path: root/bdep/publish.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bdep/publish.cxx')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdep/publish.cxx b/bdep/publish.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fbe02d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdep/publish.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+// file : bdep/publish.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <bdep/publish.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/standard-version.mxx>
+#include <bdep/git.hxx>
+#include <bdep/project.hxx>
+#include <bdep/project-email.hxx>
+#include <bdep/database.hxx>
+#include <bdep/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <bdep/sync.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace bdep
+ static inline url
+ parse_url (const string& s, const char* what)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return url (s);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail << "invalid " << what << " value '" << s << "': " << e << endf;
+ }
+ };
+ // Get the project's control repository URL.
+ //
+ static url
+ control_url (const dir_path& prj)
+ {
+ if (git (prj))
+ {
+ // First try remote.origin.build2ControlUrl which can be used to specify
+ // a custom URL (e.g., if a correct one cannot be automatically derived
+ // from remote.origin.url).
+ //
+ if (optional<string> l = git_line (prj,
+ true /* ignore_error */,
+ "config",
+ "--get",
+ "remote.origin.build2ControlUrl"))
+ {
+ return parse_url (*l, "remote.origin.build2ControlUrl");
+ }
+ // Otherwise, get remote.origin.url and try to derive an https URL from
+ // it.
+ //
+ if (optional<string> l = git_line (prj,
+ true /* ignore_error */,
+ "config",
+ "--get",
+ "remote.origin.url"))
+ {
+ string& s (*l);
+ // This one will be fuzzy and hairy. Here are some representative
+ // examples of what we can encounter:
+ //
+ // example.org:/path/to/repo.git
+ // user@example.org:/path/to/repo.git
+ // user@example.org:~user/path/to/repo.git
+ // ssh://user@example.org/path/to/repo.git
+ //
+ // git://example.org/path/to/repo.git
+ //
+ // http://example.org/path/to/repo.git
+ // https://example.org/path/to/repo.git
+ //
+ // /path/to/repo.git
+ // file:///path/to/repo.git
+ //
+ // Note that git seem to always make remote.origin.url absolute in
+ // case of a local filesystem path.
+ //
+ // So the algorithm will be as follows:
+ //
+ // 1. If there is scheme, then parse as URL.
+ //
+ // 2. Otherwise, check if this is an absolute path.
+ //
+ // 3. Otherwise, assume SSH <host>:<path> thing.
+ //
+ url u;
+ // Find the scheme.
+ //
+ // Note that in example.org:/path/... example.org is a valid scheme.
+ // To distinguish this, we check if the scheme contains any dots (none
+ // of the schemes recognized by git currently do and probably never
+ // will).
+ //
+ size_t p (s.find (':'));
+ if (p != string::npos && // Has ':'.
+ url::traits::find (s, p) == 0 && // Scheme starts at 0.
+ s.rfind ('.', p - 1) == string::npos) // No dots in scheme.
+ {
+ u = parse_url (s, "remote.origin.url");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Absolute path or the SSH thing.
+ //
+ if (path::traits::absolute (s))
+ {
+ // This is what we want to end up with:
+ //
+ // file:///tmp
+ // file:///c:/tmp
+ //
+ const char* h (s[0] == '/' ? "file://" : "file:///");
+ u = parse_url (h + s, "remote.origin.url");
+ }
+ else if (p != string::npos)
+ {
+ // This can still include user (user@host) so let's add the
+ // scheme, replace/erase ':', and parse it as a string
+ // representation of a URL.
+ //
+ if (s[p + 1] == '/') // POSIX notation.
+ s.erase (p, 1);
+ else
+ s[p] = '/';
+ u = parse_url ("ssh://" + s, "remote.origin.url");
+ }
+ else
+ fail << "invalid remote.origin.url value '" << s << "': not a URL";
+ }
+ if (u.scheme == "http" || u.scheme == "https")
+ return u;
+ // Derive an HTTPS URL from a remote URL (and hope for the best).
