type& id (object_traits_impl::id (obj));
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, true);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ find_ (statements_type& sts,
+ const id_type* id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, *id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ if (grow (im, sts.select_image_truncated ()))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version ())
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ result< access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::object_type >
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::object_result_impl<object_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ q, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<object_type> (r);
+ }
+ unsigned long long access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ std::string text (erase_query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += ' ';
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ delete_statement st (
+ conn,
+ erase_query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding ());
+ return st.execute ();
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = q;
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_tenant, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // build_repository
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_name[] = "persist_brep_build_repository";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_name[] = "find_brep_build_repository";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_statement_name[] = "erase_brep_build_repository";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_build_repository";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query_statement_name[] = "erase_query_brep_build_repository";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ struct access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::extra_statement_cache_type
+ {
+ extra_statement_cache_type (
+ pgsql::connection&,
+ image_type&,
+ id_image_type&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::native_binding&,
+ const unsigned int*)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::id_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ id (const image_type& i)
+ {
+ pgsql::database* db (0);
+ id_type id;
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ id,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.id_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // location
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::_repository_location, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.location_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // certificate_fingerprint
+ //
+ if (t[4UL])
+ {
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_value.capacity (i.certificate_fingerprint_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // id
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // location
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::_repository_location, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.location_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // certificate_fingerprint
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.certificate_fingerprint_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.certificate_fingerprint_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.certificate_fingerprint_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.certificate_fingerprint_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b, id_image_type& i)
+ {
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const object_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::repository_id const& v =
+ o.id;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // location
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::repository_location const& v =
+ o.location;
+ // From common.hxx:323:14
+ ::brep::_repository_location const& vt =
+ brep::_repository_location
+ {
+ (v).url (), (v).empty () ? brep::repository_type::pkg : (v).type ()
+ };
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::_repository_location, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.location_value,
+ vt,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // certificate_fingerprint
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > > const& v =
+ o.certificate_fingerprint;
+ bool is_null (true);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.certificate_fingerprint_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_null = is_null;
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.certificate_fingerprint_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ init (object_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::repository_id& v =
+ o.id;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // location
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:87:7
+ ::bpkg::repository_location v;
+ ::brep::_repository_location vt;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::_repository_location, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vt,
+ i.location_value,
+ db);
+ // From common.hxx:323:14
+ v = brep::repository_location (std::move ((vt).url), (vt).type);
+ // From build-package.hxx:87:7
+ o.location = std::move (v);
+ assert (o.canonical_name == o.location.canonical_name ());
+ }
+ // certificate_fingerprint
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >& v =
+ o.certificate_fingerprint;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_value,
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_size,
+ i.certificate_fingerprint_null);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ init (id_image_type& i, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::persist_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_repository\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"canonical_name\", "
+ "\"location_url\", "
+ "\"location_type\", "
+ "\"certificate_fingerprint\") "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::find_statement[] =
+ "\"build_repository\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"canonical_name\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"location_url\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"location_type\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"certificate_fingerprint\" "
+ "FROM \"build_repository\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_repository\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_repository\".\"canonical_name\"=$2";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::erase_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_repository\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"canonical_name\"=$2";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::query_statement[] =
+ "\"build_repository\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"canonical_name\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"location_url\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"location_type\", "
+ "\"build_repository\".\"certificate_fingerprint\" "
+ "FROM \"build_repository\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::erase_query_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_repository\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::table_name[] =
+ "\"build_repository\"";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ persist (database& db, const object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::pre_persist);
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.insert_image_binding ());
+ if (init (im, obj, statement_insert))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.insert_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_insert);
+ sts.insert_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ insert_statement& st (sts.persist_statement ());
+ if (!st.execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::post_persist);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ erase (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ if (sts.erase_statement ().execute () != 1)
+ throw object_not_persistent ();
+ pointer_cache_traits::erase (db, id);
+ }
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::pointer_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ {
+ pointer_type p (pointer_cache_traits::find (db, id));
+ if (!pointer_traits::null_ptr (p))
+ return p;
+ }
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return pointer_type ();
+ }
+ pointer_type p (
+ access::object_factory<object_type, pointer_type>::create ());
+ pointer_traits::guard pg (p);
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert (db, id, p));
+ object_type& obj (pointer_traits::get_ref (p));
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ pointer_cache_traits::load (ig.position ());
+ }
+ else
+ sts.delay_load (id, obj, ig.position ());
+ ig.release ();
+ pg.release ();
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ reference_cache_traits::position_type pos (
+ reference_cache_traits::insert (db, id, obj));
+ reference_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (pos);
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ reference_cache_traits::load (pos);
+ ig.release ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ reload (database& db, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ const id_type& id (object_traits_impl::id (obj));
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, true);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ find_ (statements_type& sts,
+ const id_type* id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, *id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ if (grow (im, sts.select_image_truncated ()))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version ())
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ result< access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::object_type >
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::object_result_impl<object_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ q, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<object_type> (r);
+ }
+ unsigned long long access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ std::string text (erase_query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += ' ';
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ delete_statement st (
+ conn,
+ erase_query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding ());
+ return st.execute ();
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = q;
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_repository, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // build_public_key
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_name[] = "persist_brep_build_public_key";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_name[] = "find_brep_build_public_key";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_statement_name[] = "erase_brep_build_public_key";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_build_public_key";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query_statement_name[] = "erase_query_brep_build_public_key";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ struct access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::extra_statement_cache_type
+ {
+ extra_statement_cache_type (
+ pgsql::connection&,
+ image_type&,
+ id_image_type&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::binding&,
+ pgsql::native_binding&,
+ const unsigned int*)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::id_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ id (const image_type& i)
+ {
+ pgsql::database* db (0);
+ id_type id;
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ id,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.id_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // data
+ //
+ if (t[2UL])
+ {
+ i.data_value.capacity (i.data_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // id
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // data
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.data_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.data_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.data_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.data_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b, id_image_type& i)
+ {
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const object_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::public_key_id const& v =
+ o.id;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // data
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:109:45
+ ::std::string const& v =
+ o;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.data_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.data_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.data_null = is_null;
+ i.data_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.data_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ init (object_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::public_key_id& v =
+ o.id;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // data
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:109:45
+ ::std::string& v =
+ o;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.data_value,
+ i.data_size,
+ i.data_null);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ init (id_image_type& i, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::persist_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_public_key\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"fingerprint\", "
+ "\"data\") "
+ "($1, $2, $3)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::find_statement[] =
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"fingerprint\", "
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"data\" "
