// file : bdep/sync.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include // strchr() #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace bdep { const path hook_file ( dir_path ("build") / "bootstrap" / "pre-bdep-sync.build"); dir_paths configuration_projects (const common_options& co, const dir_path& cfg, const dir_path& prj) { using bpkg::repository_type; using bpkg::repository_location; dir_paths r; // Use bpkg-rep-list to discover the list of project directories. // fdpipe pipe (open_pipe ()); // Text mode seems appropriate. process pr (start_bpkg (3, co, pipe /* stdout */, 2 /* stderr */, "rep-list", "-d", cfg)); // Shouldn't throw, unless something is severely damaged. // pipe.out.close (); bool io (false); try { ifdstream is (move (pipe.in), fdstream_mode::skip, ifdstream::badbit); for (string l; !eof (getline (is, l)); ) { // Skip repository locations other than dir (who knows what else the // user might have added). // if (l.compare (0, 4, "dir:") != 0) continue; // Note that the dir repository type can not be guessed and so its URL // is always typed. Thus, it has a URL notation and so can't contain // the space characters (unlike the canonical name). That's why we can // just search for the rightmost space to find the beginning of the // repository URL. // size_t p (l.rfind (' ')); if (p == string::npos) fail << "invalid bpkg-rep-list output: no repository location"; dir_path d; try { repository_location rl (string (l, p + 1)); assert (rl.type () == repository_type::dir); // Note that the directory is absolute and normalized (see // for details). // d = path_cast (rl.path ()); assert (d.absolute ()); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { fail << "invalid bpkg-rep-list output: " << e; } if (d == prj) continue; // Next see if it looks like a bdep-managed project. // if (!exists (d / bdep_file)) continue; r.push_back (move (d)); } is.close (); // Detect errors. } catch (const io_error&) { // Presumably the child process failed and issued diagnostics so let // finish_bpkg() try to deal with that first. // io = true; } finish_bpkg (co, pr, io); return r; } // Project to be synchronized. // namespace { struct project { dir_path path; shared_ptr config; bool implicit; bool fetch; }; using projects = small_vector; } // Append the list of additional (to origin, if not empty) projects that are // using this configuration. // static void load_implicit (const common_options& co, const dir_path& cfg, const dir_path& origin_prj, projects& r) { tracer trace ("load_implicit"); for (dir_path& d: configuration_projects (co, cfg, origin_prj)) { shared_ptr c; { using query = bdep::query; // Save and restore the current transaction, if any. // transaction* ct (nullptr); if (transaction::has_current ()) { ct = &transaction::current (); transaction::reset_current (); } auto tg (make_guard ([ct] () { if (ct != nullptr) transaction::current (*ct); })); { database db (open (d, trace)); transaction t (db.begin ()); c = db.query_one (query::path == cfg.string ()); t.commit (); } } // If the project is a repository of this configuration but the bdep // database has no knowledge of this configuration, then assume it is // not managed by bdep (i.e., the user added the project manually or // some such). // if (c == nullptr) continue; r.push_back (project {move (d), move (c), true /* implicit */, true /* fetch */}); } } // Sync with optional upgrade. // // If upgrade is not nullopt, then: If there are dep_pkgs, then we are // upgrading specific dependency packages. Otherwise -- project packages. // static void cmd_sync (const common_options& co, const dir_path& cfg, const dir_path& origin_prj, const shared_ptr& origin_config, const strings& pkg_args, bool implicit, bool fetch, bool yes, bool name_cfg, optional upgrade, // true - upgrade, false - patch optional recursive, // true - recursive, false - immediate const package_locations& prj_pkgs, const strings& dep_pkgs) { assert (origin_config == nullptr || !origin_config->packages.empty ()); assert (prj_pkgs.empty () || dep_pkgs.empty ()); // Can't have both. projects prjs; if (origin_config != nullptr) prjs.push_back (project {origin_prj, origin_config, implicit, fetch}); // Load other projects that might be using the same configuration -- we // have to synchronize everything at once. // load_implicit (co, cfg, origin_prj, prjs); // Verify that no initialized package in any of the projects sharing this // configuration is specified as a dependency. // for (const string& n: dep_pkgs) { for (const project& prj: prjs) { auto& pkgs (prj.config->packages); if (find_if (pkgs.begin (), pkgs.end (), [&n] (const package_state& ps) { return n == ps.name; }) != pkgs.end ()) fail << "initialized package " << n << " specified as a dependency"; } } // Prepare the list of packages to build and repositories to fetch. // strings args; strings reps; // First add configuration variables from pkg_args, if any. // { for (const string& a: pkg_args) if (a.find ('=') != string::npos) args.push_back (a); if (!args.empty ()) args.push_back ("--"); } for (const project& prj: prjs) { if (prj.fetch) reps.push_back (repository_name (prj.path)); for (const package_state& pkg: prj.config->packages) { if (upgrade && !prj.implicit) { // We synchronize all the init'ed packages, including those from // other projects. But if the dependencies are not specified, we // only upgrade dependencies of the packages specified explicitly or // init'ed in the origin project. // if (dep_pkgs.empty ()) { auto contains = [] (const auto& pkgs, const package_state& pkg) { return find_if (pkgs.begin (), pkgs.end (), [&pkg] (const auto& p) { return p.name == pkg.name; }) != pkgs.end (); }; if (prj_pkgs.empty () && origin_config != nullptr ? contains (origin_config->packages, pkg) : contains (prj_pkgs, pkg)) { // The project package itself must always be upgraded to the // latest version/iteration. So we have to translate to // dependency-only --{upgrade,patch}-{recursive,immediate}. // assert (recursive); args.push_back ("{"); args.push_back ( *upgrade ? *recursive ? "--upgrade-recursive" : "--upgrade-immediate" : *recursive ? "--patch-recursive" : "--patch-immediate"); args.push_back ("}+"); } } } // We need to add the explicit location qualification (@) // since there is no guarantee a higher version isn't available from // another repository. // args.push_back (pkg.name.string () + '@' + prj.path.string ()); } } // Add dependencies to upgrade (if any). // if (upgrade) { for (const string& n: dep_pkgs) { // Unless this is the default "non-recursive upgrade" we need to add a // group. // if (recursive || !*upgrade) { args.push_back ("{"); string o (*upgrade ? "-u" : "-p"); if (recursive) o += *recursive ? 'r' : 'i'; args.push_back (move (o)); args.push_back ("}+"); } // Make sure it is treated as a dependency. // args.push_back ('?' + n); } } // Finally, add packages from pkg_args, if any. // for (const string& a: pkg_args) if (a.find ('=') == string::npos) args.push_back (a); // We do a separate fetch instead of letting pkg-build do it. This way we // get better control of the diagnostics (no "fetching ..." for the // project itself). We also make sure that if the user specifies a // repository for a dependency to upgrade, then that repository is listed // as part of the project prerequisites/complements. Or, in other words, // we only want to allow specifying the location as a proxy for specifying // version (i.e., "I want this dependency upgraded to the latest version // available from this repository"). // // Note also that we use the repository name rather than the location as a // sanity check (the repository must have been added as part of init). // Plus, without 'dir:' it will be treated as version control-based. // // @@ For implicit fetch this will print diagnostics/progress before // "synchronizing :". Maybe rep-fetch also needs something // like --plan but for progress? Plus there might be no sync at all. // if (!reps.empty ()) run_bpkg (3, co, "fetch", "-d", cfg, "--shallow", reps); string plan ("synchronizing"); if (name_cfg) { plan += ' '; // Use name if available, directory otherwise. // if (origin_config != nullptr && origin_config->name) { plan += '@'; plan += *origin_config->name; } else plan += cfg.representation (); } plan += ':'; run_bpkg (2, co, "build", "-d", cfg, "--no-fetch", "--no-refinement", "--configure-only", "--keep-out", "--plan", plan, (yes ? "--yes" : nullptr), args); // Handle configuration forwarding. // // We do it here (instead of, say init) because a change in a package may // introduce new subprojects. Though it would be nice to only do this if // the package was upgraded. // // @@ TODO: changed flag below: Probably by comparing before/after // versions. Or, even simpler, if pkg-build signalled that // nothing has changed (the --exit-result idea) -- then we // can skip the whole thing. // // Also, the current thinking is that config set --[no-]forward is best // implemented by just changing the flag on the configuration and then // requiring an explicit sync to configure/disfigure forwards. // for (const project& prj: prjs) { package_locations pls (load_packages (prj.path)); for (const package_state& pkg: prj.config->packages) { // If this is a