// file : bdep/bdep.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; "\section=1" "\name=bdep" "\summary=project dependency manager" namespace bdep { { " ", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bdep --help}\n \b{bdep --version}\n \b{bdep help} [ | ]\n \b{bdep} [] [] } \h|DESCRIPTION| The \cb{build2} project dependency manager is used to manage the dependencies of a project during development. For a detailed description of any command or help topic, use the \cb{help} command or see the corresponding man page (the man pages have the \cb{bdep-} prefix, for example \l{bdep-help(1)}). Note also that and can be specified in any order and can be specified as part of ." } // For usage it's nice to see the list of commands on the first page. So // let's not put this "extended" description into usage. // { "", "", "A \cb{bdep} project is a directory, normally under a version control system such as \cb{git(1)}, called \i{project repository}. A project contains one or more \i{packages}. If it contain several, then they are normally related, for example, the \cb{libhello} library and the \cb{hello} program. Packages in a project may depend on other packages outside of the project. To distinguish between the two we call them \i{project packages} and \i{dependency packages}, respectively. Naturally, our project packages may be someone else's dependency packages. A simple, single-package project contains the package in the root of the project repository. For example (note the location of the package \cb{manifest} and \cb{lockfile}): \ hello/ ├── .git/ ├── ... ├── lockfile └── manifest \ See \l{bpkg#manifest-package Package Manifest} for details on the \cb{manifest} file. If a project contains multiple packages or we wish to place the package into a subdirectory, then the root of the project repository must contain the \cb{packages.manifest} file that specifies the package locations. For example: \ hello/ ├── .git/ ├── hello/ │   ├── ... │   ├── lockfile │   └── manifest ├── libhello/ │   ├── ... │   ├── lockfile │   └── manifest └── packages.manifest \ For this project, \cb{packages.manifest} would have the following contents: \ : 1 location: hello/ : location: libhello/ \ A project repository root would usually also contain the \cb{repositories.manifest} file that lists the repositories that provide the dependency packages. For example: \ hello/ ├── ... ├── manifest └── repositories.manifest \ If our \cb{hello} project wanted to use \cb{libhello} as a dependency package, then \cb{repositories.manifest} could look like this: \ : 1 role: prerequisite location: https://example.com/libhello.git : role: base summary: hello project repository \ See \l{bpkg#manifest-repository-list Repository List Manifest} for details on the \cb{repositories.manifest} file. For development a \cb{bdep} project is associated with one or more \l{bpkg(1)} \i{build configurations}. These configuration are used as a \i{backing} for building project packages and their dependencies. The list of the associated build configuration as well as the list of project packages initialized in each such configuration are stored in the \cb{bdep} \i{project database} under the \cb{.bdep/} subdirectory of the project root directory. For example: \ hello-gcc/ # Build configuration for gcc. hello-clang/ # Build configuration for clang. hello/ ├── .bdep/ ├── .git/ └── ... \ The core of \cb{bdep} functionality is \i{state synchronization} between the project and one or more associated build configurations. For example, if we list a new dependency in the package's \cb{manifest} file, then \cb{bdep} fetches and configures this dependency in a build configuration. Similarly, if we upgrade a dependency in a build configuration, then \cb{bdep} updates the corresponding entry in the package's \cb{lockfile}. A typical \cb{bdep} workflow would consist of the following steps. \dl| \li|\b{Obtain the Project}\n Normally we would use the version control system to obtail the project we want to develop: \ $ git clone ssh://example.com/hello.git \ Alternatively, we can use the \l{bdep-new(1)} command to start a new project: \ $ bdep new -t exe -l c++ hello \ Similar to version control tools, we normally run \cb{bdep} from the project's directory or one of its subdirectories: \ $ cd hello \ See \l{bdep-projects-configs(1)} for alternative ways to specify the project location. | \li|\b{Initialize the Project}\n Next we use the \l{bdep-init(1)} command to create new or add existing build configurations and initialize our project in