path: root/mod
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2023-04-28 22:14:14 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2023-05-17 19:02:14 +0300
commit9f5b820aec37ac0a929e074ae2c859229da33b0f (patch)
treeadd2dfb2b0de92bed914ec22fee9373e31874c97 /mod
parent756d871cc55c56eed160a2cfe6ea5fe7de783bf3 (diff)
Add support for upload handlers and implement brep-upload-bindist handler
Diffstat (limited to 'mod')
14 files changed, 1705 insertions, 407 deletions
diff --git a/mod/build-config-module.cxx b/mod/build-config-module.cxx
index 6ad2d73..97c9f9e 100644
--- a/mod/build-config-module.cxx
+++ b/mod/build-config-module.cxx
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace brep
catch (const system_error& e)
ostringstream os;
- os<< "unable to iterate over agents keys directory '" << d << "'";
+ os << "unable to iterate over agents keys directory '" << d << "'";
throw_generic_error (e.code ().value (), os.str ().c_str ());
diff --git a/mod/build-result-module.cxx b/mod/build-result-module.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7823e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/build-result-module.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// file : mod/build-result-module.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <mod/build-result-module.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/openssl.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/process-io.hxx>
+namespace brep
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace butl;
+ // While currently the user-defined copy constructor is not required (we
+ // don't need to deep copy nullptr's), it is a good idea to keep the
+ // placeholder ready for less trivial cases.
+ //
+ build_result_module::
+ build_result_module (const build_result_module& r)
+ : database_module (r),
+ build_config_module (r),
+ use_openssl_pkeyutl_ (r.initialized_ ? r.use_openssl_pkeyutl_ : false)
+ {
+ }
+ void build_result_module::
+ init (const options::build& bo, const options::build_db& bdo)
+ {
+ build_config_module::init (bo);
+ database_module::init (bdo, bdo.build_db_retry ());
+ try
+ {
+ optional<openssl_info> oi (
+ openssl::info ([&trace, this] (const char* args[], size_t n)
+ {
+ l2 ([&]{trace << process_args {args, n};});
+ },
+ 2,
+ bo.openssl ()));
+ use_openssl_pkeyutl_ = oi &&
+ oi->name == "OpenSSL" &&
+ oi->version >= semantic_version {3, 0, 0};
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to obtain openssl version: " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ build_result_module::parse_session_result build_result_module::
+ parse_session (const string& s) const
+ {
+ using brep::version; // Not to confuse with module::version.
+ parse_session_result r;
+ size_t p (s.find ('/')); // End of tenant.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no package name");
+ if (tenant.compare (0, tenant.size (), s, 0, p) != 0)
+ throw invalid_argument ("tenant mismatch");
+ size_t b (p + 1); // Start of package name.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of package name.
+ if (p == b)
+ throw invalid_argument ("empty package name");
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no package version");
+ package_name name;
+ try
+ {
+ name = package_name (string (s, b, p - b));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ throw invalid_argument (
+ string ("invalid package name : ") + e.what ());
+ }
+ b = p + 1; // Start of version.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of version.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no target");
+ auto parse_version = [&s, &b, &p] (const char* what) -> version
+ {
+ // Intercept exception handling to add the parsing error attribution.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ return brep::version (string (s, b, p - b));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ throw invalid_argument (
+ string ("invalid ") + what + ": " + e.what ());
+ }
+ };
+ r.package_version = parse_version ("package version");
+ b = p + 1; // Start of target.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of target.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no target configuration name");
+ target_triplet target;
+ try
+ {
+ target = target_triplet (string (s, b, p - b));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid target: ") + e.what ());
+ }
+ b = p + 1; // Start of target configuration name.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of target configuration name.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no package configuration name");
+ string target_config (s, b, p - b);
+ if (target_config.empty ())
+ throw invalid_argument ("empty target configuration name");
+ b = p + 1; // Start of package configuration name.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of package configuration name.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain name");
+ string package_config (s, b, p - b);
+ if (package_config.empty ())
+ throw invalid_argument ("empty package configuration name");
+ b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain name.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain name.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain version");
+ string toolchain_name (s, b, p - b);
+ if (toolchain_name.empty ())
+ throw invalid_argument ("empty toolchain name");
+ b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain version.
+ p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain version.
+ if (p == string::npos)
+ throw invalid_argument ("no timestamp");
+ r.toolchain_version = parse_version ("toolchain version");
+ r.id = build_id (package_id (move (tenant), move (name), r.package_version),
+ move (target),
+ move (target_config),
+ move (package_config),
+ move (toolchain_name),
+ r.toolchain_version);
+ try
+ {
+ size_t tsn;
+ string ts (s, p + 1);
+ r.timestamp = timestamp (chrono::duration_cast<timestamp::duration> (
+ chrono::nanoseconds (stoull (ts, &tsn))));
+ if (tsn != ts.size ())
+ throw invalid_argument ("trailing junk");
+ }
+ // Handle invalid_argument or out_of_range (both derive from logic_error),
+ // that can be thrown by stoull().
+ //
+ catch (const logic_error& e)
+ {
+ throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid timestamp: ") + e.what ());
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool build_result_module::
+ authenticate_session (const options::build& o,
+ const optional<vector<char>>& challenge,
+ const build& b,
+ const string& session) const
+ {
+ auto warn_auth = [&session, &warn] (const string& d)
+ {
+ warn << "session '" << session << "' authentication failed: " << d;
+ };
+ bool r (false);
+ // Must both be present or absent.
+ //
+ if (!b.agent_challenge != !challenge)
+ {
+ warn_auth (challenge ? "unexpected challenge": "challenge is expected");
+ }
+ else if (bot_agent_key_map_ == nullptr) // Authentication is disabled.
+ {
+ r = true;
+ }
+ else if (!b.agent_challenge) // Authentication is recently enabled.
+ {
+ warn_auth ("challenge is required now");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (b.agent_fingerprint && challenge);
+ auto i (bot_agent_key_map_->find (*b.agent_fingerprint));
+ // The agent's key is recently replaced.
+ //
+ if (i == bot_agent_key_map_->end ())
+ {
+ warn_auth ("agent's public key not found");
+ }
+ else
+ try
+ {
+ openssl os ([&trace, this] (const char* args[], size_t n)
+ {
+ l2 ([&]{trace << process_args {args, n};});
+ },
+ path ("-"), fdstream_mode::text, 2,
+ process_env (o.openssl (), o.openssl_envvar ()),
+ use_openssl_pkeyutl_ ? "pkeyutl" : "rsautl",
+ o.openssl_option (),
+ use_openssl_pkeyutl_ ? "-verifyrecover" : "-verify",
+ "-pubin",
+ "-inkey",
+ i->second);
+ for (const auto& c: *challenge)
+ os.out.put (c); // Sets badbit on failure.
+ os.out.close ();
+ string s;
+ getline (os.in, s);
+ bool v (os.in.eof ());
+ os.in.close ();
+ if (os.wait () && v)
+ {
+ r = (s == *b.agent_challenge);
+ if (!r)
+ warn_auth ("challenge mismatched");
+ }
+ else // The signature is presumably meaningless.
+ warn_auth ("unable to verify challenge");
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to verify challenge: " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
diff --git a/mod/build-result-module.hxx b/mod/build-result-module.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0f1eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/build-result-module.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// file : mod/build-result-module.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbrep/types.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/utility.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build.hxx>
+#include <mod/module-options.hxx>
+#include <mod/database-module.hxx>
+#include <mod/build-config-module.hxx>
+namespace brep
+ // Base class for modules that handle the build task results.
+ //
+ // Specifically, it loads build controller configuration, initializes the
+ // build database instance, and provides utilities for parsing and
+ // authenticating the build task session.
+ //
+ class build_result_module: public database_module,
+ protected build_config_module
+ {
+ protected:
+ build_result_module () = default;
+ // Create a shallow copy (handling instance) if initialized and a deep
+ // copy (context exemplar) otherwise.
