// file : bdep/ci.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace butl; namespace bdep { using bpkg::repository_location; // Note: the git_status() function, that we use, requires git 2.11.0 or // higher. // static const semantic_version git_ver {2, 11, 0}; static const url default_server ( #ifdef BDEP_STAGE "https://ci.stage.build2.org" #else "https://ci.cppget.org" #endif ); // Get the project's remote repository location corresponding to the current // (local) state of the repository. Fail if the working directory is not // clean or if the local state isn't in sync with the remote. // static repository_location git_repository_url (const cmd_ci_options& o, const dir_path& prj) { // This is what we need to do: // // 1. Check that the working directory is clean. // // 2. Check that we are not ahead of upstream. // // 3. Get the corresponding upstream branch. // // 4. Get the current commit id. // string branch; string commit; { git_repository_status s (git_status (prj)); if (s.commit.empty ()) fail << "no commits in project repository" << info << "run 'git status' for details"; commit = move (s.commit); // Note: not forcible. The use case could be to CI some commit from the // past. But in this case we also won't have upstream. So maybe it will // be better to invent the --commit option or some such. // if (s.branch.empty ()) fail << "project directory is in the detached HEAD state" << info << "run 'git status' for details"; // Upstream is normally in the / form, for example // 'origin/master'. Note, however, that we cannot unambiguously split it // into the remote and branch names (see release.cxx for details). // { if (s.upstream.empty ()) fail << "no upstream branch set for local branch '" << s.branch << "'" << info << "run 'git push --set-upstream' to set"; // It's unlikely that the branch remote is configured globally, so we // use the bundled git. // optional rem (git_line (git_ver, false /* system */, prj, false /* ignore_error */, "config", "branch." + s.branch + ".remote")); if (!rem) fail << "unable to obtain remote for '" << s.branch << "'"; // For good measure verify that the remote name is a prefix for the // upstream branch. // size_t n (rem->size ()); if (s.upstream.compare (0, n, *rem) != 0 || !path::traits_type::is_separator (s.upstream[n])) fail << "remote '" << *rem << "' is not a prefix for upstream " << "branch '" << s.upstream << "'"; branch.assign (s.upstream, n + 1, string::npos); } // Note: not forcible (for now). While the use case is valid, the // current and committed package versions are likely to differ (in // snapshot id). Obtaining the committed versions feels too hairy for // now. // if (s.staged || s.unstaged) fail << "project directory has uncommitted changes" << info << "run 'git status' for details" << info << "use 'git stash' to temporarily hide the changes"; // We definitely don't want to be ahead (upstream doesn't have this // commit) but there doesn't seem be anything wrong with being behind. // if (s.ahead) fail << "local branch '" << s.branch << "' is ahead of '" << s.upstream << "'" << info << "run 'git push' to update"; } // We treat the URL specified with --repository as a "base", that is, we // still add the fragment. // url u (o.repository_specified () ? o.repository () : git_remote_url (prj, "--repository")); if (u.fragment) fail << "remote git repository URL '" << u << "' already has fragment"; // Try to construct the remote repository location out of the URL and fail // if that's not possible. // try { // We specify both the branch and the commit to give bpkg every chance // to minimize the amount of history to fetch (see // bpkg-repository-types(1) for details). // repository_location r ( bpkg::repository_url (u.string () + '#' + branch + '@' + commit), bpkg::repository_type::git); if (!r.local ()) return r; // Fall through. } catch (const invalid_argument&) { // Fall through. } fail << "unable to derive bpkg repository location from git repository " << "URL '" << u << "'" << endf; } static repository_location repository_url (const cmd_ci_options& o, const dir_path& prj) { if (git_repository (prj)) return git_repository_url (o, prj); fail << "project has no known version control-based repository" << endf; } int cmd_ci (const cmd_ci_options& o, cli::scanner&) { tracer trace ("ci"); // Create the default override. // vector overrides ({ manifest_name_value {"build-email", "", // Name and value. