path: root/bpkg/auth.cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2016-04-14 17:59:24 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2016-05-04 20:47:45 +0300
commitb13332c991ce2695626eaca367dd8208b174c9ca (patch)
tree809dc321b47d5ef9c72935637f94bf5b84ed640d /bpkg/auth.cxx
parentc9831f760a83e36a3a2ac84b1bd3f573e47ef195 (diff)
Add support for repository authentication
Diffstat (limited to 'bpkg/auth.cxx')
1 files changed, 815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/auth.cxx b/bpkg/auth.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5296bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bpkg/auth.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+// file : bpkg/auth.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <bpkg/auth>
+#include <ratio>
+#include <limits> // numeric_limits
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstring> // strlen(), strcmp()
+#include <iterator> // ostreambuf_iterator, istreambuf_iterator
+#include <butl/sha256>
+#include <butl/base64>
+#include <butl/process>
+#include <butl/fdstream>
+#include <butl/filesystem>
+#include <bpkg/openssl>
+#include <bpkg/package>
+#include <bpkg/package-odb>
+#include <bpkg/database>
+#include <bpkg/diagnostics>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace bpkg
+ // Find the repository location prefix that ends with the version component.
+ // We consider all repositories under this location to be related.
+ //
+ static string
+ name_prefix (const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ assert (rl.absolute () || rl.remote ());
+ // Construct the prefix as a relative repository location.
+ //
+ string p (".");
+ for (auto i (rl.path ().rbegin ()), e (rl.path ().rend ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ const string& c (*i);
+ if (!c.empty () && c.find_first_not_of ("1234567890") == string::npos)
+ break;
+ p = "../" + p;
+ }
+ // If this is a remote location then use the canonical name prefix. For
+ // a local location this doesn't always work. Consider:
+ //
+ // .../pkg/1/build2.org/common/hello
+ //
+ // In this case we will end with an empty canonical name (because of
+ // the special pkg/1 treatment). So in case of local locations we will
+ // use the location rather than the name prefix.
+ //
+ if (rl.remote ())
+ return repository_location (p, rl).canonical_name ();
+ else
+ {
+ path lp (rl.path () / path (p));
+ lp.normalize ();
+ return lp.string ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Authenticate a dummy certificate. If trusted, it will authenticate all
+ // the (unsigned) repositories under the location prefix of up-to-the-
+ // version component.
+ //
+ static shared_ptr<certificate>
+ auth_dummy (const common_options& co,
+ const string& fp,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("auth_dummy");
+ shared_ptr<certificate> cert (
+ make_shared<certificate> (fp, name_prefix (rl)));
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "new cert: " << *cert;});
+ if (co.trust_yes ())
+ {
+ if (verb)
+ info << "trusting unsigned repository " << rl.canonical_name ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (co.trust_no () ? error : warn) << "repository " << rl.canonical_name ()
+ << " is unsigned";
+ }
+ if (co.trust_no () ||
+ (!co.trust_yes () &&
+ !yn_prompt (
+ string ("continue without authenticating repositories at " +
+ cert->name + "? [y/N]").c_str (), 'n')))
+ throw failed ();
+ return cert;
+ }
+ // Calculate the real repository certificate fingerprint. Return the compact
+ // form (no colons, lower case).
+ //
+ static string
+ real_fingerprint (const common_options& co,
+ const string& pem,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("real_fingerprint");
+ try
+ {
+ process pr (start_openssl (
+ co, "x509", {"-sha256", "-noout", "-fingerprint"}, true, true));
+ ifdstream is (pr.in_ofd);
+ is.exceptions (ifdstream::badbit);
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (pr.out_fd);
+ os.exceptions (ofdstream::badbit);
+ os << pem;
+ os.close ();
+ string s;
+ const size_t n (19);
+ if (!(getline (is, s) && s.size () > n &&
+ s.compare (0, n, "SHA256 Fingerprint=") == 0))
+ throw istream::failure ("");
+ string fp;
+ try
+ {
+ fp = fingerprint_to_sha256 (string (s, n));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument&)
+ {
+ throw istream::failure ("");
+ }
+ is.close ();
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ return fp;
+ // Fall through.