+ //
+ explicit
+ build_result_module (const build_result_module&);
+ void
+ init (const options::build&, const options::build_db&);
+ // Parse the build task session and verify that the session matches the
+ // tenant. Throw invalid_argument on errors.
+ //
+ struct parse_session_result
+ {
+ build_id id;
+ brep::version package_version;
+ brep::version toolchain_version;
+ brep::timestamp timestamp;
+ };
+ parse_session_result
+ parse_session (const string&) const;
+ // Return true if bbot agent authentication is disabled or the agent is
+ // recognized and challenge matches. If the session authentication fails
+ // (challenge is not expected, expected but doesn't match, etc), then log
+ // the failure reason with the warning severity and return false.
+ //
+ // Note that the session argument is used only for logging.
+ //
+ bool
+ authenticate_session (const options::build&,
+ const optional<vector<char>>& challenge,
+ const build&,
+ const string& session) const;
+ protected:
+ // True if the openssl version is greater or equal to 3.0.0 and so pkeyutl
+ // needs to be used instead of rsautl.
+ //
+ // Note that openssl 3.0.0 deprecates rsautl in favor of pkeyutl.
+ //
+ bool use_openssl_pkeyutl_;
+ };
diff --git a/mod/mod-build-result.cxx b/mod/mod-build-result.cxx
index 99bdc8d..7806cda 100644
--- a/mod/mod-build-result.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-build-result.cxx
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
-#include <libbutl/openssl.hxx>
#include <libbutl/sendmail.hxx>
#include <libbutl/fdstream.hxx>
#include <libbutl/process-io.hxx>
@@ -38,10 +37,8 @@ using namespace odb::core;
build_result (const build_result& r)
- : database_module (r),
- build_config_module (r),
- options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr),
- use_openssl_pkeyutl_ (r.initialized_ ? r.use_openssl_pkeyutl_ : false)
+ : build_result_module (r),
+ options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr)
@@ -53,34 +50,12 @@ init (scanner& s)
options_ = make_shared<options::build_result> (
s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail);
- database_module::init (static_cast<const options::package_db&> (*options_),
- options_->package_db_retry ());
if (options_->build_config_specified ())
- database_module::init (static_cast<const options::build_db&> (*options_),
- options_->build_db_retry ());
- build_config_module::init (*options_);
- }
+ build_result_module::init (*options_, *options_);
- try
- {
- optional<openssl_info> oi (
- openssl::info ([&trace, this] (const char* args[], size_t n)
- {
- l2 ([&]{trace << process_args {args, n};});
- },
- 2,
- options_->openssl ()));
- use_openssl_pkeyutl_ = oi &&
- oi->name == "OpenSSL" &&
- oi->version >= semantic_version {3, 0, 0};
- }
- catch (const system_error& e)
- {
- fail << "unable to obtain openssl version: " << e;
+ database_module::init (static_cast<const options::package_db&> (*options_),
+ options_->package_db_retry ());
if (options_->root ().empty ())
@@ -129,149 +104,23 @@ handle (request& rq, response&)
throw invalid_request (400, e.what ());
- // Parse the task response session to obtain the build id and the timestamp,
- // and to make sure the session matches tenant and the result manifest's
- // package name, and version.
+ // Parse the task response session and make sure the session matches tenant
+ // and the result manifest's package name, and version.
- build_id id;
- timestamp session_timestamp;
+ parse_session_result session;
+ const build_id& id (session.id);
- const string& s (rqm.session);
- size_t p (s.find ('/')); // End of tenant.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no package name");
- if (tenant.compare (0, tenant.size (), s, 0, p) != 0)
- throw invalid_argument ("tenant mismatch");
- size_t b (p + 1); // Start of package name.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of package name.
- if (p == b)
- throw invalid_argument ("empty package name");
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no package version");
- package_name& name (rqm.result.name);
- {
- const string& n (name.string ());
- if (n.compare (0, n.size (), s, b, p - b) != 0)
- throw invalid_argument ("package name mismatch");
- }
- b = p + 1; // Start of version.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of version.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no configuration name");
- auto parse_version = [&s, &b, &p] (const char* what) -> version
- {
- // Intercept exception handling to add the parsing error attribution.
- //
- try
- {
- return brep::version (string (s, b, p - b));
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid ") + what + ": " + e.what ());
- }
- };
+ // Note: also verifies that the tenant matches the session.
+ //
+ session = parse_session (rqm.session);
- version package_version (parse_version ("package version"));
+ if (rqm.result.name != id.package.name)
+ throw invalid_argument ("package name mismatch");
- if (package_version != rqm.result.version)
+ if (rqm.result.version != session.package_version)
throw invalid_argument ("package version mismatch");
- b = p + 1; // Start of target.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of target.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no target configuration name");
- target_triplet target;
- try
- {
- target = target_triplet (string (s, b, p - b));
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid target: ") + e.what ());
- }
- b = p + 1; // Start of target configuration name.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of target configuration name.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no package configuration name");
- string target_config (s, b, p - b);
- if (target_config.empty ())
- throw invalid_argument ("empty target configuration name");
- b = p + 1; // Start of package configuration name.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of package configuration name.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain name");
- string package_config (s, b, p - b);
- if (package_config.empty ())
- throw invalid_argument ("empty package configuration name");
- b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain name.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain name.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain version");
- string toolchain_name (s, b, p - b);
- if (toolchain_name.empty ())
- throw invalid_argument ("empty toolchain name");
- b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain version.
- p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain version.
- if (p == string::npos)
- throw invalid_argument ("no timestamp");
- version toolchain_version (parse_version ("toolchain version"));
- id = build_id (package_id (move (tenant), move (name), package_version),
- move (target),
- move (target_config),
- move (package_config),
- move (toolchain_name),
- toolchain_version);
- try
- {
- size_t tsn;
- string ts (s, p + 1);
- session_timestamp = timestamp (
- chrono::duration_cast<timestamp::duration> (
- chrono::nanoseconds (stoull (ts, &tsn))));
- if (tsn != ts.size ())
- throw invalid_argument ("trailing junk");
- }
- // Handle invalid_argument or out_of_range (both derive from logic_error),
- // that can be thrown by stoull().
- //
- catch (const logic_error& e)
- {
- throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid timestamp: ") + e.what ());
- }
catch (const invalid_argument& e)
@@ -341,6 +190,12 @@ handle (request& rq, response&)
bool build_notify (false);
bool unforced (true);
+ // Note that if the session authentication fails (probably due to the
+ // authentication settings change), then we log this case with the warning
+ // severity and respond with the 200 HTTP code as if the challenge is
+ // valid. The thinking is that we shouldn't alarm a law-abaiding agent and
+ // shouldn't provide any information to a malicious one.
+ //
transaction t (build_db_->begin ());
@@ -348,251 +203,174 @@ handle (request& rq, response&)
shared_ptr<build> b;
if (!build_db_->query_one<package_build> (
query<package_build>::build::id == id, pb))
+ {
warn_expired ("no package build");
+ }
else if ((b = move (pb.build))->state != build_state::building)
+ {
warn_expired ("package configuration state is " + to_string (b->state));
- else if (b->timestamp != session_timestamp)
+ }
+ else if (b->timestamp != session.timestamp)
+ {
warn_expired ("non-matching timestamp");
- else
+ }
+ else if (authenticate_session (*options_, rqm.challenge, *b, rqm.session))
- // Check the challenge.
+ // If the build is interrupted, then revert it to the original built
+ // state if this is a rebuild and delete it from the database otherwise.
- // If the challenge doesn't match expectations (probably due to the
- // authentication settings change), then we log this case with the
- // warning severity and respond with the 200 HTTP code as if the
- // challenge is valid. The thinking is that we shouldn't alarm a
- // law-abaiding agent and shouldn't provide any information to a
- // malicious one.
- //
- auto warn_auth = [&rqm, &warn] (const string& d)
+ if (rqm.result.status == result_status::interrupt)
- warn << "session '" << rqm.session << "' authentication failed: " << d;
- };
+ if (b->status) // Is this a rebuild?
+ {
+ b->state = build_state::built;
- bool auth (false);
+ // Keep the force rebuild indication. Note that the forcing state is
+ // only valid for the building state.