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}); // Locations, etc. // Validate and append the specified overrides. // if (o.overrides_specified ()) try { bpkg::package_manifest::validate_overrides (o.overrides (), "" /* name */); overrides.insert (overrides.end (), o.overrides ().begin (), o.overrides ().end ()); } catch (const manifest_parsing& e) { fail << "invalid overrides: " << e; } // If we are submitting the entire project, then we have two choices: we // can list all the packages in the project or we can only do so for // packages that were initialized in the (specified) configuration(s?). // // Note that other than getting the list of packages, we would only need // the configuration to obtain their versions. Since we can only have one // version for each package this is not strictly necessary but is sure a // good sanity check against local/remote mismatches. Also, it would be // nice to print the versions we are submitting in the prompt. // // While this isn't as clear cut, it also feels like a configuration could // be expected to serve as a list of packages, in case, for example, one // has configurations for subsets of packages or some such. And in the // future, who knows, we could have multi-project CI. // // So, let's go with the configuration. Specifically, if packages were // explicitly specified, we verify they are initialized. Otherwise, we use // the list of packages that are initialized in a configuration (single // for now). // // Note also that no pre-sync is needed since we are only getting versions // (via the info meta-operation). // project_packages pp ( find_project_packages (o, false /* ignore_packages */, false /* load_packages */)); const dir_path& prj (pp.project); shared_ptr cfg; { // Don't keep the database open longer than necessary. // database db (open (prj, trace)); transaction t (db.begin ()); configurations cfgs (find_configurations (o, prj, t)); t.commit (); if (cfgs.size () > 1) fail << "multiple configurations specified for ci"; // If specified, verify packages are present in the configuration. // if (!pp.packages.empty ()) verify_project_packages (pp, cfgs); cfg = move (cfgs[0]); } // Collect package names and their versions. // struct package { package_name name; standard_version version; }; vector pkgs; auto add_package = [&o, &cfg, &pkgs] (package_name n) { standard_version v (package_version (o, cfg->path, n)); pkgs.push_back (package {move (n), move (v)}); }; if (pp.packages.empty ()) { for (const package_state& p: cfg->packages) add_package (p.name); } else { for (package_location& p: pp.packages) add_package (p.name); } // Get the server and repository URLs. // const url& srv (o.server_specified () ? o.server () : default_server); string rep (repository_url (o, prj).string ()); // Make sure that parameters we post to the CI service are UTF-8 encoded // and contain only the graphic Unicode codepoints. // validate_utf8_graphic (rep, "repository URL", "--repository"); if (o.simulate_specified ()) validate_utf8_graphic (o.simulate (), "--simulate option value"); // Print the plan and ask for confirmation. // if (!o.yes ()) { text << "submitting:" << '\n' << " to: " << srv << '\n' << " in: " << rep; for (const package& p: pkgs) { diag_record dr (text); // If printing multiple packages, separate them with a blank line. // if (pkgs.size () > 1) dr << '\n'; dr << " package: " << p.name << '\n' << " version: " << p.version; } if (!yn_prompt ("continue? [y/n]")) return 1; } // Submit the request. // { // Print progress unless we had a prompt. // if (verb && o.yes () && !o.no_progress ()) text << "submitting to " << srv; url u (srv); u.query = "ci"; using namespace http_service; parameters params ({{parameter::text, "repository", move (rep)}}); for (const package& p: pkgs) params.push_back ({parameter::text, "package", p.name.string () + '/' + p.version.string ()}); try { ostringstream os; manifest_serializer s (os, "" /* name */); serialize_manifest (s, overrides); params.push_back ({parameter::file_text, "overrides", os.str ()}); } catch (const manifest_serialization&) { // Values are verified by package_manifest::validate_overrides (); // assert (false); } if (o.simulate_specified ()) params.push_back ({parameter::text, "simulate", o.simulate ()}); // Disambiguates with odb::result. // http_service::result r (post (o, u, params)); if (!r.reference) fail << "no reference in response"; if (verb) text << r.message << '\n' << "reference: " << *r.reference; } return 0; } }