# file      : tests/build/root.build
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

# Server to use for the CI request submissions simulation. Use the empty
# string to disable the CI tests (which require network access).
# Note that by default we test against the ci-dir handler on stage and the
# ci-load handler on public (thus it's not ci.stage.build2.org).
config [string] config.bdep.tests.ci.server ?= \
  ($build.version.stage                        \
   ? 'https://stage.build2.org'                \
   : 'https://ci.cppget.org')

# Repository to use for the package submissions simulation. Use the empty
# string to disable the package submission tests (which require network
# access).
# Note that by default we test against the submit-dir handler on stage and the
# submit-git handler on public.
config [string] config.bdep.tests.publish.repository ?= \
  ($build.version.stage                                 \
   ? 'https://stage.build2.org'                         \
   : 'https://cppget.org')

# We need to configure C/C++ modules to pass the compiler paths to some of
# bdep test commands.
using c.config
using cxx.config

# Setup the bdep that we are testing.
import bdep = bdep%exe{bdep}
testscript{*}: test = $bdep

# Specify the test target for cross-testing.
test.target = $cxx.target