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authorFrancois Kritzinger <francois@codesynthesis.com>2024-04-24 09:46:46 +0200
committerFrancois Kritzinger <francois@codesynthesis.com>2024-10-15 09:05:28 +0200
commita9b91ef72b0a775d61bbe1d82c86db324c1069e8 (patch)
parent8576cbed127d53432ac20144d70ae7a7de4f4e74 (diff)
Remove build_building implementation
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
index c11b162..9a273f0 100644
--- a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
@@ -599,17 +599,6 @@ namespace brep
build_building (const tenant_service& ts, const build& b,
const diag_epilogue& log_writer) const noexcept
- // Note that we may receive this notification before the corresponding
- // check run object has been persisted in the service data (see the
- // returned by build_queued() lambda for details). Thus we wouldn't know
- // whether the check run has been created on GitHub yet or not. And given
- // that, on GitHub, creating a check run with an existent name does not
- // fail but instead replaces the existing check run (same name, different
- // node ID), we have to check whether a check run already exists on GitHub
- // before creating it.
- //
- // @@ TMP Will have to do this in build_queued() as well.
- //
service_data sd;
@@ -656,99 +645,12 @@ namespace brep
// The check run exists on GitHub and in the persisted service data.
- if (!scr->state_synced || scr->state == build_state::queued)
- {
- // If the stored state is queued (most likely), at least
- // build_queued() and its lambda has run. If this is all then GitHub
- // has the queued status. But it's also possible that build_built()
- // has also run and updated GitHub to built but its lambda has not
- // yet run.
- //
- // On the other hand, if there is no stored state, both of the other
- // notifications must have run: the first created the check run on
- // GitHub and stored the node ID; the second failed to update GitHub
- // and stored the nullopt state. Either way around, build_built()
- // has run so built is the correct state.
- //
- // @@ TMP Maybe we should always store the state and add a flag
- // like "gh_updated", then we would know for sure whether
- // we need to update to built or building.
- //
- // So GitHub currently either has queued or built but we can't be
- // sure which.
- //
- // If it has queued, updating to building is correct.
- //
- // If it has built then it would be a logical mistake to update to
- // building. However, GitHub ignores updates from built to any other
- // state (the REST API responds with HTTP 200 and the full check run
- // JSON body but with the "completed" status; presumably the GraphQL
- // API has the same semantics) so we can just try to update to
- // building and see what the actual status it returns is.
- //
- // If scr->state_synced is false then GitHub has either queued or
- // built but we know build_built() has run so we need to update to
- // built instead of building.
- //
- cr = move (*scr);
- cr.state_synced = false;
- build_state st (scr->state_synced ? build_state::building
- : build_state::built);
- if (gq_update_check_run (cr,
- iat->token,
- sd.repository_id,
- *cr.node_id,
- st,
- error))
- {
- // @@ TODO If !scr->state_synced and GH had built then we probably
- // don't want to run the lambda either but currently it
- // will run and this update message is not accurate. Is
- // stored failed state the only way?
- //
- if (cr.state == st)
- l3 ([&]{trace << "updated check_run { " << cr << " }";});
- else
- {
- // Do not persist anything if state was already built on
- // GitHub.
- //
- assert (cr.state == build_state::built);
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (scr->state == build_state::built)
- {
- // Ignore out of order built notification.
- //
- assert (scr->state == build_state::built);
- warn << *scr << ": "
- << "out of order transition from "
- << to_string (build_state::queued) << " to "
- << to_string (build_state::building) <<
- " (stored state is " << to_string (build_state::built) << ")";
- return nullptr;
- }
else // (src == nullptr || !scr->node_id)
// No state has been persisted, or one or both of the other
// notifications were unable to create the check run on GitHub.
- // Thus the check run may or may not exist on GitHub.
- //
- // Do nothing because build_queued() may currently be creating the
- // check run in which case doing so here would result in a duplicate
- // check run. The queued->building transition will be lost but that's
- // acceptable as long as the check run ends up in the built state.
- //
- return nullptr;
@@ -776,28 +678,9 @@ namespace brep
if (check_run* scr = sd.find_check_run (cr.build_id))
- // Update existing check run.
- //
- // @@ TODO What if the failed GH update was for built? May end up with
- // permanently building check run.
- //
- if (!scr->state_synced || scr->state == build_state::queued)
- {
- scr->state = cr.state;
- if (!scr->node_id)
- scr->node_id = move (cr.node_id);
- }
- // Store new check run.
- //
- sd.check_runs.push_back (cr);
- warn << "check run { " << cr << " }: "
- << to_string (build_state::building)
- << " state being persisted before "
- << to_string (build_state::queued);
return sd.json ();