// file : bpkg/common.cli // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; include ; include ; "\section=1" "\name=bpkg-common-options" "\summary=details on common options" namespace bpkg { { "", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bpkg} [] ...} \h|DESCRIPTION| The common options control behavior that is common to all or most of the \cb{bpkg} commands. They can be specified either before the command or after, together with the command-specific options." } class common_options = 0 { "\h|COMMON OPTIONS|" // Retain this note only in the summary. // { "", "The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in \l{bpkg-common-options(1)}.", "" } bool -v { "Print essential underlying commands being executed. This is equivalent to \cb{--verbose 2}." } bool -V { "Print all underlying commands being executed. This is equivalent to \cb{--verbose 3}." } bool --quiet|-q { "Run quietly, only printing error messages. This is equivalent to \cb{--verbose 0}." } uint16_t --verbose = 1 { "", "Set the diagnostics verbosity to between 0 and 6. Level 0 disables any non-error messages while level 6 produces lots of information, with level 1 being the default. The following additional types of diagnostics are produced at each level: \ol| \li|High-level information messages.| \li|Essential underlying commands being executed.| \li|All underlying commands being executed.| \li|Information that could be helpful to the user.| \li|Information that could be helpful to the developer.| \li|Even more detailed information.||" } bpkg::stdout_format --stdout-format = bpkg::stdout_format::lines { "", "Representation format to use for printing to \cb{stdout}. Valid values for this option are \cb{lines} (default) and \cb{json}. See the JSON OUTPUT section below for details on the \cb{json} format." } size_t --jobs|-j { "", "Number of jobs to perform in parallel. If this option is not specified or specified with the \c{0} value, then the number of available hardware threads is used. This option is also propagated when performing build system operations such as \cb{update}, \cb{test}, etc." } // In the future we may also have --structured-result, similar to the // build system. // bool --no-result { "Don't print informational messages about the outcome of performing a command or some of its parts. Note that if this option is specified, then for certain long-running command parts progress is displayed instead, unless suppressed with \cb{--no-progress}." } // When it comes to external programs (such as curl, git, etc), if stderr // is not a terminal, the logic is actually tri-state: With --no-progress // we suppress any progress. With --progress we request full progress. // Finally, without any --*progress options we let the external program // decide what to do: it may do something intelligent (like curl) and // produce non-terminal-friendly progress (such as status lines printed // periodically) or it may disable progress all together (like git). Of // course, it may also do no detection and dump non-terminal-unfriendly // progress in which case we should probably do the detection ourselves // and suppress it. // bool --progress { "Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc. If printing to a terminal the progress is displayed by default for low verbosity levels. Use \cb{--no-progress} to suppress." } bool --no-progress { "Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc." } bool --diag-color { "Use color in diagnostics. If printing to a terminal the color is used by default provided the terminal is not dumb. Use \cb{--no-diag-color} to suppress." } bool --no-diag-color { "Don't use color in diagnostics." } path --build { "", "The build program to be used to build packages. This should be the path to the build2 \cb{b} executable. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the build program with \cb{--build-option}. If the build program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will by default use \cb{b} plus an executable suffix if one was specified when building \cb{bpkg}. So, for example, if \cb{bpkg} name was set to \cb{bpkg-1.0}, then it will look for \cb{b-1.0}." } strings --build-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the build program. See \cb{--build} for more information on the build program. Repeat this option to specify multiple build options." } path --fetch { "", "The fetch program to be used to download resources. Currently, \cb{bpkg} recognizes \cb{curl}, \cb{wget}, and \cb{fetch}. Note that the last component of must contain one of these names as a substring in order for \cb{bpkg} to recognize which program is being used. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the fetch program with \cb{--fetch-option}. If the fetch program is not specified, then \cb{bpkg} will try to discover if one of the above programs is available and use that. Currently, \cb{bpkg} has the following preference order: \cb{curl}, \cb{wget}, and \cb{fetch}." } strings --fetch-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the fetch program. See \cb{--fetch} for more information on the fetch program. Repeat this option to specify multiple fetch options." } // Undocumented equivalents to bdep's --curl* options. We "merge" them // into --fetch/--fetch-option in an ad hoc manner (see fetch.cxx for // details). // path --curl; strings --curl-option; size_t --fetch-timeout { "", "The fetch and fetch-like (for example, \cb{git}) program timeout. While the exact semantics of the value depends on the program used, at a minimum it specifies in seconds the maximum time that can be spent without any network activity. Specifically, it is translated to the \cb{--max-time} option for \cb{curl} and to the \cb{--timeout} option for \cb{wget} and \cb{fetch}. For \cb{git} over HTTP/HTTPS this semantics is achieved using the \cb{http.lowSpeedLimit}=\i{1} \cb{http.lowSpeedTime}=\i{sec} configuration values (the \cb{git://} and \cb{ssh://} protocols currently do not support timeouts). See \cb{--fetch} and \cb{--git} for more information on the fetch programs." } butl::url --pkg-proxy { "", "HTTP proxy server to use when fetching package manifests and archives from remote \cb{pkg} repositories. If specified, the proxy must be in the \c{\b{http://}\i{host}[\b{:}\i{port}]} form. If \ci{port} is omitted, 80 is used by default. Note that to allow caching, the proxied \cb{https://} URLs are converted to \cb{http://} in order to prevent the fetch program from tunneling (which is the standard approach for proxying HTTPS). If both HTTP and HTTPS repositories are used, it is assumed that the proxy server can figure out which URLs need to be converted back to \cb{https://} based on the request information (for example, host name). For security, this mechanism should only be used with signed repositories or when the proxy is located inside a trusted network." } path --git = "git" { "", "The git program to be used to fetch git repositories. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the git program with \cb{--git-option}. If the git program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will use \cb{git} by default." } strings --git-option { "", "Additional common option to be passed to the git program. Note that the common options are the ones that precede the \cb{git} command. See \cb{--git} for more information on the git program. Repeat this option to specify multiple git options." } path --sha256 { "", "The sha256 program to be used to calculate SHA256 sums. Currently, \cb{bpkg} recognizes \cb{sha256}, \cb{sha256sum}, and \cb{shasum}. Note that the last component of must contain one of these names as a substring in order for \cb{bpkg} to recognize which program is being used. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the sha256 program with \cb{--sha256-option}. If the sha256 program is not specified, then \cb{bpkg} will try to discover if one of the above programs is available and use that. Currently, \cb{bpkg} has the following preference order: \cb{sha256}, \cb{sha256sum}, and \cb{shasum}." } strings --sha256-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the sha256 program. See \cb{--sha256} for more information on the sha256 program. Repeat this option to specify multiple sha256 options." } path --tar { "", "The tar program to be used to extract package archives. For example, \cb{gtar} or \cb{bsdtar}. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the tar program with \cb{--tar-option}. If the tar program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will use \cb{tar} by default." } strings --tar-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the tar program. See \cb{--tar} for more information on the tar program. Repeat this option to specify multiple tar options." } // NOTE: when adding support for a new openssl command, don't forget to // update the openssl_commands qualifier list. // qualified_option --openssl = "openssl" { "", "The openssl program to be used for crypto operations. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the openssl program with \cb{--openssl-option}. If the openssl program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will use \cb{openssl} by default. The \cb{--openssl*} values can be optionally qualified with the openssl command in the \c{\i{command}\b{:}\i{value}} form. This makes the value only applicable to the specific command, for example: \ bpkg rep-create \ --openssl pkeyutl:/path/to/openssl \ --openssl-option pkeyutl:-engine \ --openssl-option pkeyutl:pkcs11 \ ... \ Note that for \cb{openssl} versions prior to \cb{3.0.0} \cb{bpkg} uses the \cb{rsautl} command instead of \cb{pkeyutl} for the data signing and recovery operations. An unqualified value that contains a colon can be specified as qualified with an empty command, for example, \cb{--openssl :C:\\bin\\openssl}. To see openssl commands executed by \cb{bpkg}, use the