// file : bpkg/drop-options.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; /* "\section=1" "\name=bpkg-drop" "\h{SYNOPSIS} bpkg drop [] ..." "\h{DESCRIPTION} The \cb{drop} command drops one or more packages from the configuration. If the packages being dropped still have dependents, then those will have to be drop as well and you will be prompted for a confirmation. Similarly, if the packages being dropped have prerequisites that are no longer needed, you will be offered to drop those as well. The \cb{drop} command also supports several \cb{--*-only} options that allow you to limit the amount of work that will be done. */ namespace bpkg { class drop_options: configuration_options { bool --yes|-y { "Assume the answer to all prompts is \cb{yes}. Note that this option does not apply to the dropping of dependents confirmation." }; bool --disfigure-only|-d { "Disfigure all the packages but don't purge." }; bool --print-only|-p { "Print to \cb{STDOUT} what would be done without actually doing anything." }; }; }