+ "FROM \"build_public_key\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_public_key\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_public_key\".\"fingerprint\"=$2";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::erase_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_public_key\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"fingerprint\"=$2";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::query_statement[] =
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"fingerprint\", "
+ "\"build_public_key\".\"data\" "
+ "FROM \"build_public_key\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::erase_query_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_public_key\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::table_name[] =
+ "\"build_public_key\"";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ persist (database& db, const object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::pre_persist);
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.insert_image_binding ());
+ if (init (im, obj, statement_insert))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.insert_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_insert);
+ sts.insert_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ insert_statement& st (sts.persist_statement ());
+ if (!st.execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::post_persist);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ erase (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ if (sts.erase_statement ().execute () != 1)
+ throw object_not_persistent ();
+ pointer_cache_traits::erase (db, id);
+ }
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::pointer_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ {
+ pointer_type p (pointer_cache_traits::find (db, id));
+ if (!pointer_traits::null_ptr (p))
+ return p;
+ }
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return pointer_type ();
+ }
+ pointer_type p (
+ access::object_factory<object_type, pointer_type>::create ());
+ pointer_traits::guard pg (p);
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert (db, id, p));
+ object_type& obj (pointer_traits::get_ref (p));
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ pointer_cache_traits::load (ig.position ());
+ }
+ else
+ sts.delay_load (id, obj, ig.position ());
+ ig.release ();
+ pg.release ();
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ reference_cache_traits::position_type pos (
+ reference_cache_traits::insert (db, id, obj));
+ reference_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (pos);
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ reference_cache_traits::load (pos);
+ ig.release ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ reload (database& db, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ const id_type& id (object_traits_impl::id (obj));
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, true);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ find_ (statements_type& sts,
+ const id_type* id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, *id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ if (grow (im, sts.select_image_truncated ()))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version ())
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ result< access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::object_type >
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::object_result_impl<object_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ q, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<object_type> (r);
+ }
+ unsigned long long access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ std::string text (erase_query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += ' ';
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ delete_statement st (
+ conn,
+ erase_query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding ());
+ return st.execute ();
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += " ";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = q;
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ text,
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_public_key, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // build_package_config
+ //
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_config, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // name
+ //
+ if (t[0UL])
+ {
+ i.name_value.capacity (i.name_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // arguments
+ //
+ if (t[1UL])
+ {
+ i.arguments_value.capacity (i.arguments_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // comment
+ //
+ if (t[2UL])
+ {
+ i.comment_value.capacity (i.comment_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.email_value, t + 3UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // warning_email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.warning_email_value, t + 5UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // error_email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.error_email_value, t + 7UL))
+ grew = true;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_config, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // name
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.name_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.name_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.name_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.name_null;
+ n++;
+ // arguments
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.arguments_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.arguments_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.arguments_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.arguments_null;
+ n++;
+ // comment
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.comment_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.comment_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.comment_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.comment_null;
+ n++;
+ // email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // warning_email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.warning_email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // error_email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.error_email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ }
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_config, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const value_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ bool grew (false);
+ // name
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string const& v =
+ o.name;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.name_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.name_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.name_null = is_null;
+ i.name_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.name_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // arguments
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string const& v =
+ o.arguments;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.arguments_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.arguments_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.arguments_null = is_null;
+ i.arguments_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.arguments_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // comment
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string const& v =
+ o.comment;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.comment_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.comment_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.comment_null = is_null;
+ i.comment_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.comment_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // warning_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.warning_email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.warning_email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.warning_email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // error_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.error_email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.error_email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.error_email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_config, id_pgsql >::
+ init (value_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // name
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string& v =
+ o.name;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.name_value,
+ i.name_size,
+ i.name_null);
+ }
+ // arguments
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string& v =
+ o.arguments;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.arguments_value,
+ i.arguments_size,
+ i.arguments_null);
+ }
+ // comment
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::string& v =
+ o.comment;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.comment_value,
+ i.comment_size,
+ i.comment_null);
+ }
+ // email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // warning_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.warning_email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.warning_email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.warning_email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // error_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.error_email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.error_email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.error_email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // build_package_bot_key_key
+ //
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // outer
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // inner
+ //
+ t[1UL] = 0;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // outer
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.outer_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.outer_null;
+ n++;
+ // inner
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.inner_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.inner_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const value_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ bool grew (false);
+ // outer
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::outer_type const& v =
+ o.outer;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::outer_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.outer_value, is_null, v);
+ i.outer_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // inner
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::inner_type const& v =
+ o.inner;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::inner_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.inner_value, is_null, v);
+ i.inner_null = is_null;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key, id_pgsql >::
+ init (value_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // outer
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::outer_type& v =
+ o.outer;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::outer_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.outer_value,
+ i.outer_null);
+ }
+ // inner
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::inner_type& v =
+ o.inner;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_key_key::inner_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.inner_value,
+ i.inner_null);
+ }
+ }
+ // build_dependency
+ //
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // name
+ //
+ if (t[0UL])
+ {
+ i.name_value.capacity (i.name_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // constraint
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.constraint_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // package
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.package_value, t + 15UL))
+ grew = true;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // name
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.name_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.name_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.name_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.name_null;
+ n++;
+ // constraint
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.constraint_value, sk);
+ n += 14UL;
+ // package
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.package_value, sk);
+ n += 6UL;
+ }
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const value_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ bool grew (false);
+ // name
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::package_name const& v =
+ o.name;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.name_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::bpkg::package_name,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.name_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.name_null = is_null;
+ i.name_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.name_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // constraint
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint > const& v =
+ o.constraint;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.constraint_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::version_constraint& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.constraint_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // package
+ //
+ {
+ ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_package > const& v =
+ o.package;
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_package > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_package > > ptr_traits;
+ bool is_null (ptr_traits::null_ptr (v));
+ if (!is_null)
+ {
+ const obj_traits::id_type& ptr_id (
+ ptr_traits::object_id< ptr_traits::element_type > (v));
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.package_value,