+ //
+ if (u.scheme != "file" && u.authority && u.path)
+ return url ("https", u.authority->host, *u.path);
+ fail << "unable to derive control repository URL from " << u <<
+ info << "consider setting remote.origin.build2ControlUrl" <<
+ info << "or use --control to specify explicitly";
+ }
+ fail << "unable to discover control repository URL: no git "
+ << "remote.origin.url value";
+ }
+ fail << "unable to discover control repository URL" <<
+ info << "use --control to specify explicitly" << endf;
+ }
+ static standard_version
+ package_version (const common_options& o,
+ const dir_path& cfg,
+ const string& p)
+ {
+ // We could have used bpkg-pkg-status but then we would have to deal with
+ // iterations. So we use the build system's info meta-operation directly.
+ //
+ string v;
+ {
+ process pr;
+ bool io (false);
+ try
+ {
+ fdpipe pipe (fdopen_pipe ()); // Text mode seems appropriate.
+ // Note: the package directory inside the configuration is a bit of an
+ // assumption.
+ //
+ pr = start_b (o,
+ pipe /* stdout */,
+ 2 /* stderr */,
+ "info:", (dir_path (cfg) /= p).representation ());
+ pipe.out.close ();
+ ifdstream is (move (pipe.in), fdstream_mode::skip, ifdstream::badbit);
+ for (string l; !eof (getline (is, l)); )
+ {
+ // Verify the name for good measure (comes before version).
+ //
+ if (l.compare (0, 9, "project: ") == 0)
+ {
+ if (l.compare (9, string::npos, p) != 0)
+ fail << "name mismatch for package " << p;
+ }
+ else if (l.compare (0, 9, "version: ") == 0)
+ {
+ v = string (l, 9);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ is.close (); // Detect errors.
+ }
+ catch (const io_error&)
+ {
+ // Presumably the child process failed and issued diagnostics so let
+ // finish_b() try to deal with that first.
+ //
+ io = true;
+ }
+ finish_b (o, pr, io);
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ return standard_version (v);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail << "invalid package " << p << " version " << v << ": " << e << endf;
+ }
+ }
+ static int
+ cmd_publish (const cmd_publish_options& o,
+ const dir_path& prj,
+ const dir_path& cfg,
+ const cstrings& pkg_names)
+ {
+ const url& repo (o.repository ());
+ optional<url> ctrl;
+ if (o.control_specified ())
+ {
+ if (o.control () != "none")
+ ctrl = parse_url (o.control (), "--control option");
+ }
+ else
+ ctrl = control_url (prj);
+ string email;
+ if (o.email_specified ())
+ email = o.email ();
+ else if (optional<string> r = project_email (prj))
+ email = move (*r);
+ else
+ fail << "unable to obtain publisher's email" <<
+ info << "use --email to specify explicitly";
+ // Collect package information (version, project, section).
+ //
+ // @@ It would have been nice to publish them in the dependency order.
+ // Perhaps we need something like bpkg-pkg-order (also would be needed
+ // in init --clone).
+ //
+ struct package
+ {
+ string name;
+ standard_version version;
+ string project;
+ string section; // alpha|beta|stable (or --section)
+ path archive;
+ string checksum;
+ };
+ vector<package> pkgs;
+ for (string n: pkg_names)
+ {
+ standard_version v (package_version (o, cfg, n));
+ // Should we allow publishing snapshots and, if so, to which section?
+ // For example, is it correct to consider a "between betas" snapshot a
+ // beta version?
+ //
+ if (v.snapshot ())
+ fail << "package " << n << " version " << v << " is a snapshot";
+ string p (prj.leaf ().string ()); // @@ TODO/TMP
+ // Per semver we treat zero major versions as alpha.
+ //
+ string s (o.section_specified () ? o.section () :
+ v.alpha () || v.major () == 0 ? "alpha" :
+ v.beta () ? "beta" : "stable");
+ pkgs.push_back (
+ package {move (n), move (v), move (p), move (s), path (), string ()});
+ }
+ // Print the plan and ask for confirmation.
+ //
+ if (!o.yes ())
+ {
+ text << "publishing:" << '\n'
+ << " to: " << repo << '\n'
+ << " as: " << email
+ << '\n';
+ for (size_t i (0); i != pkgs.size (); ++i)
+ {
+ const package& p (pkgs[i]);
+ diag_record dr (text);
+ // If printing multiple packages, separate them with a blank line.
+ //
+ if (i != 0)
+ dr << '\n';
+ // While currently the control repository is the same for all
+ // packages, this could change in the future (e.g., multi-project
+ // publishing).
