// file : bpkg/pkg-status-options.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; "\section=1" "\name=bpkg-pkg-status" "\summary=print package status" "\project=bpkg" //@@ command line "\version=0.1.0" //@@ command line "\date=12 November 2015" //@@ command line; release date { " ", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bpkg pkg-status} [] [/]} \h|DESCRIPTION| The \cb{pkg-status} command prints the status of the specified package or, if is specified, package version. Note that the status is written to \cb{STDOUT}, not \cb{STDERR}. The status format is regular. First always comes one of the following status words: \dl| \li|\cb{unknown} package is not part of the configuration nor available in one of the repositories| \li|\cb{available} package is not part of the configuration but is available in one of the repositories| \li|\cb{fetched} package is part of the configuration and is fetched| \li|\cb{unpacked} package is part of the configuration and is unpacked| \li|\cb{configured} package is part of the configuration and is configured|| If only the package name was specified without the package version, then the \cb{available} status word is followed by the list of available versions. Similarly, if only the package name was specified, then the \cb{fetched}, \cb{unpacked}, and \cb{configured} status words are followed by the version of the package. After the possible package version, these status words may be followed by one or more sub-status words. Currently, these can be \cb{hold_package} (package should not be automatically dropped) and \cb{hold_version} (package should not be automatically upgraded). Finally, if only the package name was specified and newer versions are available in the repositories, then the sub-status words are followed by '\cb{;}', the \cb{available} status word, and the list of newer versions. Below are some examples, assuming the configuration has libfoo 1.0.0 configured and held as well as libfoo 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 available from a repository. \ bpkg pkg-status libbar unknown bpkg pkg-status libbar/1.0.0 unknown bpkg pkg-status libfoo/1.0.0 configured hold_package bpkg pkg-status libfoo/1.1.0 available bpkg pkg-status libfoo configured 1.0.0 hold_package; available 1.1.0 1.1.1 \ Assuming now that we dropped libfoo from the configuration: \ bpkg pkg-status libfoo/1.0.0 unknown bpkg pkg-status libfoo/1.1.0 available bpkg pkg-status libfoo available 1.1.0 1.1.1 \ \h|OPTIONS|" } namespace bpkg { class pkg_status_options: configuration_options { }; }