+ //
+ if (b->force == force_state::forcing)
+ b->force = force_state::forced;
- // Must both be present or absent.
- //
- if (!b->agent_challenge != !rqm.challenge)
- warn_auth (rqm.challenge
- ? "unexpected challenge"
- : "challenge is expected");
- else if (bot_agent_key_map_ == nullptr) // Authentication is disabled.
- auth = true;
- else if (!b->agent_challenge) // Authentication is recently enabled.
- warn_auth ("challenge is required now");
- else
- {
- assert (b->agent_fingerprint && rqm.challenge);
- auto i (bot_agent_key_map_->find (*b->agent_fingerprint));
+ // Cleanup the interactive build login information.
+ //
+ b->interactive = nullopt;
- // The agent's key is recently replaced.
- //
- if (i == bot_agent_key_map_->end ())
- warn_auth ("agent's public key not found");
- else
- {
- try
- {
- openssl os (print_args,
- path ("-"), fdstream_mode::text, 2,
- process_env (options_->openssl (),
- options_->openssl_envvar ()),
- use_openssl_pkeyutl_ ? "pkeyutl" : "rsautl",
- options_->openssl_option (),
- use_openssl_pkeyutl_ ? "-verifyrecover" : "-verify",
- "-pubin",
- "-inkey",
- i->second);
- for (const auto& c: *rqm.challenge)
- os.out.put (c); // Sets badbit on failure.
- os.out.close ();
- string s;
- getline (os.in, s);
- bool v (os.in.eof ());
- os.in.close ();
- if (os.wait () && v)
- {
- auth = s == *b->agent_challenge;
- if (!auth)
- warn_auth ("challenge mismatched");
- }
- else // The signature is presumably meaningless.
- warn_auth ("unable to verify challenge");
- }
- catch (const system_error& e)
- {
- fail << "unable to verify challenge: " << e;
- }
+ // Cleanup the authentication data.
+ //
+ b->agent_fingerprint = nullopt;
+ b->agent_challenge = nullopt;
+ // Note that we are unable to restore the pre-rebuild timestamp
+ // since it has been overwritten when the build task was issued.
+ // That, however, feels ok and we just keep it unchanged.
+ build_db_->update (b);
+ else
+ build_db_->erase (b);
- if (auth)
+ else
- // If the build is interrupted, then revert it to the original built
- // state if this is a rebuild and delete it from the database
- // otherwise.
+ // Verify the result status/checksums.
- if (rqm.result.status == result_status::interrupt)
+ // Specifically, if the result status is skip, then it can only be in
+ // response to the soft rebuild task (all checksums are present in the
+ // build object) and the result checksums must match the build object
+ // checksums. On verification failure respond with the bad request
+ // HTTP code (400).
+ //
+ if (rqm.result.status == result_status::skip)
- if (b->status) // Is this a rebuild?
- {
- b->state = build_state::built;
+ if (!b->agent_checksum ||
+ !b->worker_checksum ||
+ !b->dependency_checksum)
+ throw invalid_request (400, "unexpected skip result status");
+ // Can only be absent for initial build, in which case the
+ // checksums are also absent and we would end up with the above
+ // 400 response.
+ //
+ assert (b->status);
- // Keep the force rebuild indication. Note that the forcing state
- // is only valid for the building state.
- //
- if (b->force == force_state::forcing)
- b->force = force_state::forced;
+ // Verify that the result checksum matches the build checksum and
+ // throw invalid_request(400) if that's not the case.
+ //
+ auto verify = [] (const string& build_checksum,
+ const optional<string>& result_checksum,
+ const char* what)
+ {
+ if (!result_checksum)
+ throw invalid_request (
+ 400,
+ string (what) + " checksum is expected for skip result status");
+ if (*result_checksum != build_checksum)
+ throw invalid_request (
+ 400,
+ string (what) + " checksum '" + build_checksum +
+ "' is expected instead of '" + *result_checksum +
+ "' for skip result status");
+ };
+ verify (*b->agent_checksum, rqm.agent_checksum, "agent");
+ verify (*b->worker_checksum,
+ rqm.result.worker_checksum,
+ "worker");
+ verify (*b->dependency_checksum,
+ rqm.result.dependency_checksum,
+ "dependency");
+ }
- // Cleanup the interactive build login information.
- //
- b->interactive = nullopt;
+ unforced = b->force == force_state::unforced;
- // Cleanup the authentication data.
- //
- b->agent_fingerprint = nullopt;
- b->agent_challenge = nullopt;
+ // Don't send email to the build-email address for the
+ // success-to-success status change, unless the build was forced.
+ //
+ build_notify = !(rqm.result.status == result_status::success &&
+ b->status &&
+ *b->status == rqm.result.status &&
+ unforced);
- // Note that we are unable to restore the pre-rebuild timestamp
- // since it has been overwritten when the build task was issued.
- // That, however, feels ok and we just keep it unchanged.
+ b->state = build_state::built;
+ b->force = force_state::unforced;
- build_db_->update (b);
- }
- else
- build_db_->erase (b);
- }
- else
- {
- // Verify the result status/checksums.
- //
- // Specifically, if the result status is skip, then it can only be
- // in response to the soft rebuild task (all checksums are present
- // in the build object) and the result checksums must match the
- // build object checksums. On verification failure respond with the
- // bad request HTTP code (400).
- //
- if (rqm.result.status == result_status::skip)
- {
- if (!b->agent_checksum ||
- !b->worker_checksum ||
- !b->dependency_checksum)
- throw invalid_request (400, "unexpected skip result status");
- // Can only be absent for initial build, in which case the
- // checksums are also absent and we would end up with the above
- // 400 response.
- //
- assert (b->status);
- // Verify that the result checksum matches the build checksum and
- // throw invalid_request(400) if that's not the case.
- //
- auto verify = [] (const string& build_checksum,
- const optional<string>& result_checksum,
- const char* what)
- {
- if (!result_checksum)
- throw invalid_request (
- 400,
- string (what) +
- " checksum is expected for skip result status");
- if (*result_checksum != build_checksum)
- throw invalid_request (
- 400,
- string (what) + " checksum '" + build_checksum +
- "' is expected instead of '" + *result_checksum +
- "' for skip result status");
- };
- verify (*b->agent_checksum, rqm.agent_checksum, "agent");
- verify (*b->worker_checksum,
- rqm.result.worker_checksum,
- "worker");
- verify (*b->dependency_checksum,
- rqm.result.dependency_checksum,
- "dependency");
- }
+ // Cleanup the interactive build login information.
+ //
+ b->interactive = nullopt;
- unforced = b->force == force_state::unforced;
+ // Cleanup the authentication data.
+ //
+ b->agent_fingerprint = nullopt;
+ b->agent_challenge = nullopt;
- // Don't send email to the build-email address for the
- // success-to-success status change, unless the build was forced.
- //
- build_notify = !(rqm.result.status == result_status::success &&
- b->status &&
- *b->status == rqm.result.status &&
- unforced);
+ b->timestamp = system_clock::now ();
+ b->soft_timestamp = b->timestamp;
- b->state = build_state::built;
- b->force = force_state::unforced;
+ // If the result status is other than skip, then save the status,
+ // results, and checksums and update the hard timestamp.
+ //
+ if (rqm.result.status != result_status::skip)
+ {
+ b->status = rqm.result.status;
+ b->hard_timestamp = b->soft_timestamp;
- // Cleanup the interactive build login information.
+ // Mark the section as loaded, so results are updated.
- b->interactive = nullopt;
+ b->results_section.load ();
+ b->results = move (rqm.result.results);
- // Cleanup the authentication data.
+ // Save the checksums.
- b->agent_fingerprint = nullopt;
- b->agent_challenge = nullopt;
+ b->agent_checksum = move (rqm.agent_checksum);
+ b->worker_checksum = move (rqm.result.worker_checksum);
+ b->dependency_checksum = move (rqm.result.dependency_checksum);
+ }
- b->timestamp = system_clock::now ();
- b->soft_timestamp = b->timestamp;
+ build_db_->update (b);
- // If the result status is other than skip, then save the status,
- // results, and checksums and update the hard timestamp.
