// file : bpkg/common-options.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; "\section=1" "\name=bpkg-common-options" "\summary=options common for all commands" namespace bpkg { { "", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bpkg} [] ...} \h|DESCRIPTION| The common options can be specified either before the command or after, togethere with the command-specific options." } class common_options = 0 { "\h|COMMON OPTIONS|" // Retain this note only in the summary. // { "", "The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available as the \l{bpkg-common-options(1) \cb{common-options}} help topic.", "" } bool -v { "Print underlying commands being executed. This is equivalent to \cb{--verbose 2}." }; bool -q { "Run quietly, only printing error messages. This is equivalent to \cb{--verbose 0}." }; uint16_t --verbose = 1 { "", "Set the diagnostics verbosity to between 0 and 6. Level 0 disables any non-error messages while level 6 produces lots of information, with level 1 beeing the default. The following additional types of diagnostics are produced at each level: \ol| \li|high-level information messages| \li|essential underlying commands that are being executed| \li|all underlying commands that are being executed| \li|information that could be helpful to the user| \li|information that could be helpful to the developer| \li|even more detailed information||" }; path --fetch { "", "The fetch program to be used to download remote resources. Currently, \cb{bpkg} recognizes \cb{curl}, \cb{wget}, and \cb{fetch}. Note that the last component of must contain one of these names as a substring in order for \cb{bpkg} to recognize which program is being used. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the fetch program with \cb{--fetch-option}. If the fetch program is not specified, then \cb{bpkg} will try to discover if one of the above program is available and use that. Currently, \cb{bpkg} has the following preference order: \cb{wget} 1.16 or higher (supports \cb{--show-progress}), \cb{curl}, \cb{wget}, and \cb{fetch}." }; strings --fetch-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the fetch program. See \cb{--fetch} for more information on the fetch program. Repeat this option to specify multiple fetch options." }; path --tar = "tar" { "", "The tar program to be used to extract package archives. For example, \cb{gtar} or \cb{bsdtar}. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the tar program with \cb{--tar-option}. If the tar program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will use \cb{tar} by default." }; strings --tar-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the tar program. See \cb{--tar} for more information on the tar program. Repeat this option to specify multiple tar options." }; string --pager // String to allow empty value. { "", "The pager program to be used to show text, such as help. Commonly used pager programs are \cb{less} and \cb{more}. You can also specify additional options that should be passed to the pager program with \cb{--pager-option}. If an empty string is specified as the pager program, then no pager will be used. If the pager program is not explicitly specified, then \cb{bpkg} will try to use \cb{less}. If it is not available, then no pager will be used." }; strings --pager-option { "", "Additional option to be passed to the pager program. See \cb{--pager} for more information on the pager program. Repeat this option to specify multiple pager options." }; // The following option is "fake" in that it is actually handled by // argv_file_scanner. We have it here for documentation. // string --options-file { "", "Read additional options from . Each option should appearing on a separate line optionally followed by space and an option value. Empty lines and lines starting with \cb{#} are ignored. Option values can be enclosed in double (\cb{\"}) or single (\cb{'}) quotes to preserve leading and trailing whitespaces as well as to specify empty values. If the value itself contains trailing or leading quotes, enclose it with an extra pair of quotes, for example \cb{'\"x\"'}. Non-leading and non-trailing quotes are interpreted as being part of the option value. The semantics of providing options in a file is equivalent to providing the same set of options in the same order on the command line at the point where the \cb{--options-file} option is specified except that the shell escaping and quoting is not required. You can repeat this option to specify more than one options file." }; }; }