# file      : tests/pkg-update.test
# copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

.include common.test auth.test config.test remote.test

# Source repository:
# pkg-update
# |-- hello
# |   |-- libhello-1.0.0.tar.gz
# |   `-- repositories.manifest
# `-- libhello-1.0.0
#     |-- build
#     |   |-- bootstrap.build
#     |   |-- export.build
#     |   `-- root.build
#     |-- buildfile
#     |-- hello
#     |   |-- buildfile
#     |   |-- export
#     |   |-- hello
#     |   `-- hello.cxx
#     |-- INSTALL
#     |-- manifest
#     |-- tests
#     |   |-- build
#     |   |   |-- bootstrap.build
#     |   |   `-- root.build
#     |   |-- buildfile
#     |   `-- test
#     |       |-- buildfile
#     |       |-- driver.cxx
#     |       `-- test.out
#     `-- version

# Prepare repositories used by tests if running in the local mode.
+if ($remote != true)
  rep_create += 2>!

  # Create the signed 'hello' repository.
  cp -r $src/hello $out/hello
  cat <<<$cert_manifest >+$out/hello/repositories.manifest

  $rep_create --key $key $out/hello &$out/hello/packages.manifest \

pkg_configure += -d cfg "config.cxx=$config.cxx" 2>!
pkg_disfigure += -d cfg
pkg_fetch     += -d cfg 2>!
pkg_purge     += -d cfg
pkg_unpack    += -d cfg 2>!
rep_add       += -d cfg 2>!
rep_fetch     += -d cfg --auth all 2>!

# Sometimes we need to run underlying build update operation with -j 1 options
# to have an output that we can match reliably.
j1 = --build-option -j --build-option 1

: no-name
$* 2>>EOE != 0
  error: package name argument expected
    info: run 'bpkg help pkg-update' for more information

: fetched
  +$rep_add $rep/hello
  +$rep_fetch --trust $cert_fp &cfg/.bpkg/certs/**

  : no-such-package
  $* libhello 2>>/EOE != 0
    error: package libhello does not exist in configuration cfg/

  : wrong-state
    $clone_cfg && $pkg_fetch libhello/1.0.0;

    $* libhello 2>>EOE != 0;
      error: package libhello is fetched
        info: expected it to be configured

    $pkg_purge libhello 2>'purged libhello/1.0.0'

  : src-eq-out
    $pkg_fetch libhello/1.0.0 && $pkg_unpack libhello;
    $pkg_configure libhello;

    $* $j1 libhello 2>>~%EOE%;
      %c\+\+ .+%
      %ld .+%
      %c\+\+ .+%
      %ld .+%
      %c\+\+ .+%
      %ld .+%
      updated libhello/1.0.0

    $* libhello 2>>~%EOE%;
      %info: .+ is up to date%
      updated libhello/1.0.0

    $pkg_disfigure libhello 2>'disfigured libhello/1.0.0';
    $pkg_purge     libhello 2>'purged libhello/1.0.0'

: src-ne-out
  $pkg_unpack -e $src/libhello-1.0.0 && $pkg_configure libhello;

  $* $j1 libhello 2>>~%EOE%;
    %mkdir .+%
    %mkdir .+%
    %c\+\+ .+%
    %ld .+%
    %c\+\+ .+%
    %ld .+%
    %c\+\+ .+%
    %ld .+%
    updated libhello/1.0.0

  $* libhello 2>>~%EOE%;
    %info: .+ is up to date%
    updated libhello/1.0.0

  $pkg_disfigure libhello 2>'disfigured libhello/1.0.0';
  $pkg_purge     libhello 2>'purged libhello/1.0.0'