- //
- if (rqm.result.status != result_status::skip)
- {
- b->status = rqm.result.status;
- b->hard_timestamp = b->soft_timestamp;
- // Mark the section as loaded, so results are updated.
- //
- b->results_section.load ();
- b->results = move (rqm.result.results);
- // Save the checksums.
- //
- b->agent_checksum = move (rqm.agent_checksum);
- b->worker_checksum = move (rqm.result.worker_checksum);
- b->dependency_checksum = move (rqm.result.dependency_checksum);
- }
- build_db_->update (b);
+ // Don't send the build notification email if the task result is
+ // `skip`, the configuration is hidden, or is now excluded by the
+ // package.
+ //
+ if (rqm.result.status != result_status::skip && belongs (*tc, "all"))
+ {
+ shared_ptr<build_package> p (
+ build_db_->load<build_package> (b->id.package));
- // Don't send the build notification email if the task result is
- // `skip`, the configuration is hidden, or is now excluded by the
- // package.
+ // The package configuration should be present (see mod-builds.cxx
+ // for details) but if it is not, let's log the warning.
- if (rqm.result.status != result_status::skip && belongs (*tc, "all"))
+ if (const build_package_config* pc = find (b->package_config_name,
+ p->configs))
- shared_ptr<build_package> p (
- build_db_->load<build_package> (b->id.package));
- // The package configuration should be present (see mod-builds.cxx
- // for details) but if it is not, let's log the warning.
- //
- if (const build_package_config* pc = find (b->package_config_name,
- p->configs))
- {
- if (!exclude (*pc, p->builds, p->constraints, *tc))
- bld = move (b);
- }
- else
- warn << "cannot find configuration '" << b->package_config_name
- << "' for package " << p->id.name << '/' << p->version;
+ if (!exclude (*pc, p->builds, p->constraints, *tc))
+ bld = move (b);
+ else
+ warn << "cannot find configuration '" << b->package_config_name
+ << "' for package " << p->id.name << '/' << p->version;
diff --git a/mod/mod-build-result.hxx b/mod/mod-build-result.hxx
index 1b32ad4..87ef1f2 100644
--- a/mod/mod-build-result.hxx
+++ b/mod/mod-build-result.hxx
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@
#include <libbrep/utility.hxx>
#include <mod/module-options.hxx>
-#include <mod/database-module.hxx>
-#include <mod/build-config-module.hxx>
+#include <mod/build-result-module.hxx>
namespace brep
- class build_result: public database_module, private build_config_module
+ class build_result: public build_result_module
build_result () = default;
@@ -36,13 +35,6 @@ namespace brep
shared_ptr<options::build_result> options_;
- // True if the openssl version is greater or equal to 3.0.0 and so pkeyutl
- // needs to be used instead of rsautl.
- //
- // Note that openssl 3.0.0 deprecates rsautl in favor of pkeyutl.
- //
- bool use_openssl_pkeyutl_;
diff --git a/mod/mod-build-task.cxx b/mod/mod-build-task.cxx
index 33a7f58..4b0165f 100644
--- a/mod/mod-build-task.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-build-task.cxx
@@ -286,15 +286,14 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
b->toolchain_version.string () + '/' +
to_string (ts));
- string result_url (options_->host () +
- tenant_dir (options_->root (), b->tenant).string () +
- "?build-result");
+ string tenant (tenant_dir (options_->root (), b->tenant).string ());
+ string result_url (options_->host () + tenant + "?build-result");
assert (transaction::has_current ());
assert (p->internal ()); // The package is expected to be buildable.
- lazy_shared_ptr<build_repository> r (p->internal_repository.load ());
+ shared_ptr<build_repository> r (p->internal_repository.load ());
strings fps;
if (r->certificate_fingerprint)
@@ -369,9 +368,43 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
move (t->interactive),
move (b->worker_checksum));
+ // Collect the build artifacts upload URLs, skipping those which are
+ // excluded with the upload-*-exclude configuration options.
+ //
+ vector<upload_url> upload_urls;
+ for (const auto& ud: options_->upload_data ())
+ {
+ const string& t (ud.first);
+ auto exclude = [&t] (const multimap<string, string>& mm,
+ const string& v)
+ {
+ auto range (mm.equal_range (t));
+ for (auto i (range.first); i != range.second; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->second == v)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (!exclude (options_->upload_toolchain_exclude (),
+ b->toolchain_name) &&
+ !exclude (options_->upload_repository_exclude (),
+ r->canonical_name))
+ {
+ upload_urls.emplace_back (options_->host () + tenant + "?upload=" + t,
+ t);
+ }
+ }
return task_response_manifest (move (session),
move (b->agent_challenge),
move (result_url),
+ move (upload_urls),
move (b->agent_checksum),
move (task));
diff --git a/mod/mod-ci.cxx b/mod/mod-ci.cxx
index 68bb9be..df2365a 100644
--- a/mod/mod-ci.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-ci.cxx
@@ -498,10 +498,6 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
// it's the 4XX (HTTP client error) status value, then we remove the
// directory.
- // Note that leaving the directory in place in case of a submission error
- // would have prevent the user from re-submitting until we research the
- // issue and manually remove the directory.
- //
auto stash_submit_dir = [&dd, error] ()
if (dir_exists (dd))
@@ -520,7 +516,7 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
// Run the submission handler, if specified, reading the result manifest
// from its stdout and caching it as a name/value pair list for later use
- // (forwarding to the client, sending via email, etc.). Otherwise, create
+ // (forwarding to the client, sending via email, etc). Otherwise, create
// implied result manifest.
status_code sc;
@@ -598,8 +594,10 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
// Remove the directory if the client error is detected.
if (sc >= 400 && sc < 500)
+ {
rmdir_r (dd);
+ }
+ //
// Otherwise, save the result manifest, into the directory. Also stash the
// directory for troubleshooting in case of the server error.
diff --git a/mod/mod-package-version-details.cxx b/mod/mod-package-version-details.cxx
index 3a6ef1f..e47d9b4 100644
--- a/mod/mod-package-version-details.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-package-version-details.cxx
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/filesystem.hxx> // dir_iterator, dir_entry
#include <web/server/module.hxx>
#include <web/server/mime-url-encoding.hxx>
@@ -47,6 +49,12 @@ init (scanner& s)
options_ = make_shared<options::package_version_details> (
s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail);
+ // Verify that the bindist-url option is specified when necessary.
+ //
+ if (options_->bindist_root_specified () &&
+ !options_->bindist_url_specified ())
+ fail << "bindist-url must be specified if bindist-root is specified";
database_module::init (static_cast<const options::package_db&> (*options_),
options_->package_db_retry ());
@@ -187,8 +195,8 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
const string what (title + " description");
s << (full
- ? DIV_TEXT (*d, *
- pkg->description_type,
+ ? DIV_TEXT (*d,
+ *pkg->description_type,
true /* strip_title */,
@@ -526,6 +534,168 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
t.commit ();
+ // Display the binary distribution packages for this tenant, package, and
+ // version, if present. Print the archive distributions last.
+ //
+ if (options_->bindist_root_specified ())
+ {
+ // Collect all the available package configurations by iterating over the
+ // <distribution> and <os-release> subdirectories and the <package-config>
+ // symlinks in the following filesystem hierarchy:
+ //
+ // [<tenant>/]<distribution>/<os-release>/<project>/<package>/<version>/<package-config>
+ //
+ // Note that it is possible that new directories and symlinks are created
+ // and/or removed while we iterate over the filesystem entries in the
+ // above hierarchy, which may result with system_error exceptions. If that
+ // happens, we just ignore such exceptions, trying to collect what we can.
+ //
+ const dir_path& br (options_->bindist_root ());
+ dir_path d (br);
+ if (!tenant.empty ())
+ d /= tenant;
+ // Note that distribution and os_release are simple paths and the
+ // config_symlink and config_dir are relative to the bindist root
+ // directory.