forwarded configuration, make sure forwarding is // configured and is up-to-date. Otherwise, make sure it is disfigured // (the config set --no-forward case). // dir_path src (prj.path); { auto i (find_if (pls.begin (), pls.end (), [&pkg] (const package_location& pl) { return pkg.name == pl.name; })); if (i == pls.end ()) fail << "package " << pkg.name << " is not listed in " << prj.path; src /= i->path; } // We could run 'b info' and used the 'forwarded' value but this is // both faster and simpler. Or at least it was until we got the // alternative naming scheme. // auto check = [&src] () { path f (src / "build2" / "bootstrap" / "out-root.build2"); bool e (exists (f)); if (!e) { f = src / "build" / "bootstrap" / "out-root.build"; e = exists (f); } return e; }; const char* o (nullptr); if (prj.config->forward) { bool changed (true); if (changed || !check ()) o = "configure:"; } else if (!prj.implicit) // Requires explicit sync. { //@@ This is broken: we will disfigure forwards to other configs. // Looks like we will need to test that the forward is to this // config. 'b info' here we come? //if (check ()) // o = "disfigure:"; } if (o != nullptr) { dir_path out (dir_path (cfg) /= pkg.name.string ()); run_b (co, o, "'" + src.representation () + "'@'" + out.representation () + "',forward"); } } } // Add/remove auto-synchronization build system hook. // if (origin_config != nullptr && !implicit) { path f (cfg / hook_file); bool e (exists (f)); if (origin_config->auto_sync) { if (!e) { mk (f.directory ()); try { ofdstream os (f); // Should we analyze BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS ourselves or should we // let bdep-sync do it for us? Doing it here instead of spawning a // process (which will load the database, etc) will be faster. // But, on the other hand, this is only an issue for commands like // update and test that do their own implicit sync. // // cfgs = $getenv(BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS) // if! $null($cfgs) // cfgs = [dir_paths] $regex.split($cfgs, ' *"([^"]*)" *', '\1') // // Also note that we try to avoid setting any variables in order // not to pollute the configuration's root scope. // os << "# Created automatically by bdep." << endl << "#" << endl << "if ($build.meta_operation != 'info' && \\" << endl << " $build.meta_operation != 'configure' && \\" << endl << " $build.meta_operation != 'disfigure')" << endl << "{" << endl << " if ($getenv('BDEP_SYNC') == [null] || \\" << endl << " $getenv('BDEP_SYNC') == true || \\" << endl << " $getenv('BDEP_SYNC') == 1)" << endl << " run '" << argv0 << "' sync --hook=1 " << "--verbose $build.verbosity " << "--config \"$out_root\"" << endl << "}" << endl; os.close (); } catch (const io_error& e) { fail << "unable to write to " << f << ": " << e; } } } else { if (e) rm (f); } } } // Return true if a space-separated list of double-quoted paths contains the // specified path. All paths must me absolute and normalized. // static bool contains (const string& l, const path& p) { const string& s (p.string ()); for (size_t b (0), e (0); (e = l.find ('"', e)) != string::npos; // Skip leading ' '. ++e) // Skip trailing '"'. { size_t n (next_word (l, b, e, '"')); // Both paths are normilized so we can just compare them as strings. // if (path::traits_type::compare (l.c_str () + b, n, s.c_str (), s.size ()) == 0) return true; } return false; } // The BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS environment variable. // // Note that it covers both depth and breadth (i.e., we don't restore the // previous value before returning). The idea here is for commands like // update or test would perform an implicit sync which will then be // "noticed" by the build system hook. This should be both faster (no need // to spawn multiple bdep processes) and simpler (no need to worry about // who has the database open, etc). // // We also used to do this only in the first form of sync but it turns out // we may end up invoking a hook during upgrade (e.g., to prepare a // distribution of a package as part of pkg-checkout which happens in the // configuration we have "hooked" -- yeah, this rabbit hole is deep). // static const char synced_name[] = "BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS"; // Check if the specified configuration directory is already (being) // synchronized. If it is not and add is true, then add it to the // BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS environment variable. // static bool synced (const dir_path& d, bool implicit, bool add = true) { string v; if (optional e = getenv (synced_name)) v = move (*e); if (contains (v, d)) { if (implicit) return true; else fail << "explicit re-synchronization of " << d; } if (add) { v += (v.empty () ? "\"" : " \"") + d.string () + '"'; setenv (synced_name, v); } return false; } void cmd_sync (const common_options& co, const dir_path& prj, const shared_ptr& c, const strings& pkg_args, bool implicit, bool fetch, bool yes, bool name_cfg) { if (!synced (c->path, implicit)) cmd_sync (co, c->path, prj, c, pkg_args, implicit, fetch, yes, name_cfg, nullopt /* upgrade */, nullopt /* recursive */, package_locations () /* prj_pkgs */, strings () /* dep_pkgs */); } void cmd_sync_implicit (const common_options& co, const dir_path& cfg, bool fetch, bool yes, bool name_cfg) { if (!synced (cfg, true /* implicit */)) cmd_sync (co, cfg, dir_path (), nullptr, strings (), true /* implicit */, fetch, yes, name_cfg, nullopt /* upgrade */, nullopt /* recursive */, package_locations () /* prj_pkgs */, strings () /* dep_pkgs */); } int cmd_sync (cmd_sync_options&& o, cli::group_scanner& args) { tracer trace ("sync"); // We have two pretty different upgrade modes: project package upgrade and // dependency package upgrade (have non-pkg-args arguments). // if (o.upgrade () && o.patch ()) fail << "both --upgrade|-u and --patch|-p specified"; if (o.immediate () && o.recursive ()) fail << "both --immediate|-i and --recursive|-r specified"; // The --immediate or --recursive option can only be specified with // an explicit --upgrade or --patch. // if (const char* n = (o.immediate () ? "--immediate" : o.recursive () ? "--recursive" : nullptr)) { if (!o.upgrade () && !o.patch ()) fail << n << " requires explicit --upgrade|-u or --patch|-p"; } // Sort arguments (if any) into pkg-args and dep-spec: if the argument // starts with '?' (dependency flag) or contains '=' (config variable), // then we assume it is pkg-args. // strings pkg_args; strings dep_pkgs; while (args.more ()) { const char* r (args.peek ()); scan_argument ( (*r == '?' || strchr (r, '=') != nullptr) ? pkg_args : dep_pkgs, args); } // --hook // if (o.hook_specified ()) { if (o.hook () != 1) fail << "unsupported build system hook protocol" << info << "project requires re-initialization"; if (o.directory_specified ()) fail << "--hook specified with project directory"; o.implicit (true); // Implies --implicit. } // --implicit // if (o.implicit ()) { if (const char* n = (o.upgrade () ? "--upgrade|-u" : o.patch () ? "--patch|-p" : nullptr)) fail << "--implicit specified with " << n; if (!dep_pkgs.empty ()) fail << "--implicit specified with dependency package"; if (!o.directory_specified ()) { // All of these options require an originating project. // if (o.fetch () || o.fetch_full ()) fail << "--implicit specified with --fetch"; if (o.config_id_specified ()) fail << "--implicit specified with --config-id"; if (o.config_name_specified ()) fail << "--implicit specified with --config-name"; if (!o.config_specified ()) fail << "no project or configuration specified with --implicit"; } } dir_path prj; // Empty if we have no originating project. package_locations prj_pkgs; configurations cfgs; dir_paths cfg_dirs; // In the implicit mode we don't search the current working directory // for a project. // if (o.directory_specified () || !o.implicit ()) { // We could be running from a package directory (or the user specified // one with -d) that has not been init'ed in this configuration. This, // however, doesn't really matter since the specified packages are only // used to determine which configuration package dependencies needs to // be ugraded (see cmd_sync() for details). // // If we are running from the project, then we don't want to treat all // the available packages as specified by the user (thus load_packages // is false). // project_packages pp ( find_project_packages (o, !dep_pkgs.empty () /* ignore_packages */, false /* load_packages */)); // Initialize tmp directory. // init_tmp (pp.project); // Load project configurations. // pair cs; { database db (open (pp.project, trace)); transaction t (db.begin ()); cs = find_configurations (o, pp.project, t); t.commit (); } // If specified, verify packages are present in at least one // configuration. // if (!pp.packages.empty ()) verify_project_packages (pp, cs); prj = move (pp.project); prj_pkgs = move (pp.packages); cfgs = move (cs.first); } else { // Implicit sync without an originating project. // // Here, besides the BDEP_SYNCED_CONFIGS we also check BPKG_OPEN_CONFIGS // which will be set if we are called by bpkg while it has the databases // open. // // The question, of course, is whether it's a good idea to suppress sync // in this case. Currently, this