// file : bpkg/utility.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <bpkg/utility.hxx> #include <libbutl/prompt.hxx> #include <libbutl/fdstream.hxx> #include <bpkg/diagnostics.hxx> #include <bpkg/common-options.hxx> using namespace std; using namespace butl; namespace bpkg { const string empty_string; const path empty_path; const dir_path empty_dir_path; const dir_path bpkg_dir (".bpkg"); // Keep these directory names short, lowering the probability of hitting the // path length limit on Windows. // const dir_path certs_dir (dir_path (bpkg_dir) /= "certs"); const dir_path repos_dir (dir_path (bpkg_dir) /= "repos"); // Standard and alternative build file/directory naming schemes. // // build: // const dir_path std_build_dir ("build"); const dir_path std_config_dir (dir_path (std_build_dir) /= "config"); const path std_bootstrap_file (dir_path (std_build_dir) /= "bootstrap.build"); const path std_root_file (dir_path (std_build_dir) /= "root.build"); const string std_build_ext ("build"); // build2: // const dir_path alt_build_dir ("build2"); const dir_path alt_config_dir (dir_path (alt_build_dir) /= "config"); const path alt_bootstrap_file (dir_path (alt_build_dir) /= "bootstrap.build2"); const path alt_root_file (dir_path (alt_build_dir) /= "root.build2"); const string alt_build_ext ("build2"); const dir_path current_dir ("."); map<dir_path, dir_path> tmp_dirs; bool keep_tmp; auto_rmfile tmp_file (const dir_path& cfg, const string& p) { auto i (tmp_dirs.find (cfg)); assert (i != tmp_dirs.end ()); return auto_rmfile (i->second / path::traits_type::temp_name (p), !keep_tmp); } auto_rmdir tmp_dir (const dir_path& cfg, const string& p) { auto i (tmp_dirs.find (cfg)); assert (i != tmp_dirs.end ()); return auto_rmdir (i->second / dir_path (path::traits_type::temp_name (p)), !keep_tmp); } void init_tmp (const dir_path& cfg) { // Whether the configuration is required or optional depends on the // command so if the configuration directory does not exist or it is not a // bpkg configuration directory, we simply create tmp in a system one and // let the command complain if necessary. // dir_path d (cfg.empty () || !exists (cfg / bpkg_dir, true /* ignore_error */) ? dir_path::temp_path ("bpkg") : cfg / bpkg_dir / dir_path ("tmp")); if (exists (d)) rm_r (d, true /* dir_itself */, 2); mk (d); // We shouldn't need mk_p(). tmp_dirs[cfg] = move (d); } void clean_tmp (bool ignore_error) { for (const auto& d: tmp_dirs) { const dir_path& td (d.second); if (exists (td)) { rm_r (td, true /* dir_itself */, 3, ignore_error ? rm_error_mode::ignore : rm_error_mode::fail); } } tmp_dirs.clear (); } path& normalize (path& f, const char* what) { try { if (!f.complete ().normalized ()) f.normalize (); } catch (const invalid_path& e) { fail << "invalid " << what << " path " << e.path; } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to obtain current directory: " << e; } return f; } dir_path& normalize (dir_path& d, const char* what) { try { if (!d.complete ().normalized ()) d.normalize (); } catch (const invalid_path& e) { fail << "invalid " << what << " directory " << e.path; } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to obtain current directory: " << e; } return d; } dir_path current_directory () { try { return dir_path::current_directory (); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to obtain current directory: " << e << endf; } } optional<const char*> stderr_term = nullopt; bool stderr_term_color = false; bool yn_prompt (const string& p, char d) { try { return butl::yn_prompt (p, d); } catch (io_error&) { fail << "unable to read y/n answer from stdin" << endf; } } bool exists (const path& f, bool ignore_error) { try { return file_exists (f, true /* follow_symlinks */, ignore_error); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to stat path " << f << ": " << e << endf; } } bool exists (const dir_path& d, bool ignore_error) { try { return dir_exists (d, ignore_error); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to stat path " << d << ": " << e << endf; } } bool empty (const dir_path& d) { try { return dir_empty (d); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to scan directory " << d << ": " << e << endf; } } void mk (const dir_path& d) { if (verb >= 3) text << "mkdir " << d; try { try_mkdir (d); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to create directory " << d << ": " << e; } } void mk_p (const dir_path& d) { if (verb >= 3) text << "mkdir -p " << d; try { try_mkdir_p (d); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to create directory " << d << ": " << e; } } void rm (const path& f, uint16_t v) { if (verb >= v) text << "rm " << f; try { if (try_rmfile (f) == rmfile_status::not_exist) fail << "unable to remove file " << f << ": file does not exist"; } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to remove file " << f << ": " << e; } } void rm_r (const dir_path& d, bool dir, uint16_t v, rm_error_mode m) { if (verb >= v) text << (dir ? "rmdir -r " : "rm -r ") << (dir ? d : d / dir_path ("*")); try { rmdir_r (d, dir, m == rm_error_mode::ignore); } catch (const system_error& e) { bool w (m == rm_error_mode::warn); (w ? warn : error) << "unable to remove " << (dir ? "" : "contents of ") << "directory " << d << ": " << e; if (!w) throw failed (); } } bool mv (const dir_path& from, const dir_path& to, bool ie) { if (verb >= 3) text << "mv " << from << ' ' << to; // Prints trailing slashes. try { mvdir (from, to); } catch (const system_error& e) { error << "unable to move directory " << from << " to " << to << ": " << e; if (ie) return false; throw failed (); } return true; } dir_path change_wd (const dir_path& d) { try { dir_path r (dir_path::current_directory ()); if (verb >= 3) text << "cd " << d; // Prints trailing slash. dir_path::current_directory (d); return r; } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to change current directory to " << d << ": " << e << endf; } } fdpipe open_pipe () { try { return fdopen_pipe (); } catch (const io_error& e) { fail << "unable to open pipe: " << e << endf; } } auto_fd open_null () { try { return fdopen_null (); } catch (const io_error& e) { fail << "unable to open null device: " << e << endf; } } dir_path exec_dir; const char* name_b (const common_options& co) { return co.build_specified () ? co.build ().string ().c_str () : BPKG_EXE_PREFIX "b" BPKG_EXE_SUFFIX; } void dump_stderr (auto_fd&& fd) { ifdstream is (move (fd), fdstream_mode::skip, ifdstream::badbit); // We could probably write something like this, instead: // // *diag_stream << is.rdbuf () << flush; // // However, it would never throw and we could potentially miss the reading // failure, unless we decide to additionally mess with the diagnostics // stream exception mask. // for (string l; !eof (getline (is, l)); ) *diag_stream << l << endl; is.close (); } }