+ //
+ struct bindist_config
+ {
+ dir_path distribution; // debian, fedora, archive
+ dir_path os_release; // fedora37, windows10
+ path symlink; // .../default, .../release
+ dir_path directory; // .../default-2023-05-11T10:13:43Z
+ bool
+ operator< (const bindist_config& v)
+ {
+ if (int r = distribution.compare (v.distribution))
+ return distribution.string () == "archive" ? false :
+ v.distribution.string () == "archive" ? true :
+ r < 0;
+ if (int r = os_release.compare (v.os_release))
+ return r < 0;
+ return symlink < v.symlink;
+ }
+ };
+ vector<bindist_config> configs;
+ if (dir_exists (d))
+ try
+ {
+ for (const dir_entry& de: dir_iterator (d, dir_iterator::ignore_dangling))
+ {
+ if (de.type () != entry_type::directory)
+ continue;
+ // Distribution directory.
+ //
+ dir_path dd (path_cast<dir_path> (de.path ()));
+ try
+ {
+ dir_path fdd (d / dd);
+ for (const dir_entry& re:
+ dir_iterator (fdd, dir_iterator::ignore_dangling))
+ {
+ if (re.type () != entry_type::directory)
+ continue;
+ // OS release directory.
+ //
+ dir_path rd (path_cast<dir_path> (re.path ()));
+ // Package version directory.
+ //
+ dir_path vd (fdd /
+ rd /
+ dir_path (pkg->project.string ()) /
+ dir_path (pn.string ()) /
+ dir_path (sver));
+ try
+ {
+ for (const dir_entry& ce:
+ dir_iterator (vd, dir_iterator::ignore_dangling))
+ {
+ if (ce.ltype () != entry_type::symlink)
+ continue;
+ // Skip symlinks which have extensions. Note that upload
+ // handlers may add an extension to a newly created symlink to
+ // atomically replace an old symlink with the new one.
+ //
+ const path& cl (ce.path ());
+ if (cl.extension_cstring () != nullptr)
+ continue;
+ try
+ {
+ path fcl (vd / cl);
+ dir_path cd (path_cast<dir_path> (followsymlink (fcl)));
+ if (cd.sub (br))
+ configs.push_back (
+ bindist_config {dd, rd, fcl.leaf (br), cd.leaf (br)});
+ }
+ catch (const system_error&) {}
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const system_error&) {}
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const system_error&) {}
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const system_error&) {}
+ // Sort and print collected package configurations, if any.
+ //
+ if (!configs.empty ())
+ {
+ sort (configs.begin (), configs.end ());
+ s << H3 << "Binaries" << ~H3
+ << TABLE(ID="binaries")
+ << TBODY;
+ for (const bindist_config& c: configs)
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="binaries")
+ << TD << SPAN(CLASS="value") << c.distribution << ~SPAN << ~TD
+ << TD << SPAN(CLASS="value") << c.os_release << ~SPAN << ~TD
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << A
+ << HREF
+ << options_->bindist_url () << '/' << c.symlink
+ << ~HREF
+ << c.symlink.leaf ()
+ << ~A
+ << " ("
+ << A
+ << HREF
+ << options_->bindist_url () << '/' << c.directory
+ << ~HREF
+ << "snapshot"
+ << ~A
+ << ")"
+ << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ s << ~TBODY
+ << ~TABLE;
+ }
+ }
if (builds)
s << H3 << "Builds" << ~H3
diff --git a/mod/mod-repository-root.cxx b/mod/mod-repository-root.cxx
index f00e80e..1b18996 100644
--- a/mod/mod-repository-root.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-repository-root.cxx
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <mod/mod-ci.hxx>
#include <mod/mod-submit.hxx>
+#include <mod/mod-upload.hxx>
#include <mod/mod-builds.hxx>
#include <mod/mod-packages.hxx>
#include <mod/mod-build-log.hxx>
@@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ namespace brep
builds_ (make_shared<builds> ()),
build_configs_ (make_shared<build_configs> ()),
submit_ (make_shared<submit> ()),
- ci_ (make_shared<ci> ())
+ ci_ (make_shared<ci> ()),
+ upload_ (make_shared<upload> ())
@@ -178,6 +180,10 @@ namespace brep
? r.ci_
: make_shared<ci> (*r.ci_)),
+ upload_ (
+ r.initialized_
+ ? r.upload_
+ : make_shared<upload> (*r.upload_)),
options_ (
? r.options_
@@ -204,6 +210,7 @@ namespace brep
append (r, build_configs_->options ());
append (r, submit_->options ());
append (r, ci_->options ());
+ append (r, upload_->options ());
return r;
@@ -249,6 +256,7 @@ namespace brep
sub_init (*build_configs_, "build_configs");
sub_init (*submit_, "submit");
sub_init (*ci_, "ci");
+ sub_init (*upload_, "upload");
// Parse own configuration options.
@@ -444,6 +452,13 @@ namespace brep
return handle ("ci", param);
+ else if (func == "upload")
+ {
+ if (handler_ == nullptr)
+ handler_.reset (new upload (*upload_));
+ return handle ("upload", param);
+ }
return nullopt;
diff --git a/mod/mod-repository-root.hxx b/mod/mod-repository-root.hxx
index 9e28797..4f40c94 100644
--- a/mod/mod-repository-root.hxx
+++ b/mod/mod-repository-root.hxx
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace brep
class build_configs;
class submit;
class ci;
+ class upload;
class repository_root: public handler
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ namespace brep
shared_ptr<build_configs> build_configs_;
shared_ptr<submit> submit_;
shared_ptr<ci> ci_;
+ shared_ptr<upload> upload_;
shared_ptr<options::repository_root> options_;
diff --git a/mod/mod-submit.cxx b/mod/mod-submit.cxx
index b73c96e..5ee358a 100644
--- a/mod/mod-submit.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-submit.cxx
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
if (!options_->submit_data_specified ())
return respond_manifest (404, "submission disabled");
- // Parse the request form data and verifying the submission size limit.
+ // Parse the request form data and verify the submission size limit.
// Note that if it is exceeded, then there are parameters and this is the
// submission rather than the form request, and so we respond with the
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
// However, using the abbreviated checksum can be helpful for
// troubleshooting.
- td = dir_path (options_->submit_temp () /
- dir_path (path::traits_type::temp_name (ref)));
+ td = options_->submit_temp () /
+ dir_path (path::traits_type::temp_name (ref));
// It's highly unlikely but still possible that the temporary directory
// already exists. This can only happen due to the unclean web server
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ handle (request& rq, response& rs)
// Run the submission handler, if specified, reading the result manifest
// from its stdout and caching it as a name/value pair list for later use
- // (forwarding to the client, sending via email, etc.). Otherwise, create
+ // (forwarding to the client, sending via email, etc). Otherwise, create
// implied result manifest.
status_code sc;
diff --git a/mod/mod-upload.cxx b/mod/mod-upload.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1474363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/mod-upload.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+// file : mod/mod-upload.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <mod/mod-upload.hxx>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/uuid.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/base64.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/sha256.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/sendmail.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/fdstream.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/timestamp.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/process-io.hxx> // operator<<(ostream, process_args)
+#include <libbutl/manifest-types.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/manifest-serializer.hxx>
+#include <web/server/module.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build-odb.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build-package.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/build-package-odb.hxx>
+#include <mod/module-options.hxx>
+#include <mod/external-handler.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+using namespace brep::cli;
+using namespace odb::core;
+// While currently the user-defined copy constructor is not required (we don't
+// need to deep copy nullptr's), it is a good idea to keep the placeholder
+// ready for less trivial cases.
+upload (const upload& r)
+ : build_result_module (r),
+ options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr)
+void brep::upload::
+init (scanner& s)
+ options_ = make_shared<options::upload> (
+ s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail);
+ // Verify that the upload handling is setup properly, if configured.