is a problem for two operations (others // like pkg-update/test are careful enough to close the database before // executing the build system): pkg-checkout which uses dist to checkout // a new package and pkg-disfigure which uses clean to clean a package. // In both cases it seems harmless to suppress sync. // // @@ Maybe it makes sense for bpkg to run 'b noop' in order to "flush" // the callbacks before certain commands (like pkg-build)? Note that // noop loads the buildfiles. Maybe need something like bootstrap // and load meta-operation? // optional open (getenv ("BPKG_OPEN_CONFIGS")); for (const pair& c: o.config ()) { dir_path d (c.first); normalize (d, "configuration"); if (open && contains (*open, d)) continue; if (synced (d, o.implicit (), false /* add */)) continue; cfgs.push_back (nullptr); cfg_dirs.push_back (move (d)); } if (cfgs.empty ()) return 0; // All configuration are already (being) synchronized. // Initialize tmp directory. // init_tmp (empty_dir_path); } // Synchronize each configuration. // for (size_t i (0), n (cfgs.size ()); i != n; ++i) { const shared_ptr& c (cfgs[i]); // Can be NULL. const dir_path& cd (c != nullptr ? c->path : cfg_dirs[i]); // Check if this configuration is already (being) synchronized. // if (synced (cd, o.implicit ())) continue; // Skipping empty ones. // if (c != nullptr && c->packages.empty ()) { if (verb) info << "skipping configuration " << *c << info << "configuration is empty"; continue; } // If we are synchronizing multiple configurations, separate them with a // blank line and print the configuration name/directory. // if (verb && n > 1) text << (i == 0 ? "" : "\n") << "in configuration " << *c << ':'; bool fetch (o.fetch () || o.fetch_full ()); if (fetch) cmd_fetch (o, prj, c, o.fetch_full ()); if (!dep_pkgs.empty ()) { // We ignore the project packages if the dependencies are specified // explicitly (see the above find_project_packages() call). // assert (prj_pkgs.empty ()); // The third form: upgrade of the specified dependencies. // // Only prompt if upgrading their dependencies. // cmd_sync (o, cd, prj, c, pkg_args, false /* implicit */, !fetch, o.recursive () || o.immediate () ? o.yes () : true, false /* name_cfg */, !o.patch (), // Upgrade by default unless patch requested. (o.recursive () ? optional (true) : o.immediate () ? optional (false) : nullopt), package_locations () /* prj_pkgs */, dep_pkgs); } else if (o.upgrade () || o.patch ()) { // The second form: upgrade of project packages' dependencies // (immediate by default, recursive if requested). // cmd_sync (o, cd, prj, c, pkg_args, false /* implicit */, !fetch, o.yes (), false /* name_cfg */, o.upgrade (), o.recursive (), prj_pkgs, strings () /* dep_pkgs */); } else { // The first form: sync of project packages (potentially implicit). // // For implicit sync (normally performed on one configuration at a // time) add the configuration name/directory to the plan header. // cmd_sync (o, cd, prj, c, pkg_args, o.implicit (), !fetch, true /* yes */, o.implicit () /* name_cfg */, nullopt /* upgrade */, nullopt /* recursive */, package_locations () /* prj_pkgs */, strings () /* dep_pkgs */); } } return 0; } default_options_files options_files (const char*, const cmd_sync_options& o, const strings&) { // NOTE: remember to update the documentation if changing anything here. // bdep.options // bdep-{sync|sync-implicit}.options default_options_files r {{path ("bdep.options")}, nullopt}; // Add bdep-sync-implicit.options for an implicit sync and // bdep-sync.options otherwise. In the former case try to find a common // start directory using the configuration directories. // auto add = [&r] (const string& n) { r.files.push_back (path ("bdep-" + n + ".options")); }; if (o.implicit () || o.hook_specified ()) { add ("sync-implicit"); const vector>& cs (o.config ()); r.start = default_options_start (home_directory (), cs.begin (), cs.end (), [] (auto i) {return i->first;}); } else { add ("sync"); r.start = find_project (o); } return r; } cmd_sync_options merge_options (const default_options& defs, const cmd_sync_options& cmd) { // NOTE: remember to update the documentation if changing anything here. return merge_default_options ( defs, cmd, [] (const default_options_entry& e, const cmd_sync_options&) { const cmd_sync_options& o (e.options); auto forbid = [&e] (const char* opt, bool specified) { if (specified) fail (e.file) << opt << " in default options file"; }; forbid ("--directory|-d", o.directory_specified ()); forbid ("--implicit", o.implicit ()); forbid ("--hook", o.hook_specified ()); forbid ("--config|-c", o.config_specified ()); }); } }