verbose mode (\cb{-v} option)." } qualified_option --openssl-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the openssl program. See \cb{--openssl} for more information on the openssl program. The values can be optionally qualified with the openssl command, as discussed in \cb{--openssl}. Repeat this option to specify multiple openssl options." } bpkg::auth --auth = bpkg::auth::remote { "", "Types of repositories to authenticate. Valid values for this option are \cb{none}, \cb{remote}, \cb{all}. By default only remote repositories are authenticated. You can request authentication of local repositories by passing \cb{all} or disable authentication completely by passing \cb{none}." } std::set --trust { "", "Trust repository certificate with a SHA256 . Such a certificate is trusted automatically, without prompting the user for a confirmation. Repeat this option to trust multiple certificates. Note that by default \cb{openssl} prints a SHA1 fingerprint and to obtain a SHA256 one you will need to pass the \cb{-sha256} option, for example: \ openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -noout -in cert.pem \ " } // Note that if a command for which one can specify these options also // have --yes/--no (for all prompts), then those values should be // propagated to these ones. // bool --trust-yes { "Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is \cb{yes}." } bool --trust-no { "Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is \cb{no}." } string --pager // String to allow empty value. { "", "The pager program to be used to show long text. Commonly used pager programs are \cb{less} and \cb{more}. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the pager program with \cb{--pager-option}. If an empty string is specified as the pager program, then no pager will be used. If the pager program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will try to use \cb{less}. If it is not available, then no pager will be used." } strings --pager-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the pager program. See \cb{--pager} for more information on the pager program. Repeat this option to specify multiple pager options." } // The following option is "fake" in that it is actually handled by // argv_file_scanner. We have it here for documentation. // string --options-file { "", "Read additional options from . Each option should appear on a separate line optionally followed by space or equal sign (\cb{=}) and an option value. Empty lines and lines starting with \cb{#} are ignored. Option values can be enclosed in double (\cb{\"}) or single (\cb{'}) quotes to preserve leading and trailing whitespaces as well as to specify empty values. If the value itself contains trailing or leading quotes, enclose it with an extra pair of quotes, for example \cb{'\"x\"'}. Non-leading and non-trailing quotes are interpreted as being part of the option value. The semantics of providing options in a file is equivalent to providing the same set of options in the same order on the command line at the point where the \cb{--options-file} option is specified except that the shell escaping and quoting is not required. Repeat this option to specify more than one options file." } dir_path --default-options { "", "The directory to load additional default options files from." } bool --no-default-options { "Don't load default options files." } bool --keep-tmp { "Don't remove the \cb{bpkg}'s temporary directory at the end of the command execution and print its path at the verbosity level 2 or higher. This option is primarily useful for troubleshooting." } }; { "", " \h|JSON OUTPUT| Commands that support the JSON output specify their formats as a serialized representation of a C++ \cb{struct} or an array thereof. For example: \ struct package { string name; }; struct configuration { uint64_t id; string path; optional name; bool default; vector packages; }; \ An example of the serialized JSON representation of \cb{struct} \cb{configuration}: \ { \"id\": 1, \"path\": \"/tmp/hello-gcc\", \"name\": \"gcc\", \"default\": true, \"packages\": [ { \"name\": \"hello\" } ] } \ This sections provides details on the overall properties of such formats and the semantics of the \cb{struct} serialization. The order of members in a JSON object is fixed as specified in the corresponding \cb{struct}. While new members may be added in the future (and should be ignored by older consumers), the semantics of the existing members (including whether the top-level entry is an object or array) may not change. An object member is required unless its type is \cb{optional<>}, \cb{bool}, or \cb{vector<>} (array). For \cb{bool} members absent means \cb{false}. For \cb{vector<>} members absent means empty. An empty top-level array is always present. For example, the following JSON text is a possible serialization of the above \cb{struct} \cb{configuration}: \ { \"id\": 1, \"path\": \"/tmp/hello-gcc\" } \ " } }