+ ptr_id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ else
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::set_null (i.package_value, sk);
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ init (value_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // name
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::package_name& v =
+ o.name;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::bpkg::package_name,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.name_value,
+ i.name_size,
+ i.name_null);
+ }
+ // constraint
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint >& v =
+ o.constraint;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.constraint_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::version_constraint& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::version_constraint > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::version_constraint, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.constraint_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // package
+ //
+ {
+ ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_package >& v =
+ o.package;
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_package > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_package > > ptr_traits;
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.package_value))
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type ();
+ else
+ {
+ obj_traits::id_type ptr_id;
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ ptr_id,
+ i.package_value,
+ db);
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type (
+ *static_cast<pgsql::database*> (db), ptr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // build_test_dependency
+ //
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_test_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // build_dependency base
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // type
+ //
+ if (t[21UL])
+ {
+ i.type_value.capacity (i.type_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // buildtime
+ //
+ t[22UL] = 0;
+ // enable
+ //
+ if (t[23UL])
+ {
+ i.enable_value.capacity (i.enable_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // reflect
+ //
+ if (t[24UL])
+ {
+ i.reflect_value.capacity (i.reflect_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_test_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // build_dependency base
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::bind (b + n, i, sk);
+ n += 21UL;
+ // type
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.type_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.type_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.type_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.type_null;
+ n++;
+ // buildtime
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.buildtime_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.buildtime_null;
+ n++;
+ // enable
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.enable_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.enable_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.enable_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.enable_null;
+ n++;
+ // reflect
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.reflect_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.reflect_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.reflect_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.reflect_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ bool access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_test_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const value_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ bool grew (false);
+ // build_dependency base
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::init (i, o, sk))
+ grew = true;
+ // type
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::test_dependency_type const& v =
+ o.type;
+ // From common.hxx:505:14
+ ::std::string const& vt =
+ to_string (v);
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.type_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.type_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ vt);
+ i.type_null = is_null;
+ i.type_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.type_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // buildtime
+ //
+ {
+ bool const& v =
+ o.buildtime;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_image (
+ i.buildtime_value, is_null, v);
+ i.buildtime_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // enable
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > > const& v =
+ o.enable;
+ bool is_null (true);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.enable_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.enable_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.enable_null = is_null;
+ i.enable_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.enable_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // reflect
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > > const& v =
+ o.reflect;
+ bool is_null (true);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.reflect_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.reflect_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.reflect_null = is_null;
+ i.reflect_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.reflect_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_test_dependency, id_pgsql >::
+ init (value_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // build_dependency base
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::build_dependency, id_pgsql >::init (o, i, db);
+ // type
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::test_dependency_type& v =
+ o.type;
+ ::std::string vt;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::string,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ vt,
+ i.type_value,
+ i.type_size,
+ i.type_null);
+ // From common.hxx:505:14
+ v = brep::to_test_dependency_type (vt);
+ }
+ // buildtime
+ //
+ {
+ bool& v =
+ o.buildtime;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.buildtime_value,
+ i.buildtime_null);
+ }
+ // enable
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >& v =
+ o.enable;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.enable_value,
+ i.enable_size,
+ i.enable_null);
+ }
+ // reflect
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >& v =
+ o.reflect;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.reflect_value,
+ i.reflect_size,
+ i.reflect_null);
+ }
+ }
+ // build_package
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_name[] = "persist_brep_build_package";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_name[] = "find_brep_build_package";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_statement_name[] = "erase_brep_build_package";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_build_package";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query_statement_name[] = "erase_query_brep_build_package";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ persist_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid
+ };
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ find_statement_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid
+ };
+ const char alias_traits< ::brep::build_repository,
+ id_pgsql,
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::internal_repository_tag>::
+ table_name[] = "\"internal_repository\"";
+ struct access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::extra_statement_cache_type
+ {
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< requirements_traits > requirements;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< requirement_alternatives_traits > requirement_alternatives;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< requirement_alternative_requirements_traits > requirement_alternative_requirements;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< tests_traits > tests;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< builds_traits > builds;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< constraints_traits > constraints;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< auxiliaries_traits > auxiliaries;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< bot_keys_traits > bot_keys;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< configs_traits > configs;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< config_builds_traits > config_builds;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< config_constraints_traits > config_constraints;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< config_auxiliaries_traits > config_auxiliaries;
+ pgsql::container_statements_impl< config_bot_keys_traits > config_bot_keys;
+ pgsql::section_statements< ::brep::build_package, requirements_tests_section_traits > requirements_tests_section;
+ pgsql::section_statements< ::brep::build_package, constraints_section_traits > constraints_section;
+ pgsql::section_statements< ::brep::build_package, auxiliaries_section_traits > auxiliaries_section;
+ pgsql::section_statements< ::brep::build_package, bot_keys_section_traits > bot_keys_section;
+ extra_statement_cache_type (
+ pgsql::connection& c,
+ image_type& im,
+ id_image_type& idim,
+ pgsql::binding& id,
+ pgsql::binding& idv,
+ pgsql::native_binding& idn,
+ const unsigned int* idt)
+ : requirements (c, id, idn, idt),
+ requirement_alternatives (c, id, idn, idt),
+ requirement_alternative_requirements (c, id, idn, idt),
+ tests (c, id, idn, idt),
+ builds (c, id, idn, idt),
+ constraints (c, id, idn, idt),
+ auxiliaries (c, id, idn, idt),
+ bot_keys (c, id, idn, idt),
+ configs (c, id, idn, idt),
+ config_builds (c, id, idn, idt),
+ config_constraints (c, id, idn, idt),
+ config_auxiliaries (c, id, idn, idt),
+ config_bot_keys (c, id, idn, idt),
+ requirements_tests_section (c, im, idim, id, idv, idn, idt),
+ constraints_section (c, im, idim, id, idv, idn, idt),
+ auxiliaries_section (c, im, idim, id, idv, idn, idt),
+ bot_keys_section (c, im, idim, id, idv, idn, idt)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ // requirements
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_requirements";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_requirements";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_requirements";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_requirements\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirements\".\"buildtime\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirements\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_requirements\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_requirements\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_requirements\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_requirements\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_requirements\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_requirements\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_requirements\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_requirements\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_requirements\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"buildtime\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_requirements\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternatives
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_requirement_alternatives";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_requirement_alternatives";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_requirement_alternatives";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"requirement_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"enable\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"reflect\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"requirement_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"enable\", "
+ "\"reflect\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_requirement_alternatives\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternatives_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternative_requirements
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"requirement_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"alternative_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"id\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"requirement_index\", "
+ "\"alternative_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"id\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_requirement_alternative_requirements\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 3UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = d.value_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = d.value_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &d.value_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.value_null;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (t[3UL])
+ {
+ i.value_value.capacity (i.value_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.value_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ value_type,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.value_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.value_null = is_null;
+ i.value_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.value_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ value_type,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ i.value_size,
+ i.value_null);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // tests