+ //
+ }
+ catch (const istream::failure&)
+ {
+ // Child input writing or output reading error.
+ //
+ is.close ();
+ // Child exit status doesn't matter. Just wait for the process
+ // completion and fall through.
+ //
+ pr.wait ();
+ }
+ error << "unable to calculate certificate fingerprint for "
+ << rl.canonical_name ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ catch (const process_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to calculate certificate fingerprint for "
+ << rl.canonical_name () << ": " << e.what ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ // Calculate the repository certificate fingerprint. Return the compact form
+ // (no colons, lower case).
+ //
+ static string
+ cert_fingerprint (const common_options& co,
+ const optional<string>& pem,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ return pem
+ ? real_fingerprint (co, *pem, rl)
+ : sha256 (name_prefix (rl)).string ();
+ }
+ // Parse the PEM-encoded certificate representation.
+ //
+ static shared_ptr<certificate>
+ parse_cert (const common_options& co,
+ const string& fp,
+ const string& pem,
+ const string& repo)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("parse_cert");
+ try
+ {
+ // The order of the options we pass to openssl determines the order in
+ // which we get things in the output. And want we expect is this
+ // (leading space added):
+ //
+ // subject=
+ // CN=name:cppget.org
+ // O=Code Synthesis
+ // notBefore=Apr 7 12:20:58 2016 GMT
+ // notAfter=Apr 7 12:20:58 2017 GMT
+ // info@cppget.org
+ //
+ // The first line must be "subject=" (it cannot be omitted from the
+ // cert). After it we have one or more lines indented with four spaces
+ // that specify the components. We are interested in CN and O, though
+ // there could be others which we ignore. Then we must have the
+ // notBefore and notAfter dates, again they presumably must be there.
+ // The final line should be the email but will be silently missing if
+ // the cert has no email.
+ //
+ process pr (start_openssl (
+ co,
+ "x509",
+ {
+ "-noout",
+ "-subject",
+ "-dates",
+ "-email",
+ "-nameopt", "RFC2253,sep_multiline"
+ },
+ true,
+ true));
+ ifdstream is (pr.in_ofd);
+ is.exceptions (ifdstream::badbit);
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (pr.out_fd);
+ os.exceptions (ofdstream::badbit);
+ // Reading from and writing to the child process standard streams from
+ // the same thread is generally a bad idea. Depending on the program
+ // implementation we can block on writing if the process input pipe
+ // buffer get filled. That can happen if the process do not read
+ // anymore, being blocked on writing to the filled output pipe, which
+ // get filled not being read on the other end.
+ //
+ // Fortunatelly openssl reads the certificate before performing any
+ // output.
+ //
+ os << pem;
+ os.close ();
+ auto bad_cert ([](const string& d) {throw invalid_argument (d);});
+ auto get = [&is, &trace] (string& s) -> bool
+ {
+ bool r (getline (is, s));
+ l6 ([&]{trace << s;});
+ return r;
+ };
+ string s;
+ if (!get (s) || s != "subject= ")
+ bad_cert ("no subject");
+ // Parse RDN (relative distinguished name).
+ //
+ auto parse_rdn = [&s, &bad_cert] (size_t o, const char* name) -> string
+ {
+ string r (s.substr (o));
+ if (r.empty ())
+ bad_cert (name + string (" is empty"));
+ return r;
+ };
+ auto parse_date = [&s](size_t o, const char* name) -> timestamp
+ {
+ // Certificate dates are internally represented as ASN.1
+ // GeneralizedTime and UTCTime
+ // (http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node14.html). They are
+ // printed by openssl in the 'MON DD HH:MM:SS[.fff][ GMT]' format.
+ // MON is a month abbreviated name (C locale), .fff is a fraction
+ // of a second expressed in milliseconds, timezone is either GMT or
+ // absent (means local time). Examples:
+ //
+ // Apr 11 10:20:02 2016 GMT
+ // Apr 11 10:20:02 2016
+ // Apr 11 10:20:02.123 2016 GMT
+ // Apr 11 10:20:02.123 2016
+ //
+ // We will require the date to be in GMT, as generally can not
+ // interpret the certificate origin local time. Note:
+ // openssl-generated certificate dates are always in GMT, and with
+ // milliseconds omitted.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ // Assume the global locale is not changed, and still "C".
