// file : bpkg/rep-info.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; "\section=1" "\name=bpkg-rep-info" "\summary=print repository information" namespace bpkg { { " ", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bpkg rep-info} [] } \h|DESCRIPTION| The \cb{rep-info} command prints various information about the specified repository. By default it print the repository's name and location as the first line followed by the list of complement and prerequisite repositories and the list of available packages. This default behavior, however, can be altered in various ways using options listed below. Note that the information is written to \cb{STDOUT}, not \cb{STDERR}. If the current working directory contains a \cb{bpkg} configuration, then \cb{rep-info} will use its certificate database for the repository authentication. That is, it will trust the repository's certificate if it is already trusted by the configuration. Otherwise it will add the certificate to the configuration if you confirm it is trusted. You can specify an alternative configuration directory with the \cb{--directory|-d} option. To disable using the configuration in the current working directory pass this option with an empty path." } class rep_info_options: common_options { "\h|REP-INFO OPTIONS|" bool --name|-n { "Print the specified repository's name and location." } bool --repositories|-r { "Print the list of complement and prerequisite repositories." } bool --packages|-p { "Print the list of available packages." } bool --manifest|-m { "Instead of printing the information in the human-readable form, dump it as manifest(s). Normally you would use this option in combination with \cb{--packages|-p} or \cb{--repositories|-r} to only dump one of the manifests." } string --directory|-d // String to allow empty value. { "", "Use configuration in for the trusted certificate database." } }; }