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_tests";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_tests";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_tests";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_name\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_version_release\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_version_release\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_min_open\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_max_open\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_name\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_package_version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_type\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_buildtime\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_enable\", "
+ "\"build_package_tests\".\"test_reflect\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_tests\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_tests\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_tests\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_tests\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_tests\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_tests\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_tests\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_tests\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_tests\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"test_name\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_revision\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"test_min_version_release\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_revision\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_upstream\", "
+ "\"test_max_version_release\", "
+ "\"test_min_open\", "
+ "\"test_max_open\", "
+ "\"test_package_tenant\", "
+ "\"test_package_name\", "
+ "\"test_package_version_epoch\", "
+ "\"test_package_version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"test_package_version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"test_package_version_revision\", "
+ "\"test_type\", "
+ "\"test_buildtime\", "
+ "\"test_enable\", "
+ "\"test_reflect\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8::CITEXT, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24::CITEXT, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_tests\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::tests_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // builds
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_builds";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_builds";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_builds";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_builds\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_builds\".\"expression\", "
+ "\"build_package_builds\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_builds\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_builds\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_builds\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_builds\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_builds\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_builds\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_builds\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_builds\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_builds\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"expression\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_builds\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::builds_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // constraints
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_constraints";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_constraints";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_constraints";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_constraints\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_constraints\".\"exclusion\", "
+ "\"build_package_constraints\".\"config\", "
+ "\"build_package_constraints\".\"target\", "
+ "\"build_package_constraints\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_constraints\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_constraints\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_constraints\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_constraints\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_constraints\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_constraints\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_constraints\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_constraints\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_constraints\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"exclusion\", "
+ "\"config\", "
+ "\"target\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_constraints\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // auxiliaries
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_auxiliaries";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_auxiliaries";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_auxiliaries";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"environment_name\", "
+ "\"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"config\", "
+ "\"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_auxiliaries\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_auxiliaries\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_auxiliaries\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"environment_name\", "
+ "\"config\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_auxiliaries\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // bot_keys
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_bot_keys";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_bot_keys";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_bot_keys";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_bot_keys\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_bot_keys\".\"key_tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package_bot_keys\".\"key_fingerprint\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_bot_keys\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_bot_keys\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_bot_keys\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"key_tenant\", "
+ "\"key_fingerprint\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_bot_keys\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_public_key > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< value_type > ptr_traits;
+ bool is_null (ptr_traits::null_ptr (v));
+ if (!is_null)
+ {
+ const obj_traits::id_type& ptr_id (
+ ptr_traits::object_id< ptr_traits::element_type > (v));
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ ptr_id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ else
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::set_null (i.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_public_key > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< value_type > ptr_traits;
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.value_value))
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type ();
+ else
+ {
+ obj_traits::id_type ptr_id;
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ ptr_id,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type (
+ *static_cast<pgsql::database*> (db), ptr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // configs
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_configs";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_configs";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_configs";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_name\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_arguments\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_email\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_warning_email\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_warning_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_error_email\", "
+ "\"build_package_configs\".\"config_error_email_comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_configs\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_configs\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_configs\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_configs\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_configs\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_configs\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_configs\".\"version_revision\"=$6 ORDER BY \"build_package_configs\".\"index\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_configs\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"config_name\", "
+ "\"config_arguments\", "
+ "\"config_comment\", "
+ "\"config_email\", "
+ "\"config_email_comment\", "
+ "\"config_warning_email\", "
+ "\"config_warning_email_comment\", "
+ "\"config_error_email\", "
+ "\"config_error_email_comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_configs\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // index
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &d.index_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &d.index_null;
+ n++;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 1UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ index_type* j,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // index
+ //
+ if (j != 0)
+ {
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_image (
+ i.index_value, is_null, *j);
+ i.index_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ init (index_type& j,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // index
+ //
+ {
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ index_type,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ j,
+ i.index_value,
+ i.index_null);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ insert (index_type i, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &i, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ select (index_type& i, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (i, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::configs_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ fs.ordered_ = true;
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // config_builds
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_config_builds";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_config_builds";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_config_builds";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_config_builds\".\"config_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_builds\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_builds\".\"expression\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_builds\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_config_builds\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_config_builds\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_config_builds\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_config_builds\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_config_builds\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_config_builds\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_config_builds\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_config_builds\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"config_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"expression\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_config_builds\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_builds_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // config_constraints
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_config_constraints";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_config_constraints";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_config_constraints";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::bool_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"config_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"exclusion\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"config\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"target\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_constraints\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_config_constraints\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_config_constraints\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_config_constraints\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"config_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"exclusion\", "
+ "\"config\", "
+ "\"target\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_config_constraints\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_constraints_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // config_auxiliaries
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_config_auxiliaries";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_config_auxiliaries";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_config_auxiliaries";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"config_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"environment_name\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"config\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"comment\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"config_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"environment_name\", "
+ "\"config\", "
+ "\"comment\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_config_auxiliaries\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< value_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_auxiliaries_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // config_bot_keys
+ //
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ select_name[] = "select_brep_build_package_config_bot_keys";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_name[] = "insert_brep_build_package_config_bot_keys";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_name[] = "delete_brep_build_package_config_bot_keys";