+ //
+ const char* end;
+ timestamp t (from_string (
+ s.c_str () + o, "%b %d %H:%M:%S%[.M] %Y", false, &end));
+ if (strcmp (end, " GMT") == 0)
+ return t;
+ }
+ catch (const system_error&)
+ {
+ }
+ throw invalid_argument ("invalid " + string (name) + " date");
+ };
+ string name;
+ string org;
+ while (get (s))
+ {
+ if (s.compare (0, 7, " CN=") == 0)
+ name = parse_rdn (7, "common name");
+ else if (s.compare (0, 6, " O=") == 0)
+ org = parse_rdn (6, "organization name");
+ else if (s.compare (0, 4, " ") != 0)
+ break; // End of the subject sub-lines.
+ }
+ if (name.empty ())
+ bad_cert ("no common name (CN)");
+ if (name.compare (0, 5, "name:") != 0)
+ bad_cert ("no 'name:' prefix in the common name (CN)");
+ name = name.substr (5);
+ if (name.empty ())
+ bad_cert ("no repository name in the common name (CN)");
+ if (org.empty ())
+ bad_cert ("no organization name (O)");
+ if (!is || s.compare (0, 10, "notBefore=") != 0)
+ bad_cert ("no start date");
+ timestamp not_before (parse_date (10, "start"));
+ if (!get (s) || s.compare (0, 9, "notAfter=") != 0)
+ bad_cert ("no end date");
+ timestamp not_after (parse_date (9, "end"));
+ if (not_before >= not_after)
+ bad_cert ("invalid date range");
+ string email;
+ if (!get (email) || email.empty ())
+ bad_cert ("no email");
+ // Ensure no data left in the stream.
+ //
+ if (is.peek () != ifdstream::traits_type::eof ())
+ bad_cert ("unexpected data");
+ is.close ();
+ shared_ptr<certificate> cert (
+ make_shared<certificate> (
+ fp,
+ move (name),
+ move (org),
+ move (email),
+ move (not_before),
+ move (not_after)));
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ return cert;
+ // Fall through.
+ //
+ }
+ catch (const istream::failure&)
+ {
+ // Child input writing or output reading error.
+ //
+ is.close ();
+ // Child exit status doesn't matter. Just wait for the process
+ // completion and fall through.
+ //
+ pr.wait ();
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ // Certificate parsing error. Skip until the end, not to offend the
+ // child with the broken pipe. Never knows how it will take it.
+ //
+ if (!is.eof ())
+ is.ignore (numeric_limits<streamsize>::max ());
+ is.close ();
+ // If the child exited with an error status, then omit any output
+ // parsing diagnostics since we were probably parsing garbage.
+ //
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ {
+ error << "invalid certificate for " << repo << ": " << e.what ();
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ error << "unable to parse certificate for " << repo;
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ catch (const process_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to parse certificate for " << repo << ": " << e.what ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ // Verify the certificate (validity period and such).
+ //
+ static void
+ verify_cert (const certificate& cert, const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ if (!cert.dummy ())
+ {
+ if (cert.expired ())
+ fail << "certificate for repository " << rl.canonical_name ()
+ << " has expired";
+ }
+ }
+ // Authenticate a real certificate.
+ //
+ static shared_ptr<certificate>
+ auth_real (const common_options& co,
+ const string& fp,
+ const string& pem,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("auth_real");
+ shared_ptr<certificate> cert (
+ parse_cert (co, fp, pem, rl.canonical_name ()));
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "new cert: " << *cert;});
+ verify_cert (*cert, rl);
+ string cert_fp (sha256_to_fingerprint (cert->fingerprint));
+ // @@ Is there a way to intercept CLI parsing for the specific option of
+ // the standard type to validate/convert the value? If there were, we could
+ // validate the option value converting fp to sha (internal representation
+ // of fp).
+ //
+ // @@ Not easily/cleanly. The best way is to derive a custom type which
+ // will probably be an overkill here.