+ //
+ for (const auto& ud: options_->upload_data ())
+ {
+ const string& t (ud.first);
+ if (t.empty ())
+ fail << "empty upload type in upload-data configuration option";
+ if (ud.second.relative ())
+ fail << t << " upload-data path '" << ud.second << "' is relative";
+ if (!dir_exists (ud.second))
+ fail << t << " upload-data directory '" << ud.second
+ << "' does not exist";
+ const map<string, path>& uh (options_->upload_handler ());
+ auto i (uh.find (t));
+ if (i != uh.end () && i->second.relative ())
+ fail << t << " upload-handler path '" << i->second << "' is relative";
+ }
+ if (options_->upload_data_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!options_->build_config_specified ())
+ fail << "upload functionality is enabled but package building "
+ << "functionality is disabled";
+ build_result_module::init (*options_, *options_);
+ }
+ if (options_->root ().empty ())
+ options_->root (dir_path ("/"));
+bool brep::upload::
+handle (request& rq, response& rs)
+ using brep::version; // Not to confuse with module::version.
+ using serializer = manifest_serializer;
+ using serialization = manifest_serialization;
+ // We will respond with the manifest to the upload protocol violations and
+ // with a plain text message on the internal errors. In the latter case we
+ // will always respond with the same neutral message for security reason,
+ // logging the error details. Note that descriptions of exceptions caught by
+ // the web server are returned to the client (see web/module.hxx for
+ // details), and we want to avoid this when there is a danger of exposing
+ // sensitive data.
+ //
+ // Also we will pass through exceptions thrown by the underlying API, unless
+ // we need to handle them or add details for the description, in which case
+ // we will fallback to one of the above mentioned response methods.
+ //
+ // Note that both respond_manifest() and respond_error() are normally called
+ // right before the end of the request handling. They both always return
+ // true to allow bailing out with a single line, for example:
+ //
+ // return respond_error (); // Request is handled with an error.
+ //
+ string request_id; // Will be set later.
+ auto respond_manifest = [&rs, &request_id] (status_code status,
+ const string& message) -> bool
+ {
+ serializer s (rs.content (status, "text/manifest;charset=utf-8"),
+ "response");
+ s.next ("", "1"); // Start of manifest.
+ s.next ("status", to_string (status));
+ s.next ("message", message);
+ if (!request_id.empty ())
+ s.next ("reference", request_id);
+ s.next ("", ""); // End of manifest.
+ return true;
+ };
+ auto respond_error = [&rs] (status_code status = 500) -> bool
+ {
+ rs.content (status, "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
+ << "upload handling failed" << endl;
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Check if the upload functionality is enabled.
+ //
+ // Note that this is not an upload protocol violation but it feels right to
+ // respond with the manifest, to help the client a bit.
+ //
+ if (!options_->upload_data_specified ())
+ return respond_manifest (404, "upload disabled");
+ // Parse the request data and verify the upload size limit.
+ //
+ // Note that the size limit is upload type-specific. Thus, first, we need to
+ // determine the upload type which we expect to be specified in the URL as a
+ // value of the upload parameter.
+ //
+ string type;
+ dir_path dir;
+ try
+ {
+ name_value_scanner s (rq.parameters (0 /* limit */, true /* url_only */));
+ // We only expect the upload=<type> parameter in URL.
+ //
+ params::upload params (
+ params::upload (s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail));
+ type = move (params.type ());
+ if (type.empty ())
+ return respond_manifest (400, "upload type expected");
+ // Check if this upload type is enabled. While at it, cache the upload
+ // data directory path.
+ //
+ const map<string, dir_path>& ud (options_->upload_data ());
+ auto i (ud.find (type));
+ if (i == ud.end ())
+ return respond_manifest (404, type + " upload disabled");
+ dir = i->second;
+ }
+ catch (const cli::exception&)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, "invalid parameter");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ const map<string, size_t>& us (options_->upload_max_size ());
+ auto i (us.find (type));
+ rq.parameters (i != us.end () ? i->second : 10485760); // 10M by default.
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_request& e)
+ {
+ if (e.status == 413) // Payload too large?
+ return respond_manifest (e.status, type + " upload size exceeds limit");
+ throw;
+ }
+ // The request parameters are now parsed and the limit doesn't really matter.
+ //
+ const name_values& rps (rq.parameters (0 /* limit */));
+ // Verify the upload parameters we expect. The unknown ones will be
+ // serialized to the upload manifest.
+ //
+ params::upload params;
+ try
+ {
+ name_value_scanner s (rps);
+ params = params::upload (s, unknown_mode::skip, unknown_mode::skip);
+ }
+ catch (const cli::exception&)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, "invalid parameter");
+ }
+ const string& session (params.session ());
+ const string& instance (params.instance ());
+ const string& archive (params.archive ());
+ const string& sha256sum (params.sha256sum ());
+ if (session.empty ())
+ return respond_manifest (400, "upload session expected");
+ optional<vector<char>> challenge;
+ if (params.challenge_specified ())
+ try
+ {
+ challenge = base64_decode (params.challenge ());
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument&)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, "invalid challenge");
+ }
+ if (instance.empty ())
+ return respond_manifest (400, "upload instance expected");
+ if (archive.empty ())
+ return respond_manifest (400, "upload archive expected");
+ if (sha256sum.empty ())
+ return respond_manifest (400, "upload archive checksum expected");
+ if (sha256sum.size () != 64)
+ return respond_manifest (400, "invalid upload archive checksum");
+ // Verify that unknown parameter values satisfy the requirements (contain
+ // only UTF-8 encoded graphic characters plus '\t', '\r', and '\n').
+ //
+ // Actually, the expected ones must satisfy too, so check them as well.
+ //
+ string what;
+ for (const name_value& nv: rps)
+ {
+ if (nv.value &&
+ !utf8 (*nv.value, what, codepoint_types::graphic, U"\n\r\t"))
+ return respond_manifest (400,
+ "invalid parameter " + nv.name + ": " + what);
+ }
+ parse_session_result sess;
+ try
+ {
+ sess = parse_session (session);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, string ("invalid session: ") + e.what ());
+ }
+ // If the session expired (no such configuration, etc) then, similar to the
+ // build result module, we log this case with the warning severity and
+ // respond with manifest with the 200 status as if the session is valid (see
+ // the build result module for the reasoning).
+ //
+ auto warn_expired = [&session, &warn] (const string& d)
+ {
+ warn << "session '" << session << "' expired: " << d;
+ };
+ const build_id& id (sess.id);
+ // Make sure the build configuration still exists.
+ //
+ const build_target_config* tc;
+ {
+ auto i (target_conf_map_->find (
+ build_target_config_id {id.target, id.target_config_name}));
+ if (i == target_conf_map_->end ())
+ {
+ warn_expired ("no build configuration");
+ return respond_manifest (200, type + " upload is queued");
+ }
+ tc = i->second;
+ }
+ // Note that if the session authentication fails (probably due to the
+ // authentication settings change), then we log this case with the warning
+ // severity and respond with manifest with the 200 status as if the
+ // challenge is valid (see the build result module for the reasoning).
+ //
+ shared_ptr<build> bld;
+ shared_ptr<build_package> pkg;
+ shared_ptr<build_repository> rep;
+ {
+ transaction t (build_db_->begin ());
+ package_build pb;
+ shared_ptr<build> b;
+ if (!build_db_->query_one<package_build> (
+ query<package_build>::build::id == id, pb))
+ {
+ warn_expired ("no package build");
+ }
+ else if ((b = move (pb.build))->state != build_state::building)
+ {
+ warn_expired ("package configuration state is " + to_string (b->state));
+ }
+ else if (b->timestamp != sess.timestamp)
+ {
+ warn_expired ("non-matching timestamp");
+ }
+ else if (authenticate_session (*options_, challenge, *b, session))
+ {
+ bld = move (b);
+ pkg = build_db_->load<build_package> (id.package);
+ rep = pkg->internal_repository.load ();
+ }
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ // Note that from now on the result manifest we respond with will contain
+ // the reference value.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ request_id = uuid::generate ().string ();
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to generate request id: " << e;
+ return respond_error ();
+ }
+ if (bld == nullptr)
+ return respond_manifest (200, type + " upload is queued");
+ // Create the upload data directory.