+ const unsigned int access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_types[] =
+ {
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::int4_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::int8_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid,
+ pgsql::text_oid
+ };
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ select_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"config_index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"index\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"key_tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"key_fingerprint\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package_config_bot_keys\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package_config_bot_keys\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ insert_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package_config_bot_keys\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"config_index\", "
+ "\"index\", "
+ "\"key_tenant\", "
+ "\"key_fingerprint\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package_config_bot_keys\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ const pgsql::bind* id,
+ std::size_t id_size,
+ data_image_type& d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ size_t n (0);
+ // object_id
+ //
+ if (id != 0)
+ std::memcpy (&b[n], id, id_size * sizeof (id[0]));
+ n += id_size;
+ // key
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.key_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // value
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, d.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ grow (data_image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.key_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // value
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::public_key_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.value_value, t + 2UL))
+ grew = true;
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ init (data_image_type& i,
+ const key_type* k,
+ const value_type& v)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statement_kind sk (statement_insert);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // key
+ //
+ if (k != 0)
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.key_value,
+ *k,
+ sk);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_public_key > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< value_type > ptr_traits;
+ bool is_null (ptr_traits::null_ptr (v));
+ if (!is_null)
+ {
+ const obj_traits::id_type& ptr_id (
+ ptr_traits::object_id< ptr_traits::element_type > (v));
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.value_value,
+ ptr_id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ else
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::set_null (i.value_value, sk);
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ init (key_type& k,
+ value_type& v,
+ const data_image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // key
+ //
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< key_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ k,
+ i.key_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // value
+ //
+ {
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_public_key > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< value_type > ptr_traits;
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.value_value))
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type ();
+ else
+ {
+ obj_traits::id_type ptr_id;
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ ptr_id,
+ i.value_value,
+ db);
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type (
+ *static_cast<pgsql::database*> (db), ptr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ insert (const key_type& k, const value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (di, &k, v);
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ if (!sts.insert_statement ().execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ select (key_type& k, value_type& v, void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ init (k, v, di, &sts.connection ().database ());
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, sts.id_binding ().count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ delete_ (void* d)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ statements_type& sts (*static_cast< statements_type* > (d));
+ sts.delete_statement ().execute ();
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ persist (const container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::persist (c, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ load (container_type& c,
+ statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using pgsql::select_statement;
+ const binding& id (sts.id_binding ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), id.bind, id.count, sts.data_image ());
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.select_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ data_image_type& di (sts.data_image ());
+ grow (di, sts.select_image_truncated ());
+ if (sts.data_binding_test_version ())
+ {
+ bind (sts.data_bind (), 0, id.count, di);
+ sts.data_binding_update_version ();
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool more (r != select_statement::no_data);
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::load (c, more, fs);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::config_bot_keys_traits::
+ erase (statements_type& sts)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ functions_type& fs (sts.functions ());
+ container_traits_type::erase (fs);
+ }
+ // requirements_tests_section
+ //
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::requirements_tests_section_traits::
+ load (extra_statement_cache_type& esc, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ // requirements
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package::requirements_type& v =
+ obj.requirements;
+ requirements_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.requirements);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternatives
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::requirement_alternatives_map v;
+ requirement_alternatives_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.requirement_alternatives);
+ // From build-package.hxx:248:7
+ odb::nested_set (obj.requirements, std::move (v));
+ }
+ // requirement_alternative_requirements
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::requirement_alternative_requirements_map v;
+ requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.requirement_alternative_requirements);
+ // From build-package.hxx:258:7
+ odb::nested2_set (obj.requirements, std::move (v));
+ }
+ // tests
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::small_vector< ::brep::build_test_dependency, 1 >& v =
+ obj.tests;
+ tests_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.tests);
+ }
+ }
+ // constraints_section
+ //
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::constraints_section_traits::
+ load (extra_statement_cache_type& esc, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ // builds
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_class_exprs& v =
+ obj.builds;
+ builds_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.builds);
+ }
+ // constraints
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_constraints& v =
+ obj.constraints;
+ constraints_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.constraints);
+ }
+ // config_builds
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_class_exprs_map v;
+ config_builds_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.config_builds);
+ // From build-package.hxx:296:7
+ odb::nested_set (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::builds, std::move (v));
+ }
+ // config_constraints
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_constraints_map v;
+ config_constraints_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.config_constraints);
+ // From build-package.hxx:307:7
+ odb::nested_set (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::constraints, std::move (v));
+ }
+ }
+ // auxiliaries_section
+ //
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::auxiliaries_section_traits::
+ load (extra_statement_cache_type& esc, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ // auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_auxiliaries& v =
+ obj.auxiliaries;
+ auxiliaries_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.auxiliaries);
+ }
+ // config_auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_auxiliaries_map v;
+ config_auxiliaries_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.config_auxiliaries);
+ // From build-package.hxx:318:7
+ odb::nested_set (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::auxiliaries, std::move (v));
+ }
+ }
+ // bot_keys_section
+ //
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bot_keys_section_traits::
+ load (extra_statement_cache_type& esc, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ // bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_keys& v =
+ obj.bot_keys;
+ bot_keys_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.bot_keys);
+ }
+ // config_bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_keys_map v;
+ config_bot_keys_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.config_bot_keys);
+ // From build-package.hxx:329:7
+ odb::nested_set (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::bot_keys, std::move (v));
+ }
+ }
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::id_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ id (const image_type& i)
+ {
+ pgsql::database* db (0);
+ id_type id;
+ {
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ id,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.id_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // version
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.version_value, t + 6UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // project
+ //
+ if (t[8UL])
+ {
+ i.project_value.capacity (i.project_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // build_email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.build_email_value, t + 9UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // build_warning_email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.build_warning_email_value, t + 11UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // build_error_email
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.build_error_email_value, t + 13UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // internal_repository
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.internal_repository_value, t + 15UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // buildable
+ //
+ t[17UL] = 0;
+ // custom_bot
+ //
+ t[18UL] = 0;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // id
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ n += 6UL;
+ // version
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.version_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // project
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.project_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.project_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.project_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.project_null;
+ n++;
+ // build_email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.build_email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // build_warning_email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.build_warning_email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // build_error_email
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.build_error_email_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // internal_repository
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::repository_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.internal_repository_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ // buildable
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.buildable_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.buildable_null;
+ n++;
+ // custom_bot
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.custom_bot_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.custom_bot_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b, id_image_type& i)
+ {
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ init (image_type& i,
+ const object_type& o,
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ assert (sk != statement_update);
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::package_id const& v =
+ o.id;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // version
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::upstream_version const& v =
+ o.version;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.version_value,
+ v,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ // project
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::package_name const& v =
+ o.project;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ std::size_t size (0);
+ std::size_t cap (i.project_value.capacity ());
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::bpkg::package_name,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_image (
+ i.project_value,
+ size,
+ is_null,
+ v);
+ i.project_null = is_null;
+ i.project_size = size;
+ grew = grew || (cap != i.project_value.capacity ());
+ }
+ // build_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.build_email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.build_email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.build_email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // build_warning_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.build_warning_email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.build_warning_email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.build_warning_email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // build_error_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > const& v =
