path: root/bpkg/fetch-git.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bpkg/fetch-git.cxx')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/fetch-git.cxx b/bpkg/fetch-git.cxx
index d0a98dd..47b65da 100644
--- a/bpkg/fetch-git.cxx
+++ b/bpkg/fetch-git.cxx
@@ -927,11 +927,19 @@ namespace bpkg
static repository_refs_map repository_refs;
- // It is assumed that sense_capabilities() function was already called for
- // the URL.
+ // If the advertized refs/commits are already cached for the specified URL,
+ // then return them from the cache. Otherwise, query them and cache. In the
+ // latter case, optionally, probe the URL first, calling the specified probe
+ // function. Otherwise (the probe function is not specified), it is assumed
+ // that the URL has already been probed (sense_capabilities() function was
+ // already called for this URL, etc).
+ using probe_function = void ();
static const refs&
- load_refs (const common_options& co, const repository_url& url)
+ load_refs (const common_options& co,
+ const repository_url& url,
+ const function<probe_function>& probe = nullptr)
tracer trace ("load_refs");
@@ -944,6 +952,9 @@ namespace bpkg
if ((verb && !co.no_progress ()) || co.progress ())
text << "querying " << url;
+ if (probe)
+ probe ();
refs rs;
for (;;) // Breakout loop.
@@ -1175,31 +1186,29 @@ namespace bpkg
return *cap;
- auto references = [&co, &url, &caps] (const string& refname,
- bool abbr_commit)
+ function<probe_function> probe ([&caps] () {caps ();});
+ auto references = [&co, &url, &probe] (const string& refname,
+ bool abbr_commit)
-> refs::search_result
// Make sure the URL is probed before running git-ls-remote (see
// load_refs() for details).
- caps ();
- return load_refs (co, url ()).search_names (refname, abbr_commit);
+ return load_refs (co, url (), probe).search_names (refname, abbr_commit);
// Return the default reference set (see repository-types(1) for details).
- auto default_references = [&co, &url, &caps] () -> refs::search_result
+ auto default_references = [&co, &url, &probe] () -> refs::search_result
// Make sure the URL is probed before running git-ls-remote (see
// load_refs() for details).
- caps ();
refs::search_result r;
vector<standard_version> vs; // Parallel to search_result.
- for (const ref& rf: load_refs (co, url ()))
+ for (const ref& rf: load_refs (co, url (), probe))
if (!rf.peeled && rf.name.compare (0, 11, "refs/tags/v") == 0)
@@ -1342,6 +1351,9 @@ namespace bpkg
// Reduce the reference to the commit id.
+ // Note that it is assumed that the URL has already been probed by
+ // the above default_references() or references() call.
+ //
const string& c (load_refs (co, url ()).peel (r).commit);
if (!rf.exclusion)
@@ -1358,18 +1370,23 @@ namespace bpkg
remove_spec (c);
+ //
// Check if this is a commit exclusion and remove the corresponding
// fetch spec if that's the case.
else if (rf.exclusion)
+ {
remove_spec (*rf.commit);
+ }
+ //
// Check if the commit is already fetched and, if that's the case, save
// it, indicating that no fetch is required.
else if (commit_fetched (co, dir, *rf.commit))
+ {
add_spec (*rf.commit);
+ }
+ //
// If the shallow fetch is possible for the commit, then we fetch it.
else if (shallow ())
@@ -1378,6 +1395,7 @@ namespace bpkg
add_spec (*rf.commit, strings ({*rf.commit}), true /* shallow */);
+ //
// If the shallow fetch is not possible for the commit but the refname
// containing the commit is specified, then we fetch the whole history
// of references the refname translates to.
@@ -1402,6 +1420,7 @@ namespace bpkg
add_spec (*rf.commit, move (specs)); // Fetch deep.
+ //
// Otherwise, if the refname is not specified and the commit is not
// advertised, we have to fetch the whole repository history.