+ //
+ dir_path dd (dir / dir_path (request_id));
+ try
+ {
+ // It's highly unlikely but still possible that the directory already
+ // exists. This can only happen if the generated uuid is not unique.
+ //
+ if (try_mkdir (dd) == mkdir_status::already_exists)
+ throw_generic_error (EEXIST);
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to create directory '" << dd << "': " << e;
+ return respond_error ();
+ }
+ auto_rmdir ddr (dd);
+ // Save the package archive into the temporary directory and verify its
+ // checksum.
+ //
+ // Note that the archive file name can potentially contain directory path in
+ // the POSIX form, so let's strip it if that's the case.
+ //
+ path a;
+ path af;
+ try
+ {
+ size_t n (archive.find_last_of ('/'));
+ a = path (n != string::npos ? string (archive, n + 1) : archive);
+ af = dd / a;
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, "invalid package archive name");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ istream& is (rq.open_upload ("archive"));
+ // Note that istream::read() sets failbit if unable to read the requested
+ // number of bytes.
+ //
+ is.exceptions (istream::badbit);
+ sha256 sha;
+ char buf[8192];
+ ofdstream os (af, fdopen_mode::binary);
+ while (!eof (is))
+ {
+ is.read (buf, sizeof (buf));
+ if (size_t n = is.gcount ())
+ {
+ sha.append (buf, n);
+ os.write (buf, n);
+ }
+ }
+ os.close ();
+ // Respond with the unprocessable entity (422) code for the archive
+ // checksum mismatch.
+ //
+ if (sha.string () != sha256sum)
+ return respond_manifest (422, "upload archive checksum mismatch");
+ }
+ // Note that invalid_argument (thrown by open_upload() function call) can
+ // mean both no archive upload or multiple archive uploads.
+ //
+ catch (const invalid_argument&)
+ {
+ return respond_manifest (400, "archive upload expected");
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to write package archive '" << af << "': " << e;
+ return respond_error ();
+ }
+ // Serialize the upload request manifest to a stream. On the serialization
+ // error respond to the client with the manifest containing the bad request
+ // (400) code and return false, on the stream error pass through the
+ // io_error exception, otherwise return true.
+ //
+ timestamp ts (system_clock::now ());
+ auto rqm = [&request_id,
+ &ts,
+ &rps,
+ &session,
+ &instance,
+ &a,
+ &sha256sum,
+ &id,
+ &bld,
+ &pkg,
+ &rep,
+ &tc,
+ &sess,
+ &respond_manifest,
+ this] (ostream& os, bool long_lines = false) -> bool
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ serializer s (os, "request", long_lines);
+ // Serialize the upload manifest header.
+ //
+ s.next ("", "1"); // Start of manifest.
+ s.next ("id", request_id);
+ s.next ("session", session);
+ s.next ("instance", instance);
+ s.next ("archive", a.string ());
+ s.next ("sha256sum", sha256sum);
+ s.next ("timestamp",
+ butl::to_string (ts,
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
+ false /* special */,
+ false /* local */));
+ s.next ("name", id.package.name.string ());
+ s.next ("version", pkg->version.string ());
+ s.next ("project", pkg->project.string ());
+ s.next ("target-config", tc->name);
+ s.next ("package-config", id.package_config_name);
+ s.next ("target", tc->target.string ());
+ if (!tenant.empty ())
+ s.next ("tenant", tenant);
+ s.next ("toolchain-name", id.toolchain_name);
+ s.next ("toolchain-version", sess.toolchain_version.string ());
+ s.next ("repository-name", rep->canonical_name);
+ s.next ("machine-name", bld->machine);
+ s.next ("machine-summary", bld->machine_summary);
+ // Serialize the request parameters.
+ //
+ // Note that the serializer constraints the parameter names (can't start
+ // with '#', can't contain ':' and the whitespaces, etc.).
+ //
+ for (const name_value& nv: rps)
+ {
+ // Note that the upload parameter is renamed to '_' by the root
+ // handler (see the request_proxy class for details).
+ //
+ const string& n (nv.name);
+ if (n != "_" &&
+ n != "session" &&
+ n != "challenge" &&
+ n != "instance" &&
+ n != "archive" &&
+ n != "sha256sum")
+ s.next (n, nv.value ? *nv.value : "");
+ }
+ s.next ("", ""); // End of manifest.
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (const serialization& e)
+ {
+ respond_manifest (400, string ("invalid parameter: ") + e.what ());
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // Serialize the upload request manifest to the upload directory.
+ //
+ path rqf (dd / "request.manifest");
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (rqf);
+ bool r (rqm (os));
+ os.close ();
+ if (!r)
+ return true; // The client is already responded with the manifest.
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to write to '" << rqf << "': " << e;
+ return respond_error ();
+ }
+ // Given that the upload data is now successfully persisted we are no longer
+ // in charge of removing it, except for the cases when the upload
+ // handler terminates with an error (see below for details).
+ //
+ ddr.cancel ();
+ // If the handler terminates with non-zero exit status or specifies 5XX
+ // (HTTP server error) upload result manifest status value, then we stash
+ // the upload data directory for troubleshooting. Otherwise, if it's the 4XX
+ // (HTTP client error) status value, then we remove the directory.
+ //
+ auto stash_upload_dir = [&dd, error] ()
+ {
+ if (dir_exists (dd))
+ try
+ {
+ mvdir (dd, dir_path (dd + ".fail"));
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ // Not much we can do here. Let's just log the issue and bail out
+ // leaving the directory in place.
+ //
+ error << "unable to rename directory '" << dd << "': " << e;
+ }
+ };
+ // Run the upload handler, if specified, reading the result manifest from
+ // its stdout and caching it as a name/value pair list for later use
+ // (forwarding to the client, sending via email, etc). Otherwise, create
+ // implied result manifest.
+ //
+ status_code sc;
+ vector<manifest_name_value> rvs;
+ const map<string, path>& uh (options_->upload_handler ());
+ auto hi (uh.find (type));
+ if (hi != uh.end ())
+ {
+ auto range (options_->upload_handler_argument ().equal_range (type));
+ strings args;
+ for (auto i (range.first); i != range.second; ++i)
+ args.push_back (i->second);
+ const map<string, size_t>& ht (options_->upload_handler_timeout ());
+ auto i (ht.find (type));
+ optional<external_handler::result_manifest> r (
+ external_handler::run (hi->second,
+ args,
+ dd,
+ i != ht.end () ? i->second : 0,
+ error,
+ warn,
+ verb_ ? &trace : nullptr));
+ if (!r)
+ {
+ stash_upload_dir ();
+ return respond_error (); // The diagnostics is already issued.
+ }
+ sc = r->status;
+ rvs = move (r->values);
+ }
+ else // Create the implied result manifest.
+ {
+ sc = 200;
+ auto add = [&rvs] (string n, string v)
+ {
+ manifest_name_value nv {
+ move (n), move (v),
+ 0 /* name_line */, 0 /* name_column */,
+ 0 /* value_line */, 0 /* value_column */,
+ 0 /* start_pos */, 0 /* colon_pos */, 0 /* end_pos */};
+ rvs.emplace_back (move (nv));
+ };
+ add ("status", "200");
+ add ("message", type + " upload is queued");
+ add ("reference", request_id);
+ }
+ assert (!rvs.empty ()); // Produced by the handler or is implied.
+ // Serialize the upload result manifest to a stream. On the serialization
+ // error log the error description and return false, on the stream error
+ // pass through the io_error exception, otherwise return true.
+ //
+ auto rsm = [&rvs,
+ &error,
+ &request_id,
+ &type] (ostream& os, bool long_lines = false) -> bool
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ serializer s (os, "result", long_lines);
+ serialize_manifest (s, rvs);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (const serialization& e)
+ {
+ error << "ref " << request_id << ": unable to serialize " << type
+ << " upload handler's output: " << e;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // If the upload data directory still exists then perform an appropriate
+ // action on it, depending on the upload result status. Note that the
+ // handler could move or remove the directory.