+ o.build_error_email;
+ if (wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_null (v))
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::set_null (
+ i.build_error_email_value, sk);
+ else
+ {
+ const::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::get_ref (v);
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.build_error_email_value,
+ vw,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // internal_repository
+ //
+ {
+ ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_repository > const& v =
+ o.internal_repository;
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_repository > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_repository > > ptr_traits;
+ bool is_null (ptr_traits::null_ptr (v));
+ if (!is_null)
+ {
+ const obj_traits::id_type& ptr_id (
+ ptr_traits::object_id< ptr_traits::element_type > (v));
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.internal_repository_value,
+ ptr_id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ else
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::set_null (i.internal_repository_value, sk);
+ }
+ // buildable
+ //
+ {
+ bool const& v =
+ o.buildable;
+ bool is_null (false);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_image (
+ i.buildable_value, is_null, v);
+ i.buildable_null = is_null;
+ }
+ // custom_bot
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< bool > const& v =
+ o.custom_bot;
+ bool is_null (true);
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< bool >,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_image (
+ i.custom_bot_value, is_null, v);
+ i.custom_bot_null = is_null;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ init (object_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::package_id& v =
+ o.id;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // version
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:229:32
+ ::brep::upstream_version v;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.version_value,
+ db);
+ // From build-package.hxx:229:32
+ o.version.init (o.id.version, (v));
+ }
+ // project
+ //
+ {
+ ::bpkg::package_name& v =
+ o.project;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::bpkg::package_name,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.project_value,
+ i.project_size,
+ i.project_null);
+ }
+ // build_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.build_email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.build_email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.build_email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // build_warning_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.build_warning_email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.build_warning_email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.build_warning_email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // build_error_email
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email >& v =
+ o.build_error_email;
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.build_error_email_value))
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_null (v);
+ else
+ {
+ ::bpkg::email& vw =
+ wrapper_traits< ::butl::optional< ::bpkg::email > >::set_ref (v);
+ composite_value_traits< ::bpkg::email, id_pgsql >::init (
+ vw,
+ i.build_error_email_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ }
+ // internal_repository
+ //
+ {
+ ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_repository >& v =
+ o.internal_repository;
+ typedef object_traits< ::brep::build_repository > obj_traits;
+ typedef odb::pointer_traits< ::odb::lazy_shared_ptr< ::brep::build_repository > > ptr_traits;
+ if (composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.internal_repository_value))
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type ();
+ else
+ {
+ obj_traits::id_type ptr_id;
+ composite_value_traits< obj_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::init (
+ ptr_id,
+ i.internal_repository_value,
+ db);
+ v = ptr_traits::pointer_type (
+ *static_cast<pgsql::database*> (db), ptr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // buildable
+ //
+ {
+ bool& v =
+ o.buildable;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.buildable_value,
+ i.buildable_null);
+ }
+ // custom_bot
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< bool >& v =
+ o.custom_bot;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< bool >,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.custom_bot_value,
+ i.custom_bot_null);
+ }
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ init (id_image_type& i, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (pgsql::statement_select);
+ {
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ i.id_value,
+ id,
+ sk))
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ if (grew)
+ i.version++;
+ }
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::persist_statement[] =
+ "INSERT INTO \"build_package\" "
+ "(\"tenant\", "
+ "\"name\", "
+ "\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"version_upstream\", "
+ "\"version_release\", "
+ "\"project\", "
+ "\"build_email\", "
+ "\"build_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_warning_email\", "
+ "\"build_warning_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_error_email\", "
+ "\"build_error_email_comment\", "
+ "\"internal_repository_tenant\", "
+ "\"internal_repository_canonical_name\", "
+ "\"buildable\", "
+ "\"custom_bot\") "
+ "($1, $2::CITEXT, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9::CITEXT, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19)";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::find_statement[] =
+ "\"build_package\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"name\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_release\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"project\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_canonical_name\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"buildable\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"custom_bot\" "
+ "FROM \"build_package\" "
+ "WHERE \"build_package\".\"tenant\"=$1 AND \"build_package\".\"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"build_package\".\"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"build_package\".\"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"build_package\".\"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"build_package\".\"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::erase_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package\" "
+ "WHERE \"tenant\"=$1 AND \"name\"=$2::CITEXT AND \"version_epoch\"=$3 AND \"version_canonical_upstream\"=$4 AND \"version_canonical_release\"=$5 AND \"version_revision\"=$6";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::query_statement[] =
+ "SELECT\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"tenant\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"name\"::TEXT,\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_epoch\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_upstream\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_release\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_revision\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_upstream\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_release\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"project\"::TEXT,\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email_comment\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email_comment\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email_comment\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_tenant\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_canonical_name\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"buildable\",\n"
+ "\"build_package\".\"custom_bot\"\n"
+ "FROM \"build_package\"\n"
+ "LEFT JOIN \"build_repository\" AS \"internal_repository\" ON \"internal_repository\".\"tenant\"=\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_tenant\" AND \"internal_repository\".\"canonical_name\"=\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_canonical_name\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::erase_query_statement[] =
+ "DELETE FROM \"build_package\"";
+ const char access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::table_name[] =
+ "\"build_package\"";
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ persist (database& db, const object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::pre_persist);
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.insert_image_binding ());
+ if (init (im, obj, statement_insert))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.insert_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_insert);
+ sts.insert_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ insert_statement& st (sts.persist_statement ());
+ if (!st.execute ())
+ throw object_already_persistent ();
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id (obj));
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ extra_statement_cache_type& esc (sts.extra_statement_cache ());
+ // requirements
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package::requirements_type const& v =
+ obj.requirements;
+ requirements_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.requirements);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternatives
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:247:7
+ ::brep::requirement_alternatives_map const& v =
+ odb::nested_get (obj.requirements);
+ requirement_alternatives_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.requirement_alternatives);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternative_requirements
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:257:7
+ ::brep::requirement_alternative_requirements_map const& v =
+ odb::nested2_get (obj.requirements);
+ requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.requirement_alternative_requirements);
+ }
+ // tests
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::small_vector< ::brep::build_test_dependency, 1 > const& v =
+ obj.tests;
+ tests_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.tests);
+ }
+ // builds
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_class_exprs const& v =
+ obj.builds;
+ builds_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.builds);
+ }
+ // constraints
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_constraints const& v =
+ obj.constraints;
+ constraints_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.constraints);
+ }
+ // auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_auxiliaries const& v =
+ obj.auxiliaries;
+ auxiliaries_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.auxiliaries);
+ }
+ // bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_keys const& v =
+ obj.bot_keys;
+ bot_keys_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.bot_keys);
+ }
+ // configs
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_configs const& v =
+ obj.configs;
+ configs_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.configs);
+ }
+ // config_builds
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:294:7
+ ::brep::build_class_exprs_map const& v =
+ odb::nested_get (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::builds);
+ config_builds_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.config_builds);
+ }
+ // config_constraints
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:305:7
+ ::brep::build_constraints_map const& v =
+ odb::nested_get (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::constraints);
+ config_constraints_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.config_constraints);
+ }
+ // config_auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:316:7
+ ::brep::build_auxiliaries_map const& v =
+ odb::nested_get (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::auxiliaries);
+ config_auxiliaries_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.config_auxiliaries);
+ }
+ // config_bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:327:7
+ ::brep::build_package_bot_keys_map const& v =
+ odb::nested_get (obj.configs, & brep::build_package_config::bot_keys);
+ config_bot_keys_traits::persist (
+ v,
+ esc.config_bot_keys);
+ }
+ obj.requirements_tests_section.reset (true, false);
+ obj.constraints_section.reset (true, false);
+ obj.auxiliaries_section.reset (true, false);
+ obj.bot_keys_section.reset (true, false);
+ callback (db,
+ obj,
+ callback_event::post_persist);
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ erase (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ extra_statement_cache_type& esc (sts.extra_statement_cache ());
+ // requirements
+ //
+ {
+ requirements_traits::erase (
+ esc.requirements);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternatives
+ //
+ {
+ requirement_alternatives_traits::erase (
+ esc.requirement_alternatives);
+ }
+ // requirement_alternative_requirements
+ //
+ {
+ requirement_alternative_requirements_traits::erase (
+ esc.requirement_alternative_requirements);
+ }
+ // tests
+ //
+ {
+ tests_traits::erase (
+ esc.tests);
+ }
+ // builds
+ //
+ {
+ builds_traits::erase (
+ esc.builds);
+ }
+ // constraints
+ //
+ {
+ constraints_traits::erase (
+ esc.constraints);
+ }
+ // auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ auxiliaries_traits::erase (
+ esc.auxiliaries);
+ }
+ // bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ bot_keys_traits::erase (
+ esc.bot_keys);