+ //
+ bool trust (co.trust_yes () ||
+ co.trust ().find (cert_fp) != co.trust ().end ());
+ if (trust)
+ {
+ if (verb)
+ info << "trusting non-authenticated certificate for repository "
+ << rl.canonical_name ();
+ return cert;
+ }
+ (co.trust_no () ? error : warn)
+ << "authenticity of the certificate for repository "
+ << rl.canonical_name () << " cannot be established";
+ if (!co.trust_no () && verb)
+ {
+ text << "certificate is for " << cert->name << ", \""
+ << cert->organization << "\" <" << cert->email << ">";
+ text << "certificate SHA256 fingerprint is " << cert_fp;
+ }
+ if (co.trust_no () || !yn_prompt ("trust this certificate? [y/N]", 'n'))
+ throw failed ();
+ return cert;
+ }
+ static const dir_path certs_dir (".bpkg/certs");
+ // Authenticate a certificate with the database. First check if it is
+ // already authenticated. If not, authenticate and add to the database.
+ //
+ static shared_ptr<certificate>
+ auth_cert (const common_options& co,
+ const dir_path& conf,
+ database& db,
+ const optional<string>& pem,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("auth_cert");
+ tracer_guard tg (db, trace);
+ string fp (cert_fingerprint (co, pem, rl));
+ shared_ptr<certificate> cert (db.find<certificate> (fp));
+ if (cert != nullptr)
+ {
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "existing cert: " << *cert;});
+ verify_cert (*cert, rl);
+ return cert;
+ }
+ cert = pem ? auth_real (co, fp, *pem, rl) : auth_dummy (co, fp, rl);
+ db.persist (cert);
+ // Save the certificate file.
+ //
+ if (pem)
+ {
+ dir_path d (conf / certs_dir);
+ if (!dir_exists (d))
+ mk (d);
+ path f (d / path (fp + ".pem"));
+ try
+ {
+ ofstream ofs;
+ ofs.exceptions (ofstream::badbit | ofstream::failbit);
+ ofs.open (f.string ());
+ ofs << *pem;
+ }
+ catch (const ofstream::failure&)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to write certificate to " << f;
+ }
+ }
+ return cert;
+ }
+ static const dir_path current_dir (".");
+ shared_ptr<const certificate>
+ authenticate_certificate (const common_options& co,
+ const dir_path* conf,
+ const optional<string>& pem,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("authenticate_certificate");
+ if (co.trust_no () && co.trust_yes ())
+ fail << "--trust-yes and --trust-no are mutually exclusive";
+ if (conf != nullptr && conf->empty ())
+ conf = dir_exists (path (".bpkg")) ? &current_dir : nullptr;
+ assert (conf == nullptr || !conf->empty ());
+ shared_ptr<certificate> r;
+ if (conf == nullptr)
+ {
+ // If we have no configuration, go straight to authenticating a new
+ // certificate.
+ //
+ string fp (cert_fingerprint (co, pem, rl));
+ r = pem ? auth_real (co, fp, *pem, rl) : auth_dummy (co, fp, rl);
+ }
+ else if (transaction::has_current ())
+ {
+ r = auth_cert (co, *conf, transaction::current ().database (), pem, rl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ database db (open (*conf, trace));
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ r = auth_cert (co, *conf, db, pem, rl);
+ t.commit ();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ void
+ authenticate_repository (const common_options& co,
+ const dir_path* conf,
+ const optional<string>& cert_pem,
+ const certificate& cert,
+ const signature_manifest& sm,
+ const repository_location& rl)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("authenticate_repository");
+ if (conf != nullptr && conf->empty ())
+ conf = dir_exists (path (".bpkg")) ? &current_dir : nullptr;
+ assert (conf == nullptr || !conf->empty ());
+ path f;
+ auto_rmfile rm;
+ if (conf == nullptr)
+ {
+ // If we have no configuration, create the temporary certificate
+ // PEM file.