these configurations: \ $ bdep init -C ../hello-gcc @gcc cc config.cxx=g++ $ bdep init -A ../hello-clang @clang \ We can now use the \l{bdep-status(1)} command to examine the status of our project in its configuration: \ $ bdep status -a CONFIGURATION @gcc hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 CONFIGURATION @clang hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 \ Most \cb{bdep} commands operate on one or more build configurations associated with the project. If we don't specify one explicitly, then the \i{default configuration} (usually the first added; \cb{gcc} in our case) is used. Alternatively, we can specify the configurations by name (if assigned), as directories, or with \c{\b{--all}|\b{-a}} (see \l{bdep-projects-configs(1)} for details). For example: \ $ bdep status @clang @gcc # by name $ bdep status -c ../hello-gcc # as a directory \ If a command is operating on multiple configurations (like \cb{status -a} in the previous example), then it will print a line identifying each configuration before printing the command's result. @@ build and run? | \li|\b{Add, Remove, or Change Dependencies}\n Let's say we found \cb{libhello} that we would like to use in our project. First we edit our project's \cb{repositories.manifest} file and add the \cb{libhello}'s repository as our prerequisite: \ $ cat repositories.manifest ... role: prerequisite location: https://example.com/libhello.git ... \ Next we edit our \cb{manifest} file and specify a dependency on \cb{libhello}: \ $ cat manifest ... depends: libhello >= 1.0.0 ... \ If we now run \l{bdep-status(1)}, we will notice that a new \i{iteration} of our project is available for synchronization: \ $ bdep status hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000 available 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1 \ See \l{bpkg#package-version Package Version} for details on package versions and iterations.| \li|\b{Synchronize the Project with Configurations}\n To synchronize changes in the project's dependency information with its build configurations we use the \l{bdep-sync(1)} command. Continuing with our example, this will result in \cb{libhello} being downloaded and configured since our project now depends on it: \ $ bdep sync $ bdep status -i hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1 libhello >= 1.0.0 configured 1.0.0 \ | \li|\b{Upgrade or Downgrade Dependencies}\n The \l{bdep-sync(1)} command is also used to upgrade or downgrade dependencies (and it is also executed as the last step of \cb{init}). Let's say we learned a new version of \cb{libhello} was release and we would like to try it out. To refresh the list of available dependency packages we use the \l{bdep-fetch(1)} command (or, as a shortcut, the \cb{-f} flag to \cb{status}): \ $ bdep fetch $ bdep status libhello libhello configured 1.0.0 available [1.1.0] \ Without an explicit version or the \c{\b{--patch}|\b{-p}} option, \cb{sync} will upgrade the specified dependency to the latest available version: \ $ bdep sync libhello $ bdep status -i hello configured 0.1.0-a.0.19700101000000#1 libhello >= 1.0.0 configured 1.1.0 \ Let's say we didn't like the new version and would like to go back to using the old one. To downgrade a dependency we have to specify its version explicitly: \ $ bdep status -o libhello libhello configured 1.1.0 available [1.0.0] (1.1.0) $ bdep sync libhello/1.0.0 \ || " } class commands { "\h|COMMANDS|" // // NOTE: Use the same sentence as in the page's \summary and make // sure it is short enough to fit in one line in usage. // bool help { "[]", "\l{bdep-help(1)} \- show help for a command or help topic", "" } bool new { "\l{bdep-new(1)} \- create and initialize new project" } bool init { "\l{bdep-init(1)} \- initialize project in build configurations" } bool sync { "\l{bdep-sync(1)} \- synchronize project and build configurations" } bool fetch { "\l{bdep-fetch(1)} \- fetch list of available project dependencies" } bool status { "\l{bdep-status(1)} \- print status of project and/or its dependencies" } bool config { "\l{bdep-config(1)} \- manage project's build configurations" } }; // Make sure these don't conflict with command names above. // class topics { "\h|HELP TOPICS|" bool common-options { "\l{bdep-common-options(1)} \- details on common options" } bool projects-configs { "\l{bdep-projects-configs(1)} \- specifying projects and configurations" } }; class options: common_options { bool --help; bool --version; }; "\h|EXIT STATUS| Non-zero exit status is returned in case of an error. " }