+ }
+ // configs
+ //
+ {
+ configs_traits::erase (
+ esc.configs);
+ }
+ // config_builds
+ //
+ {
+ config_builds_traits::erase (
+ esc.config_builds);
+ }
+ // config_constraints
+ //
+ {
+ config_constraints_traits::erase (
+ esc.config_constraints);
+ }
+ // config_auxiliaries
+ //
+ {
+ config_auxiliaries_traits::erase (
+ esc.config_auxiliaries);
+ }
+ // config_bot_keys
+ //
+ {
+ config_bot_keys_traits::erase (
+ esc.config_bot_keys);
+ }
+ if (sts.erase_statement ().execute () != 1)
+ throw object_not_persistent ();
+ pointer_cache_traits::erase (db, id);
+ }
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::pointer_type
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ {
+ pointer_type p (pointer_cache_traits::find (db, id));
+ if (!pointer_traits::null_ptr (p))
+ return p;
+ }
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return pointer_type ();
+ }
+ pointer_type p (
+ access::object_factory<object_type, pointer_type>::create ());
+ pointer_traits::guard pg (p);
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (
+ pointer_cache_traits::insert (db, id, p));
+ object_type& obj (pointer_traits::get_ref (p));
+ if (l.locked ())
+ {
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ pointer_cache_traits::load (ig.position ());
+ }
+ else
+ sts.delay_load (id, obj, ig.position ());
+ ig.release ();
+ pg.release ();
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ find (database& db, const id_type& id, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ reference_cache_traits::position_type pos (
+ reference_cache_traits::insert (db, id, obj));
+ reference_cache_traits::insert_guard ig (pos);
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ reference_cache_traits::load (pos);
+ ig.release ();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ reload (database& db, object_type& obj)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ const id_type& id (object_traits_impl::id (obj));
+ if (!find_ (sts, &id))
+ return false;
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::pre_load);
+ init (obj, sts.image (), &db);
+ load_ (sts, obj, true);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ callback (db, obj, callback_event::post_load);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ load (connection& conn, object_type& obj, section& s)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& c (static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (conn));
+ statements_type& sts (c.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ bool r (false);
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, id (obj));
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ extra_statement_cache_type& esc (sts.extra_statement_cache ());
+ if (!r && &s == &obj.requirements_tests_section)
+ {
+ requirements_tests_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ r = true;
+ }
+ if (!r && &s == &obj.constraints_section)
+ {
+ constraints_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ r = true;
+ }
+ if (!r && &s == &obj.auxiliaries_section)
+ {
+ auxiliaries_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ r = true;
+ }
+ if (!r && &s == &obj.bot_keys_section)
+ {
+ bot_keys_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ r = true;
+ }
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ find_ (statements_type& sts,
+ const id_type* id)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ init (i, *id);
+ binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ select_statement& st (sts.find_statement ());
+ st.execute ();
+ auto_result ar (st);
+ select_statement::result r (st.fetch ());
+ if (r == select_statement::truncated)
+ {
+ if (grow (im, sts.select_image_truncated ()))
+ im.version++;
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version ())
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ st.refetch ();
+ }
+ }
+ return r != select_statement::no_data;
+ }
+ void access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ load_ (statements_type& sts,
+ object_type& obj,
+ bool reload)
+ {
+ extra_statement_cache_type& esc (sts.extra_statement_cache ());
+ // configs
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::build_package_configs& v =
+ obj.configs;
+ configs_traits::load (
+ v,
+ esc.configs);
+ }
+ if (reload)
+ {
+ if (obj.requirements_tests_section.loaded ())
+ {
+ requirements_tests_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ obj.requirements_tests_section.reset (true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ obj.requirements_tests_section.reset ();
+ if (reload)
+ {
+ if (obj.constraints_section.loaded ())
+ {
+ constraints_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ obj.constraints_section.reset (true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ obj.constraints_section.reset ();
+ if (reload)
+ {
+ if (obj.auxiliaries_section.loaded ())
+ {
+ auxiliaries_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ obj.auxiliaries_section.reset (true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ obj.auxiliaries_section.reset ();
+ if (reload)
+ {
+ if (obj.bot_keys_section.loaded ())
+ {
+ bot_keys_section_traits::load (esc, obj);
+ obj.bot_keys_section.reset (true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ obj.bot_keys_section.reset ();
+ }
+ result< access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::object_type >
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += "\n";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ true,
+ true,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::object_result_impl<object_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ q, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<object_type> (r);
+ }
+ unsigned long long access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ erase_query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ std::string text (erase_query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += ' ';
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ q.init_parameters ();
+ delete_statement st (
+ conn,
+ erase_query_statement_name,
+ text,
+ q.parameter_types (),
+ q.parameter_count (),
+ q.parameters_binding ());
+ return st.execute ();
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ std::string text (query_statement);
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ text += "\n";
+ text += q.clause ();
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = q;
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ text,
+ true,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_object<object_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.select_image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.select_image_version () ||
+ imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im, statement_select);
+ sts.select_image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::object_result_impl<object_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // build_package_version
+ //
+ const char access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_build_package_version";
+ bool access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // id
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.id_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // version
+ //
+ if (composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.version_value, t + 6UL))
+ grew = true;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // id
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.id_value, sk);
+ n += 6UL;
+ // version
+ //
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.version_value, sk);
+ n += 2UL;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ init (view_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // id
+ //
+ {
+ ::brep::package_id& v =
+ o.id;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::package_id, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.id_value,
+ db);
+ }
+ // version
+ //
+ {
+ // From build-package.hxx:352:32
+ ::brep::upstream_version v;
+ composite_value_traits< ::brep::upstream_version, id_pgsql >::init (
+ v,
+ i.version_value,
+ db);
+ // From build-package.hxx:352:32
+ o.version.init (o.id.version, (v));
+ }
+ }
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::query_base_type
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement (const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ query_base_type r (
+ "\"build_package\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"name\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_release\" ");
+ r += "FROM \"build_package\"";
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ r += " ";
+ r += q.clause_prefix ();
+ r += q;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ result< access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::view_type >
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ const query_base_type& qs (query_statement (q));
+ qs.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ qs.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ qs.parameter_types (),
+ qs.parameter_count (),
+ qs.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::view_result_impl<view_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ qs, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<view_type> (r);
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = query_statement (q);
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ r->query.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package_version, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // buildable_package
+ //
+ const char access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_buildable_package";
+ bool access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // package
+ //
+ if (object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::grow (
+ i.package_value, t + 0UL))
+ grew = true;
+ // archived
+ //
+ t[19UL] = 0;
+ // interactive
+ //
+ if (t[20UL])
+ {
+ i.interactive_value.capacity (i.interactive_size);
+ grew = true;
+ }
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // package
+ //
+ object_traits_impl< ::brep::build_package, id_pgsql >::bind (
+ b + n, i.package_value, sk);
+ n += 19UL;
+ // archived
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::boolean_;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.archived_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.archived_null;
+ n++;
+ // interactive
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::text;
+ b[n].buffer = i.interactive_value.data_ptr ();
+ b[n].capacity = i.interactive_value.capacity ();
+ b[n].size = &i.interactive_size;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.interactive_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ init (view_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (*db));
+ // package pre
+ //
+ typedef ::brep::build_package package_object_type;
+ typedef object_traits_impl<package_object_type, id_pgsql> package_object_traits;
+ typedef package_object_traits::pointer_type package_pointer_type;
+ typedef package_object_traits::pointer_traits package_pointer_traits;
+ typedef package_object_traits::pointer_cache_traits package_cache_traits;
+ package_object_traits::id_type package_id;
+ package_pointer_type package_p;
+ package_pointer_traits::guard package_pg;
+ package_cache_traits::insert_guard package_ig;
+ package_object_type* package_o (0);
+ {
+ if (!composite_value_traits< package_object_traits::id_type, id_pgsql >::get_null (
+ i.package_value.id_value))
+ {
+ package_id = package_object_traits::id (i.package_value);
+ package_p = package_cache_traits::find (*db, package_id);
+ if (package_pointer_traits::null_ptr (package_p))
+ {
+ package_p = object_factory<package_object_type, package_pointer_type>::create ();
+ package_pg.reset (package_p);
+ package_ig.reset (package_cache_traits::insert (*db, package_id, package_p));
+ package_o = package_pointer_traits::get_ptr (package_p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // package
+ //
+ {
+ if (package_o != 0)
+ {
+ package_object_traits::callback (*db, *package_o, callback_event::pre_load);
+ package_object_traits::init (*package_o, i.package_value, db);
+ package_object_traits::statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_object<package_object_type> ());
+ package_object_traits::statements_type::auto_lock l (sts);
+ assert (l.locked ()) /* Must be a top-level call. */;
+ package_object_traits::id_image_type& i (sts.id_image ());
+ package_object_traits::init (i, package_id);
+ pgsql::binding& idb (sts.id_image_binding ());
+ if (i.version != sts.id_image_version () || idb.version == 0)
+ {
+ package_object_traits::bind (idb.bind, i);
+ sts.id_image_version (i.version);
+ idb.version++;
+ }
+ package_object_traits::load_ (sts, *package_o, false);
+ sts.load_delayed (0);
+ l.unlock ();
+ }
+ }
+ // archived
+ //
+ {
+ bool& v =
+ o.archived;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ bool,
+ pgsql::id_boolean >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.archived_value,
+ i.archived_null);
+ }
+ // interactive
+ //
+ {
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >& v =
+ o.interactive;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::butl::optional< ::std::basic_string< char > >,
+ pgsql::id_string >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.interactive_value,
+ i.interactive_size,
+ i.interactive_null);
+ }
+ // package post
+ //
+ {
+ if (package_o != 0)
+ {
+ package_object_traits::callback (*db, *package_o, callback_event::post_load);
+ package_cache_traits::load (package_ig.position ());
+ package_ig.release ();
+ package_pg.release ();
+ }
+ // If a compiler error points to the line below, then
+ // it most likely means that a pointer used in view
+ // member cannot be initialized from an object pointer.