+ //
+ assert (cert_pem);
+ try
+ {
+ f = path::temp_path ("bpkg");
+ ofstream ofs;
+ ofs.exceptions (ofstream::badbit | ofstream::failbit);
+ ofs.open (f.string ());
+ rm = auto_rmfile (f);
+ ofs << *cert_pem;
+ }
+ catch (const ofstream::failure&)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to save certificate to temporary file " << f;
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to obtain temporary file: " << e.what ();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f = *conf / certs_dir / path (cert.fingerprint + ".pem");
+ }
+ const string& c (cert.name);
+ const string& r (rl.canonical_name ());
+ const size_t cn (c.size ());
+ const size_t rn (r.size ());
+ // Make sure the names are either equal or the certificate name is a
+ // prefix (at /-boundary) of the repository name.
+ //
+ if (!(r.compare (0, cn, c) == 0 &&
+ (rn == cn || (rn > cn && r[cn] == '/'))))
+ fail << "certificate name mismatch for repository " << r <<
+ info << "certificate name is " << c;
+ try
+ {
+ process pr (start_openssl (
+ co, "pkeyutl",
+ {
+ "-verifyrecover",
+ "-certin",
+ "-inkey",
+ f.string ().c_str ()
+ },
+ true,
+ true));
+ ifdstream is (pr.in_ofd);
+ is.exceptions (ifdstream::badbit);
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (pr.out_fd);
+ os.exceptions (ofdstream::badbit);
+ for (const auto& c: sm.signature)
+ os.put (c); // Sets badbit on failure.
+ os.close ();
+ string s;
+ bool v (getline (is, s) && is.eof ());
+ is.close ();
+ if (pr.wait () && v)
+ {
+ if (s != sm.sha256sum)
+ fail << "packages manifest file signature mismatch for "
+ << rl.canonical_name ();
+ return; // All good.
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ //
+ }
+ catch (const istream::failure&)
+ {
+ // Child input writing or output reading error.
+ //
+ is.close ();
+ // Child exit status doesn't matter. Just wait for the process
+ // completion and fall through.
+ //
+ pr.wait ();
+ }
+ error << "unable to authenticate repository " << rl.canonical_name ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ catch (const process_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to authenticate repository "
+ << rl.canonical_name () << ": " << e.what ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ throw failed ();
+ }
+ vector<char>
+ sign_repository (const common_options& co,
+ const string& sha256sum,
+ const string& key_name,
+ const string& cert_pem,
+ const dir_path& repository)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("sign_repository");
+ string r (repository.string () + dir_path::traits::directory_separator);
+ // No sense to calculate the fingerprint for the certificate being used
+ // just to check the expiration date.
+ //
+ shared_ptr<certificate> cert (parse_cert (co, "", cert_pem, r));
+ timestamp now (timestamp::clock::now ());
+ if (cert->end_date < now)
+ fail << "certificate for repository " << r << " has expired";
+ using days = chrono::duration<size_t, ratio<3600 * 24>>;
+ days left (chrono::duration_cast<days> (cert->end_date - now));
+ if (left < days (60))
+ warn << "certificate for repository " << r
+ << " expires in less than " << left.count () + 1 << " day(s)";
+ try
+ {
+ process pr (start_openssl (
+ co, "pkeyutl", {"-sign", "-inkey", key_name.c_str ()}, true, true));
+ ifdstream is (pr.in_ofd);
+ is.exceptions (ifdstream::badbit);
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (pr.out_fd);
+ os.exceptions (ofdstream::badbit);
+ os << sha256sum;
+ os.close ();
+ // Additional parentheses required to make compiler to distinguish
+ // the variable definition from a function declaration.
+ //
+ vector<char> signature
+ ((istreambuf_iterator<char> (is)), istreambuf_iterator<char> ());
+ is.close ();
+ if (pr.wait ())
+ return signature;
+ // Fall through.
+ //
+ }
+ catch (const istream::failure&)
+ {
+ // Child input writing or output reading error.
+ //
+ is.close ();
+ // Child exit status doesn't matter. Just wait for the process
+ // completion and fall through.
+ //
+ pr.wait ();
+ }
+ error << "unable to sign repository " << r;
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ catch (const process_error& e)
+ {
+ error << "unable to sign repository " << r << ": " << e.what ();
+ // Fall through.
+ }
+ throw failed ();
+ }