+ //
+ if (dir_exists (dd))
+ {
+ // Remove the directory if the client error is detected.
+ //
+ if (sc >= 400 && sc < 500)
+ {
+ rmdir_r (dd);
+ }
+ //
+ // Otherwise, save the result manifest, into the directory. Also stash the
+ // directory for troubleshooting in case of the server error.
+ //
+ else
+ {
+ path rsf (dd / "result.manifest");
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (rsf);
+ // Not being able to stash the result manifest is not a reason to
+ // claim the upload failed. The error is logged nevertheless.
+ //
+ rsm (os);
+ os.close ();
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ // Not fatal (see above).
+ //
+ error << "unable to write to '" << rsf << "': " << e;
+ }
+ if (sc >= 500 && sc < 600)
+ stash_upload_dir ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Send email, if configured. Use the long lines manifest serialization mode
+ // for the convenience of copying/clicking URLs they contain.
+ //
+ // Note that we don't consider the email sending failure to be an upload
+ // failure as the upload data is successfully persisted and the handler is
+ // successfully executed, if configured. One can argue that email can be
+ // essential for the upload processing and missing it would result in the
+ // incomplete upload. In this case it's natural to assume that the web
+ // server error log is monitored and the email sending failure will be
+ // noticed.
+ //
+ const map<string, string>& ue (options_->upload_email ());
+ auto ei (ue.find (type));
+ if (ei != ue.end ())
+ try
+ {
+ // Redirect the diagnostics to the web server error log.
+ //
+ sendmail sm ([&trace, this] (const char* args[], size_t n)
+ {
+ l2 ([&]{trace << process_args {args, n};});
+ },
+ 2 /* stderr */,
+ options_->email (),
+ type + " upload (" + request_id + ')',
+ {ei->second});
+ // Write the upload request manifest.
+ //
+ bool r (rqm (sm.out, true /* long_lines */));
+ assert (r); // The serialization succeeded once, so can't fail now.
+ // Write the upload result manifest.
+ //
+ sm.out << "\n\n";
+ // We don't care about the result (see above).
+ //
+ rsm (sm.out, true /* long_lines */);
+ sm.out.close ();
+ if (!sm.wait ())
+ error << "sendmail " << *sm.exit;
+ }
+ // Handle process_error and io_error (both derive from system_error).
+ //
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "sendmail error: " << e;
+ }
+ if (!rsm (rs.content (sc, "text/manifest;charset=utf-8")))
+ return respond_error (); // The error description is already logged.
+ return true;
diff --git a/mod/mod-upload.hxx b/mod/mod-upload.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cc723b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/mod-upload.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// file : mod/mod-upload.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbrep/types.hxx>
+#include <libbrep/utility.hxx>
+#include <mod/module-options.hxx>
+#include <mod/build-result-module.hxx>
+namespace brep
+ class upload: public build_result_module
+ {
+ public:
+ upload () = default;
+ // Create a shallow copy (handling instance) if initialized and a deep
+ // copy (context exemplar) otherwise.
+ //
+ explicit
+ upload (const upload&);
+ virtual bool
+ handle (request&, response&);
+ virtual const cli::options&
+ cli_options () const {return options::upload::description ();}
+ private:
+ virtual void
+ init (cli::scanner&);
+ private:
+ shared_ptr<options::upload> options_;
+ };
diff --git a/mod/module.cli b/mod/module.cli
index 3d4ea00..4c10826 100644
--- a/mod/module.cli
+++ b/mod/module.cli
@@ -343,6 +343,82 @@ namespace brep
+ class build_upload
+ {
+ std::map<string, dir_path> upload-data
+ {
+ "<type>=<dir>",
+ "The directory to save upload data to for the specified upload type.
+ If unspecified, the build artifacts upload functionality will be
+ disabled for this type. See \l{brep The \cb{build2} Repository
+ Interface Manual} for more information on build artifacts upload.
+ Note that the directory path must be absolute and the directory
+ itself must exist and have read, write, and execute permissions
+ granted to the user that runs the web server."
+ }
+ std::map<string, size_t> upload-max-size
+ {
+ "<type>=<bytes>",
+ "The maximum size of the upload data accepted for the specified upload
+ type. Note that currently the entire upload request is read into
+ memory. The default is 10M."
+ }
+ std::map<string, string> upload-email
+ {
+ "<type>=<email>",
+ "The build artifacts upload email. If specified, the upload request
+ and result manifests will be sent to this address. See \l{brep The
+ \cb{build2} Repository Interface Manual} for more information."
+ }
+ std::map<string, path> upload-handler
+ {
+ "<type>=<path>",
+ "The handler program to be executed on build artifacts upload of the
+ specified type. The handler is executed as part of the HTTP request
+ and is passed additional arguments that can be specified with
+ \cb{upload-handler-argument} followed by the absolute path to the
+ upload directory (\cb{upload-data}). See \l{brep The \cb{build2}
+ Repository Interface Manual} for more information. Note that the
+ program path must be absolute."
+ }
+ std::multimap<string, string> upload-handler-argument
+ {
+ "<type>=<arg>",
+ "Additional arguments to be passed to the upload handler program for
+ the specified upload type (see \cb{upload-handler} for details).
+ Repeat this option to specify multiple arguments."
+ }
+ std::map<string, size_t> upload-handler-timeout
+ {
+ "<type>=<seconds>",
+ "The upload handler program timeout in seconds for the specified
+ upload type. If specified and the handler does not exit in the
+ allotted time, then it is killed and its termination is treated as
+ abnormal."
+ }
+ std::multimap<string, string> upload-toolchain-exclude
+ {
+ "<type>=<name>",
+ "Disable upload of the specified type for the specified toolchain
+ name. Repeat this option to disable uploads for multiple toolchains."
+ }
+ std::multimap<string, string> upload-repository-exclude
+ {
+ "<type>=<name>",
+ "Disable upload of the specified type for packages from the repository
+ with the specified canonical name. Repeat this option to disable
+ uploads for multiple repositories."
+ }
+ };
class page
web::xhtml::fragment logo
@@ -416,13 +492,36 @@ namespace brep
+ dir_path bindist-root
+ {
+ "<dir>",
+ "The root directory where the uploaded binary distribution packages
+ are saved to under the following directory hierarchy:
+ \
+ [<tenant>/]<distribution>/<os-release>/<project>/<package>/<version>/<package-config>
+ \
+ The package configuration directory symlinks that match these paths
+ are mapped to web URLs based on the \cb{bindist-url} value and
+ displayed on the package version details page. If this option is
+ specified, then \cb{bindist-url} must be specified as well."
+ }
+ string bindist-url
+ {
+ "<url>",
+ "The root URL of the directory specified with the \cb{bindist-root}
+ option. This option must be specified if \cb{bindist-root} is
+ specified."
+ }
class repository_details: package_db, page, handler
- class build_task: build, build_db, handler
+ class build_task: build, build_db, build_upload, handler
size_t build-task-request-max-size = 102400
@@ -666,6 +765,10 @@ namespace brep
+ class upload: build, build_db, build_upload, handler
+ {
+ };
class repository_root: handler
string root-global-view = "packages"
@@ -930,5 +1033,45 @@ namespace brep
string simulate;
+ // Parameters other than challenge must be all present.
+ //
+ // Note also that besides these parameters there can be others. We don't
+ // recognize their semantics and just save them to the upload request
+ // manifest.
+ //
+ class upload
+ {
+ // Upload type.
+ //
+ // Note that the upload parameter is renamed to '_' by the root handler
+ // (see the request_proxy class for details).
+ //
+ string type | _;
+ // Session id as returned by brep in the task response.
+ //
+ string session;
+ // Answer to the private key challenge as posed by brep in the task
+ // response. It must be present only if the challenge value was present
+ // in the task response.
+ //
+ string challenge;
+ // Upload instance name.
+ //
+ string instance;
+ // Package archive file name. Must be <input type="file"/>.
+ //
+ // Note that it can potentially be not just a name but a file path.
+ //
+ string archive;
+ // Package archive file SHA256 checksum.
+ //
+ string sha256sum;
+ };