+ //
+ o.package = ::std::shared_ptr< ::brep::build_package > (
+ std::move (package_p));
+ }
+ }
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::query_base_type
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement (const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ query_base_type r (
+ "\"build_package\".\"tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"name\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_epoch\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_canonical_release\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_revision\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_upstream\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"version_release\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"project\"::TEXT, "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_warning_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"build_error_email_comment\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_tenant\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"internal_repository_canonical_name\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"buildable\", "
+ "\"build_package\".\"custom_bot\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"archived\", "
+ "\"build_tenant\".\"interactive\" ");
+ r += "FROM \"build_package\"";
+ r += " INNER JOIN \"build_repository\" ON";
+ // From build-package.hxx:362:5
+ r += query_columns::build_package::buildable && brep::operator == (query_columns::build_package::internal_repository, query_columns::build_repository::id);
+ r += " LEFT JOIN \"build_tenant\" ON";
+ // From build-package.hxx:366:5
+ r += query_columns::build_package::id.tenant == query_columns::build_tenant::id;
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ r += " ";
+ r += q.clause_prefix ();
+ r += q;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ result< access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::view_type >
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ const query_base_type& qs (query_statement (q));
+ qs.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ qs.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ qs.parameter_types (),
+ qs.parameter_count (),
+ qs.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::view_result_impl<view_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ qs, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<view_type> (r);
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = query_statement (q);
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ r->query.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+ // buildable_package_count
+ //
+ const char access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement_name[] = "query_brep_buildable_package_count";
+ bool access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ grow (image_type& i,
+ bool* t)
+ {
+ bool grew (false);
+ // result
+ //
+ t[0UL] = 0;
+ return grew;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ bind (pgsql::bind* b,
+ image_type& i)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ pgsql::statement_kind sk (statement_select);
+ std::size_t n (0);
+ // result
+ //
+ b[n].type = pgsql::bind::bigint;
+ b[n].buffer = &i.result_value;
+ b[n].is_null = &i.result_null;
+ n++;
+ }
+ void access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ init (view_type& o,
+ const image_type& i,
+ database* db)
+ {
+ // result
+ //
+ {
+ ::std::size_t& v =
+ o.result;
+ pgsql::value_traits<
+ ::std::size_t,
+ pgsql::id_bigint >::set_value (
+ v,
+ i.result_value,
+ i.result_null);
+ }
+ }
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::query_base_type
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ query_statement (const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ query_base_type r (
+ "count(\"build_package\".\"name\") ");
+ r += "FROM \"build_package\"";
+ r += " INNER JOIN \"build_repository\" ON";
+ // From build-package.hxx:380:5
+ r += query_columns::build_package::buildable && brep::operator == (query_columns::build_package::internal_repository, query_columns::build_repository::id);
+ r += " LEFT JOIN \"build_tenant\" ON";
+ // From build-package.hxx:384:5
+ r += query_columns::build_package::id.tenant == query_columns::build_tenant::id;
+ if (!q.empty ())
+ {
+ r += " ";
+ r += q.clause_prefix ();
+ r += q;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ result< access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::view_type >
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ query (database& db, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ pgsql::transaction::current ().connection (db));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ const query_base_type& qs (query_statement (q));
+ qs.init_parameters ();
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ query_statement_name,
+ qs.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ qs.parameter_types (),
+ qs.parameter_count (),
+ qs.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ st->execute ();
+ st->deallocate ();
+ shared_ptr< odb::view_result_impl<view_type> > r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ qs, st, sts, 0));
+ return result<view_type> (r);
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<prepared_query_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ prepare_query (connection& c, const char* n, const query_base_type& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::connection& conn (
+ static_cast<pgsql::connection&> (c));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ conn.statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ shared_ptr<pgsql::prepared_query_impl> r (
+ new (shared) pgsql::prepared_query_impl (conn));
+ r->name = n;
+ r->execute = &execute_query;
+ r->query = query_statement (q);
+ r->stmt.reset (
+ new (shared) select_statement (
+ sts.connection (),
+ n,
+ r->query.clause (),
+ false,
+ true,
+ r->query.parameter_types (),
+ r->query.parameter_count (),
+ r->query.parameters_binding (),
+ imb));
+ return r;
+ }
+ odb::details::shared_ptr<result_impl>
+ access::view_traits_impl< ::brep::buildable_package_count, id_pgsql >::
+ execute_query (prepared_query_impl& q)
+ {
+ using namespace pgsql;
+ using odb::details::shared;
+ using odb::details::shared_ptr;
+ pgsql::prepared_query_impl& pq (
+ static_cast<pgsql::prepared_query_impl&> (q));
+ shared_ptr<select_statement> st (
+ odb::details::inc_ref (
+ static_cast<select_statement*> (pq.stmt.get ())));
+ pgsql::transaction& tr (pgsql::transaction::current ());
+ // The connection used by the current transaction and the
+ // one used to prepare this statement must be the same.
+ //
+ assert (q.verify_connection (tr));
+ statements_type& sts (
+ st->connection ().statement_cache ().find_view<view_type> ());
+ image_type& im (sts.image ());
+ binding& imb (sts.image_binding ());
+ if (im.version != sts.image_version () || imb.version == 0)
+ {
+ bind (imb.bind, im);
+ sts.image_version (im.version);
+ imb.version++;
+ }
+ pq.query.init_parameters ();
+ st->execute ();
+ return shared_ptr<result_impl> (
+ new (shared) pgsql::view_result_impl<view_type> (
+ pq.query, st, sts, 0));
+ }
+#include <odb/post.hxx>