+ //
+ dr << " package: " << p.name << '\n'
+ << " version: " << p.version << '\n'
+ << " project: " << p.project << '\n'
+ << " section: " << p.section;
+ if (ctrl)
+ dr << '\n'
+ << " control: " << *ctrl;
+ }
+ if (!yn_prompt ("continue? [y/n]"))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Prepare package archives and calculate their checksums. Also verify
+ // each archive with bpkg-pkg-verify for good measure.
+ //
+ auto_rmdir dr_rm (dir_path ("/tmp/publish")); //@@ TODO tmp facility like in bpkg.
+ const dir_path& dr (dr_rm.path); // dist.root
+ mk (dr);
+ for (package& p: pkgs)
+ {
+ // Similar to extracting package version, we call the build system
+ // directly to prepare the distribution. If/when we have bpkg-pkg-dist,
+ // we may want to switch to that.
+ //
+ run_b (o,
+ "dist:", (dir_path (cfg) /= p.name).representation (),
+ "config.dist.root=" + dr.representation (),
+ "config.dist.archives=tar.gz",
+ "config.dist.checksums=sha256");
+ // This is the canonical package archive name that we expect dist to
+ // produce.
+ //
+ path a (dr / p.name + '-' + p.version.string () + ".tar.gz");
+ path c (a + ".sha256");
+ if (!exists (a))
+ fail << "package distribution did not produce expected archive " << a;
+ if (!exists (c))
+ fail << "package distribution did not produce expected checksum " << c;
+ //@@ TODO: call bpkg-pkg-verify to verify archive name/content all match.
+ //@@ TODO: read checksum from .sha256 file and store in p.checksum.
+ p.archive = move (a);
+ }
+ // Submit each package.
+ //
+ for (const package& p: pkgs)
+ {
+ //@@ TODO: call curl to upload the archive, parse response manifest,
+ // and print message/reference.
+ text << "submitting " << p.archive;
+ //@@ TODO [phase 2]: add checksum file to build2-control branch, commit
+ // and push (this will need some more discussion).
+ //
+ // - name (abbrev 12 char checksum) and subdir?
+ //
+ // - make the checksum file a manifest with basic info (name, version)
+ //
+ // - what if already exists (previous failed attempt)? Ignore?
+ //
+ // - make a separate checkout (in tmp facility) reusing the external
+ // .git/ dir?
+ //
+ // - should probably first fetch to avoid push conflicts. Or maybe
+ // fetch on push conflict (more efficient/robust)?
+ //
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ cmd_publish (const cmd_publish_options& o, cli::scanner&)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("publish");
+ // The same ignore/load story as in sync.
+ //
+ project_packages pp (
+ find_project_packages (o,
+ false /* ignore_packages */,
+ false /* load_packages */));
+ const dir_path& prj (pp.project);
+ database db (open (prj, trace));
+ // We need a single configuration to prepare package distribution.
+ //
+ shared_ptr<configuration> cfg;
+ {
+ transaction t (db.begin ());
+ configurations cfgs (find_configurations (o, prj, t));
+ t.commit ();
+ if (cfgs.size () > 1)
+ fail << "multiple configurations specified for publish";
+ shared_ptr<configuration>& c (cfgs[0]);
+ // If specified, verify packages are present in the configuration.
+ // Otherwise, make sure the configuration is not empty.
+ //
+ if (!pp.packages.empty ())
+ verify_project_packages (pp, cfgs);
+ else if (c->packages.empty ())
+ fail << "no packages initialized in configuration " << *c;
+ cfg = move (c);
+ }
+ // Pre-sync the configuration to avoid triggering the build system hook
+ // (see sync for details).
+ //
+ cmd_sync (o, prj, cfg, strings () /* pkg_args */, true /* implicit */);
+ // If no packages were explicitly specified, then we publish all that have
+ // been initialized in the configuration.
+ //
+ cstrings pkgs;
+ if (pp.packages.empty ())
+ {
+ for (const package_state& p: cfg->packages)
+ pkgs.push_back (p.name.string ().c_str ());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (const package_location& p: pp.packages)
+ pkgs.push_back (p.name.string ().c_str ());
+ }
+ return cmd_publish (o, prj, cfg->path, pkgs);
+ }